The main TWO reasons for voting for Clinton....

The biggest reason for voting for her? She has a vagina. What other qualifications does she need?

To many, that's all that matters.
true enough

The biggest reason for voting for her? She has a vagina. What other qualifications does she need?
Trump is white, check. A man, check. Rich, check. If not he'd never be the GOP nominee

Obama is black, check. Well, that's all that was needed to get the Democrat votes. If he hadn't been black, no one but those in and around Chicago would know who he is.

Hillary has a vagina, check. That's all that was needed to get Democrat votes.

Which coming from lefties who have spent literally LIFETIMES attacking the Old Guard reveals nothing so much as insane partisanship on their parts.

You, for example, agree with Trump on trade but plan to vote for the woman that is committed to maintaining the status quo, because MAYBE Trump might not keep his promise.
Hillary and all politicians aren't leaders, they are followers. Think about that. Politicians don't tell the public, "I'm for gays getting married so take it like it or not". Politicians say and do what their constituents tell them to do.

Republicans have been the free traders. Stop with the nonsense that it's the Democrats who own free trade. We went along because it was a done deal.

Should I blame Republicans for going along with the ACA? But look at how many Republican governors have taken the money. Oh they were forced to take it? They didn't put up much of a fight. Now before you say they did put up a fight, so did a lot of liberals on NAFTA. But once the government passed it, there isn't much one party or the other is going to do about NAFTA or the ACA other than go with it and try to make the best of it.

So don't tell me the Democrats won't fix trade. I say they will. Trump says he will too. Great. Now what do the Republicans say? From what I'm hearing is they are saying no to tariffs.

And don't blame the politicians when the people who want trade fixed won't even show up to the next midterms to vote out the politicians who obstruct. Watch and see.


Some politicians are leaders.

No one was talking about Trade and Immigration until Trump put those issues forward aggressively.

Done deal? Been a long time done deal and the dems have had plenty of chances to fix it.

If Trump wins, he will have a mandate for tariffs. Let someone like Trump speak out on Tarriffs and threaten to name name of who in congress is responsible for stopping them, and most of them will fold like bitches.

Regardless, my point stands.

So many liberals have spend decades attacking the Old Guard for and on so many issues, and now that the GOP is being lead by a rebel who is flipping the party on some of those very issues,

now they are citing the Old Guard not like the rebel as proof the rebel is bad....
You haven't flipped anything yet. And if you know Republican senators and house members will fight him, why vote for them?

The President is the leader of the Party. He sets the platform and the Agenda.

If Trump wins and sets the agenda opposite of what it was in the past, the Party has flipped.

Even Republicans like McCain are better than their opponents.

These asshole MIGHT try to sabotage the Trade Issue, just like the Dems would/will.

BUT they would be more likely to support a good Court nomination, which is also very important, (remember New Haven)

or on Immigration.
Can you even identify them?
Oh piss off! You have amnesia

I'll take that as a no. Suit up.

Listen stupid. The GOP obstructed everything Obama wanted to try. All I need to show you is Mitch McConnell broke filabuster records obstructing. Don't play stupid. Do you think the GOP debate and house members would allow Obama to undo what bush did?

You clearly don't know what you are talking about or you're being intellectually dishonest asking stupid questions.

A lot of Bush's policies will be with us for years.

And are you saying you don't like Bush's policies? Should we end bush policies? Which ones?

Identify the policies. I asked you this already. Either you can or you cannot. It appears you cannot.
You want me to go back and

GOP Obstruction Has Shattered Previous Record

Republicans in the Senate have filibustered more than 70 pieces of legislation (73) in the current session of Congress. Not all of these attempts have ended in success. Bills have passed. But the modern rate of obstructionism has been historic, far surpassing the previous record of 62 cloture votes.

Do you want me to go look up and see what all 73 pieces of legislation were? I won't, because if Democrats passed them you won't like them. Hence why we didn't get anything done. Mitch didn't like our ideas either.

Barack Obama Once Proposed Cutting Social Security. Here’s What Changed His Mind.

Our Neoliberal President

Race to the Top — Of What? | The American Spectator

Flint is still a disaster, but Obama just proposed a giant cut to water funding

Whose Sequester Is It Anyway?

That's just a tiny smidgen.
The main TWO reasons for voting for Clinton....

To give Wall Street more influence in the White House
To help cover up Queen Hillary's crimes


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