The queers agenda

So now I have to put up with the faggot agenda on The Walking Dead.
They comprise a TINY percentage of the population yet they push their garbage into every show on tv.
I think I know, personally, one faggot IRL.
I know two. But that is irrelevant.

It's supposedly the apocalypse which is where procreation should only be second to syrvival. Yet we get fags
I don't watch shit like TWD.
My wife did when she lived here, I've seen the first season, but it's like, you already know they story line of every show...
My wife did when she lived here, I've seen the first season, but it's like, you already know they story line of every show...

Nuhn unh, it's a completely unique story line - they are about to go to Woodbury, er I mean Terminus, um or the Hospital - all completely unique...... ;)
At least Homer went to the Twinkies warehouse when it happened to the Simpson's...
why do people talk about homosexual men and women and sex and hot ...nowadays so much?

I thank God I grew up in a different time and place...

there were people like that around for sure...


they knew their place

they didnt have to advertise their inclinations....or sexual things????

why is different now? :( why...I do not like it this stupidity one bit
The moral fiber of America has been ripped apart by liberal ideology as they have attacked and vilified Christianity and traditional family values.
We are better because gays are free and people are leaving christianity in droves.

You may see a correlation between young poor criminals and atheism but that's a false connection. Give them 2 good atheist parents that care a good education and job that kid will be just fine.

Its the greedy ignorant and hypocritical christians that are bringing us down. Them and their Jewish and Muslim pals.
Nuhn unh, it's a completely unique story line - they are about to go to Woodbury, er I mean Terminus, um or the Hospital - all completely unique...... ;)

Now that Rick and the samurai babe are the constables, they'll take over Alexandria and turn it into what the prison might have been. :cool-45:
When exactly was the last time you were forced to attend a gay parade?


Just forced to look at those sorry SoBs on TV newscast. In front of my grandchildren. Never attended one in person for obvious reasons.

Oh- your grandchildren haven't taught you how to use the remote control yet? Or the on and off switch?

I live in San Francisco and I haven't seen a pride parade in years- used to go to them because they are fun- and so is the Carnivale parade.

But no one is forcing me to watch them.

Get those grandkids to teach you how to use the remote-problem solved.
They haven't won acceptance yet dummy.

Shoving it down everyone's throat ain't the way to win hearts and minds, assclown.

I always supported gay rights - now I fucking hate them. Equal rights are good - placing themselves above all others - not good.

Those gays- getting so uppity......they used to know their they think they are better than the rest of us......

Hey, Mr. Gay Expert, are you going to answer my question or should I ask someone else? :D
Why do some gay men act more feminine? I don't know why do some straight men wear skinny jeans and eyeliner?

The question is, if gay men are attracted to other MEN, why do a lot of the men act like women? It's an honest question, and I expect an honest answer.
Those gays- getting so uppity......they used to know their they think they are better than the rest of us......

Cum drunk queers are doing all the atheist crap around our public venues. No secret why they're atheists....they want to deny what's waiting for them on the other side of the River.

Hey, Mr. Gay Expert, are you going to answer my question or should I ask someone else? :D
Why do some gay men act more feminine? I don't know why do some straight men wear skinny jeans and eyeliner?

The question is, if gay men are attracted to other MEN, why do a lot of the men act like women? It's an honest question, and I expect an honest answer.
An honest question maybe. But so was mine. If women are attracted to men, why do some men downplay their masculinity to attract women? Why do some men flaunt their masculinity to attract women?

It's a matter of preference. Lots of gay men are not into the things that straight men like. For example, WOMEN. So it shouldn't be surprising to you that they pick a tight pink shirt over some lumberjack flannel.
So now I have to put up with the faggot agenda on The Walking Dead.
They comprise a TINY percentage of the population yet they push their garbage into every show on tv.
Even the guy on the big bang theory is gay. Queen latifa and Ellen have talk shows. Rosie O'Donnell just left the view. The one girl on the talk who was on Rosanne is gay and having a baby. Doogie howser and Sam smith. There here their queer get use to it. They are great neighbors once you get past what they're doing in their bedrooms.

What kinky are you into? We want to know what you're doing you dirty old man.
You just lost your last ounce of credibility.
What did I say? I do wish gay women were hotter. And I like my gay men I dont want to find out after 6 months of me making gay jokes. There is that manly enough for you?
You said [sic] There (when they're was appropriate) here [sic] their (they're appropriate again) queer. Then you omitted a period and didn't capitalize the "G" in Get and omitted the "D" in used to it.
That was just two sentences. 5 errors in 8 words
Do you even want to be taken seriously?
I'm on a smart phone fuck you.

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