The Question is...


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Why do conservatives feel compelled to go out of their way to defend the white supremacist rally/protest/riot in Virginia??

Conservatives make no such defenses of other such actions by other groups.

Aren't conservatives tacitly acknowledging that they feel some sort of kinship, or sympathy, or something in common with these racists? Why else would they go out of their way to defend them?
Why? It's simple; because the media is calling on them to condemn the racists.

To their credit, a lot of the republicans have. They pretty much had to, given Trump's lack of popularity, but still, they went ahead and put in the effort.

The media has turned Trump's tactic against him. They have him between a rock and a hard place now; either he does not mention the white supremacists and comes off as a bit of a hypocrite at best and a racist sympathizer at worst, or he does what they want and looks weak to his supporters. It took me all of 5 minutes to realize what they were doing. They're smarter than I thought.
Why do conservatives feel compelled to go out of their way to defend the white supremacist rally/protest/riot in Virginia??

Conservatives make no such defenses of other such actions by other groups.

Aren't conservatives tacitly acknowledging that they feel some sort of kinship, or sympathy, or something in common with these racists? Why else would they go out of their way to defend them?
I never thought of myself as racist. But I think I am getting there quite quickly. Why? I guess I am tired of the unbalanceness of it all. Yeah, I know that is not a proper word, but I used it anyway.

BLM is black supremacy. They invade, invoke, harass, burn, loot, instigate, etc etc etc but if anyone states the obvious, they are deemed racist. Maybe..just maybe, "honky" is fed up with the double standards?
At least he takes time to respond to events such as today in Virginia to learn FACTS before speaking. Unlike Obama's stupid "that could have been my son" when the thug got his thieving ass shot.
Why do conservatives feel compelled to go out of their way to defend the white supremacist rally/protest/riot in Virginia??

Conservatives make no such defenses of other such actions by other groups.

Aren't conservatives tacitly acknowledging that they feel some sort of kinship, or sympathy, or something in common with these racists? Why else would they go out of their way to defend them?
I never thought of myself as racist. But I think I am getting there quite quickly. Why? I guess I am tired of the unbalanceness of it all. Yeah, I know that is not a proper word, but I used it anyway.

BLM is black supremacy. They invade, invoke, harass, burn, loot, instigate, etc etc etc but if anyone states the obvious, they are deemed racist. Maybe..just maybe, "honky" is fed up with the double standards?

BLM isn't about black supremacy. It's an incoherent mess of a movement that's led by narcissistic malcontents, moronic idealists, and anarchists.
Why do conservatives feel compelled to go out of their way to defend the white supremacist rally/protest/riot in Virginia??

Conservatives make no such defenses of other such actions by other groups.

Aren't conservatives tacitly acknowledging that they feel some sort of kinship, or sympathy, or something in common with these racists? Why else would they go out of their way to defend them?
I never thought of myself as racist. But I think I am getting there quite quickly. Why? I guess I am tired of the unbalanceness of it all. Yeah, I know that is not a proper word, but I used it anyway.

BLM is black supremacy. They invade, invoke, harass, burn, loot, instigate, etc etc etc but if anyone states the obvious, they are deemed racist. Maybe..just maybe, "honky" is fed up with the double standards?

I believe that lawbreakers should be held to account in these type events, no matter what their cause.
Why do conservatives feel compelled to go out of their way to defend the white supremacist rally/protest/riot in Virginia??

Conservatives make no such defenses of other such actions by other groups.

Aren't conservatives tacitly acknowledging that they feel some sort of kinship, or sympathy, or something in common with these racists? Why else would they go out of their way to defend them?
I never thought of myself as racist. But I think I am getting there quite quickly. Why? I guess I am tired of the unbalanceness of it all. Yeah, I know that is not a proper word, but I used it anyway.

BLM is black supremacy. They invade, invoke, harass, burn, loot, instigate, etc etc etc but if anyone states the obvious, they are deemed racist. Maybe..just maybe, "honky" is fed up with the double standards?

BLM isn't about black supremacy. It's an incoherent mess of a movement that's led by narcissistic malcontents, moronic idealists, and anarchists.
Ok. That sounds better than my attempt to make sense of something I still can't make sense of.
Why do conservatives feel compelled to go out of their way to defend the white supremacist rally/protest/riot in Virginia??

Conservatives make no such defenses of other such actions by other groups.

Aren't conservatives tacitly acknowledging that they feel some sort of kinship, or sympathy, or something in common with these racists? Why else would they go out of their way to defend them?
I never thought of myself as racist. But I think I am getting there quite quickly. Why? I guess I am tired of the unbalanceness of it all. Yeah, I know that is not a proper word, but I used it anyway.

BLM is black supremacy. They invade, invoke, harass, burn, loot, instigate, etc etc etc but if anyone states the obvious, they are deemed racist. Maybe..just maybe, "honky" is fed up with the double standards?

I believe that lawbreakers should be held to account in these type events, no matter what their cause.
They were having a "rally" or whatever you want to call it. They were not invading restaurants and inserting themselves in peoples faces while they tried to have lunch with someone screaming about BLM. And did Brown's dad ever get sent to jail for screaming BURN IT DOWN during the riots? Nope. Why not? Cuz he's black. There are many lawbreakers. But if you are white...shit hits the fan and you are a racist. "White" rallys are a no no I guess.
It was a rally to support a WEST POINT GRADUATE and brilliant American military leader and White civil rights. Why do anti-White folks consider that "supremacy?" Unless White people make Non-Whites feel inferior because they are not White?
Y'all KNOW that the protesters were hired thugs, don't ya? Probably from the same list of hirelings for the riots done in every state just to make noise and cause a ruckus.
It was a rally to support a WEST POINT GRADUATE and brilliant American military leader and White civil rights. Why do anti-White folks consider that "supremacy?" Unless White people make Non-Whites feel inferior because they are not White?

Lol. C'mon dude. The protest was about far more than a statue. They were in combat gear, wearing Nazi symbolism. They were clearly there for trouble. And of course, they found it.

The lengths you guys will go to defend racists, I swear ...
The left is mad because it was a bunch of white people. Don't be ashamed. It was because you don't want white people to be able to assemble.
Why do conservatives feel compelled to go out of their way to defend the white supremacist rally/protest/riot in Virginia??

Conservatives make no such defenses of other such actions by other groups.

Aren't conservatives tacitly acknowledging that they feel some sort of kinship, or sympathy, or something in common with these racists? Why else would they go out of their way to defend them?
All conservatives? Really Tank? Oh wait, what was your name again?
They were ... wearing Nazi symbolism.

I only saw a few vids but did not notice any, not that it matters since Jimmy Page and other great musicians wore a German hat back in the day. The "zionist" superstition about Germany is totally gay. But no biggie, they managed to destroy Germany by invading it with 3rd world scum. So Germany is genocided forever. Feel better now?

It was a rally to support a WEST POINT GRADUATE and brilliant American military leader and White civil rights. Why do anti-White folks consider that "supremacy?" Unless White people make Non-Whites feel inferior because they are not White?

Lol. C'mon dude. The protest was about far more than a statue. They were in combat gear, wearing Nazi symbolism. They were clearly there for trouble. And of course, they found it.

The lengths you guys will go to defend racists, I swear ...
Its defending the right to free speech even though most of what skinheads speak is disgusting. However, quid pro quo. Whities turn since blacks seem to get away with it.
Again, the scales are unbalanced. Eventually the whole shebang will tip over and then shit will really hit the fan.

Trump can still salvage this with a net gain, I think. All he has to do is call out the white nationalists AND call out the media for trying so relentlessly to shame him for his rather clumsy response earlier, that it should be OBVIOUS to all Americans that he is not a supporter of white nationalists, and certainly not terrorists. That the media is sick for trying to play on the tragedy for $$ and using it as a bludgeon to attack him with.

But I don't think Trump is smart enough to do it. I think he'll just try and keep quiet now, trying to cut his losses.
Why do conservatives feel compelled to go out of their way to defend the white supremacist rally/protest/riot in Virginia??

Conservatives make no such defenses of other such actions by other groups.

Aren't conservatives tacitly acknowledging that they feel some sort of kinship, or sympathy, or something in common with these racists? Why else would they go out of their way to defend them?
Because conservatives know that these rightwing bigots and racists make up a significant percentage of their loyal, reliable voting base.

Conservatives are afraid that to be critical of these rightwing bigots and racists runs the risk of alienating them where they lose the voting support of the hateful right, and Republicans start losing elections.

This is the long-lasting consequence of the Southern Strategy, where Republicans gave refuge to bigots and racists fleeing the Democratic Party as Democrats embraced civil rights and defended individual liberty.

That conservatives are loath to condemn rightwing bigotry, racism, and hate is yet another manifestation of the reprehensible right.
Trump can still salvage this with a net gain, I think. All he has to do is call out the white nationalists AND call out the media for trying so relentlessly to shame him for his rather clumsy response earlier, that it should be OBVIOUS to all Americans that he is not a supporter of white nationalists, and certainly not terrorists. That the media is sick for trying to play on the tragedy for $$ and using it as a bludgeon to attack him with.

But I don't think Trump is smart enough to do it. I think he'll just try and keep quiet now, trying to cut his losses.
Trump doesn't lay low. I hope he continues to snort in disgust and walk away from stupid questions.

The media sucks. But they sure have a lot of lemmings following them around.

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