The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2 (3 Mil yrs ago)

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
For some historical perspective on our now 420 PPM CO2 level.
I don't think we have to go much or even any higher to reach the same Sea Level...
And we are and will exceed the current CO2 level easily at the rate we're going as atmospheric CO2 is Cumulative and lasts from 5-200 years. I think 500 PPM is in the cards by 2050 or before.

The USA is doing a great job lowering emissions in the last decade, almost the 'GND' of AOC due to the fact Renewables have become 80-90% cheaper/more efficient in that short time period. But we still contribute though not nearly as much as 'Chindia' and the 'developing world.

Alas, we got to 400+ so fast (100-200x natural speed) we probably just have to wait for the snowballing Melt (+free and generated Methane) to catch up.

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2

Royal Meteorological Society

The last time carbon dioxide was so plentiful in our planet's atmosphere was in the Pliocene era, around 3 million years ago. Life on Earth was dominated by giant mammals; humans and chimps had shared their last common ancestor. Although the sun's force was about the same, the sea levels were 15 metres (50') higher and Arctic summer temperatures were 14 degrees higher than the present day.".."



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For some historical perspective on our now 420 PPM CO2 level.
I don't think we have to go much or even any higher to reach the same Sea Level...
Though we are will exceed the past CO2 level easily at the rate we're going as atmospheric CO2 is Cumulative and lasts from 5-200 years. I think 500 PPM is in hee cards by 2025.

The USA is doing a great job lowering emissions in the last decade, almost the Wet Dream of AOC due to the fact Renewables have become 80-90% cheaper/more efficient in that short time period.

Alas at 400+ PPM we probably just wait as our slow melt gets faster. We got to 400+ so fast (100-200x natural speed) we just have to wait for the snowballing Melt. (CH4 etc) to catch up.

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2

Royal Meteorolgical Society

The last time carbon dioxide was so plentiful in our planet's atmosphere was in the Pliocene era, around 3 million years ago. Life on Earth was dominated by giant mammals; humans and chimps had shared their last common ancestor. Although the sun's force was about the same, the sea levels were 15 metres (50') higher and Arctic summer temperatures were 14 degrees higher than the present day.

[Come to this meeting to hear about the climatic conditions in the Pliocene, how we know this, and what it tells us about our modern climate. If the effects of human-induced climate change are slow to act, or a tipping point is yet to be reached, what does the science tell us to expect?""

when the new ice age comes as we were told in the 70's, i'll start worrying about heat then
For some historical perspective on our now 420 PPM CO2 level.

All that means is that for every 2,500 molecules of air, ONE of them is CO2. I'm not seeing the problem. 3 million years ago was around the time Paranthropus appeared and the beginning of the development of stone tools. Good times. Maybe it wouldn't have happened without CO2?

No reason to think that just because things were a certain way then that the same things will happen now, but it also suggests these are natural and regular occurrences which do no harm to the planet.

But if the sea levels were 50 feet higher then, I gotta laugh.

NYC is only 33 feet above sea level.

...But if the sea levels were 50 feet higher then, I gotta laugh.

NYC is only 33 feet above sea level.

View attachment 790299
You seem obsessed with NYC. (and probably Liberals and Jews)
London is at 36'.
Shanghai is at 13' and has more than 3x the NYC population @ 26 Million.
Savannah is at 20'.
The Southern Half of Florida probably/easily swamped too. (Miami, Tampa, etc)
Even 10' would pretty much end Florida South of Orlando.
Really the whole East, Gulf, and international Coasts would be devastated while you obsess/cheer about NYC.

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You seem obsessed with NYC. (and probably Liberals and Jews)
London is at 36'.
Shanghai is at 13' and has more than 3x the NYC population @ 26 Million.
Savannah is at 20'.
The Southern Half of Florida probably/easily swamped too. (Miami, Tampa, etc)
Really the whole East and Gulf Coasts would be devastated while you obsess/cheer about NYC.
I find it funny that people believe that it's humans that are making the CO2 rise and not mother nature. I think we should work on pollution more and not worry about CO2, something plants need so they make oxygen for humans and other animals to breathe.
You seem obsessed with NYC.
Not really, it would just be funny seeing all of these cockeyed leftists swimming for their lives.

Really the whole East and Gulf Coasts would be devastated

Guess I'm just smart enough not to buy land near the ocean. Nice place to visit once in a while though, but no matter what the sea height, there will always be beaches and oceanfront property.
Not really, it would just be funny seeing all of these cockeyed leftists swimming for their lives.

Guess I'm just smart enough not to buy land near the ocean. Nice place to visit once in a while though, but no matter what the sea height, there will always be beaches and oceanfront property.
Miami and other coastal cities (Like the city of Norfolk and it's huge Naval Base) already flood regularly at King Tides. No storm needed.

Just don't be writing any 30 year mortgages on coastal property. (tho they still are).

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For some historical perspective on our now 420 PPM CO2 level.
I don't think we have to go much or even any higher to reach the same Sea Level...
And we are and will exceed the current CO2 level easily at the rate we're going as atmospheric CO2 is Cumulative and lasts from 5-200 years. I think 500 PPM is in the cards by 2050 or before.

The USA is doing a great job lowering emissions in the last decade, almost the 'GND' of AOC due to the fact Renewables have become 80-90% cheaper/more efficient in that short time period. But we still contribute though not nearly as much as 'Chindia' and the 'developing world.

Alas, we got to 400+ so fast (100-200x natural speed) we probably just have to wait for the snowballing Melt (+free and generated Methane) to catch up.

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2

Royal Meteorological Society

The last time carbon dioxide was so plentiful in our planet's atmosphere was in the Pliocene era, around 3 million years ago. Life on Earth was dominated by giant mammals; humans and chimps had shared their last common ancestor. Although the sun's force was about the same, the sea levels were 15 metres (50') higher and Arctic summer temperatures were 14 degrees higher than the present day.".."



Do you think allowing millions of diseased illegal aliens into this country is lowering our CO2 or raising our CO2 levels? When you realize this, maybe you can go bomb the White House with Molotov Cocktails that your side always uses when they dont get their way.
All that means is that for every 2,500 molecules of air, ONE of them is CO2. I'm not seeing the problem. 3 million years ago was around the time Paranthropus appeared and the beginning of the development of stone tools. Good times. Maybe it wouldn't have happened without CO2?

No reason to think that just because things were a certain way then that the same things will happen now, but it also suggests these are natural and regular occurrences which do no harm to the planet.

But if the sea levels were 50 feet higher then, I gotta laugh.

NYC is only 33 feet above sea level.

View attachment 790299
And it isnt sea levels that are rising that is making NYC go under water, it is all the steel and concrete that is weighing it down.
Miami and other coastal cities (Like the city of Norfolk and it's huge Naval Base) already flood regularly at King Tides. No storm needed.

Just don't be writing any 30 year mortgages on coastal property. (tho they still are).
Idiots like you need to realize this....

Because Miami-Dade County is located in a unique geographical area, it is particularly susceptible to flooding from major rain events and storm surge. The County is surrounded by major water bodies, the Atlantic Ocean, Biscayne Bay, and many rivers, lakes and canals.

Miami-Dade County

Flood Zone Maps - Miami-Dade County

Not really, it would just be funny seeing all of these cockeyed leftists swimming for their lives.

View attachment 790308

Guess I'm just smart enough not to buy land near the ocean. Nice place to visit once in a while though, but no matter what the sea height, there will always be beaches and oceanfront property.

homO and Big Mike did on Martha's Vineyard, showing how scared of ocean rise and cane increases they really are = NOT AT ALL
Miami and other coastal cities (Like the city of Norfolk and it's huge Naval Base) already flood regularly at King Tides. No storm needed.

Just don't be writing any 30 year mortgages on coastal property. (tho they still are).

You were JUST BUSTED about Norfolk, liar.

Here are the photos on Google of the past year of "sinking" Norfolk Naval Base = notice it is NOT SINKING

WE have asked the WARMERS here over and over to post a photo of one single landmark that is "sinking"

and we are still waiting...

because there are NONE because there is NO OCEAN RISE.
Actually.. a few corrections.
Both NYC and Miami have issues because of BOTH rising Sea Level AND natural subsidence.
Both also have issues due to the weight of their cities. NYC on Bedrock, Miami on Porous Limestone.
From app Norfolk down and around to the Gulf, most places have natural subsidence as well as sea level rise.
I live 5 miles from the beach, and guess what? The beach is still there, but you want to know something else? Gasoline prices are still fucking high, food prices are high, and the Marxists elites have gotten real rich.

Do you know that Melissa Heinz Kerry,(whose husband won 3 purple hearts) puts out over 1 million parts of CO2 every day making her ketchup and mustard? Want to do something about it, go bomb that plant and save the world.

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