The 'Obamacare' 'Shell Game'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Ninety-seven percent of Obamacare’s “newly insured” are from Medicaid expansion

"The Obama administration has been bragging that nine million more Americans now have health insurance, thanks to Obamacare. But just like with most numbers cited to support the government takeover of health care in America, that “9 million” figure is deceptive.

We were told that 48 million Americans lacked affordable health insurance and something had to be done, but even five years after the passage of Obamacare, 33 million Americans are still uninsured.

The number of Americans with health insurance increased by 9.25 million in 2014, the first year that two key provisions of Obamacare took place: out of that 9.25 million, “the vast majority of the increase was the result of 8.99 million individuals being added to the Medicaid rolls.”

In other words, over 97 percent of last year’s newly insured Americans were from Medicaid expansion."

LINK: Ninety-seven percent of Obamacare’s “newly insured” are from Medicaid expansion

...and the LIES over Obama care just KEEP ON COMING!
21 Million Were Supposed to Be Enrolled in Obamacare in 2016.

What the Actual Number Is Likely to Be.

And it sure won't be 21 million! Surprised? Of course not. Coops closing. People simply opting out as they realize what a farce it is.

Last week, the Department of Health and Human Services announced that it expects roughly 10.4 million Americans to have health insurance coverage in 2016 through Obamacare. The estimate is a modest increase from the 9.1 million the Department of Health and Human Services projects will have signed up during this year’s open enrollment period.

And those who refuse to sign up are going to have – gasp! Watch this – the IRS coming after them to levy fines.

Read more @ 21 Million Were Supposed to Be Enrolled in Obamacare
The only honest thing about that primitive little chart at the link in the OP? "Authors' calculations based on data from Mark Farrah Associates."

Now, if you perform your due diligence (which most of the "Believers" won't), you'll check the references following the article and find this:
[1] Unless otherwise noted in the appendix, figures for private coverage in this report are derived from data compiled by Mark Farrah Associates, which is available by subscription (Mark Farrah Associates).

So you have to pay Mark Farrah Associates for the privilege of accessing their website.

None of you will do that. You've got the "truth" that fits your confirmation bias, so you'll never question it. Your "truth" is a tertiary source based on a secondary source you can't even click on without ponying up a fee.

So now I'm going to scare you with a primary source (which you'll dismiss as "a lie"). Ready? Close your eyes, now. We wouldn't want to overtax your poor little brains:

Yes, it's a BIG article, with LOTS OF BIG SCARY WORDS. But you don't have to read all or even part of it (though you can if you want to). All you need to do is look at the table on page 6.

Are you brave enough? Probably not.
Ninety-seven percent of Obamacare’s “newly insured” are from Medicaid expansion

"The Obama administration has been bragging that nine million more Americans now have health insurance, thanks to Obamacare. But just like with most numbers cited to support the government takeover of health care in America, that “9 million” figure is deceptive.

We were told that 48 million Americans lacked affordable health insurance and something had to be done, but even five years after the passage of Obamacare, 33 million Americans are still uninsured.

The number of Americans with health insurance increased by 9.25 million in 2014, the first year that two key provisions of Obamacare took place: out of that 9.25 million, “the vast majority of the increase was the result of 8.99 million individuals being added to the Medicaid rolls.”

In other words, over 97 percent of last year’s newly insured Americans were from Medicaid expansion."

LINK: Ninety-seven percent of Obamacare’s “newly insured” are from Medicaid expansion

...and the LIES over Obama care just KEEP ON COMING!

that's because most people in this country are insured by their employers.

thanks for playing yet again.

that's because most people in this country are insured by their employers.

thanks for playing yet again.


That USED to be the case, but NOT ANY MORE!

The INK from his signature on the ACA was not even DRY yet when Obama started signing THOUSANDS of waivers mandating businesses provide ACA insurance for their employees. McDonalds led the stampede, telling Obama that if they were subject to the ACA mandates they would lay off thousands of workers. Seeing how one of Obama's many LIES about the ACA was that no one would lose their jobs / insurance Obama had to move quickly to ensure at least a perception this would still be the case.

The truth is thousands of companies received waivers and did not offer their employees insurance. One way to get around the mandates without waivers was to reduce the 'full time job' status workers had / needed to make a living to 'Part Time' employees. So workers lost their insurance and / or their 'Full Time Job' status, suddenly making less that they were / needed to support their families.

"The 5 million-plus Americans who’ve seen their health plans canceled thanks to ObamaCare will be joined by millions more this year — because the Affordable Care Act makes their employer-provided policies illegal, as well."

The latest CBO report is supposed to be a big win for the Obama administration because the projected costs are 20% below what the CBO first projected in 2010.

But the CBO report also shows that ObamaCare will be far more disruptive to the employer-based insurance market, while being far less effective at cutting the ranks of the uninsured, than promised.

Thanks to ObamaCare, the CBO now expects that 10 million workers will lose their employer-based coverage by 2021.

LINK: CBO Now Says 10 Mil Will Lose Employer Health Plans Under ObamaCare
"If you like you plan..." -- World Biggest Liar

Ooo, ooo, play the video again! You guys love that video - there must be at least a dozen posts in this forum that are nothing but that video!
Ninety-seven percent of Obamacare’s “newly insured” are from Medicaid expansion

"The Obama administration has been bragging that nine million more Americans now have health insurance, thanks to Obamacare. But just like with most numbers cited to support the government takeover of health care in America, that “9 million” figure is deceptive.

We were told that 48 million Americans lacked affordable health insurance and something had to be done, but even five years after the passage of Obamacare, 33 million Americans are still uninsured.

The number of Americans with health insurance increased by 9.25 million in 2014, the first year that two key provisions of Obamacare took place: out of that 9.25 million, “the vast majority of the increase was the result of 8.99 million individuals being added to the Medicaid rolls.”

In other words, over 97 percent of last year’s newly insured Americans were from Medicaid expansion."

LINK: Ninety-seven percent of Obamacare’s “newly insured” are from Medicaid expansion

...and the LIES over Obama care just KEEP ON COMING!

that's because most people in this country are insured by their employers.

thanks for playing yet again.


So what was the purpose of ObamaCare?
that's because most people in this country are insured by their employers.

thanks for playing yet again.


That USED to be the case, but NOT ANY MORE!

The INK from his signature on the ACA was not even DRY yet when Obama started signing THOUSANDS of waivers mandating businesses provide ACA insurance for their employees. McDonalds led the stampede, telling Obama that if they were subject to the ACA mandates they would lay off thousands of workers. Seeing how one of Obama's many LIES about the ACA was that no one would lose their jobs / insurance Obama had to move quickly to ensure at least a perception this would still be the case.

The truth is thousands of companies received waivers and did not offer their employees insurance. One way to get around the mandates without waivers was to reduce the 'full time job' status workers had / needed to make a living to 'Part Time' employees. So workers lost their insurance and / or their 'Full Time Job' status, suddenly making less that they were / needed to support their families.

"The 5 million-plus Americans who’ve seen their health plans canceled thanks to ObamaCare will be joined by millions more this year — because the Affordable Care Act makes their employer-provided policies illegal, as well."

The latest CBO report is supposed to be a big win for the Obama administration because the projected costs are 20% below what the CBO first projected in 2010.

But the CBO report also shows that ObamaCare will be far more disruptive to the employer-based insurance market, while being far less effective at cutting the ranks of the uninsured, than promised.

Thanks to ObamaCare, the CBO now expects that 10 million workers will lose their employer-based coverage by 2021.

LINK: CBO Now Says 10 Mil Will Lose Employer Health Plans Under ObamaCare

Projections. For a possible future scenario. Hasn't happened yet, might not ever.

Workers ‘Losing’ Employer Plans?

And I'm sure you believe that no employer ever cut off the "free stuff" of group insurance plans for its employees until January 2014, right?
Ninety-seven percent of Obamacare’s “newly insured” are from Medicaid expansion

"The Obama administration has been bragging that nine million more Americans now have health insurance, thanks to Obamacare. But just like with most numbers cited to support the government takeover of health care in America, that “9 million” figure is deceptive.

We were told that 48 million Americans lacked affordable health insurance and something had to be done, but even five years after the passage of Obamacare, 33 million Americans are still uninsured.

The number of Americans with health insurance increased by 9.25 million in 2014, the first year that two key provisions of Obamacare took place: out of that 9.25 million, “the vast majority of the increase was the result of 8.99 million individuals being added to the Medicaid rolls.”

In other words, over 97 percent of last year’s newly insured Americans were from Medicaid expansion."

LINK: Ninety-seven percent of Obamacare’s “newly insured” are from Medicaid expansion

...and the LIES over Obama care just KEEP ON COMING!

that's because most people in this country are insured by their employers.

thanks for playing yet again.


So what was the purpose of ObamaCare?

to get reduced-cost coverage for people who DON'T have insurance through their jobs...

to make sure that people can't get dumped from their insurance when they lose their jobs

to make sure that insurance companies can't toss you when you get sick and need coverage...

to make certain that every policy covers a minimal amount of things....

that's because most people in this country are insured by their employers.

thanks for playing yet again.


That USED to be the case, but NOT ANY MORE!

The INK from his signature on the ACA was not even DRY yet when Obama started signing THOUSANDS of waivers mandating businesses provide ACA insurance for their employees. McDonalds led the stampede, telling Obama that if they were subject to the ACA mandates they would lay off thousands of workers. Seeing how one of Obama's many LIES about the ACA was that no one would lose their jobs / insurance Obama had to move quickly to ensure at least a perception this would still be the case.

The truth is thousands of companies received waivers and did not offer their employees insurance. One way to get around the mandates without waivers was to reduce the 'full time job' status workers had / needed to make a living to 'Part Time' employees. So workers lost their insurance and / or their 'Full Time Job' status, suddenly making less that they were / needed to support their families.

"The 5 million-plus Americans who’ve seen their health plans canceled thanks to ObamaCare will be joined by millions more this year — because the Affordable Care Act makes their employer-provided policies illegal, as well."

The latest CBO report is supposed to be a big win for the Obama administration because the projected costs are 20% below what the CBO first projected in 2010.

But the CBO report also shows that ObamaCare will be far more disruptive to the employer-based insurance market, while being far less effective at cutting the ranks of the uninsured, than promised.

Thanks to ObamaCare, the CBO now expects that 10 million workers will lose their employer-based coverage by 2021.

LINK: CBO Now Says 10 Mil Will Lose Employer Health Plans Under ObamaCare

Projections. For a possible future scenario. Hasn't happened yet, might not ever.

Workers ‘Losing’ Employer Plans?

And I'm sure you believe that no employer ever cut off the "free stuff" of group insurance plans for its employees until January 2014, right?

insurance provided by employers is not "free stuff". it is part of a reumeration package negotiated between the employer and employee... .it is provided in that way because that is, stupidly, the basis for insurance coverage in our society.

you never had a job, have you?
to make certain that every policy covers a minimal amount of things....

The vast majority of people who HAD medical insurance had the exact coverage they wanted / needed. If they had wanted coverage that the ACA mandates they would have gotten it.

Who the F* does Obama think he is, thinking HE knows better about what coverage people need? Obama effectively made 'NULL AND VOID' EVERY Insurance Policy in existence when HE made the decision for all of us what our insurance policies MUST include. Much of it was crap no one wanted / needed. A 25yo male really doesn't need a 'Contraceptive' / 'Abortion' Rider....
insurance provided by employers is not "free stuff". it is part of a reumeration package negotiated between the employer and employee... .it is provided in that way because that is, stupidly, the basis for insurance coverage in our society.

Oh, I sure as hail isn't 'free' ,as it is an added expense to the business owner...which is why so many jobs were reduced to part-time jobs so they could avoid having to offer owner-paid health care. In cases like McDonalds, there is no negotiated employer-employee salary: 'The job pays THIS....want it or not?!'

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