The Season of Sorrow

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is a prophecy I found from Dumitru Duduman's ministry site - Hand of Help - which continues on today - led by his grandson Michael Boldea Jr.. I will post it in part - and other parts later - but there are other prophecies we can see that are being fulfilled now - such as the Russians preparing to strike us on our own soil. I will post that word also and the latest news reports so that we can see clearly the fulfillment of what he was told would happen back in the 80's. It is at the door - even now - it does appear. If ever the time had come for this nation to repent of its sins and turn to the LORD with our whole hearts it is right now. Right now.

Beginning here:

Jeremiah 10:12-13, "He has made the earth by His power, He has established the world by His wisdom, and has stretched out the heavens at His discretion. When He utters His voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens: and He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth. He makes lightning for the rain, He brings the wind out of His treasuries."

(written on May 5th, 2003)
It was May 5, and it had been six years since my grandfather had gone to be with the Lord. I spent the day with my little brother Daniel, the only other member of the family currently in the US, and we kept the memory of our grandfather alive by remembering. We remembered him not as Reverend Duduman, or the Romanian man who had dreams, but as what he was to us, simply grandpa. The man who bounced us on his knee while we were still toddlers, the man who became our instant hero when he stood in the middle of a river on a hot summer's day, and proceeded to catch fish with his bare hands. It was a good time of bonding for us as brothers, and we both came away with the conclusion that even after all this time, we still missed him a great deal.

That night, after prayer, I went to bed and I had a dream. I dreamt I was on a very high ridge, with a great valley spanning out beneath me. The night was calm, the moon and stars shining brightly in the sky. As I looked around trying to get my bearings, I was stunned to see my grandfather standing next to me. He looked young and vibrant, his hands in his pockets, and a smile on his face.
The Season Of Sorrow be continued...
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Then in this dream his grandfather says this:

"Interesting times ahead my boy, interesting times ahead," he said. For a minute I was so shocked I couldn't say anything. Finally I blurted out the only thing that came to mind, "They've been interesting ever since you left. Trial after trial, hardship after hardship."

"Now you know how Jesus felt when He walked the earth," he answered, "always doing good, always in the Father's will, yet always mocked and rejected, always misunderstood and despised. Besides, it was all a test anyway."

"A test of what?" I asked.

"For you personally, God wanted to see if you would stay true to your calling even when all seemed lost. He was preparing you and purging you, refining you, for the time when He will use you, and speak to you as He spoke to me."

Before I could say anything he lifted his hand to stop me. His fingers were no longer crooked from his arthritis they were straight, and normal.

"I know what you're going to say my boy, it's not what you want, it's not what you asked for. But you should know by now it is the task you were chosen for. In this you have no choice, besides where can you hide from the face of God. Men have tried before, look how it turned out in the end. To reject what God has planned for you is to deny God. You know what the consequences are."

Unable to find the words to answer, I simply nodded my understanding, and allowed him to continue speaking.

"As for why the ministry had to go through what it went through, God has already spoken that to your heart. You already know the answer. God wants all that know of this work, to be certain of one thing. It is He who sustains it; it is He who blesses it, and not the hands of men or their gimmicks. Do you think any of it would still be here after all that has happened if not for God? Never doubt God's promises concerning this work, or His ability to fulfill them. Hope in God never disappoints, hope in man always leads to disillusionment."
The Season Of Sorrow
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Now for the prophetic word Michael Boldea Jr. recieved from his grandfather:

"Now for the reason I am here. I was sent to show you something. Look and see," he said, pointing down to the valley below. As I looked, I saw the outline of a map of America then the outlines of states began taking shape. As I continued to watch this map solidify, small lights began to flicker on and off in some of the states. I recognized California, Illinois, Michigan, Arizona, Washington State, Florida, and New York, among the states that lit up. The light was rhythmic, almost like a homing beacon, constant in its progression. I continued watching the lights go on and off, waiting for something else to happen, but nothing did. Finally I said, "I don’t understand. What does this mean?"

"These are the places where those who were sent here long ago, to bring fear and cause chaos, have situated themselves. They lie in waiting, planning and plotting destruction. They are as coiled serpents, looking forward to the hour when they will be loosed upon this nation. If God's children pray, once more he will delay the season of sorrow that is yet to come."
The Season Of Sorrow
Read the conclusion on link posted here -
May 5th, 2003 - Michael Boldea Jr. posted this on the Helping Hands Ministry website - it does appear that God did delay the season of sorrow that was yet to come. Today? It looks as if it is as the door.
America is mystery Babylon identified in Revelation 18.

This is a word that Dumitru Duduman received after asking why God named America Mystery Babylon.


Why did God name America Mystery Babylon?

"Tell them, because all the nations of the world immigrated to America with their own gods and were not stopped. Encouraged by the freedom here, the wickedness began to increase. Later on, even though America was established as a Christian nation, the American people began to follow the strange gods that the immigrants had brought in, and also turned their backs on the God who had built and prospered this country."

Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000
Mystery Babylon
When are Russians going to attack us?

I dont think its likely. In fact I think its more likely we will start attacking other nations and break into another civil war before that happens.
In the 80's ( I am not sure of what year exactly - perhaps it was 82' or 83') Dumitru Duduman was given a message to give to America warning that America would burn. I'll post the message he delivered to John Kilpatrick's church many years ago. Many years later in 1996- the LORD gave him another word about Russia and China. Here it is:

China and Russia

A Vision Received by Brother Dumitru Duduman April 22, 1996

I prayed, then went to bed. I was still awake, when suddenly I heard a trumpet sound. A voice cried out to me, "Stand!"

In my vision, I was in America. I walked out of my home, and began to look for the one who had spoken to me. As I looked, I saw three men dressed alike. Two of the men carried weapons. One of the armed men came to me. "I woke you to show you what is to come." He said. "Come with me."

I didn't know where I was being taken, but when we reached a certain place he said, "stop here!"

A pair of binoculars was handed to me, and I was told to look through them.

"Stand there, don't move, and look," he continued. "You will see what they are saying, and what they are preparing for America."

As I was looking, I saw a great light. A dark cloud appeared over it. I saw the president of Russia, a short, chubby man, who said he was the president of China, and two others. The last two also said where they were from, but I did not understand. However, I gathered they were part of Russian controlled territory. The men stepped out of the cloud.

The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one. "I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind."

A voice said to me, "Watch where the Russians penetrate America."

I saw these words being written: Alaska; Minnesota; Florida.

Then, the man spoke again, "When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning."

The other two presidents spoke, "We, too, will fight for you." Each had a place already planned as a point of attack.

All of them shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a contract. One of them said, "We're sure that Korea and Cuba will be on our side, too. Without a doubt, together, we can destroy America."

The president of Russia began to speak insistently, "Why let ourselves be led by the Americans? Why not rule the world ourselves? They have to be kicked out of Europe, too! Then I could do as I please with Europe!"

The man standing beside me asked, "This is what you saw: they act as friends, and say they respect the treaties made together. But everything I've shown you is how it will REALLY happen. You must tell them what is being planned against America. Then, when it comes to pass, the people will remember the words the Lord has spoken."

Who are you?" I asked.

"I am the protector of America. America's sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a clean heart as they do His work. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people."

As I looked, a great army, well armed and dressed in white, appeared before me.

"Do you see that?" the man asked. "This army will go to battle to save My chosen ones. Then, the difference between the Godly and the ungodly will be evident."

Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000
Very recently the Chinese made a strong statement about the United States in an article posted by the EU Times. I will get that article and post it here. (God willing)
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Article from EU TImes:

China Warns Russia That State Of War Now Exists With United States

In a 5,000-word article published yesterday in People’s Daily, the Communist Party’s flagship newspaper, General Cai Yingting, commander of the PLA Nanjing military area command, and his political commissar General Zheng Weiping, warned that the PLA should learn lessons from the war with Japan that ended 70 years ago.

These Chinese generals further stated, “There have been profound challenges from territorial disputes on our country’s periphery, geopolitical competition among big powers, and ethnic and religious friction. Tensions in surrounding hot spots are also on the rise, and the risk of chaos and warfare on our doorstep has increased. We should be more vigilant … and put combat preparedness at the front of our minds.”

To how the Obama regime is “responding/preparing” for war with China, however, this report notes, World War III is now the hot news with Pentagon brass as the Wall Street Journal just reviewed “The Ghost Fleet” by Peter Singer and August Cole.

Singer, “one of the United States pre-eminent futurists” is now “walking the Pentagon halls with an ominous warning for America’s military leaders: World War III with China is coming.”

In fact, Singer warns, even America’s advanced new F-35 fighter jets may be “blown from the sky by their Chinese-made microchips and Chinese hackers easily could worm their way into the military’s secretive intelligence service … and the Chinese Army may one day occupy Hawaii.”

Speculation? No, the Wall Street Journal’s Dion Nissenbaum reminded readers that Chinese hackers have already got into “White House computers, defense industry plans and millions of secret U.S. government files.”
Make no mistake about it. This is about Taiwan.

China holds unprecedented naval drills in Yellow Sea

China holds ‘unprecedented’ naval drills in Yellow Sea

Posted by EU Times on Jul 4th, 2015 // No Comment


A Chinese flotilla with a naval vessel firing an anti-submarine missile during a drill at Peter the Great Bay in Russia.

China’s army has kicked off “unprecedented” air and sea drills in the Yellow Sea, between the Korean Peninsula and China, areport says.

According to a late Friday report by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s Daily, the exercises began earlier in the day. The report, however, did not specify the exact location of the drills and the duration.

The report, meanwhile, added that around 100 warships, tens of naval aviation planes, and electronic countermeasure forces, divided into the red and blue armies, were involved in the maneuver, carrying out “intensive confrontations within a short period of time, including long-range fire assaults, coordinated assaults at surface targets and comprehensive air defense and anti-missile operations.”

Describing the density of fire as “unprecedented,” the daily added that real weapons were used in the whole process of the confrontation, “during which missiles, torpedoes, artillery shells and jamming bombs were fired more densely than before.”

The newspaper said electronic warfare units of the Shenyang Military Area Command, which is located near North Korea, and the Jinan Military Area Command also participated in the drills. Their participation “turned the naval drill into a multiservice joint exercise, making the drill more close to a real IT-based sea battle,” the report said.
Here you see the man made islands the Chinese are creating in the South China Sea and are claiming for their own territory - and their confrontation with our aircraft demanding them to go! This video was posted in May of 2015 on youtube.

When are Russians going to attack us?

I dont think its likely. In fact I think its more likely we will start attacking other nations and break into another civil war before that happens.

When are Russians going to attack us?
They are teaming up with the jesuits and will be hiding under Jeri's bed soon
This word came to Dumitru Duduman in 1993. It is once again concerning America who is Mystery Babylon - and her coming destruction.

A Call To War

September 1993

(A prophecy) "Cease heading the way you have been going and turn to me," says the Lord. "Lucifer, who is armed for war on his horse, is coming with a powerful army behind him to take vengeance against the children of God. The day is close: a day of terror when Lucifer will try to annihilate all those that live a clean life! A day of pain and terror is near."

"If you could see what is being prepared and what will happen, you would surely quit doing everything you know in your heart to be wrong, and would seek peace more than ever. Be prepared, be holy, and don't give in to the temptations and impulses of the enemy. Seek the Lord your God with all your heart. Those who will be clean, those who will be holy, I will not forget. I will save them," says the Lord. "The armies of the devil are coming with great fury against those who worship Me, and truly seek Me. Pray that I may give you strength, so that before the storm comes I may save you and give you the joy."

"Those that live in defilement, that meditate upon evil things, will have no escape. They will not have My protection. I will destroy Babylon," says the Lord, "because of the wickedness and blasphemy of this country. Not only here, but wherever there is sin, I will punish it harshly. Only the righteous will I save; some even out of the midst of the fire."

"Again I tell you, a dark cloud is gathered. Lucifer, standing on his black horse, is ready for war. The trumpets of the devil are sounding day and night, to all the demons of the deep to be prepared to make war against those who truly live their lives for God. There will be such great turmoil that only few will escape. Those that today only carry the name of "believer" will fight with fury against those who worship Me with a clean heart. This is why I have revealed this to you. Because the days are numbered."

"I reveal to you, I speak to you, I show to you," says the Lord, "but many do not want to remember, saying to themselves, 'Is it truly the Lord speaking this?' Others become scared for the moment, but then they forget and never become pure. Many of those who carry the name of 'Christian' are overcome by greed, fornication, drunkenness, and a pursuit for great wealth. There is no time to lose. The day of destruction and terror is coming soon. The devil is agitated, and a great deception is being prepared. But I tell you, do not fear. I have the power to protect those who obey me. You must remember the word of God, for if you will not obey, the day of terror will come and you will suffer together with the wicked and defiled. I will punish all the wickedness of this world, and all the sin of this place. Be awake and waiting, because if you will not, you will be punished as the wicked, and also lose your salvation for your disobedience. Disobedience is punished more than anything," says the Holy Spirit. "Pray for your children, and stop them from doing worldly things. Tell them that the wrath of God is coming, and that they must be prepared for that day. Tell them to read the Bible and pray, that I may also save them."

"The great day, the day of terror, the day of affliction, of pain; the day of the punishment of Babylon, prophesied in the Bible, is soon coming, and I will only spare the righteous," says the Lord. "I forgive who I want, I make holy who I want, and I prepare who I want. Judge no one, for Mine is the judgment," says the Lord. "Each of you judge yourself. Pray and draw close to me, and if you will obey I will come to your aid. I will send a chariot of salvation and take each one out in his appointed time."

Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000
A Call To War
As you can see by this video from the 80's or early 90's - the LORD sent Dumitru Duduman to America to warn us that our nation would burn in one hour and how this would come about. At the time that he gave this message to the church most of the church did not listen. They could see no sign of America getting into a war with China over Taiwan- of Russia attacking our nuclear warehouses and making war against America. Today? The signs are right in front of us. The Pentagon is even talking it. These are the news stories of today because the season of sorrow is upon us.

When are Russians going to attack us?

I dont think its likely. In fact I think its more likely we will start attacking other nations and break into another civil war before that happens.

It has always been their plan, Avatar, to defeat America. The highest KGB defector ever to defect from the KGB and Soviet Union - Galitson - said that they had never ceased in their plan to destroy us. It has been their plan from the beginning. While America was a Christian nation they could not (the Communists) defeat us but when they infiltrated our churches, our pulpits, our government, our schools, our universities, our FBI, our CIA, our military, when the Christians of America began to take hold of a false gospel and fall away from the LORD, when sin took hold of this land and there was none standing in the gap - the enemy gained ground and today we see that they are openly planning our destruction. It is only the grace of God that it has not happened already.

Our government has believed that China and Russia were willing to be a part of the One World Order that was designed by Rome (Vatican) to rule the world - but as you can see the Chinese and Russians will say - Why should we let them define a new world order when we can take it for ourselves?

That is precisely what they are preparing to do now. Only those with clean hands and a pure heart before God - whose names are written in the Lamb's book of Life will stand in the coming battle. The wicked shall perish and with them those Christians who have refused to live holy lives before the LORD but instead continue to live as sinfully (and even more so in some cases) as the world does. God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap. The message of hope is this - that all can be forgiven this day of their sins and turn to Christ with their whole hearts and be forgiven as if it had never happened. They can be restored in their relationship back to the LORD and for those who have never known him they can come now to the throne of Grace and receive redemption through their own repentance and willingness to turn away from all sin and live for Christ alone. In the Bible - Romans 10:9,10 is the way to salvation in Christ.

The wicked believe they are about to be in control of everything. Not so for America. They will be destroyed and this land will be cleansed of the evil that has been ruling it for far too long already. God's judgment is holy, righteous and true. His mercy is evident in that He has even to this day - held off that judgment.

The Russians already know where our nuclear warehouses are - they already have everything they need. It is only the mercy of God that has withheld what is about to fall upon America - thus far.
In Psalm 17 of the King James Bible we see that David tells God that the wicked are a sword in His Hand (the Lord's Hand). This is true. The Russians, the Chinese, those nations that shall join them in the invasion and destruction of America are the wicked being used as a sword in God's hand to judge the wicked and all those who said they were His but refused every invitation to repent and return to the LORD. Those believers will be destroyed with the wicked of the land here in America. It will not only be those who are known for their wickedness but also those who were compromising with sin, lukewarm, disobedient, not preaching / not following the Gospel of Jesus Christ but having chosen to follow the wide road false teachers that are ever so popular to the apostate church. They will share the same judgment here and if they flee to another country to escape what is coming here - the LORD has already said he will send hunters to hunt them down - they shall be slain wherever they are found. The Americans in Europe and other places have not escaped anything. They will be found wherever they are. When a nation is under judgment there is no escape other than repentance before it falls.
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