The Story of Stuff Debunked. How The Liberal World View is a Lie.


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
The Story of Stuff Debunked. How The Liberal World View is a Lie.

Remember when this video was played in classrooms to indoctrinate our children? Well now here is the debunked version. Lee Doren of the Competitive Enterprise Institute takes on Annie Leonard (Socialist Liar) of the George Soros funded Tides Foundation to show once and for all that there is no length of misinformation that liberals wont spout to gain their socialist foothold on America and the minds of our children. This is the first of four excellent videos. The rest can be found here> YouTube - ‪Story of Stuff, The Critique‬‏ . Note that Lee challenged Annie to an open debate many months ago to which she agreed. However, she refuses to set a date. No kidding huh? Enjoy!

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Story of Stuff, The Critique Part 1 of 4‬‏[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Story of Stuff, The Critique Part 2 of 4‬‏[/ame]
Liberalism is not a lie. In fact, it is one of the world's greatest truths and why America was founded.

However, that doesn't stop some people from distorting and twisting it.

Our founding fathers are what we would call today "classical liberals." That is to draw a distinction between the liberals of today who found out that progressive and socialsit wasent exactly resignating with a country thats founding document is centered on individual (not collective) liberty. Modern liberals are liberals in name only. There is nothing new about stripping people of individual liberty so that the government can choose whats best for the "collective." So the liberals of today dont exactly meet the classical liberal definition of "new and pertaining to freedom." Thus, TO CLARIFY, The modern day liberals world ."view is an absolute lie. With the aid of this video I hope to strengthen my point. By the way. FA Hyek is what we would call today a "conservative economist." The distinction between those who call the selves liberals and our founding fathers must be made. But I think you know exactly what I mean. So If your not going to add anything in reference to the video or the topic as it is known today please stop spamming for an alternative arguement that you wish to discuss to show how smart you think you are?
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Liberalism is not a lie. In fact, it is one of the world's greatest truths and why America was founded.

However, that doesn't stop some people from distorting and twisting it.

Here is why Hayek claims that he is not a Conservative, but a Liberal.
Why I Am Not a Conservative

You do realize that the piece you cite is 50 years old? Neither conservatism nor liberalism as described are what they are today. While there may be some "classic" liberals left, most today are Fabian Socialists and Marxists and some, down right Communist.

Some Conservatives yes, do adhere to crazy positions on religion and life in general, but most conservatives believe, very simply put, in the spirit of man. That most men are quite capable of taking care of themselves and forging their own destinies... and thus, coping with their own failures. We don't believe in making people eat cat food and throwing autistic kids onto the streets, as our president likes to say.
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Liberalism is not a lie. In fact, it is one of the world's greatest truths and why America was founded.

However, that doesn't stop some people from distorting and twisting it.

Our founding fathers are what we would call today "classical liberals." That is to draw a distinction between the liberals of today who found out that progressive and socialsit wasent exactly resignating with a country thats founding document is centered on individual (not collective) liberty. Modern liberals are liberals in name only. There is nothing new about stripping people of individual liberty so that the government can choose whats best for the "collective." So the liberals of today dont exactly meet the classical liberal definition of "new and pertaining to freedom." Thus, TO CLARIFY, The modern day liberals world view is an absolute lie. With the aid of this video I hope to strengthen my point.

I recognize this and find myself at odds with many modern day liberals, even though I occasionally agree with them.

However, your post strengthens my thesis. People distort and twist liberalism in order to please themselves, this includes modern day conservatives and modern day liberals.
You do realize that the piece you cite is 50 years old?

And the BoR is older than that, but I don't see you applying the same incoherent logical fallacy to that piece of liberal legislation.

Why do I even bother with you? You are just a dumbass and misguided troll..
The Story of Stuff Debunked. How The Liberal World View is a Lie.

Remember when this video was played in classrooms to indoctrinate our children? Well now here is the debunked version. Lee Doren of the Competitive Enterprise Institute takes on Annie Leonard (Socialist Liar) of the George Soros funded Tides Foundation to show once and for all that there is no length of misinformation that liberals wont spout to gain their socialist foothold on America and the minds of our children. This is the first of four excellent videos. The rest can be found here> YouTube - ‪Story of Stuff, The Critique‬‏ . Note that Lee challenged Annie to an open debate many months ago to which she agreed. However, she refuses to set a date. No kidding huh? Enjoy!

YouTube - ‪Story of Stuff, The Critique Part 1 of 4‬‏

YouTube - ‪Story of Stuff, The Critique Part 2 of 4‬‏

Sir or madam I beg you. PLEASE debate an issue. There is enough partisan name calling in America.

My views are what you probably consider conservative on gun laws. Yet I am also pro social security.
Liberalism is not a lie. In fact, it is one of the world's greatest truths and why America was founded.

However, that doesn't stop some people from distorting and twisting it.

Our founding fathers are what we would call today "classical liberals." That is to draw a distinction between the liberals of today who found out that progressive and socialsit wasent exactly resignating with a country thats founding document is centered on individual (not collective) liberty. Modern liberals are liberals in name only. There is nothing new about stripping people of individual liberty so that the government can choose whats best for the "collective." So the liberals of today dont exactly meet the classical liberal definition of "new and pertaining to freedom." Thus, TO CLARIFY, The modern day liberals world view is an absolute lie. With the aid of this video I hope to strengthen my point.

I recognize this and find myself at odds with many modern day liberals, even though I occasionally agree with them.

However, your post strengthens my thesis. People distort and twist liberalism in order to please themselves, this includes modern day conservatives and modern day liberals.

Heres what happened. You knew exactly what the topic was refereing to but you wanted to discuss something completly irrelevent to the descussion at hand. Thinking that no one would know the true and origional meaning of the word "liberal" and how the modern day liberals have bastardised the term, you knowingly posted the above crap as to strike up a compleatly unrelated subject in order to boost up your intelectual ego when the first fish with no knowlege of history bit your hook. In other words, your spamming. Your trying to change the subject of a thread to talk about something that interests you as opposed to making one yourself. Your a hyjacker. Now go away or make a comment on the actual topic and dont give me that "I have the right to free speech and I will screw up any thread I want" crap.
You do realize that the piece you cite is 50 years old?

And the BoR is older than that, but I don't see you applying the same incoherent logical fallacy to that piece of liberal legislation.

Why do I even bother with you? You are just a dumbass and misguided troll..

Another one of your attempts to demonstrate to us all how much smarter you are than everyone else?

Oh, btw, you have no wiggle room in calling anyone a troll bub.

And finally, fuck you too Buckwheat!
You do realize that the piece you cite is 50 years old?

And the BoR is older than that, but I don't see you applying the same incoherent logical fallacy to that piece of liberal legislation.

Why do I even bother with you? You are just a dumbass and misguided troll..

Another one of your attempts to demonstrate to us all how much smarter you are than everyone else?

Oh, btw, you have no wiggle room in calling anyone a troll bub.

And finally, fuck you too Buckwheat!

Yeah. I came to the same concludsion in both my responses to him. He pokes around with unrelated junk to prop up his intelectual ego that is so big that he thinks no one understands what he is talking about.
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Our founding fathers are what we would call today "classical liberals." That is to draw a distinction between the liberals of today who found out that progressive and socialsit wasent exactly resignating with a country thats founding document is centered on individual (not collective) liberty. Modern liberals are liberals in name only. There is nothing new about stripping people of individual liberty so that the government can choose whats best for the "collective." So the liberals of today dont exactly meet the classical liberal definition of "new and pertaining to freedom." Thus, TO CLARIFY, The modern day liberals world view is an absolute lie. With the aid of this video I hope to strengthen my point.

I recognize this and find myself at odds with many modern day liberals, even though I occasionally agree with them.

However, your post strengthens my thesis. People distort and twist liberalism in order to please themselves, this includes modern day conservatives and modern day liberals.

Heres what happened. You knew exactly what the topic was refereing to but you wanted to discuss something completly irrelevent to the descussion at hand. Thinking that no one would know the true and origional meaning of the word "liberal" and how the modern day liberals have bastardised the term, you knowingly posted the above crap as to strike up a compleatly unrelated subject in order to boost up your intelectual ego when the first fish with no knowlege of history bit your hook. In other words, your spamming. Your trying to change the subject of a thread to talk about something that interests you as opposed to making one yourself. Your a hyjacker. Now go away or make a comment on the actual topic and dont give me that "I have the right to free speech and I will screw up any thread I want" crap.

Only if your rant rang true among D.C. politicians and the average American voter.

I see that you are not neither, so I am sorry for operating under the false pretenses, even though history is on my side.

I didn't mean to hijack your thread. Carry on with your liberals sucks thesis.
Liberalism is not a lie. In fact, it is one of the world's greatest truths and why America was founded.

However, that doesn't stop some people from distorting and twisting it.

Here is why Hayek claims that he is not a Conservative, but a Liberal.
Why I Am Not a Conservative

'The Story of Stuff' is a liberal production. It is factually and historically inaccurate. In short, it is full of lies, half truths and a couple of actual facts thrown in just to make it look legitimate.

Liberalism is not a lie.... it is a failed ideology. (Clue: take a look at Europe).
Liberalism is not a lie. In fact, it is one of the world's greatest truths and why America was founded.

However, that doesn't stop some people from distorting and twisting it.

Here is why Hayek claims that he is not a Conservative, but a Liberal.
Why I Am Not a Conservative

'The Story of Stuff' is a liberal production. It is factually and historically inaccurate. In short, it is full of lies, half truths and a couple of actual facts thrown in just to make it look legitimate.

Liberalism is not a lie.... it is a failed ideology. (Clue: take a look at Europe).

Wow. You bit the hook. To save time typing look at my responses to him. That should clear things up. You responded exactly as he wanted you to.
Liberalism is not a lie. In fact, it is one of the world's greatest truths and why America was founded.

However, that doesn't stop some people from distorting and twisting it.

Here is why Hayek claims that he is not a Conservative, but a Liberal.
Why I Am Not a Conservative

'The Story of Stuff' is a liberal production. It is factually and historically inaccurate. In short, it is full of lies, half truths and a couple of actual facts thrown in just to make it look legitimate.

Liberalism is not a lie.... it is a failed ideology. (Clue: take a look at Europe).

lmao...Hayek is now a lie?

You fucking dipshits keep moving the goalposts and distorting the truth and this is evident in your post, along with the OP's post.
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Liberalism is not a lie. In fact, it is one of the world's greatest truths and why America was founded.

However, that doesn't stop some people from distorting and twisting it.

Here is why Hayek claims that he is not a Conservative, but a Liberal.
Why I Am Not a Conservative

'The Story of Stuff' is a liberal production. It is factually and historically inaccurate. In short, it is full of lies, half truths and a couple of actual facts thrown in just to make it look legitimate.

Liberalism is not a lie.... it is a failed ideology. (Clue: take a look at Europe).

lmao...Hayek is now a lie?

You fucking dipshit keep moving the goalposts and distorting the truth and this is evident in your post, along with the OP's post.

So this is what happenes when they bite on your scam of a post? Hyek was, by todays terminology, a conservative. Yes the word liberal has been hyjacked by those who call themselves democrats, progressivs, socialists etc. Why do you set up these intelectual ego boosting feel good self agrandizing unrealted topic ambushes? Do you feel better now? Are you on a crusade to bring awareness to the origional meaning of the word liberal? Does this lack of uderstanding by others offend you or make you feel a tingly inside about yourself? WTF?
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So this is what happenes when they bite on your scam of a post? Hyek was, by todays terminology, a conservative.

lmfao...the spirit of Hayek has been captured by the modern day GOP.

Wow, keep drinking the kool-aid.

I'm not going to bite. I own 5 of his publications and I think I have a decent grasp of the austrian school.

Then you should be readily aware of the distortion of Liberalism, but you are not. Instead, you conflate this distortion rather than mitigate it.

You are nothing, but a self-righteous RW hack.

Thanks for playing.
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Liberalism is not a lie. In fact, it is one of the world's greatest truths and why America was founded.

However, that doesn't stop some people from distorting and twisting it.

Here is why Hayek claims that he is not a Conservative, but a Liberal.
Why I Am Not a Conservative

'The Story of Stuff' is a liberal production. It is factually and historically inaccurate. In short, it is full of lies, half truths and a couple of actual facts thrown in just to make it look legitimate.

Liberalism is not a lie.... it is a failed ideology. (Clue: take a look at Europe).

Wow. You bit the hook. To save time typing look at my responses to him. That should clear things up. You responded exactly as he wanted you to.

??? I thought she was right on target with what I thought was your thesis or where I thought you were going with this.
'The Story of Stuff' is a liberal production. It is factually and historically inaccurate. In short, it is full of lies, half truths and a couple of actual facts thrown in just to make it look legitimate.

Liberalism is not a lie.... it is a failed ideology. (Clue: take a look at Europe).

Wow. You bit the hook. To save time typing look at my responses to him. That should clear things up. You responded exactly as he wanted you to.

??? I thought she was right on target with what I thought was your thesis or where I thought you were going with this.

He was trying to draw or perhaps erase the destinction of classical liberal vs modern liberal. Either way he aim was to hyjack the thread and boost his intelectual ego with a non related topic. He suceeded. But yes, she is right.

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