The Republican civil war is just getting started

Let's just hope it's a long, bloody war... long enough to let Hillary just walk to the POTUS 2016.

The Republican civil war is just getting started

With the government shutdown and debt ceiling fight in the rearview mirror, Republicans can move on to more important matters — like determining which of the party's warring factions will control the GOP going forward.

The recent fiscal fist-fighting ostensibly pit Republicans against Democrats, but the real power struggle was between Tea Partiers and the GOP establishment. The conflict, bubbling beneath the surface for some time, finally boiled over into a messy public spat that, even as the shutdown came to a close, showed no signs of stopping

And let's hope that hitlery dies of a stroke before then.

Well doubt that happen. But i think though if she becomes dem nomineee danger is although she appeals to independent women, she also has mud that came be thrown at her. whether a new fresh young dem would not have same background
Hillary has no chance whatsoever of getting the Dem Nomination.

I didn't take a single Romney 2012 bet but I will take any and all bets that Hillary does not get the Dem nomination in 2016

You're on. Hillary is the leading candidate on all the polls right now.

I don't think Hillary will be able to beat Moosechelle.

Do you?

All i know is it hard to know who will win 2016 nomination for either side. I still have a feeing it be rubio or jeb bush for gop but we wait and see.
That is all your post-de-jour-de-drivel deserves.

Post something with content and some analysis, then you get the same in return.

Post the same tired crap, get a spongebob meme mocking you.

Sorry if you disapprove but the subject is legit and will be a hot topic for months to come. It's all the media have left for now.

True, considering they ignore any foibles of the democrats and go after republicans because of thier own bias, you have a point.

A truly independent media wouldnt have that problem.

The media will go after anyone, anytime, anywhere, and they do, just you ask both Clintons, Gore, Kerry, John Edwards, Obama, the Kennedy's, LBJ, Susan Rice, etc. That's just a nano fraction of the Democrats with foibles that the main stream media went after with a vengeance. Bias my ass! Get Real will you!
No problem. We get the TeaPs numbers by half in 2012 and we will get another 1/2th of them in 2014's primaries.
No problem. We get the TeaPs numbers by half in 2012 and we will get another 1/2th of them in 2014's primaries.

You might have a good chance but tea party still a very powerful movement in local mid term elections.
Release The Kraken ! ! !
If it weren't for the voice of reason and common sense, Newt Gingrich, John McCain would still be shooting his mouth off about Iran and every other retarded notion that comes his way. The republicans are mostly in disarray because McCain always throws them off. He still thinks he has the floor and "wisdom of the ages" like how he tried to reason with America about the most difficult of problems during the 2008 election and then was shown to be just a talking head. Yet he is still plugging away whenever he can to influence the republican party. If there is anyone causing the GOP to suffer from demons, it's McCain, the beguiler. He should shut the fuck up as past losers have like Al Gore, Romney, Dukakis, Mondale, and John Anderson. John Kerry should shut the fuck up too. :lol:
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What worries the Dems and the Career politicians is the fact that Tea Party Candidates are winning with much less money.

There fear is the status quo will be upset by the movement. While the numbers are relatively weak in the over all situation, the people are throwing out incumbents who refuse to represent the people. Those in office see this as a danger to their standard ways of doing business in Washington. Which is exactly why both sides attack the Tea Party now.

When both sides attack this party, because they aren't the types to be bought off, they FEAR IT, and Rightfully so. The problem is that the people see Gov't as the problem, and are starting to stop voting for those throwing so much money into their campaigns. They see the writing on the wall, and the chance they could lose power.

This is a very good thing for our country. I'm a Conservative and support the principles of the Tea Party. There are MILLIONS who believe as I do, and this shakes the boots of those in charge with their heads so far up the lobbyist's ass that you can see them when they smile.

The Tea Party will change the face of the GOP. It's not going anywhere, and you will be dealing with TRUE CONSERVATIVES in the future. The attacks against them will fail.
If it weren't for the voice of reason and common sense, Newt Gingrich, John McCain would still be shooting his mouth off about Iran and every other retarded notion that comes his way. The republicans are mostly in disarray because McCain always throws them off. He still thinks he has the floor and "wisdom of the ages" like how he tried to reason with America about the most difficult of problems during the 2008 election and then was shown to be just a talking head. Yet he is still plugging away whenever he can to influence the republican party. If there is anyone causing the GOP to suffer from demons, it's McCain, the beguiler. He should shut the fuck up as past losers have like Al Gore, Romney, Dukakis, Mondale, and John Anderson. John Kerry should shut the fuck up too. :lol:

Soros backed McCain in 2008
The pubs will make hay in Feb when Obamacare is exposed further, and Odumbo has to comment about it, then changes will come along with the debt ceiling.

Democrats have serious trouble distinguishing fantasy and reality.

I think it's because they read so many "journalists" who write like sophomores.

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