The NFL can go to hell

He actually never said they were the same. What he said was that what Obama did also qualified as sticking his nose into private business. Just because telling someone your opinion might be consider sticking your nose into something, and actually taking action might also be described as sticking your nose into something, doesn't at all imply that both actions are on the same level.

The first time that implication arises in your conversation is in your own post, the one to which I was replying. Nice try, though.

I get that you are defending your fellow Trump zealot, but she/he was the one that brought Obama into the discussion. I never mentioned him and Obama has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

But it is the classic Trump zealot defense, when all else fails evoke Obama.

Aww, if you're gonna deflect and flip the subject, why even bother to respond?

FYI, not a Trump zealot and not interested in defending anybody on this board. I commented initially because I saw you trying to imply that Obama's nose poking and Trump's nose poking were same same. Then you tried to wiggle out of having made that implication all by yourself, and I decided to call you on it. The rest is your projection.
How did you manage to come up with all that while being on your knees?

I served in the US Army and yes, Donald Trump is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Don't believe me?

Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces - Bing

Yes, Trump is the Commander in Chief. But the Commander in Chief does not FUCKING own the military you dumb ass.

It is hard to belive you served and still think that the CIC owns the military. I guess being such a fucking partisan hack has killed off too many brain cells.

It's only natural that you rear-echelon mofos wouldn't know anything about the military. You've probably never been owned by a drill sergeant in your life.

President Donald trump owns the military. He can send them to kill anyone he wants.
You are realy fucking stupid. He does not own the military and he can not send them to kill any one he wants. I have a very hard time beliveing you were in the military making these statements. You were certainly not a ranking officer spouting that drivle.

Yes Trump does and yes he can , what kind of foolish post is this?
Stupid thread. Trying to tug at our heartstrings to make excuses for being against the 1st amendment.

You are the stupid one for pretending this is about the First Amendment.

Takes to the WW11 vets we have the first amendment. To not use it would be dishonorable.

You are also stupid for pretending this is about the First Amendment.

NO ONE is saying they do not have the right to disrespect America.

But they do not have a right to disrespect America and expect America not to disrespect them back.

Try to be less of a dishonest prick.
Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

The kneelers made a political statement, the league supported them, The POTUS has plenty of business calling them out on their vile bullshit.

Their behavior is indefensible.

Which is why you lefties try so hard to distract from it.

I agree with the kneelers.

Of course you do.

THey are expressing contempt for America,.

Naturally you see them as your brothers.
Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

The kneelers made a political statement, the league supported them, The POTUS has plenty of business calling them out on their vile bullshit.

Their behavior is indefensible.

Which is why you lefties try so hard to distract from it.

I am not a lefty you moron and the POTUS has no right to stick his nose into that of a private business. How a "righty" can think that is the right and proper use for the Fed Govt is beyond me, but you fucking zealots have given up all pretense of being for smaller government long ago

This is not government force, it is the President using HIS first amendment rights.

Note how YOU are the one that thinks Trump is wrong for speaking,

while I am discussing what the kneelers say.
Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

The kneelers made a political statement, the league supported them, The POTUS has plenty of business calling them out on their vile bullshit.

Their behavior is indefensible.

Which is why you lefties try so hard to distract from it.

The Potus, you mean bone spur, why didn't his sons or dtr get into the Iraq war? The boys sure know how to shoot animals.

Says the lefty that is too stupid to realize he just exhibited the behavior I JUST accused him of.

Kneeling during the Anthem is an expression of disrespect to America and Americans.

They deserve our contempt in return.
Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

The kneelers made a political statement, the league supported them, The POTUS has plenty of business calling them out on their vile bullshit.

Their behavior is indefensible.

Which is why you lefties try so hard to distract from it.

I agree with the kneelers.

I think the kneelers are idiots, but by god I will defend their rights to be so till the day that I die.

Me too.

But now that we agree they are idiots, why is it wrong to point out that they are idiots and disrespectful assholes?

And then to treat them accordingly.
How did you manage to come up with all that while being on your knees?

I served in the US Army and yes, Donald Trump is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Don't believe me?

Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces - Bing

Yes, Trump is the Commander in Chief. But the Commander in Chief does not FUCKING own the military you dumb ass.

It is hard to belive you served and still think that the CIC owns the military. I guess being such a fucking partisan hack has killed off too many brain cells.

It's only natural that you rear-echelon mofos wouldn't know anything about the military. You've probably never been owned by a drill sergeant in your life.

President Donald trump owns the military. He can send them to kill anyone he wants.
You are realy fucking stupid. He does not own the military and he can not send them to kill any one he wants. I have a very hard time beliveing you were in the military making these statements. You were certainly not a ranking officer spouting that drivle.

Yes Trump does and yes he can , what kind of foolish post is this?
They need to quit letting you use the computer during recess. This is an adult forum! Take your juvenile shit back to the play ground

This is Football. It's not the military. The NFL has nothing to do with the military.

The National Anthem is not the preserve of the US military.

People in the US have the right to protest.

The US military can send its soldiers abroad to get killed so rich assholes can get richer, and people are supposed to respect the National Anthem for that? Why?

The whole narrative the right is trying to weave on this is complete bullshit. All you're doing is shouting people down in order to try and force them to agree with your lopsided view of the world.

Confederate waving red necks, supporting a flag that represents the killing of 140,000 US soldiers in the Civil War is fine. You people don't have a problem with this.

But people kneeling at a football game, which has seen the death of exactly ZERO US military personnel, is somehow bad.

No logic there and there never will be.
How did you manage to come up with all that while being on your knees?

I served in the US Army and yes, Donald Trump is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Don't believe me?

Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces - Bing

Yes, Trump is the Commander in Chief. But the Commander in Chief does not FUCKING own the military you dumb ass.

It is hard to belive you served and still think that the CIC owns the military. I guess being such a fucking partisan hack has killed off too many brain cells.

It's only natural that you rear-echelon mofos wouldn't know anything about the military. You've probably never been owned by a drill sergeant in your life.

President Donald trump owns the military. He can send them to kill anyone he wants.
You are realy fucking stupid. He does not own the military and he can not send them to kill any one he wants. I have a very hard time beliveing you were in the military making these statements. You were certainly not a ranking officer spouting that drivle.

Yes Trump does and yes he can , what kind of foolish post is this?

No you dumb bitch, he does not and he cannot. He could not send the military to kill you, no matter how stupid you are.
Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

The kneelers made a political statement, the league supported them, The POTUS has plenty of business calling them out on their vile bullshit.

Their behavior is indefensible.

Which is why you lefties try so hard to distract from it.

I am not a lefty you moron and the POTUS has no right to stick his nose into that of a private business. How a "righty" can think that is the right and proper use for the Fed Govt is beyond me, but you fucking zealots have given up all pretense of being for smaller government long ago

This is not government force, it is the President using HIS first amendment rights.

Note how YOU are the one that thinks Trump is wrong for speaking,

while I am discussing what the kneelers say.

The POTUS represents the entire country and when he makes a statement it is supposed to represent the whole country. Also, according to the White House, tweets from the oficial Trump account are official statements. So, yes this is a case of the government turning its citizens against a private company, something that should never happen

This is Football. It's not the military. The NFL has nothing to do with the military.

The National Anthem is not the preserve of the US military.

People in the US have the right to protest.

The US military can send its soldiers abroad to get killed so rich assholes can get richer, and people are supposed to respect the National Anthem for that? Why?

The whole narrative the right is trying to weave on this is complete bullshit. All you're doing is shouting people down in order to try and force them to agree with your lopsided view of the world.

Confederate waving red necks, supporting a flag that represents the killing of 140,000 US soldiers in the Civil War is fine. You people don't have a problem with this.

But people kneeling at a football game, which has seen the death of exactly ZERO US military personnel, is somehow bad.

No logic there and there never will be.

National Anthem.

National anthem - Wikipedia

"A national anthem (also state anthem, national hymn, national song, etc.) is generally a patriotic musical composition that evokes and eulogizes the history, traditions, and struggles of its people, recognized either by a nation's government as the official national song, or by convention through use by the people. The majority of national anthems are marches or hymns in style. The countries of Latin America, Central Asia, and Europe tend towards more ornate and operatic pieces, while those in the Middle East, Oceania, Africa, and the Caribbeanuse a more simplistic fanfare"

WORLD WIDE, a national anthem is played to symbolize the "history, traditions, and struggles of it's people".

THe AMERICA national anthem does not represent just the AMERICAN MILITARY, but the NATION AS A WHOLE.

Where someone disrespects that symbol, they are disrespecting it ALL.

Every person, every institution, everything that this nation stands for, living and dead.

The Kneelers have the right to do that.

Those they insult have a right to be pissed off at them and call them on their behavior.

When the NFL supports them in their disrespect for this nation, the NFL is taking ownership of that disrespect of America.

The NFL, has revealed itself to be, not an American pastime, but an anti-American industry that has corrupted an American past time and that has contempt for it's fans, and the great nation that has made them rich.

The FIrst Amendment says that they have a Right to express their contempt for America and Americans.

IT says nothing about America and Americans having to just take that like a bunch of stupid bitches.
Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

The kneelers made a political statement, the league supported them, The POTUS has plenty of business calling them out on their vile bullshit.

Their behavior is indefensible.

Which is why you lefties try so hard to distract from it.

I am not a lefty you moron and the POTUS has no right to stick his nose into that of a private business. How a "righty" can think that is the right and proper use for the Fed Govt is beyond me, but you fucking zealots have given up all pretense of being for smaller government long ago

This is not government force, it is the President using HIS first amendment rights.

Note how YOU are the one that thinks Trump is wrong for speaking,

while I am discussing what the kneelers say.

The POTUS represents the entire country and when he makes a statement it is supposed to represent the whole country. Also, according to the White House, tweets from the oficial Trump account are official statements. So, yes this is a case of the government turning its citizens against a private company, something that should never happen

That "private company" has expressed it's disrespect for America as a whole.

It is completely right that the President should represent the whole country and call them on their bullshit.

Nothing in the First Amendment says that you get to say your shit and not be called on it.
That "private company" has expressed it's disrespect for America as a whole.

It is completely right that the President should represent the whole country and call them on their bullshit.

Nothing in the First Amendment says that you get to say your shit and not be called on it.

It is your opinion that the NFL has disprested America as a whole. I spent 20 years in the Corps and I do not feel disrespected in the least.

So, the POTUS is not representing the whole country, he is just representing the snowflakes like yourself.

If you do not like it, turn it off. The POTUS has no right sticking his nose into private business even when his zealots think he is the saviour and walks on water.

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