The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

brothers and sisters: if we drag this out until the 2020 election, and Trump wins again, i guarantee you that's the end of democracy!

/——/ Will Maxine be screeching Impeach 46, Impeach 46?
If it's a Repub she will … particularly if it's a white male. Dems love their identity politics and hate white men who are not gay or in prison.
Of course, she and all the bitter, petulant Dems must survive 5 1/2 more years of #45 first. :beer:
Last edited:
I'm not interested in what Trump has to say


and that is part of the problem. you assume he is wrong so you refuse to listen. Get off your high horse, admit that the clintons are criminals and lets close this sad chapter in our history.

more they're all wrong and all criminals

NOT seeing that makes YOU part of the problem


so everyone in DC is criminal? all of them? I don't believe that. If you do then I feel sorry for you.
Why is Trump not believable?
I honestly don't know how to respond to that. If you take him seriously and literally, great.

I believe him more than either of the clintons, obama, or any of the current crop of dem clowns running for president. They are all politicians and politicians all lie, it then becomes a question of degree and results. Trump has gotten results, thats what matters to me.
brothers and sisters: if we drag this out until the 2020 election, and Trump wins again, i guarantee you that's the end of democracy!

/——/ Will Maxine be screeching Impeach 46, Impeach 46?
If it's a Repub she will … particularly if it's a white male. Dems love their identity politics and hate white men.
Of course, she and all the bitter, petulant Dems must survive 5 1/2 more years of #45 first. :beer:
/—-/ Won’t Trump be 46 when re-elected? There is a school of thought that each term is a new president regardless of one who is re-elected.
Ever heard the old Confucius saying: "what is good for the goose...?"
Great, the other guys do it, so we'll do it back. This is like a grade school playground.
One big diff … the Collusion Delusion was a FISA Fraud from the start and perhaps a nefarious attempt to overthrow our gov't. A real conspiracy may have included gov't officials colluding with foreign agents. Don't you want to know if that was the case?

JFTR, I'm surprised but not shocked that many who set their hair aflame and screamed "impeach" for over 2 years and continue to do so are so adamantly opposed to "investigating the investigators" who may have dragged this country down using our most important LE agencies to serve their political agenda or to cover their own butts … or both.
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or what???!! there will be ANOTHER investigation???!!!!
Personally, I think we should establish a new agency: The Federal Agency of Partisan Investigations (FAPI).

Obviously both parties will access it regularly.

It looks like this stuff won't be going away any time soon.
There is no “deep state”. There are federal workers who do their job year after year til they retire. Thencomspiracy freaks are poor, pathetic and should seek help.

And leave everyone else alone
Why is Trump not believable?
I honestly don't know how to respond to that. If you take him seriously and literally, great.
I believe him more than either of the clintons, obama, or any of the current crop of dem clowns running for president. They are all politicians and politicians all lie, it then becomes a question of degree and results. Trump has gotten results, thats what matters to me.
That's fine, that's politics, but looking at him as anything approaching a credible source is one helluva stretch.
What concerns me as much as anything on this, is that if (bolded, underlined) this is found to be largely fantasy, it won't matter. The response from the Right will be that the Deep State was able to cover it up, or something like that.
You mean kinda like the left expected a "happy ending" from the Mueller Report and when that failed to materialize our Hysterical House Dems vowing to undo or redo the report's results? Kinda like that?
/——-/ oh we’re listening to your words of wisdom. We’re now double checking our notes to be sure. Thank you so much for the fair warning..... Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
I realize that, based on the information presented to you, you have no doubts. Great.
Again, kinda like millions of bitter leftards including but not limited to our Hysterical House Dems and loony-left media who reject the results of the Mueller 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt? Kinda like that?

Ever heard the old Confucius saying: "what is good for the goose...?"
Great, the other guys do it, so we'll do it back.

This is like a grade school playground.
One big diff … the Collusion Delusion was a fraud from the start and perhaps a nefarious attempt to overthrow our gov't. The real conspiracy may have included Americans colluding with foreign agents. Don't you want to know if that was the case?

JFTR, I'm surprised but not shocked that many who set their hair aflame and screamed "impeach" for over 2 years and continue to do so are so adamantly opposed to "investigating the investigators" who dragged this country down using our most important LE agencies to serve their political agenda or to cover their own butts … or both.
Well, it definitely reminds me of the Mueller days. The Dems knew every last detail and rumor, and the GOP spent most of its time laughing.

Opposite sides of the same coin.
Your side is the middle, and in your mind the partisan Left can never be right, the partisan Right can never be right--only the middle is ever really right.

It's hilarious to me you don't see the irony in your game. I see it, and laugh.
That's not true, of course.

You just made it up.

But if laughing helps, please do so.

It's right there in your signature of course--your number one. You have a "side of the fence"--the middle. And you defend it with all the hyper-partisanship of the best of us, and all the sanctimony of the worst.

It's funny, Mac.
Whatever you'd like.

Dittos 'n stuff.
Why don't you go for a walk and let your boyfriend have a turn on your PC? She posts more sentient stuff.
Um, sure, thanks!
brothers and sisters: if we drag this out until the 2020 election, and Trump wins again, i guarantee you that's the end of democracy!

/——/ Will Maxine be screeching Impeach 46, Impeach 46?
If it's a Repub she will … particularly if it's a white male. Dems love their identity politics and hate white men.
Of course, she and all the bitter, petulant Dems must survive 5 1/2 more years of #45 first. :beer:
/—-/ Won’t Trump be 46 when re-elected? There is a school of thought that each term is a new president regardless of one who is re-elected.
No there isn't.

G.W. Bush served 2 terms and was #43. Obama served 2 terms and was #44.

Trump will serve 2 terms and be #45.

Whatever Repub follows Trump will serve 2 terms and be #46.
I want to see a transcript of the "accidental" tarmac meeting between Bubba clinton and Lynch. What kind of deal did they make, how much was she paid? do you care?
All I care about is finding out what actually happened. And the "evidence" I hear about from either end of this means little to me, because I know how crazed and dishonest both ends can be.

I've heard a ton of "evidence" from Hannity, just as I've heard a ton of "evidence" from Maddow. Neither means much to me.

I think thats all any of us want, full disclosure of what really happened during and after the 2016 election. We are entitled to know why Hillary destroyed 30,000 emails and what they contained, we are entitled to know the entire story behind the uranium one deal and the russian dossier. We are entitled to know what exactly Strzok, Page, Comey, Brennan, and Clapper did during the election and what influence they were trying to exert from their high level civil service positions and whether it was illegal.

We are entitled to know if factions within our government were trying to execute a coup to remove a duly elected president. Any american who does not want these answers is either stupid or a total partisan hack.
Sure, we need to get it all out. But by "it", I'm talking about proven, corroborated facts.

For now, I'll take what the Right is saying at face value and I think everything should be flushed out. I'm just not convinced that the story is true, since the people telling it are not honest in my book.

What concerns me is that we are now at a point at which the two ends can't even agree on FACTS. That makes this a bit tougher.

OK Mac, I am going to give you the rundown on what MOST people have studied this on the right believe, just so you know, and don't have to fish.

1. Most journalists on the right believe, the FBI was DUPED by John Brennan to open this investigation, since the CIA has not the power to do this alone, and has no supeana power.

2. James Comey actually BELIEVED what he was saying, until maybe the last 6 to 10 months, and thought he was saving the country.

3. At some point, Comey realized that Brennan set him up, and it was Comey who demanded that the Steele Dossier be included in future FISA'S (while he was there in charge) because the Dossier eventually leads back to Brennan, and it was for CYA.

4. Mueller knew quickly that there was no collusion, as he interviewed Strozk and Paige, and they had nothing. Also, Wiseman, the Mueller pitbull, was told on August of 2016 that the dossier was fantasy, and of course, he told Mueller. Soooooooooo, he went to Rosenstein to get an updated scope memo, mid 2017, after being named Special Counsel. This is how they went after Cohen, and other aspects of the Trump team. (that is going to be released)

5. This is NOT the only dossier! I know, I know, what the hell am I talking about?!?!?!?!?! There are other dossiers, on other GOP candidates. When Admiral Rogers checked the queries into our secy-secy database, he discovered the unmaskings were predominantly GOP fundraisers, and people who had been tied to other GOP campaigns. In essence, the contractors were getting dirt! The only reason we are right now focusing on Trump, is because he was the eventual winner of the GOP primary. This also leads back to Brennan as his fingerprints are all over it, along with the State Departments. We do not yet know if one of the 3 contractors allowed access to the database, was Fusion GPS or least the public does not know, I am sure the Trump team does.

6. Joseph Mifsud worked for Western Intelligence agencies, not RUSSIAN! After he was interviewed in 2017, he went off grid, and the only contact since then has been through his lawyer. He knows Steele, and Halper, proven fact........along with Richard Deerlove, former head of MI6! In fact, Halper and Deerlove taught a course together, I believe at Oxford, on surveillance, while this whole thing was going on! A couple of days AFTER President Trump was elected, Deerlove RESIGNED! 2 months later, Mifsud disappeared.

7. There is compelling evidence, that this investigation did NOT start in October of 2016, but rather late February, early April of 2016 with the alphabet agencies. NOTHING went through normal channels, everything went through higher ups, and avoided scrutiny of protocol channels. Theresa May knew about it, and in fact fought to STOP Trump from declassifying last time.

In closing------------>the Right is 90% positive that,

a. John Brennan was the driving force behind this fiasco.

b. The FBI was duped.

c. the state department got involved through the 3 contractors looking into our secy-secy database. (think Sally Yates)

d. On the way out the door, the Obama Administration changed the rules of intelligence sharing to cloud how this happened.

e. On some level, President Obama and Vice President Biden were involved, or at least informed of what was going on, since Lorretta Lynch HAD to be told of an investigation of this magnitude. The only way something like this could be authorized, had to be at the Oval Office level.

So now you know what we think, and facts point towards it being true. Sorry, but I am not going to lie to you.

So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.

Just like the left wing has accused the executive branch all the way to the top, of conspiring with Russia to alter our elections, and continue to do so even AFTER the witch hunt THEY instituted found no such thing occurred.

The arrogance of the deep state is such that the case is already proven. Scumbag traitors like John Brennan spend hours on low rated cable TV BRAGGING about how they used the federal government to influence and interfere with the 2016 election.

Nellie Ohr and Bruce Ohr OPENLY colluded with Fusion GPS to commission Russia through foreign spy Christopher Steel to fabricate slander which was leaked to Buzzfeed for the express purpose of altering the election. Bruce Ohr worked for the FBI at the time and reported his actions to James Comey and Barack Obama.

BTW, while I know you cut and pasted the above screed from one of the hate sites, that you did without attribution means you own it, so what "hyper-partisan conspiracy books" has Mark Levin written? :dunno:

He typically writes about the Constitution. Do you think the Constitution is a "conspiracy?"
Um, no.


One more thing. You are a smart guy, I know this!

So I have a question for you. No need to answer, just think about the answer yourself-----------------> Suppose any of the Alphabet agencies today, get a report that Joe Biden is working with the Chinese. They talk it over, and decide maybe they should investigate.

At what level do YOU think, it would have to go to in the government, to get the go ahead to surveille, spy, investigate? And when reports start coming back, if they wanted to keep looking, who do you think would have to give the ok!
The way it actually works is that it’s the intelligence agencies jobs to protect this country.

You don’t want terrorist to do another Boston bombing. Right? Unless you find out that those terrorists are somehow working with the Republican Party so don’t investigate it. That’s the message we’re getting.

The Russians attacked our country. The only reason that so many Republicans are involved is because every time they investigated a Russian, there was a Republican standing behind them.

Remember shake a tree in the forest of Trump and out falls of Russian.

Republicans got caught up in it because so many of them are working for Trump who works for a Vladimir Putin.

They were looking to investigate Russians not Trump. It’s just that everywhere they looked there was Trump
What concerns me as much as anything on this, is that if (bolded, underlined) this is found to be largely fantasy, it won't matter. The response from the Right will be that the Deep State was able to cover it up, or something like that.
You mean kinda like the left expected a "happy ending" from the Mueller Report and when that failed to materialize our Hysterical House Dems vowing to undo or redo the report's results? Kinda like that?
/——-/ oh we’re listening to your words of wisdom. We’re now double checking our notes to be sure. Thank you so much for the fair warning..... Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
I realize that, based on the information presented to you, you have no doubts. Great.
Again, kinda like millions of bitter leftards including but not limited to our Hysterical House Dems and loony-left media who reject the results of the Mueller 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt? Kinda like that?

Ever heard the old Confucius saying: "what is good for the goose...?"
Great, the other guys do it, so we'll do it back.

This is like a grade school playground.
One big diff … the Collusion Delusion was a fraud from the start and perhaps a nefarious attempt to overthrow our gov't. The real conspiracy may have included Americans colluding with foreign agents. Don't you want to know if that was the case?

JFTR, I'm surprised but not shocked that many who set their hair aflame and screamed "impeach" for over 2 years and continue to do so are so adamantly opposed to "investigating the investigators" who dragged this country down using our most important LE agencies to serve their political agenda or to cover their own butts … or both.
Well, it definitely reminds me of the Mueller days. The Dems knew every last detail and rumor, and the GOP spent most of its time laughing.

Opposite sides of the same coin.
Explain this side of the coin you deranged socialist loser.

What concerns me as much as anything on this, is that if (bolded, underlined) this is found to be largely fantasy, it won't matter. The response from the Right will be that the Deep State was able to cover it up, or something like that.
You mean kinda like the left expected a "happy ending" from the Mueller Report and when that failed to materialize our Hysterical House Dems vowing to undo or redo the report's results? Kinda like that?
/——-/ oh we’re listening to your words of wisdom. We’re now double checking our notes to be sure. Thank you so much for the fair warning..... Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
I realize that, based on the information presented to you, you have no doubts. Great.
Again, kinda like millions of bitter leftards including but not limited to our Hysterical House Dems and loony-left media who reject the results of the Mueller 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt? Kinda like that?

Ever heard the old Confucius saying: "what is good for the goose...?"
Great, the other guys do it, so we'll do it back.

This is like a grade school playground.
One big diff … the Collusion Delusion was a fraud from the start and perhaps a nefarious attempt to overthrow our gov't. The real conspiracy may have included Americans colluding with foreign agents. Don't you want to know if that was the case?

JFTR, I'm surprised but not shocked that many who set their hair aflame and screamed "impeach" for over 2 years and continue to do so are so adamantly opposed to "investigating the investigators" who dragged this country down using our most important LE agencies to serve their political agenda or to cover their own butts … or both.
Well, it definitely reminds me of the Mueller days. The Dems knew every last detail and rumor, and the GOP spent most of its time laughing.

Opposite sides of the same coin.
Explain this side of the coin you socialist loser.

brothers and sisters: if we drag this out until the 2020 election, and Trump wins again, i guarantee you that's the end of democracy!

/——/ Will Maxine be screeching Impeach 46, Impeach 46?
If it's a Repub she will … particularly if it's a white male. Dems love their identity politics and hate white men.
Of course, she and all the bitter, petulant Dems must survive 5 1/2 more years of #45 first. :beer:
/—-/ Won’t Trump be 46 when re-elected? There is a school of thought that each term is a new president regardless of one who is re-elected.
No there isn't.

G.W. Bush served 2 terms and was #43. Obama served 2 terms and was #44.

Trump will serve 2 terms and be #45.

Whatever Repub follows Trump will serve 2 terms and be #46.
I’m curious. Who would vote for Donald Trump? Because Russians aren’t allowed to vote in this country.
What concerns me as much as anything on this, is that if (bolded, underlined) this is found to be largely fantasy, it won't matter. The response from the Right will be that the Deep State was able to cover it up, or something like that.
You mean kinda like the left expected a "happy ending" from the Mueller Report and when that failed to materialize our Hysterical House Dems vowing to undo or redo the report's results? Kinda like that?
I realize that, based on the information presented to you, you have no doubts. Great.
Again, kinda like millions of bitter leftards including but not limited to our Hysterical House Dems and loony-left media who reject the results of the Mueller 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt? Kinda like that?

Ever heard the old Confucius saying: "what is good for the goose...?"
Great, the other guys do it, so we'll do it back.

This is like a grade school playground.
One big diff … the Collusion Delusion was a fraud from the start and perhaps a nefarious attempt to overthrow our gov't. The real conspiracy may have included Americans colluding with foreign agents. Don't you want to know if that was the case?

JFTR, I'm surprised but not shocked that many who set their hair aflame and screamed "impeach" for over 2 years and continue to do so are so adamantly opposed to "investigating the investigators" who dragged this country down using our most important LE agencies to serve their political agenda or to cover their own butts … or both.
Well, it definitely reminds me of the Mueller days. The Dems knew every last detail and rumor, and the GOP spent most of its time laughing.

Opposite sides of the same coin.
Explain this side of the coin you deranged socialist loser.

You do realize I'm talking about behaviors, not issues, right?

Should I use simpler words? Larger font?

Please let me know, because I really want to make you happy.
What concerns me as much as anything on this, is that if (bolded, underlined) this is found to be largely fantasy, it won't matter. The response from the Right will be that the Deep State was able to cover it up, or something like that.
You mean kinda like the left expected a "happy ending" from the Mueller Report and when that failed to materialize our Hysterical House Dems vowing to undo or redo the report's results? Kinda like that?
I realize that, based on the information presented to you, you have no doubts. Great.
Again, kinda like millions of bitter leftards including but not limited to our Hysterical House Dems and loony-left media who reject the results of the Mueller 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt? Kinda like that?

Ever heard the old Confucius saying: "what is good for the goose...?"
Great, the other guys do it, so we'll do it back.

This is like a grade school playground.
One big diff … the Collusion Delusion was a fraud from the start and perhaps a nefarious attempt to overthrow our gov't. The real conspiracy may have included Americans colluding with foreign agents. Don't you want to know if that was the case?

JFTR, I'm surprised but not shocked that many who set their hair aflame and screamed "impeach" for over 2 years and continue to do so are so adamantly opposed to "investigating the investigators" who dragged this country down using our most important LE agencies to serve their political agenda or to cover their own butts … or both.
Well, it definitely reminds me of the Mueller days. The Dems knew every last detail and rumor, and the GOP spent most of its time laughing.

Opposite sides of the same coin.
Explain this side of the coin you socialist loser.

Trey Gowdy was hilarious. The reason he left Congress is because Trump won.
Trey said that he had more than two years of investigations already set up to go after Hillary Clinton when she became president and then Trump won and he was completely lost. He didn’t know what else to do so he retired.
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
Why don’t you want to find out?

BTW, I don’t believe in coincidences
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
Why don’t you want to find out?
Where in the world did I say that?

Did you somehow miss the last line?

Holy crap, this place.
You mean kinda like the left expected a "happy ending" from the Mueller Report and when that failed to materialize our Hysterical House Dems vowing to undo or redo the report's results? Kinda like that?
Again, kinda like millions of bitter leftards including but not limited to our Hysterical House Dems and loony-left media who reject the results of the Mueller 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt? Kinda like that?

Ever heard the old Confucius saying: "what is good for the goose...?"
Great, the other guys do it, so we'll do it back.

This is like a grade school playground.
One big diff … the Collusion Delusion was a fraud from the start and perhaps a nefarious attempt to overthrow our gov't. The real conspiracy may have included Americans colluding with foreign agents. Don't you want to know if that was the case?

JFTR, I'm surprised but not shocked that many who set their hair aflame and screamed "impeach" for over 2 years and continue to do so are so adamantly opposed to "investigating the investigators" who dragged this country down using our most important LE agencies to serve their political agenda or to cover their own butts … or both.
Well, it definitely reminds me of the Mueller days. The Dems knew every last detail and rumor, and the GOP spent most of its time laughing.

Opposite sides of the same coin.
Explain this side of the coin you deranged socialist loser.

You do realize I'm talking about behaviors, not issues, right?

Should I use simpler words? Larger font?

Please let me know, because I really want to make you happy.

You do realize I don't give a flying fuck what you are talking about you loser.

I am talking about fucking facts you piece of shit.

Now comment on that side of the "same coin" that you claimed we conservatives are engaged in.

Comment on those ISSUES you gasbag.

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