False flag or the only way of saving Biden and the democrat Party


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
It's plain to anyone paying attention that we're on the very of the next very big False Flag. It won't be another China Flu, we're already onto that. No. It needs to be something 9/11ish, but this time the "enemy" can't be Jihadists, the CIA went to well on that a few times already.

Will it be a "Maga" guy assassinating a popular democrat leader?


"No I'm not wearing the MAGA hat for that! I was there at the J6 Reichstag Fire. Besides, there's not a single popular democrat politician, maybe Nikki Haley?"

We have Russia and Israel both hated by the democrat Party, so maybe it will be Putin or Mossad and they will (insert something ridiculous like an attack on a US overseas base, attack on a nuclear plant, defacing the Obama Library, triggering Yellowstone) and it will be touted as 9/11 times Pearly Harbor times January 6th Squared!!

There is no way democrats can muster the 20MM+ votes they will need next year to stay even remotely competitive. They lost blacks, Jews, and sane people.

Call me crazy, but bookmark this
It's plain to anyone paying attention that we're on the very of the next very big False Flag. It won't be another China Flu, we're already onto that. No. It needs to be something 9/11ish, but this time the "enemy" can't be Jihadists, the CIA went to well on that a few times already.

Will it be a "Maga" guy assassinating a popular democrat leader?


"No I'm not wearing the MAGA hat for that! I was there at the J6 Reichstag Fire. Besides, there's not a single popular democrat politician, maybe Nikki Haley?"

We have Russia and Israel both hated by the democrat Party, so maybe it will be Putin or Mossad and they will (insert something ridiculous like an attack on a US overseas base, attack on a nuclear plant, defacing the Obama Library, triggering Yellowstone) and it will be touted as 9/11 times Pearly Harbor times January 6th Squared!!

There is no way democrats can muster the 20MM+ votes they will need next year to stay even remotely competitive. They lost blacks, Jews, and sane people.

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I wouldn't rule out Jihadists again, since that one has worked so well. But you may be right about it being a "MAGA" guy, since it's clear to anyone who has been paying attention that the PTSB have been trying to demonize nationalists, and any conservatives who care about "old fashioned" things like the constitution, national sovereignty, etc. for many years now.
It's plain to anyone paying attention that we're on the very of the next very big False Flag. It won't be another China Flu, we're already onto that. No. It needs to be something 9/11ish, but this time the "enemy" can't be Jihadists, the CIA went to well on that a few times already.

Will it be a "Maga" guy assassinating a popular democrat leader?


"No I'm not wearing the MAGA hat for that! I was there at the J6 Reichstag Fire. Besides, there's not a single popular democrat politician, maybe Nikki Haley?"

We have Russia and Israel both hated by the democrat Party, so maybe it will be Putin or Mossad and they will (insert something ridiculous like an attack on a US overseas base, attack on a nuclear plant, defacing the Obama Library, triggering Yellowstone) and it will be touted as 9/11 times Pearly Harbor times January 6th Squared!!

There is no way democrats can muster the 20MM+ votes they will need next year to stay even remotely competitive. They lost blacks, Jews, and sane people.

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I don't think the Dems could pull it off like they did in 2020. That year was a perfect storm of the combination the the BLM/Antifa riots and the pandemic. They got a regime change but after almost four years of a Biden administration, only an idiot would want to see them in office for another term.
Democrats need something to get Joe to step down that would also remove Kamala from the ticket. They could probably get Joe to step down using Hunter, but really can't figure out how they solve the Kamala problem, so I think they'll stick it out with joe as long as they can.
It's plain to anyone paying attention that we're on the very of the next very big False Flag. I
Obviously the ME conflict could be deliberately escalated such that USLess and Russia get involved , leading to the $ being discarded as the Reserve Currency, with a US breakdown as the dollar value collapses.

On a more speculative basis , Clif High and separately the RVs judge that something colossal is at hand with emotional release values dwarfing those for 9/11 .
I know that Clif and members of his inner sanctum are convinced the Moon will be the centre of a huge disclosure and within the next 5 months -- as far as one can accurately ascribe precise timings to future events .

Clif's base data must be startling because he knows that a litetime's top results can be wrecked by one just poor outcome and he would be very cautious about making a specific forecast without compelling back -up support .

In fanciful mood I can make a strong case for pursuing the Moon theory with its present occupants declaring themselves at long last .
A bit too "way -out "for this chat site but the idea is not as barmy as it might first seem -- lots of anomalies have occurred which encourage bold dot connections .
Am waiting with interest .
It's plain to anyone paying attention that we're on the very of the next very big False Flag. It won't be another China Flu, we're already onto that. No. It needs to be something 9/11ish, but this time the "enemy" can't be Jihadists, the CIA went to well on that a few times already.

Will it be a "Maga" guy assassinating a popular democrat leader?


"No I'm not wearing the MAGA hat for that! I was there at the J6 Reichstag Fire. Besides, there's not a single popular democrat politician, maybe Nikki Haley?"

We have Russia and Israel both hated by the democrat Party, so maybe it will be Putin or Mossad and they will (insert something ridiculous like an attack on a US overseas base, attack on a nuclear plant, defacing the Obama Library, triggering Yellowstone) and it will be touted as 9/11 times Pearly Harbor times January 6th Squared!!

There is no way democrats can muster the 20MM+ votes they will need next year to stay even remotely competitive. They lost blacks, Jews, and sane people.

Call me crazy, but bookmark this
The October 2024 cyber attack...
It's plain to anyone paying attention that we're on the very of the next very big False Flag. It won't be another China Flu, we're already onto that. No. It needs to be something 9/11ish, but this time the "enemy" can't be Jihadists, the CIA went to well on that a few times already.

Will it be a "Maga" guy assassinating a popular democrat leader?


"No I'm not wearing the MAGA hat for that! I was there at the J6 Reichstag Fire. Besides, there's not a single popular democrat politician, maybe Nikki Haley?"on why a blatantly unfit Trump isn't

We have Russia and Israel both hated by the democrat Party, so maybe it will be Putin or Mossad and they will (insert something ridiculous like an attack on a US overseas base, attack on a nuclear plant, defacing the Obama Library, triggering Yellowstone) and it will be touted as 9/11 times Pearly Harbor times January 6th Squared!!

There is no way democrats can muster the 20MM+ votes they will need next year to stay even remotely competitive. They lost blacks, Jews, and sane people.

Call me crazy, but bookmark this
You got until next November to settle on a crackpot theory on why a blatantly unfit Trump lost the election again.
Obviously the ME conflict could be deliberately escalated such that USLess and Russia get involved , leading to the $ being discarded as the Reserve Currency, with a US breakdown as the dollar value collapses.

On a more speculative basis , Clif High and separately the RVs judge that something colossal is at hand with emotional release values dwarfing those for 9/11 .
I know that Clif and members of his inner sanctum are convinced the Moon will be the centre of a huge disclosure and within the next 5 months -- as far as one can accurately ascribe precise timings to future events .

Clif's base data must be startling because he knows that a litetime's top results can be wrecked by one just poor outcome and he would be very cautious about making a specific forecast without compelling back -up support .

In fanciful mood I can make a strong case for pursuing the Moon theory with its present occupants declaring themselves at long last .
A bit too "way -out "for this chat site but the idea is not as barmy as it might first seem -- lots of anomalies have occurred which encourage bold dot connections .
Am waiting with interest .

I have to look that up.

The Moon is a hollow sphere and has been a local airport for ET as long as man has been able to take a closer look

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