The Religion of Peace and Love

10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
- Leviticus 20, KJV

Funny how we never hear about this one.

10 When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the LORD thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive,
11 And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;
12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house; and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails;
13 And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.
14 And it shall be, if thou have no delight in her, then thou shalt let her go whither she will; but thou shalt not sell her at all for money, thou shalt not make merchandise of her, because thou hast humbled her.
15 If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated, and they have born him children, both the beloved and the hated; and if the firstborn son be hers that was hated:

- Deuteronomy 21, KJV

So according to God we can kidnap women in wars, force them to marry us, and if after raping them we don't want them afterall kick em out to go on their merry way. And we can have more than one wife.

Funny, seem to recall ISIS catching a lot of grief for doing what our own Bibles say to do? Musta been the atheists complaining huh?

So, how long has it been since Christians operated by these Old Testament rules?

Think we could find numerous examples of Christians in the US following their Bibles literally. Hear about on the news pretty regularly like this church that beat a kid to death for wanting to leave the church.

Regularly? "like THIS church that beat a kid to death for wanting to leave the church"? That's regularly happening?

Don't you know, if it's on the news must be happening all the time and every where??? :cuckoo:
10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
- Leviticus 20, KJV

Funny how we never hear about this one.

10 When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the LORD thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive,
11 And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;
12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house; and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails;
13 And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.
14 And it shall be, if thou have no delight in her, then thou shalt let her go whither she will; but thou shalt not sell her at all for money, thou shalt not make merchandise of her, because thou hast humbled her.
15 If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated, and they have born him children, both the beloved and the hated; and if the firstborn son be hers that was hated:

- Deuteronomy 21, KJV

So according to God we can kidnap women in wars, force them to marry us, and if after raping them we don't want them afterall kick em out to go on their merry way. And we can have more than one wife.

Funny, seem to recall ISIS catching a lot of grief for doing what our own Bibles say to do? Musta been the atheists complaining huh?

So, how long has it been since Christians operated by these Old Testament rules?

Think we could find numerous examples of Christians in the US following their Bibles literally. Hear about on the news pretty regularly like this church that beat a kid to death for wanting to leave the church.

Regularly? "like THIS church that beat a kid to death for wanting to leave the church"? That's regularly happening?

Don't you know, if it's on the news must be happening all the time and every where??? :cuckoo:

Yet he didn't give the name, location, etc. of "this" church.
"Pastor who allegedly got church member pregnant, kills her"

"Police: Teen killed in NY church assault wanted out
CNN‎ - 6 days ago"

"Pastor shoots and kills 26-year-old man in Detroit during church"

"Churchs Faith Healing Killed This Baby"

"Catholic Church witchcraft allegations in Congo condemn 50,000 children"

last one about to become its own thread...
guess I have to say it again ...

Don't you know, if it's on the news must be happening all the time and every where??? :cuckoo:
guess I have to say it again ...

Don't you know, if it's on the news must be happening all the time and every where??? :cuckoo:

Just gave you several examples of stories within a month. So yes, they happen everywhere and all the time.
10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
- Leviticus 20, KJV

Funny how we never hear about this one.

Just curious, but why are you bitching about Christianity and quoting Torah to support your argument?
10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
- Leviticus 20, KJV

Funny how we never hear about this one.

Just curious, but why are you bitching about Christianity and quoting Torah to support your argument?

Because the OP isn't about Islam
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10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
- Leviticus 20, KJV

Funny how we never hear about this one.

Just curious, but why are you bitching about Christianity and quoting Torah to support your argument?

KJV isn't a Torah.
So, how long has it been since Christians operated by these Old Testament rules?

Think we could find numerous examples of Christians in the US following their Bibles literally. Hear about on the news pretty regularly like this church that beat a kid to death for wanting to leave the church.

That was kind of evasive.

How long has it been since it was widespread practice for Christians to kidnap women in warfare to force to be their wives, and/or second wives as per your op?

Want me to get some news items from African conflict zones with Christians doing exactly this, or take my word for it it happens?

THose Christians are not really representative of modern Christians.

Funny, when we say that about terrorists using Islam people reject it. So why shouldn't we reject here with Christians the bad guys?

Your op specifically discussed ISIS vs Christians.

Now you want to compare ISIS to LRA?

That would make a lot more sense that your op.
10 When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the LORD thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive,
11 And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;
12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house; and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails;
13 And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.
14 And it shall be, if thou have no delight in her, then thou shalt let her go whither she will; but thou shalt not sell her at all for money, thou shalt not make merchandise of her, because thou hast humbled her.
15 If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated, and they have born him children, both the beloved and the hated; and if the firstborn son be hers that was hated:

- Deuteronomy 21, KJV

So according to God we can kidnap women in wars, force them to marry us, and if after raping them we don't want them afterall kick em out to go on their merry way. And we can have more than one wife.

Funny, seem to recall ISIS catching a lot of grief for doing what our own Bibles say to do? Musta been the atheists complaining huh?

So, how long has it been since Christians operated by these Old Testament rules?

The Ten Commandments are of the Old Testament...

Still being preached by Christians
10 When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the LORD thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive,
11 And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;
12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house; and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails;
13 And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.
14 And it shall be, if thou have no delight in her, then thou shalt let her go whither she will; but thou shalt not sell her at all for money, thou shalt not make merchandise of her, because thou hast humbled her.
15 If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated, and they have born him children, both the beloved and the hated; and if the firstborn son be hers that was hated:

- Deuteronomy 21, KJV

So according to God we can kidnap women in wars, force them to marry us, and if after raping them we don't want them afterall kick em out to go on their merry way. And we can have more than one wife.

Funny, seem to recall ISIS catching a lot of grief for doing what our own Bibles say to do? Musta been the atheists complaining huh?

So, how long has it been since Christians operated by these Old Testament rules?

The Ten Commandments are of the Old Testament...

Still being preached by Christians

When is the last time the US army let it's soldiers kidnap women from enemy nations to keep as wives?
What does the U.S. army have anything to do with this?

Delta posted rules from the Bible stating that soldiers were allowed to take women captive to be forced to be their wives.

That was the rules I was referring to by "there rules".

So, I'm not sure the last time that happened, so I asked him. I'm pretty sure it's been a while.

ISIS is playing that game TODAY.

10 When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the LORD thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive,
11 And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;
12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house; and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails;
13 And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.
14 And it shall be, if thou have no delight in her, then thou shalt let her go whither she will; but thou shalt not sell her at all for money, thou shalt not make merchandise of her, because thou hast humbled her.
15 If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated, and they have born him children, both the beloved and the hated; and if the firstborn son be hers that was hated:

- Deuteronomy 21, KJV

So according to God we can kidnap women in wars, force them to marry us, and if after raping them we don't want them afterall kick em out to go on their merry way. And we can have more than one wife.

Funny, seem to recall ISIS catching a lot of grief for doing what our own Bibles say to do? Musta been the atheists complaining huh?

So, how long has it been since Christians operated by these Old Testament rules?

Or Jews?

Judaism draws a clear distinction between one's obligation to God's laws and man's laws. That we have grown beyond some of what was allowed (not commanded) by God is, I suspect, exactly what God intended.

What was allowed by that Deuteronomy passage was not required of anyone. It allowed for marriage between the captive and the conqueror.
Diversifying the gene pool so to speak.

D4E was just expressing his disdain for God. Nothing new there.
10 When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the LORD thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive,
11 And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;
12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house; and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails;
13 And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.
14 And it shall be, if thou have no delight in her, then thou shalt let her go whither she will; but thou shalt not sell her at all for money, thou shalt not make merchandise of her, because thou hast humbled her.
15 If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated, and they have born him children, both the beloved and the hated; and if the firstborn son be hers that was hated:

- Deuteronomy 21, KJV

So according to God we can kidnap women in wars, force them to marry us, and if after raping them we don't want them afterall kick em out to go on their merry way. And we can have more than one wife.

Funny, seem to recall ISIS catching a lot of grief for doing what our own Bibles say to do? Musta been the atheists complaining huh?

So, how long has it been since Christians operated by these Old Testament rules?

The Ten Commandments are of the Old Testament...

Still being preached by Christians

They are guidelines, given by God. Things we should do but, we are incapable of doing them because even the thought of doing one of them is committing a sin. It shows our need for a Savior. Jesus.
10 When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the LORD thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive,
11 And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;
12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house; and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails;
13 And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.
14 And it shall be, if thou have no delight in her, then thou shalt let her go whither she will; but thou shalt not sell her at all for money, thou shalt not make merchandise of her, because thou hast humbled her.
15 If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated, and they have born him children, both the beloved and the hated; and if the firstborn son be hers that was hated:

- Deuteronomy 21, KJV

So according to God we can kidnap women in wars, force them to marry us, and if after raping them we don't want them afterall kick em out to go on their merry way. And we can have more than one wife.

Funny, seem to recall ISIS catching a lot of grief for doing what our own Bibles say to do? Musta been the atheists complaining huh?

So, how long has it been since Christians operated by these Old Testament rules?

The Ten Commandments are of the Old Testament...

Still being preached by Christians

They are guidelines, given by God. Things we should do but, we are incapable of doing them because even the thought of doing one of them is committing a sin. It shows our need for a Savior. Jesus.
Didn't Jesus already save us and payed for our sins? Did that not work, now he needs to come again?
10 When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the LORD thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive,
11 And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;
12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house; and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails;
13 And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.
14 And it shall be, if thou have no delight in her, then thou shalt let her go whither she will; but thou shalt not sell her at all for money, thou shalt not make merchandise of her, because thou hast humbled her.
15 If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated, and they have born him children, both the beloved and the hated; and if the firstborn son be hers that was hated:

- Deuteronomy 21, KJV

So according to God we can kidnap women in wars, force them to marry us, and if after raping them we don't want them afterall kick em out to go on their merry way. And we can have more than one wife.

Funny, seem to recall ISIS catching a lot of grief for doing what our own Bibles say to do? Musta been the atheists complaining huh?

So, how long has it been since Christians operated by these Old Testament rules?

The Ten Commandments are of the Old Testament...

Still being preached by Christians

They are guidelines, given by God. Things we should do but, we are incapable of doing them because even the thought of doing one of them is committing a sin. It shows our need for a Savior. Jesus.
Didn't Jesus already save us and payed for our sins? Did that not work, now he needs to come again?

Yes indeed!
Trouble there is who now has authority to differentiate between God and Man in the Bible?

I majored in communications, and in those years I discovered something interesting because comments had to be attributed to a source. So whether reading or writing, whenever I came across the words, "According to...." I would replace the name with "Donald Duck." This brought about one of two reactions in my mind: Yeah, sounds like something a duck would say." Or, "Wow, that's an intelligent duck."

While this technique started with newspaper and magazine reading, it carried over to Bible studies. I concluded (as the saying goes) "If it waddles like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it was probably thought up by man..." (Or something to that effect. :smile: )

I also began reading everything about God from the perspective that God is pure love. Anything that was not pure love adds up to man; that which is pure love to God. I often think that if mankind could grasp the pure love of God, this world would then begin to change into a very different place. We don't trust God's love--not enough.

That's a fine proposition, but it fails to take into account all the times in the Bible when God specifically tells His people to start killing the shit out of other folks. It's hard to reconcile a god of love and peace with a god that has so much blood on His hands. If it was just humans misinterpreting God's commands, that would be one thing, but God is explicit in His commands to kill people and break things.

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