The Right to Believe What One Wants

If you don't see it you're willfully blind.
Not at all. I just wanted to see if you were stupid enough to call atheism a religion. You clearly are not. Toddle on back into your corner. You are dismissed.
The notion that being free from faith is a ‘religion’ is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong, and fails as a straw man fallacy.

To acknowledge the fact that there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists is not a ‘belief’ – and is clearly not ‘religion.’
I couldn't agree more. Yet, they keep trying to pretend it is a religion. I suppose they also think bald is a hair style.
In the correct context it is........... Depending on who one talks to...... Betcha didn't know that did ya........ Ain't the English language fun when you truly know it? Oh yeah, you wouldn't know........
It's adorable how you continue to think that your blathering has any meaning.
Oh and I do have a question. Is your narcissism socipathic or sociphobic in nature?
You see, it's not that atheists want to force theists to believe, or disbelieve anything. We just want them to quit using the government to enshrine their mythologies in the laws of the land, and we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit'.

Are you suggesting thst I don't have a eight to instruct my own children in my system of beliefs, but thst the Public Education system gets to Indoctrinate them with yoirs?
I submit that what you call "indoctrination" by the Public Education System is teaching facts, science, and critical thinking. How does your indoctrinating your children to accept the existence of something for which there is no objective evidence teach any of these things?

The modern American government school system isn't doing a great job teaching facts, science and critical thinking.

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"The modern American government school system isn't doing a great job teaching facts, science and critical thinking"

Of course it is, as evidenced by the many brilliant, well-learned students graduating from public schools. The biggest problem facing public education is stupid, ignorant people who do not value education. And these people have kids in these schools.
I would not deny your right to pay extra for your kids to go to a private school. And the last part of your post is kind of goofy.

My children will be homeschooled by me and my wife. Not by any institution whose morals and values cannot be guaranteed.

As for the last line... I find most public zchool parents don't like their kids hanging around with homeschool kids.
Ha, okay, sure. I hope you are an expert in a variety of topics, else....yes, you are quite correct... Your kids will not be crossing paths with mine at any university, as my children excel in a variety of subjects and take accelerated pathways to their degrees.
Actually, homeschooled students, on average, do better-often MUCH better-than public school students.
Sure. LOL Theist...deist. It is all the same. You give all to your superstition, and mythology.

All your science didnt do my father any good with his cancer and hasn't helped me with any of my problems in life.
Did your God heal him?
After his death I took a hard look at my life, what I believed in, and what had worked in my life. I researched dozens of religious, spiritual and scientific viewpoints on life, and found what I believe in.

Your Society has done nothing for me, but has taken plenty from me. I cannot support thst in any way.
You continue to make my case against religious fanaticism. I don't care that you don't claim any particular organised religion. You are a fanatic nonetheless. Behold what a fanatical deathgrip on superstition does to the mind.
I would not deny your right to pay extra for your kids to go to a private school. And the last part of your post is kind of goofy.

My children will be homeschooled by me and my wife. Not by any institution whose morals and values cannot be guaranteed.

As for the last line... I find most public zchool parents don't like their kids hanging around with homeschool kids.
Ha, okay, sure. I hope you are an expert in a variety of topics, else....yes, you are quite correct... Your kids will not be crossing paths with mine at any university, as my children excel in a variety of subjects and take accelerated pathways to their degrees.
Actually, homeschooled students, on average, do better-often MUCH better-than public school students.
I think you would agree that this depends a great deal on the quality of the homeschooling. After all, by his own admission, Anathema is intentionally cheating, and lying, in order to insure that he daughters receive a substandard education, and have no hope of ever being able to fend for themselves in the Real World. And I rather suspect that he is not unique among the religiously fanatical.
Hmm, don't be so sure,. your daughter might eventually wake up and see how stupid and evil your brainwashing is. That's your big fear, of course. That's why you keep your kids in a little cage at home.

At which point she would cease to be my child or my problem. I have no issue putting a 5 year old out in the street to provide for itself. Nevermind an adolescent.
Which is why you should be forciby sterilized.
I noticed that you said you homeschool your children. Knowing that most states have rather rigid guidelines, and restrictions on how hoe schooling is to be administered, are you seriously expecting us to believe, from your statement, that you do not allow your girls to learn science?!?! Really????

You really think I give a fuck whst this Government wants? There are plenty of ways to chest the system, even in obnoxious states.

Just because your curriculum says you're teaching science doesn't mean you're actually teaching it. Oh, and the answer keys for standardized tests can be easily purchased if you know the right people.
All it takes is three words for any child to use the thermonuclear option: "Daddy molested me."
Sure. LOL Theist...deist. It is all the same. You give all to your superstition, and mythology.

All your science didnt do my father any good with his cancer and hasn't helped me with any of my problems in life. After his death I took a hard look at my life, what I believed in, and what had worked in my life. I researched dozens of religious, spiritual and scientific viewpoints on life, and found what I believe in.

Your Society has done nothing for me, but has taken plenty from me. I cannot support thst in any way.
Bullshit. Without medical science, you would be dead.
I would not deny your right to pay extra for your kids to go to a private school. And the last part of your post is kind of goofy.

My children will be homeschooled by me and my wife. Not by any institution whose morals and values cannot be guaranteed.

As for the last line... I find most public zchool parents don't like their kids hanging around with homeschool kids.
Ha, okay, sure. I hope you are an expert in a variety of topics, else....yes, you are quite correct... Your kids will not be crossing paths with mine at any university, as my children excel in a variety of subjects and take accelerated pathways to their degrees.
Actually, homeschooled students, on average, do better-often MUCH better-than public school students.
I think you would agree that this depends a great deal on the quality of the homeschooling. After all, by his own admission, Anathema is intentionally cheating, and lying, in order to insure that he daughters receive a substandard education, and have no hope of ever being able to fend for themselves in the Real World. And I rather suspect that he is not unique among the religiously fanatical.
He is not religious...just your basic five and dime nut.
I would not deny your right to pay extra for your kids to go to a private school. And the last part of your post is kind of goofy.

My children will be homeschooled by me and my wife. Not by any institution whose morals and values cannot be guaranteed.

As for the last line... I find most public zchool parents don't like their kids hanging around with homeschool kids.
Ha, okay, sure. I hope you are an expert in a variety of topics, else....yes, you are quite correct... Your kids will not be crossing paths with mine at any university, as my children excel in a variety of subjects and take accelerated pathways to their degrees.
Actually, homeschooled students, on average, do better-often MUCH better-than public school students.
And I just accounted for that. Your response in not an appropriate response to my comments.
Did your God heal him?

No, his God didnt heal him. That was part of the reason I tried to get him to give up that faith in his last days, but he wouldn't.

The "deity" that i believe in doesn't do things like that. I have long since accepted thst life is not about fun, pleasure, or happiness. It's about dealing with the horrors that Life places in your path.

You continue to make my case against religious fanaticism. I don't care that you don't claim any particular organised religion. You are a fanatic nonetheless. Behold what a fanatical deathgrip on superstition does to the mind.

I am a fanatic. That I will not deny. As my fsther was and you are.

Your religion is modern society, even though it has provided you no more protection from the ills of life than my father's religion did for him. At least I'm honest in the understanding that the ills of life are the reason we're here.
I want to be clear about something. Many Christians, and Muslims think that atheists want to deny them the right to believe what they they wish, and to have personal opinion. This is absolutely not true.
You see, it's not that atheists want to force theists to believe, or disbelieve anything. We just want them to quit using the government to enshrine their mythologies in the laws of the land, and we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit.

I think the point to be made is very clear, now. You consider recognition and respect for our Creator, and basic standards of decency and morality, to be “mythologies” and “made-up bullshit”, and do not want them to be taught to children.

I brought up to the two following examples of destructive, perverted, evil crap that is being taught to children in public school, and you've come all out in defense of this.

Deny it if you will, but your position is that you want government to be used to promote perversion, madness,and evil, and you do not want it to be used to promote reason, decency, and good. In particular, you are in favor of promoting sexual perversions at children, which can serve no purpose other than to groom then and soften them up for further sexual abuse, on the part of the sick perverts whose side you choose to take against that of these children, and of all decent people everywhere.

Psalms 53:1: The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

In denying God, you have opened yourself up to Satan, to fill your heart and your mind with evil and madness in place of good. One day, you will stand before God, and be judged by Him. He will surely not be impressed, when you try to tell him to his face that he is just “mythologies” and “made-up bullshit”.
I want to be clear about something. Many Christians, and Muslims think that atheists want to deny them the right to believe what they they wish, and to have personal opinion. This is absolutely not true.
You see, it's not that atheists want to force theists to believe, or disbelieve anything. We just want them to quit using the government to enshrine their mythologies in the laws of the land, and we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit.

I think the point to be made is very clear, now. You consider recognition and respect for our Creator, and basic standards of decency and morality, to be “mythologies” and “made-up bullshit”, and do not want them to be taught to children.

I brought up to the two following examples of destructive, perverted, evil crap that is being taught to children in public school, and you've come all out in defense of this.

Deny it if you will, but your position is that you want government to be used to promote perversion, madness,and evil, and you do not want it to be used to promote reason, decency, and good. In particular, you are in favor of promoting sexual perversions at children, which can serve no purpose other than to groom then and soften them up for further sexual abuse, on the part of the sick perverts whose side you choose to take against that of these children, and of all decent people everywhere.

Psalms 53:1: The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

In denying God, you have opened yourself up to Satan, to fill your heart and your mind with evil and madness in place of good. One day, you will stand before God, and be judged by Him. He will surely not be impressed, when you try to tell him to his face that he is just “mythologies” and “made-up bullshit”.
"I think the point to be made is very clear, now. You consider recognition and respect for our Creator, and basic standards of decency and morality, to be “mythologies”and “made-up bullshit”, and do not want them to be taught to children"

And you would feel the same way about any religion that is not yours. You just want special privilege and consideration for your preferred bit of religious nuttery. Tough.
You see, it's not that atheists want to force theists to believe, or disbelieve anything. We just want them to quit using the government to enshrine their mythologies in the laws of the land, and we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit'.

Are you suggesting thst I don't have a eight to instruct my own children in my system of beliefs, but thst the Public Education system gets to Indoctrinate them with yoirs?
I submit that what you call "indoctrination" by the Public Education System is teaching facts, science, and critical thinking. How does your indoctrinating your children to accept the existence of something for which there is no objective evidence teach any of these things?

The modern American government school system isn't doing a great job teaching facts, science and critical thinking.

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Again, everyone is entitled to their unsupported opinions. Although, I would agree that some school systems that have allowed social conservatism to dictate their curriculum have allowed superstition, and mythology to supplant actual fact, and reason.

When schools"graduate" students who can barely read and write, but are adept at putting a condom on a banana, they're not doing a good job.

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You see, it's not that atheists want to force theists to believe, or disbelieve anything. We just want them to quit using the government to enshrine their mythologies in the laws of the land, and we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit'.

Are you suggesting thst I don't have a eight to instruct my own children in my system of beliefs, but thst the Public Education system gets to Indoctrinate them with yoirs?
I submit that what you call "indoctrination" by the Public Education System is teaching facts, science, and critical thinking. How does your indoctrinating your children to accept the existence of something for which there is no objective evidence teach any of these things?

The modern American government school system isn't doing a great job teaching facts, science and critical thinking.

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"The modern American government school system isn't doing a great job teaching facts, science and critical thinking"

Of course it is, as evidenced by the many brilliant, well-learned students graduating from public schools. The biggest problem facing public education is stupid, ignorant people who do not value education. And these people have kids in these schools.

And you can see these brilliant, well learned students in colleges today, running to safe spaces when they see Trump's name written on a sidewalk and rioting when a conservative speaker gets invites to speak. Yeah, real open and critical thinking going in there. Then the real bright bulbs go from there to Congress, where they worry about Guam tipping over and celebrate putting the American flag on Mars.

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You see, it's not that atheists want to force theists to believe, or disbelieve anything. We just want them to quit using the government to enshrine their mythologies in the laws of the land, and we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit'.

Are you suggesting thst I don't have a eight to instruct my own children in my system of beliefs, but thst the Public Education system gets to Indoctrinate them with yoirs?
I submit that what you call "indoctrination" by the Public Education System is teaching facts, science, and critical thinking. How does your indoctrinating your children to accept the existence of something for which there is no objective evidence teach any of these things?

The modern American government school system isn't doing a great job teaching facts, science and critical thinking.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Again, everyone is entitled to their unsupported opinions. Although, I would agree that some school systems that have allowed social conservatism to dictate their curriculum have allowed superstition, and mythology to supplant actual fact, and reason.

When schools"graduate" students who can barely read and write, but are adept at putting a condom on a banana, they're not doing a good job.

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I couldn't agree more...if that were standard practice. Since it isn't, I think I'll just laugh at your histrionics.
You see, it's not that atheists want to force theists to believe, or disbelieve anything. We just want them to quit using the government to enshrine their mythologies in the laws of the land, and we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit'.

Are you suggesting thst I don't have a eight to instruct my own children in my system of beliefs, but thst the Public Education system gets to Indoctrinate them with yoirs?
I submit that what you call "indoctrination" by the Public Education System is teaching facts, science, and critical thinking. How does your indoctrinating your children to accept the existence of something for which there is no objective evidence teach any of these things?

The modern American government school system isn't doing a great job teaching facts, science and critical thinking.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"The modern American government school system isn't doing a great job teaching facts, science and critical thinking"

Of course it is, as evidenced by the many brilliant, well-learned students graduating from public schools. The biggest problem facing public education is stupid, ignorant people who do not value education. And these people have kids in these schools.

And you can see these brilliant, well learned students in colleges today, running to safe spaces when they see Trump's name written on a sidewalk and rioting when a conservative speaker gets invites to speak. Yeah, real open and critical thinking going in there. Then the real bright bulbs go from there to Congress, where they worry about Guam tipping over and celebrate putting the American flag on Mars.

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You seem confused. Allow me to assist you. The right to free speech means that the government can't arrest you for what you say. That's it. It promises no government interference in your ability to spew whatever bullshit you want. It doesn't mean that anyone else has to listen to your bullshit. It doesn't shield you from criticism or consequences. If you are cussed at, booed, banned, or protested against, it doesn't mean your First Amendment rights have been violated. It just means that the people hearing your shit think you're an asshole, and are showing you the door. Buh bye.
So no laws should have and commonality with religious law. That would be damn near impossible.

Besides, what happened to freedom of speech and expression?

In any event, this country is becoming more and more liberal so don't know why there is such anger and vitriol
You see, it's not that atheists want to force theists to believe, or disbelieve anything. We just want them to quit using the government to enshrine their mythologies in the laws of the land, and we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit'.

Are you suggesting thst I don't have a eight to instruct my own children in my system of beliefs, but thst the Public Education system gets to Indoctrinate them with yoirs?
I submit that what you call "indoctrination" by the Public Education System is teaching facts, science, and critical thinking. How does your indoctrinating your children to accept the existence of something for which there is no objective evidence teach any of these things?

You and I have no religious argument but we might on the politics of schools and what they teach.

I tend to see what this link says as truth.

What say you my friend?

So no laws should have and commonality with religious law. That would be damn near impossible.

Besides, what happened to freedom of speech and expression?

In any event, this country is becoming more and more liberal so don't know why there is such anger and vitriol

I think that the fact that Trump was elected belies what you said of the U.S. going more liberal.

Trump is not only right wing, he is way off the scale.


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