The Number of Mixed-Race Americans is Rapidly Rising. Will it Make a Difference?

Oh ya, well, the Retard Investigation will Force Facebook Attendance you hated verbally doing three times, and when you CRAP on it in Every way possible, I mean what was Any line in Any direction that anyone needed since September 2010? Then degrading their purposeful inquisition courtroom full 180 degree canned again since 2012, no don't let any racial junk infect America and waste Decades for other people too. Decades of 100% horrible living daily for decades, without personal causes.

No one's going to hear some Scam. People who said they weren't using facebook and were telling me not to talk to anyone c an't end up Claiming facebook usage. That's a scam. It will be a scam to say anyone knows or ever heard any plots by me besides passive cooperation. Besides I was there one on one and every day and twice a week for 2 years as if People have a right To Ask! Hardly! People don't have a right to Question out of me that my predictable behavior didn't deem investigations! There will be nocredit regarding confrontations, stand offs, big personalities, nor any B$*&@$s that hunted me like prey, chased me across parking lots, attacked me, and accused laws on me ,that's only 100% imposition, It wont make for social contexts. You know, to have language interpretation that can go back on course, is going to be ignored next to the First person ever putting force behind Stupidity, we will sue every English speaker around, that's Their fault, those are actions which are their fault. Especially police.
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The idea that skin color can fix something is sort of the same kind of thinking that has always been part of the problem.

The idea that skin color determines how you treat another person is the problem.
And yet liberals tell us there are special rules for various skin colors. Can't deport brown people who trespass into this country. Can't punish black people who break the law, and white people are always evil and must be punished

Mutts are almost always smarter and healthier than pure breeds.

That being said, I say “mix it up people!”
Wrong. They ALWAYS dumber than the white parent and smarter than the nonwhite parent.
What's most damaging to American society is the idea that more brown people will somehow "fix" it.
It’s not more brown people, it’s fewer racists. Because racists are always the most ignorant and uneducated people in the country. Always.
Nothing good comes from racists. All they know is damage.

Sadly, most of them belong to the Republican Party. Not that Democrats would want them. We don’t . Republicans are stuck with them.
Lol....David Duke is college educated,Jared Taylor is college educated,Virginia Abernathy is college educated I mean I can go on and on if you want just showing as usual you are full of shit.
When I was a grade school kid in the 60's watching racial mayhem on my family's first B&W TV with rabbit ears, I use to think about creating a law stating black and white citizens should make babies together until our entire population turns various shades of brown and gray.

Apparently the laws of LOVE are very slowly making my dream come true.

Typical leftist totalitarian.

We disowned the race mixing slut in our family with her 2 mutt kids. She isn't welcome at family functions,my children do not call her Aunt etc etc. My kids are raised in a VAST majority white county and all our neighbors are white and they have white friends and because we don't push the anti white,white guilt bullshit on them they LOVE their heritage,history and culture and appreciate the history of our ancestors. They understand the anti white agenda of the media and politicians and see it every day in the real world,just like we ALL notice the rare white whores we see with half niglet babies walking around in a store there is NEVER a father around,either dead or in prison no doubt. 5 white kids I will have soon and I guarantee each and every one will marry white and produce more white babies. The thought of that pissing off the anti white elitist masters really warms my heart. They all know the consequences not just from me and their mother for race mixing but for the future of our blood line.

Some of your kids will grow up and know you're a world-class Ahole.

You can tell them exactly what to think when they're young. When they get older, you can't--and I can tell you, can you "guarantee" nothing.
Accepting ugly truths as your fundamental truth makes for an ugly soul.

Ugly souls do ugly things. Always.

I wouldn't care about the overall well-being of society today nor would I worry about it's future after I am dead if I had an ugly soul.

You do care about the overall well-being of society, if we're talking about white society. Right?

I care more about white people than I do others but I also want to see Asians and Africans maintain their unique cultures and not be erased and blended together into a conformist mush.

Well much of the world seems to disagree with you, for all kinds of different reasons. Last I checked you're not King of the World, so your opinion remains your opinion.

The issue was not his ability to control the world, but your judgement on him being an ugly soul for accepting an ugly truth.

Do you still believe that, and if so why?

Didn't say that, not about him, but I absolutely do mean it regarding what you DO with ugly truths. Look at this thread for example. Odium who won't let his kids call a family member "aunt" and has disowned two children because they're not the right color.

Ugly to the core, a damaged soul. You bet it is. No stupid "IQ statistics" are worth that, even if they're written in Scripture. Which, let me remind you, they are not.

The rest of you are up and down that same track. You are judging the worth of humans TO LIVE AMONG YOU--and just generally the worth of humans. In my view that is expressly not your job. Especially not if you are Christians. But whatever, go your way.
Well much of the world seems to disagree with you, for all kinds of different reasons. Last I checked you're not King of the World, so your opinion remains your opinion.

Uh sorry sweetie but only the white western world is afflicted with racial self loathing.

Leftists are for sure. I don't hate myself or any white people. None of the Christian white people hate themselves, our society, or think any of that "white privilege" stuff is fair. We don't see groups of "breeds", as I keep telling you.

Seems to me you're in hard core denial about biological realities. You're indoctrinated and your superstitious ideology about race is inviting destruction on the western world.

Do you also feel the same about gender identity politics?

I'm not indoctrinated at all. Maybe you've noticed I'm actually very thoughtful about my ideology. I reject your comparison of gender identity politics with race for this reason: you are asking me to believe that "Africans have low IQs" and so should be segregated. You make no allowances for the extremely bright exceptions--and there are.

There are NO exceptions in gender, except for birth defects. A man is a man and a woman is a woman.

Unfortunately, we're stuck with Africans.

It would be unfeasible and cruel to send them all back now. Would have been so much better if they'd never been brought here in the first place, don't you agree? We wouldn't have had a civil war and we wouldn't have white guilt nor would we have to deal with an angry, resentful and violent minority population.

I don't know if it would have been better and neither do you. But then I fundamentally do not see the world the way you do, and I'm increasingly very glad for that.
The sad thing is how the media is pushing the inter racial agenda. Seems you cannot watch tv for 15 minutes without seeing a program or commercial with an inter racial couple and some of these are same sex couples. How far have we fallen in just a few short years.
You gotta love capitalism!
Not capitalism! but their agenda,
You know propaganda when you see it.
Its a status symbol today for white girls to have a baby by a black guy.Much like suburban working couples had a black maid in the 1960's.
Sure if you never want a white guy with money to ever marry you.

Which you support, correct?
If he wants to I support him. Remember Jim Carrey me myself and Irene?

Would you do it yourself?
Never say never. I could meet the most incredible piece of brown sugar and I’d do anything for her.

But no. I actually dated a hot black woman with two kids. No I could not take them to my all Greek family functions or out on the lake. I could like I said if she was the one but she’d have to be Halle berry hot na mean? Lol I’d have to get over the embarrassment of having an all black family. Clearly the kids aren’t mine.

But seriously, if I loved her of course I could. But what are the chances that’s gonna happen?
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?


I strongly oppose a nanny state and want smaller government.

That means that when it comes to peoples personal and private lives I believe we should all just mind our own business and let people enjoy themselves (as long as they don't hurt others in the process).

So if a white and a black or a brown fall in love and form a unit and start having babies then "it will all be part of gods divine plan" and we should just accept it.

the long term consequences being; at some point EVERYONE will have a little black/brown/yellow/white blood in them. Perhaps then white/blacks can start hating on white/browns...?
The sad thing is how the media is pushing the inter racial agenda. Seems you cannot watch tv for 15 minutes without seeing a program or commercial with an inter racial couple and some of these are same sex couples. How far have we fallen in just a few short years.
Do you like watching lesbian porn? If yes then you’re half way there.

What percent of men is anti lesbian porn? 10%?

So most people are ok with gay.
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?


I strongly oppose a nanny state and want smaller government.

That means that when it comes to peoples personal and private lives I believe we should all just mind our own business and let people enjoy themselves (as long as they don't hurt others in the process).

So if a white and a black or a brown fall in love and form a unit and start having babies then "it will all be part of gods divine plan" and we should just accept it.

the long term consequences being; at some point EVERYONE will have a little black/brown/yellow/white blood in them. Perhaps then white/blacks can start hating on white/browns...?
Unkotare is an Irishman who wishes he had some Asian inside him.
The sad thing is how the media is pushing the inter racial agenda. Seems you cannot watch tv for 15 minutes without seeing a program or commercial with an inter racial couple and some of these are same sex couples. How far have we fallen in just a few short years.
You gotta love capitalism!
Not capitalism! but their agenda,
You know propaganda when you see it.
It's advertisement directed to sectors of demographics and it is a system capitalism uses to sell merchandise...
Perhaps there is a male shortage with Republicans offing themselves so often.

Its a status symbol today for white girls to have a baby by a black guy.Much like suburban working couples had a black maid in the 1960's.
Sure if you never want a white guy with money to ever marry you.

Which you support, correct?
If he wants to I support him. Remember Jim Carrey me myself and Irene?

Would you do it yourself?
Never say never. I could meet the most incredible piece of brown sugar and I’d do anything for her.

But no. I actually dated a hot black woman with two kids. No I could not take them to my all Greek family functions or out on the lake. I could like I said if she was the one but she’d have to be Halle berry hot na mean? Lol I’d have to get over the embarrassment of having an all black family. Clearly the kids aren’t mine.

But seriously, if I loved her of course I could. But what are the chances that’s gonna happen?

But you see the kids before you have a chance to grow to love her. So, no it is not going to happen.

It takes a big heart to raise someone else's kid.

And a very, very strong, or very, very weak man, to not mind being seen doing it.

But no. I actually dated a hot black woman with two kids. No I could not take them to my all Greek family functions or out on the lake. I could like I said if she was the one but she’d have to be Halle berry hot na mean? Lol I’d have to get over the embarrassment of having an all black family. ......

Proving once again that most democrats are racist hypocrites.
The sad thing is how the media is pushing the inter racial agenda. Seems you cannot watch tv for 15 minutes without seeing a program or commercial with an inter racial couple and some of these are same sex couples. How far have we fallen in just a few short years.
You gotta love capitalism!
Not capitalism! but their agenda,
You know propaganda when you see it.
It's advertisement directed to sectors of demographics and it is a system capitalism uses to sell merchandise...
Right the advertisers are directing their commercials to a small demographic market, one would think they would want to go after the big market with their advertising money

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