The mossad and CIA did 9/11.overwhelming facts prove it.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I posted the video by jones several years ago and the paid trolls on this board acted like children.Just threw childish insults and got into name calling not addressing any of his facts so I have no doubt they will do the same exact same thing with this video on Israels involvement as well and not address one single item in it.they are so predicatable.:cuckoo:

Here is the one I posted back then the paid shills ignored and will do so again of course that the CIA was involved up to their ears and high ranking superior officers in the FBI told the lower lever honest ones to back off the investigation.

Here is the one on Israels involvement which they will do the same on.

Israel did 9/11 - ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD - 12160
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Here is the one I posted back then the paid shills ignored and will do so again of course that the CIA was involved up to their ears and high ranking superior officers in the FBI told the lower lever honest ones to back off the investigation.

Wouldn't accusing anyone who doesn't swallow your conspiracy is a 'paid shill' be one of the 'childish insults' you were complaining about?
BTW. I don't believe the official "A bunch of camel-fuckers in Pashtun planned and carried out 9/11 entirely on their own" for a second.

I also no longer believe that bin Laden was a real person, certainly not some "Terrorist mastermind"

We were headed to peace and prosperity unknown in the USA since the 1920's, instead we've now had 14 years of war that was strategically worse for the USA than the end of WWII. That doesn't happen by accident
Regardless of the scenario or theory, A large majority of Americans can agree that 9/11 was a false flag of some sort. My theory may be different than other peoples theories but I will always be supportive of those who are researching/investigating 9/11 for themselves. One way or another the real story needs to be told and that's only going to happen if people keep asking questions until we get some answers. In other words... Good work! Kudos to anyone who takes the time to dig deep. 👍👌

If you did know the truth about 9/11 and put it out in public by mass communication, I doubt you would be alive the next day, or that evening..

exactly.just ask bill cooper.he was the first to predict that our government would stage terrorists attacks in new york 5 months before it happened and he was killed by police authoritys two months later.
William Cooper predicted 9/11 | we must know

cooper was also being a whistleblower on government corruption in their coverups of UFO's which a major factor in them killing him as well.


and if anybody actually believes cheney and Bush did not profit from the attacks,they better grow a brain.:cuckoo: not to mention zionist larry silverstein did as well. this poster hit the nail on the head below.

America, WAKE THE HELL UP!!! Think about it. Who gets rich from war? The filthy rich whom benefit from Government contracts. Look at how much money Dick Cheney made from the wars. Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War
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Regardless of the scenario or theory, A large majority of Americans can agree that 9/11 was a false flag of some sort.

Um, no they don't. Zogby polled it. The conspiracy to not conspiracy split was 30 to 70....against the 911 truthers.

With only 5% buying the '911 was a false flag attack planned by the US government' schtick. Roswell aliens in contrast got about 70% in favor of their conspiracy.

One way or another the real story needs to be told and that's only going to happen if people keep asking questions until we get some answers. In other words... Good work! Kudos to anyone who takes the time to dig deep. 👍👌

I'm all for digging deep and asking questions. My main problem with that many ignore the answers in favor of whatever tin foil batshyte they prefer to be true.

And that's just garden variety willful ignorance. Which reveals nothing.
exactly.just ask bill cooper.he was the first to predict that our government would stage terrorists attacks in new york 5 months before it happened and he was killed by police authoritys two months later.

Um, he predicted that the US or Israel would be attacked in 2 to 3 weeks. That didn't happen. He didn't predict any detail, any location, any target, any method. Nothing.

He was wrong. And uselessly vague. That's not predicting 911.

cooper was also being a whistleblower on government corruption in their coverups of UFO's which a major factor in them killing him as well.

Wasn't he the guy that insisted that Kennedy was assassinated because he was about to reveal extra-terrestrials to the US people? That Bill Cooper?

And who is the 'them' in your 'a major factor in them killing him'? Cooper was charged with aggravated assault after threatening neighbors. When he was being arrested by county sherriffs, he shot one of the deputies in the head. Twice. As was shot in return.

The entire matter was local. His outstanding federal warrant for tax evasion was never served.
The mossad and CIA did 9/11.overwhelming facts prove it.
Are you sure it wasn't Homer Simpson?

Seriously, why is all this energy and effort being wasted on 9/11 conspiracy theories? It's a dead end. There was no conspiracy, end of discussion.
I posted the video by jones several years ago and the paid trolls on this board acted like children.Just threw childish insults and got into name calling not addressing any of his facts so I have no doubt they will do the same exact same thing with this video on Israels involvement as well and not address one single item in it.they are so predicatable.:cuckoo:

Here is the one I posted back then the paid shills ignored and will do so again of course that the CIA was involved up to their ears and high ranking superior officers in the FBI told the lower lever honest ones to back off the investigation.
9/11 The Road to Tyranny - A Film by Alex Jones - YouTube

Here is the one on Israels involvement which they will do the same on.

Israel did 9/11 - ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD - 12160

Always funny when stupid people blame shadowy government forces for things. If they were so shadowy and evil, why are you still alive? :)
To date no one has proved anything other then what happened.


The truthers can only criticize the official story, they cannot support any of their bat shit crazy theories and most don't try.

The fact that there are inconsistencies and gaps in the official version is proof positive that it is the closest thing to the truth that we may ever get. The reason the official version isn't cut and dried and tied up with a pretty bow is because it WASN'T prefabricated, it wasn't drawn up by sinister entities, it was an after the fact piecing together of the available data.

Ever notice how the truthers can't provide the ironclad evidence to support their theories that they DEMAND of the official version?

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