The Most Important Republicans in 2016


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
According to this, it's not Trump or Cruz or any of the others. It's the nameless, faceless delegates that will attend the convention. I completely agree. We elect them in local caucuses and they gather in the counties to make their own decisions as to whom shall go to the state and national conventions. And, whey they do there is almost beyond our control.

But, remember, the GOP establishment, the Republican Party, are the people that are voting for Trump. I am not the Republican Party. Paul Ryan’s not the Republican Party. The people that are voting for Trump in record numbers, they are the Republican Party. And that’s why I don’t understand the talk about the GOP falling apart or the dissension. The people who are out there voting and they are the party.

Read more @ Articles: The Most Important Republicans in 2016
Some of the people voting Dump are democrook cross overs. Dump has not won a single closed primary. Just like in years past, the cross overs pick the most moonbat type republicrat and hang his ass out to dry in the general.

Hope you're prepared for 4 more years of libtard lunacy from the whitehouse.

Wrong, Pete. Eight more years, and if the GOP learns as little from that as it has learned in the last eight years, eight more years after that.

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