The left will defend Satan but not God

So no, there are no angels battling HaShem as it is impossible for them to do so. There is no devil. These concepts are completely alien to Judaism. ( okay, got this point)

The Hebrew word 'sahtan' is an adjective meaning 'adversary' ( okay, got this point)

This adjective is not restricted to being a description of some angels, a person can be a 'sahtan' too. (okay, got this point)

According to Judaism, we are all born with the ability to do both good and bad and were given the gift of freewill to choose between the two. (okay, got this point)

Without the option of choosing bad, choosing good would have little meaning (this goes back to the story of the tree of knowledge of good and evil) (okay, got this point)

It is the task of angels acting as sahtanim (pl) to place stumbling blocks before us. (okay, got this point)

Not to see us fail, rather, to provide us with opportunities to choose good. (okay, got this point)

It's by choosing to do good over bad that we become closer to HaShem. (okay, got this point).

So what am I missing when I said that they seek to take souls into captivity?
let me rephrase... how can these 'sahtanim' beings ever lead a person to God if it is the person who has to choose God? And what if the person dies with never having become closer to Hshem?
maybe it is Judaism, I can't be certain it isn't.... Oh, since you are interested in Judaism, do you know that Ezra is known as the Father of Judaism? Ezra, the same person whom Islam says is a liar in their Quran.
it would be so weird if God could deny His very Own Ezra as being an apostate heretic or pagan, wouldn't it?
that would mean that Ezra did everything he did for nothing!!!! Geesh... what a kind payment from God. :)
so... I guess we'll further our learning and spreading the truth??? Well, I know I will. Thanks be to God, of course.
The argument I hear about Jesus and God is that there existence is written in the bible so that can't be real but do you know who else is mentioned in the bible. Satan! Satan is mentioned a lot in the same book that they keep telling us is completely made up but they will defend Satanist more than God.
Why is this idiocy in politics.
I haven't seen one ounce of criticism against satanism yet... Sorry the shit you just thrown isn't flying.

Probably because the satanists aren't trying to tell women what they can do with their own bodies of who a person can or can't love. As soon as they become overbearing hypocritical dicks like the religious nuts are, you will hear plenty of criticism.

I'm sure that is the reason why Christians who are just walking along minding their own business get pestered by someone like yourself because they are 'overbearing hypocrtical dicks'. I'm sure that is the whole reason.

Care to point out the Christians I have pestered? I'm a Christian myself, but I'm not one of those jerks that use religion to justify their hatred, and see being a republican as a prerequisite to Christianity. I never ask "Who would Jesus hate?"

What would be the difference between 'hatred' and 'love' coming from the Christian perspective? Christians say they bring into light the things that are against the Bible because they are loving the ones who are engaging in harmful things, according to the Holy Bible. And other Christians really go all out by saying things that aren't even mentioned in the Holy Bible as if they were.

Those would be people who claim Christianity as an excuse for their superiority complex and as a political tool. It's not hard to tell the difference between someone who actually tries to follow the teachings of Jesus and one of those jerks that just hijacked the name.

Anti Christian bigots claim that every time a Christian says anything, they are claiming superiority.

I think it's because you have such low esteem.
I dare anyone to stand up and say Satan is real because it says so in the bible and just count how many 'liberals' will criticize you. Then wait a day and stand up and say God is real because it says so in the bible and count how many 'liberals' will criticize you. Satan is their friend.

Are you always this deranged? Religion has nothing to do with politics, nor should it. What you do or do not believe is neither here nor there, but don't expect ANYONE to accept your beliefs or live our lives as if your beliefs are valid. You are free to believe what you want, as am I, but you cannot require me to live my life according to your beliefs.

Have you ever been forced to go to church against your will? Has a cop ever dragged you into a confessional on sunday? Hasn't happen...
Probably because the satanists aren't trying to tell women what they can do with their own bodies of who a person can or can't love. As soon as they become overbearing hypocritical dicks like the religious nuts are, you will hear plenty of criticism.

I'm sure that is the reason why Christians who are just walking along minding their own business get pestered by someone like yourself because they are 'overbearing hypocrtical dicks'. I'm sure that is the whole reason.

Care to point out the Christians I have pestered? I'm a Christian myself, but I'm not one of those jerks that use religion to justify their hatred, and see being a republican as a prerequisite to Christianity. I never ask "Who would Jesus hate?"

What would be the difference between 'hatred' and 'love' coming from the Christian perspective? Christians say they bring into light the things that are against the Bible because they are loving the ones who are engaging in harmful things, according to the Holy Bible. And other Christians really go all out by saying things that aren't even mentioned in the Holy Bible as if they were.

Those would be people who claim Christianity as an excuse for their superiority complex and as a political tool. It's not hard to tell the difference between someone who actually tries to follow the teachings of Jesus and one of those jerks that just hijacked the name.

Anti Christian bigots claim that every time a Christian says anything, they are claiming superiority.

I think it's because you have such low esteem.

Defending citizens' rights from the fear, ignorance, hate, and arrogance common to far too many Christians isn't "bigotry."
The argument I hear about Jesus and God is that there existence is written in the bible so that can't be real but do you know who else is mentioned in the bible. Satan! Satan is mentioned a lot in the same book that they keep telling us is completely made up but they will defend Satanist more than God.

Ah SuperDunce. Both God and Satan and all their minions in Heaven and Hell are part of the Judaeo-Christian world view. You can't have one without the other. Christians all believe in Satan. Just as all so called Satanist also have to believe in God. (Why they want to worship the Evil One I don't know). The existence of any of the many supernatural creatures of that viewpoint simply cannot be proven.

Is that defending Satan?
The argument I hear about Jesus and God is that there existence is written in the bible so that can't be real but do you know who else is mentioned in the bible. Satan! Satan is mentioned a lot in the same book that they keep telling us is completely made up but they will defend Satanist more than God.

How insane is this thread , hint nutter, not every religion has the christian satan mythology

Judaism does not view “Satan” with the same connotation as other religions.

Satan is not a being, but is rather the influences we have compelling us toward that which goes counter to G-d’s Will. These influences are called the “yetzer hara” (evil inclination), otherwise known as Satan, not because Satan is evil, but because these influences drive a person to desire that which is evil.

Satan in Judaism is not a physical being ruling the underworld, rather, in the Torah, the word Satan indicates “accuser,” “hinderer” or “tempter.” Satan is therefore more an illusory obstacle in one’s way - such as temptation and evil doings - keeping one from completing the responsibilities of tikkun olam (fixing the world). Satan is the evil inclination to veer off the path of righteousness and faithfulness in God.

Throughout the Torah, Satan challenges God to test the true loyalty of his followers, including Adam and Eve, as well as Abraham. However, Satan remains inferior to God and is incapable of taking action on mortals without God’s permission. In the Talmud and Midrash, Satan appears as the force in the world, responsible for all sins. Some Midrashim claim that the sounding of the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah is utilized to keep Satan away as Jews begin to atone for their sins. Even the morning after Yom Kippur, many Jews attend services to guarantee Satan does not make one last effort to instigate Jews to commit sins.

Satan | Jewish Virtual Library

in other words, you christers took the concept of satan from early pagan religions not judaism, so get an education and stop posting about your mythology as anything approaching rational discourse
Shut the Fuck up.

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