The Regressives are going after masculinity bigly


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View

I don't see it that way. My boys and my oldest daughter were in scouts. The Girl Scouts do better down here. Always have . They got to go to this camp down on the water, hike trails, ride bikes, learn to ID critters and plants, learned how to sail a sunfish, and just all that camp stuff. The boys? Wel, they got to watch a vedio on fire making, they were not allowed to do real fire. No pocket knives, no nothing no camp mohawk nothing. BSA has been an ailing organization for ever. The way they went about this whole thing only showcases their incomptance that much more. To me, it is more useful to lament the lack of masculinity in society. Whats going on with the scouts is a symptom of that if anything.
Masculinity only frightens the weak.

Boy Scout membership is slipping because there are now alternatives whose memberships are growing.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View

The shark has been jumped.
They just REFUSE to take these issues head on.

Understandable. It gets tougher when I provide proof.

Issues you make up and then find obscure wackos to support what you've made up in your head?

The BSA is finally allowing girls for one reason...they need money. I'm sorry it came 40 years too late for me, but your idea for why girls want into the BSA is pure, unadulterated bovine feces. Girls want to be Eagle Scouts, period.
They just REFUSE to take these issues head on.

Understandable. It gets tougher when I provide proof.

Issues you make up and then find obscure wackos to support what you've made up in your head?

The BSA is finally allowing girls for one reason...they need money. I'm sorry it came 40 years too late for me, but your idea for why girls want into the BSA is pure, unadulterated bovine feces. Girls want to be Eagle Scouts, period.
There is no equivalent in Girl Scouts?
They just REFUSE to take these issues head on.

Understandable. It gets tougher when I provide proof.

Issues you make up and then find obscure wackos to support what you've made up in your head?

The BSA is finally allowing girls for one reason...they need money. I'm sorry it came 40 years too late for me, but your idea for why girls want into the BSA is pure, unadulterated bovine feces. Girls want to be Eagle Scouts, period.
There is no equivalent in Girl Scouts?

No. The Girl and Boy Scouts are completely different with different goals and programs.
Nothing new, really. The ideology of the left wrong has always been to address issues of inferiority, not by trying to help those who are inferior to improve themselves, but by trying to drag those who are superior down to their level instead.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
This decision will effectively kill the girlscouts as an organization eventually. Rather than changing the organization to meet the needs of the girls they're trying to change the boys to meet the needs of the girls.
It really is sad that we're homodginizing our children and not teaching them individuality.

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