THE SMOKING GUN: The 20 Point Email of Classified Information from His Father that Hunter Biden Sent to Burisma Board Member in April 2014


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Of course, it was always about selling information.

And worse, the intelligence community has known about this for quite some time and still allowed Biden to be installed. Even to 50 former intelligence officials blatantly lying to the American people about Hunter's laptop.

As reported earlier by Cristina Laila – According to emails uncovered from the “Laptop from Hell,” Hunter Biden sent his business partner Devon Archer a very detailed email on Ukraine on April 13 12, 2014 – just one week before Joe Biden visited Ukraine to meet with then-Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

It appears that Hunter Biden was emailing Devon Archer information he received from a briefing his father and Vice President Joe Biden held earlier. Or the information may have come directly from top-secret documents.

The Gateway Pundit scoured the bowels of the Hunter Biden laptop and found the document in question.

The images come from the Marco Polo report on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

TRENDING: HERE IT IS - THE SMOKING GUN: The 20 Point Email of Classified Information from His Father that Hunter Biden Sent to Burisma Board Member in April 2014

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From the Hunter Biden laptop:

Later that day, Hunter replied to Archer with a 22-point plan on how they were “not going to let a crisis go to waste. To cash in on the Western-backed chaos in the Ukraine, Hunter offered the following plan: “Our guy [Joe] needs to set himself up as the anti- Victor Pinchuk (coal and steel oligarch- pro Russian Yanukuvich [sic] supporter) .

… The [Burisma] contract should begin now- not after the upcoming visit of my guy [Joe].” To discuss further plans, Hunter told Archer to “uy a cell phone from a 7/11 or CVS tmrw and ill do the same.” Hunter’s twentieth point was another “cover your ass” (CYA) insertion for the paper trail, as the very next point (#21) laid out how “domestic policy makers” including (and especially) his father, Joe, were to be leveraged for a “[$]25k p[er]/m[onth]” deal.

From the Hunter Biden email to Devon Archer on April 12, 2014 at 9:43 PM. Here is the 20 point plan from Hunter of classified information.

To Devon Archer:

I have to go to Houston with Beau tmrw for MD Anderson check up. Some thoughts after doing some research. And some further thoughts on organization going forward.
( Poroshenko appears to be the likely next President. Determining our teams relationship with him is important. He is credible with the west and by all accounts a true reformer (by Uk standards).

2. Some sort of decentralization will likely occur in the East. If it doesn’t the Russians will continue to escalate there destabilization campaign, which could lead to a full scale take over of the eastern region most critically Donetsk. The strategic value is to create a land bridge for RU to Crimea.

3. That won’t directly affect Burisma holdings but it will limit future Uk exploration and utilization of offshore opportunities in particular.

4. It will also result in further destabilization of Uk nationally and for whatever govt is in power. And the US will respond with even stronger sanctions. Those sanctions will threaten the tenuous support of the EU which does not have the political will to incur steep energy price increases.

5. Which will result in further price increases on RU gas to the UK.
(6.) The IMF loan guarantees will allow the Uks to weather the economic impact, but the required reforms to Uk public subsidies will weaken the new President.

7. There will be enormous pressure on Burisma to lower prices for the national good. Even if the company takes a hit in profits it would seem imprudent to raise prices in convert with RU price gouging.

8. Burisma has an opportunity here to play the hero if it ignores the artificial market value of their product and plays to the national interest.

9. Kazakstan could play a pivotal role by providing gas at rates lower than what the RUs are asking but I doubt they would want to poke the Bear.

10. The pipelines across Uk are the key to all of this. But if the Uks shut down the pipeline they also shut down 60% of their energy supply and put a strangle on EU supplies from RU which the EU will never accept (b/c they are pussies)

11. There is no immediate supplier solution to replace RU. Even if Burisma increased output from their reserves by 100% it would – 1, take at least two years and 2, Uk would still be about 35% short of their needed gas supplies.

(12) Our guy needs to set himself up as the anti- Victor Pinchuk (coal and steel oligarch- pro Russian Yanukuvich supporter).

(13) The best way to weather the storm btw now an elections is to throw all in with the chocolate king. Even if he looses to Tymosheko (unlikely per polls as of today) Poroshenko is a safe ally that could help protect him from the vultures of the moment. Additionally you me and Alex should reconnect with the boxer and help gain his support of our guy.

14. And it is the moment (btw now and Elections) that he needs to weather. If he is seen as unfairly profiting from the RU induced price spike things could turn against him fast.

15. The Burisma website or press releases should talk about how Burisma as the largest independent is committed to supplying Uk industry with as much power at a fair price as possible during this crisis with an emphasis on utilizing the best technologies and world class team to ensure increased production and domestic delivery post haste.
16. We can actually be of real value here. Developing relationships, bringing US expertise to the company, supplying strategic advice on politics and geopolitical risk assesment.

(17) BS can actually have direct discussions at state, energy and NSC. They can devise a media plan and arrange for legal protections and mitigate US domestic negative press regarding the current leadership if need be.

18. The announcement of my guys upcoming travels should be characterized as part of our advice and thinking- but what he will say and do is out of our hands. In other words it could be a really good thing or it could end up creating too great an expectation. We need to temper expectations regarding that visit.

19. We need to ask for long term agreement and across the board participation. This is a huge step for us that could easily become very complicated. And if we are not protected financially regardless of the outcome we could find ourselves frozen out of a lot of current and future opportunities.

20. To that end they need to know in no uncertain terms that we will not and cannot intervene directly with domestic policy makers, and that we need to abide by FARA and an other US laws in the strictest sense across the board.

(21) The contract should begin now- not after the upcoming visit of my guy. That should include a retainer in the range of 25k p/m w/ additional fees where appropriate for more in depth work to go to BS for our protection. Complete separate from our respective deals re board participation.

(22) Buy a cell phone from a 7/11 or CVS tmw and ill do the same.

Of course, it was always about selling information.

And worse, the intelligence community has known about this for quite some time and still allowed Biden to be installed. Even to 50 former intelligence officials blatantly lying to the American people about Hunter's laptop.

As reported earlier by Cristina Laila – According to emails uncovered from the “Laptop from Hell,” Hunter Biden sent his business partner Devon Archer a very detailed email on Ukraine on April 13 12, 2014 – just one week before Joe Biden visited Ukraine to meet with then-Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.​
It appears that Hunter Biden was emailing Devon Archer information he received from a briefing his father and Vice President Joe Biden held earlier. Or the information may have come directly from top-secret documents.
The Gateway Pundit scoured the bowels of the Hunter Biden laptop and found the document in question.​
The images come from the Marco Polo report on Hunter Biden’s laptop.​
page 143​
From the Hunter Biden laptop:​
From the Hunter Biden email to Devon Archer on April 12, 2014 at 9:43 PM. Here is the 20 point plan from Hunter of classified information.

This is not a smoking gun. It's all there on the Laptop From Hell.
If this doesn't sink Joey Xi Bai Dung for treason, espionage and despotism nothing will.
Joey Xi stole highly classified secret information and transmitted the information via E-mail to Hunter and Hunter used tat info to further the family's financial interests.
More and more evidence is comin forth about the actions of this crime family.
This made the Bai Dungs and the Deep State go bonkers when Trump made that famous phone call to Zelensky. They knew then that their treason was on the were of exposure.
Joey, Hunter, James and Frank should be arrested for high treason.
The actions of this Biden criminal family far surpass Watergate and Biden should resign and then the DoJ should prosecute the family and those involved in this traitorous conspiracy.

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Of course, it was always about selling information.

And worse, the intelligence community has known about this for quite some time and still allowed Biden to be installed. Even to 50 former intelligence officials blatantly lying to the American people about Hunter's laptop.

As reported earlier by Cristina Laila – According to emails uncovered from the “Laptop from Hell,” Hunter Biden sent his business partner Devon Archer a very detailed email on Ukraine on April 13 12, 2014 – just one week before Joe Biden visited Ukraine to meet with then-Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.​
It appears that Hunter Biden was emailing Devon Archer information he received from a briefing his father and Vice President Joe Biden held earlier. Or the information may have come directly from top-secret documents.
The Gateway Pundit scoured the bowels of the Hunter Biden laptop and found the document in question.​
The images come from the Marco Polo report on Hunter Biden’s laptop.​
page 143​
From the Hunter Biden laptop:​
From the Hunter Biden email to Devon Archer on April 12, 2014 at 9:43 PM. Here is the 20 point plan from Hunter of classified information

Well done!

I saw this on Tucker Carlson tonight and thought about putting up here but you did a better job.


Our far-left friends are going to get even nastier.


Hunter Biden’s Laptop Reveals Timeline of Leaked Government Reports and Ukrainian Business Travel

25 Jan 2023 ~~ By Jim Hoft

As reported earlier by Cristina Laila – According to emails uncovered from the “Laptop from Hell,” Hunter Biden sent his business partner Devon Archer a very detailed email on Ukraine on April 13 12, 2014 – just one week before Joe Biden visited Ukraine to meet with then-Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
It appears that Hunter Biden was emailing Devon Archer information he received from a briefing his father and Vice President Joe Biden held earlier. Or the information may have come directly from top-secret documents.
The Gateway Pundit scoured the bowels of the Hunter Biden laptop and found the document in question.
The images come from the Marco Polo report on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
The Marco Polo report also contains a timeline of likely illegal activity discussed on the laptop and in Hunter Biden’s emails.
Here is the Hunter Biden timeline from The Marco Polo report.

In a two tiered Justice system that suppresses the good and rewards evil.
It becomes a Land where Criminals that walk free, but not for thee and me.

A Maoist/DSA Democrat government that has torn shred the U.S. Constitution to hell.
No wonder Americans are pissed off beyond any measure.
Hunter Biden’s Laptop Reveals Timeline of Leaked Government Reports and Ukrainian Business Travel, and child porn, and drug use.
While the FBI has had the laptop since 2019?
The whole basis of this scandal is that under the directorship of Chris Wray the FBI took possession and then buried the evidentiary laptop and refused to be truthful with the people and government he took an oath to protect.
The Left will never accept the fact that the Biden family is the most crooked political family in our history.
If the Maoist/DSA Democrats claim that 'nobody is above the law' the traitorous Biden Crime Family should be indicted, tried and sent to jail.
‘Unusual’ Hunter Biden email reads like a State Department briefing. Was it?
28 Jan 2023 ~~ By Elizabet Stauffer

The White House has repeatedly refused to answer questions about the special counsel investigation into President Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified material. However, a “source familiar with the matter” told CNN that the documents included “U.S. intelligence memos and briefing materials” about Ukraine , the United Kingdom, and Iran dating from 2013 through 2016. This is important, especially when we consider who might have had access to Biden’s documents.
There is likely no individual more familiar with the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop than New York Post columnist Miranda Devine, who literally wrote the book on it. On Wednesday, she said during an interview that “there seems to be a link between [Joe Biden’s] classified documents and Hunter Biden.”
Searching the laptop for relevant material, Devine stumbled upon a remarkable email Hunter had sent to his business partner, Devon Archer, on April 13, 2014, that stood out from all the rest. It was intelligent, informed, significantly longer than the others, and very well-written. It sounded, in fact, a lot like a State Department briefing.
Devine said it “looks very much like it came from a classified briefing. At least, it has the flavor of an official briefing, perhaps a classified one.”
“And it's a very uncharacteristic email for Hunter. It's unlike anything else. Well-written, very lengthy. It's 1,300 words. It's very detailed,” she explained. “It has a lot of information in it, very strategic geopolitical information about Ukraine. It lists 22 points about Ukraine, about its political situation, about the upcoming election. … It also predicted that Russia would escalate. It also predicted that the U.S. would apply sanctions very confidently. And so you wonder: Where does Hunter Biden get this information?”

If anyone is waiting to see Hunter in handcuffs we've got a long wait. The FBI is still fumbling to put all of this together after nearly four years.
Miranda Devine is doing yeoman's work in reporting on the Hunter and Joe Biden scandal. She found the smoking gun, without a doubt.

Of course, I’m sure that if some member of Donald Trump’s family was getting classified briefings from cabinet-level departments and then making business deals with foreign governments for billions of dollars, the MSM would look the other way as they have for Hunter Biden, joe and the whole Biden family. Just as James Comey did for Hillary Clinton.
Strangely though, of all of the high ranking politicians found to have classified documents, only one has been making money through their contacts with our foreign enemies using a crackhead son who, without any experience, seems to be in great demand by those foreign countries for what he “knows”.
The big questions are why were the investigations by the FBI into Hunter Biden's foreign dealings in the Ukraine and China stopped during the Obama administration and again during the Trump administration by the FBI.
See More:
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This is not a smoking gun. It's all there on the Laptop From Hell.
If this doesn't sink Joey Xi Bai Dung for treason, espionage and despotism nothing will.
Joey Xi stole highly classified secret information and transmitted the information via E-mail to Hunter and Hunter used tat info to further the family's financial interests.
More and more evidence is comin forth about the actions of this crime family.
This made the Bai Dungs and the Deep State go bonkers when Trump made that famous phone call to Zelensky. They knew then that their treason was on the were of exposure.
Joey, Hunter, James and Frank should be arrested for high treason.
The actions of this Biden criminal family far surpass Watergate and Biden should resign and then the DoJ should prosecute the family and those involved in this traitorous conspiracy.

It will only sink Biden if one of the documents they found contains the information in Hunters email. Something tells me that some of Bidens documents are going to connect him to potential crimes that were found in the "Laptop from Hell". That laptop is giving investigators a shitload of strings to follow.
It will only sink Biden if one of the documents they found contains the information in Hunters email. Something tells me that some of Bidens documents are going to connect him to potential crimes that were found in the "Laptop from Hell". That laptop is giving investigators a shitload of strings to follow.

Bu, bu, bu, but, the FBI/STASI has had the " Laptop from Hell" since 2019. In fact Thibault claims he doesn't know were it it ended up. It's disappeared like the Weiner Laptop.
Interesting, this thread was started on the 24th and it's now 2/2. No one has rushed in yet with the obligatory "But, but, but something about TRUUMP!", nor have they tried to denigrate the source. The fax machines in the basement must be quiet and they must be waiting on what narrative to use.
Of course, it was always about selling information.

And worse, the intelligence community has known about this for quite some time and still allowed Biden to be installed. Even to 50 former intelligence officials blatantly lying to the American people about Hunter's laptop.

As reported earlier by Cristina Laila – According to emails uncovered from the “Laptop from Hell,” Hunter Biden sent his business partner Devon Archer a very detailed email on Ukraine on April 13 12, 2014 – just one week before Joe Biden visited Ukraine to meet with then-Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.​
It appears that Hunter Biden was emailing Devon Archer information he received from a briefing his father and Vice President Joe Biden held earlier. Or the information may have come directly from top-secret documents.
The Gateway Pundit scoured the bowels of the Hunter Biden laptop and found the document in question.​
The images come from the Marco Polo report on Hunter Biden’s laptop.​
page 143​
From the Hunter Biden laptop:​
From the Hunter Biden email to Devon Archer on April 12, 2014 at 9:43 PM. Here is the 20 point plan from Hunter of classified information.

Lol, gateway pundit has at least 3 smoking guns a day.

Click bait for rubes.
And there it is. The fax machine has finally spoken.
I wouldn't call them a fax machine but if everytime gateway pundit had a smoking gun or bombshell report, every person Trump doesn't like in America would be in jail.

But keep clicking. They like ad money.
I wouldn't call them a fax machine but if everytime gateway pundit had a smoking gun or bombshell report, every person Trump doesn't like in America would be in jail.

But keep clicking. They like ad money.
What took you so long this time? Normally, you guys would be all over something like this yelling about TRUMP! and complaining about the source within a few minutes. Did you miss an alert?
Of course, it was always about selling information.

And worse, the intelligence community has known about this for quite some time and still allowed Biden to be installed. Even to 50 former intelligence officials blatantly lying to the American people about Hunter's laptop.

As reported earlier by Cristina Laila – According to emails uncovered from the “Laptop from Hell,” Hunter Biden sent his business partner Devon Archer a very detailed email on Ukraine on April 13 12, 2014 – just one week before Joe Biden visited Ukraine to meet with then-Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.​
It appears that Hunter Biden was emailing Devon Archer information he received from a briefing his father and Vice President Joe Biden held earlier. Or the information may have come directly from top-secret documents.
The Gateway Pundit scoured the bowels of the Hunter Biden laptop and found the document in question.​
The images come from the Marco Polo report on Hunter Biden’s laptop.​
page 143​
From the Hunter Biden laptop:​
From the Hunter Biden email to Devon Archer on April 12, 2014 at 9:43 PM. Here is the 20 point plan from Hunter of classified information.

"Laptop email suggests Hunter Biden read newspapers, not classified documents"

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"Laptop email suggests Hunter Biden read newspapers, not classified documents"

Granted, no one would ever accuse Hunter of being a scholar.

So how do you suppose he wrote this?


That was authored by this man? Seriously?

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The Biden smoking gun

8 May 2023 ~~ By DrJohn

Finally, it looks as if the wholly corrupt Biden family is going to be unmasked. There’s already a load of bad news for Biden even before the corruption. Most Americans think Biden is unfit to be President. Biden has lost 30 points in support from black Americans. A recent poll shows that Biden would lose the 2024 election to both Trump and DeSantis. But there is lot of good news for the country.
Devon Archer, formerly a partner of Hunter Biden, is being urged to cooperate in order to avoid prison:
As Hunter Biden faces a potential criminal indictment this week, his former best friend Devon Archer will make his last bid to avoid jail Tuesday when his appeal is heard in a courtroom in Lower Manhattan. As he grows increasingly despondent, friends with knowledge of Hunter’s thinking are telling Archer to accept that the Bidens have thrown him under the bus and that a last-minute presidential pardon has been ruled out.​
They have urged him to save himself by using the only currency he has left — his knowledge of the Biden family influence-peddling scheme, for which he had a front-row seat for four years during Joe Biden’s vice presidency.​
A decision regarding the indictment of Hunter Biden is expected this week. Joe Biden has decided to muddy the waters by sending a message to federal prosecutors, thus tampering with the Justice system:
The Wall Street Journal editorial board says President Biden has inappropriately gotten involved in the Justice Department investigation into son Hunter Biden saying on TV that he has “done nothing wrong.” “That’s a highly inappropriate message from a President. He’s essentially telling prosecutors that they are wrong to bring an indictment because Hunter is innocent of any criminal behavior,” the board wrote Sunday in response to Biden’s comments during an interview Friday with MSNBC.​
(emphases mine)
This retaliatory action looks like malfeasance on a grand scale and it gives you an idea of just how corrupt the DOJ is. But Hunter may not have much to worry about. The scuttlebutt is that Joe would pardon Hunter immediately should he be indicted. It should lead to demands that Biden resign but of course it won’t.
Try to imagine the outrage if it was Trump pardoning his son.
Hunter might be saved from prison but the heat on the “Big Guy” and his 10% is just beginning.

We should take into account: It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes. (apologies to the other Joe -- Stalin)
Biden may be near his discard date, but do not think for a moment that the Maoist Democrats and ’Deep State’ Rinos will allow for Trump to win the presidency.
Just as the ’Deep State’ is going to let something happen to the Biden crime family.
The power brokers of the Maoist Left have decided that Biden cannot be the nominee, because he will lose and lose badly. This is all part of getting him to not seek re-election and to throw the party’s votes to someone else. When the democrat party machine says he’s done then he’s done for sure, and that’s what this is all about. The timing is just too perfect to be anything else.

Of course, it was always about selling information.

And worse, the intelligence community has known about this for quite some time and still allowed Biden to be installed. Even to 50 former intelligence officials blatantly lying to the American people about Hunter's laptop.

As reported earlier by Cristina Laila – According to emails uncovered from the “Laptop from Hell,” Hunter Biden sent his business partner Devon Archer a very detailed email on Ukraine on April 13 12, 2014 – just one week before Joe Biden visited Ukraine to meet with then-Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.​
It appears that Hunter Biden was emailing Devon Archer information he received from a briefing his father and Vice President Joe Biden held earlier. Or the information may have come directly from top-secret documents.
The Gateway Pundit scoured the bowels of the Hunter Biden laptop and found the document in question.​
The images come from the Marco Polo report on Hunter Biden’s laptop.​
page 143​
From the Hunter Biden laptop:​
From the Hunter Biden email to Devon Archer on April 12, 2014 at 9:43 PM. Here is the 20 point plan from Hunter of classified information.

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