The left claims the rich are stealing all the money, what say you?

The left seem to conveniently forget ,that it is the rich who do very large chartable events,and the very large amounts of money that they donate.

In the wider scope of things.....a pittance
I have been self employed for 23 years or so. I lost my retirement in my divorce to my ex-wife so I could keep the business. She isn't rich.

I lose mega taxes everyday to local and federal govts. They aren't the rich.

This economy has made it very difficult to recover to previous levels. The economy isn't rich.

Slowly I'm rebuilding lost wealth with no help from anyone but myself. I am not rich but I am very comfortable.

There are greedy people among us but for the most part they only get what you allow them to take from you. The biggest thief of all time is the United States Congress. And YOU do have control over them IF you choose to exercise it.

The fucking government has stolen more money from me than any rich guy ever has

What did you receive in return?

You tell me?

I had 50K stolen from me this last tax season.

What did I get from the fucking government that was worth that much money?
The fucking government has stolen more money from me than any rich guy ever has

What did you receive in return?

You tell me?

I had 50K stolen from me this last tax season.

What did I get from the fucking government that was worth that much money?

You got the biggest fucking military in history
You got a nationwide system of roads and infrastructure
You got protection for your air and water and food supply
You got it so poor people don't come knocking on your door begging for food

I paid $60 K last year and I ain't complaining
What did you receive in return?

You tell me?

I had 50K stolen from me this last tax season.

What did I get from the fucking government that was worth that much money?

You got the biggest fucking military in history
You got a nationwide system of roads and infrastructure
You got protection for your air and water and food supply
You got it so poor people don't come knocking on your door begging for food

I paid $60 K last year and I ain't complaining

And I paid more for those than other people. Did they not receive those benefits and more on my dime?

You want everyone to share the burden don't you?

The fucking government takes more of our money than any corporation or any rich guy.

That is a fact you people like to ignore.
I have been self employed for 23 years or so. I lost my retirement in my divorce to my ex-wife so I could keep the business. She isn't rich.

I lose mega taxes everyday to local and federal govts. They aren't the rich.

This economy has made it very difficult to recover to previous levels. The economy isn't rich.

Slowly I'm rebuilding lost wealth with no help from anyone but myself. I am not rich but I am very comfortable.

There are greedy people among us but for the most part they only get what you allow them to take from you. The biggest thief of all time is the United States Congress. And YOU do have control over them IF you choose to exercise it.

The fucking government has stolen more money from me than any rich guy ever has

Which country has rates more to your liking?
I have been self employed for 23 years or so. I lost my retirement in my divorce to my ex-wife so I could keep the business. She isn't rich.

I lose mega taxes everyday to local and federal govts. They aren't the rich.

This economy has made it very difficult to recover to previous levels. The economy isn't rich.

Slowly I'm rebuilding lost wealth with no help from anyone but myself. I am not rich but I am very comfortable.

There are greedy people among us but for the most part they only get what you allow them to take from you. The biggest thief of all time is the United States Congress. And YOU do have control over them IF you choose to exercise it.

The fucking government has stolen more money from me than any rich guy ever has

Which country has rates more to your liking?

Why should I answer that? So you can tell me to get out, love it or leave it or some other such bullshit?

I vote for people who believe in economic as well as personal liberty you know like the founders did. I do my part to improve this country by working to allow people to keep as much of their own money as they possibly can.

The fact is that taxes are my biggest annual expense. Nothing else even comes close.

But you people all seem to think some rich guy or some corporation costs you more. I don't get it.
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You tell me?

I had 50K stolen from me this last tax season.

What did I get from the fucking government that was worth that much money?

You got the biggest fucking military in history
You got a nationwide system of roads and infrastructure
You got protection for your air and water and food supply
You got it so poor people don't come knocking on your door begging for food

I paid $60 K last year and I ain't complaining

And I paid more for those than other people. Did they not receive those benefits and more on my dime?

You want everyone to share the burden don't you?

The fucking government takes more of our money than any corporation or any rich guy.

That is a fact you people like to ignore.

It is a part of belonging to a society. Not everyone pays the same, but all benefit. You benefit more as a member of a great country like America than you would as an individual looking out only for yourself

That is a fact you people like to ignore
I have been self employed for 23 years or so. I lost my retirement in my divorce to my ex-wife so I could keep the business. She isn't rich.

I lose mega taxes everyday to local and federal govts. They aren't the rich.

This economy has made it very difficult to recover to previous levels. The economy isn't rich.

Slowly I'm rebuilding lost wealth with no help from anyone but myself. I am not rich but I am very comfortable.

There are greedy people among us but for the most part they only get what you allow them to take from you. The biggest thief of all time is the United States Congress. And YOU do have control over them IF you choose to exercise it.

Question: Why do you think large corporations and their CEOs give massive campaign contributions and hire lobbyists who spend so much time wining and dining members of Congress?
You got the biggest fucking military in history
You got a nationwide system of roads and infrastructure
You got protection for your air and water and food supply
You got it so poor people don't come knocking on your door begging for food
I paid $60 K last year and I ain't complaining

And I paid more for those than other people. Did they not receive those benefits and more on my dime?

You want everyone to share the burden don't you?

The fucking government takes more of our money than any corporation or any rich guy.

That is a fact you people like to ignore.

It is a part of belonging to a society. Not everyone pays the same, but all benefit. You benefit more as a member of a great country like America than you would as an individual looking out only for yourself

That is a fact you people like to ignore
from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs huh?
The fucking government has stolen more money from me than any rich guy ever has

Which country has rates more to your liking?

Why should I answer that? So you can tell me to get out, love it or leave it or some other such bullshit?

I vote for people who believe in economic as well as personal liberty you know like the founders did. I do my part to improve this country by working to allow people to keep as much of their own money as they possibly can.

The fact is that taxes are my biggest annual expense. Nothing else even comes close.

But you people all seem to think some rich guy or some corporation costs you more. I don't get it.

Because I would like to know where is an example of another country who is "doing it right" in your opinion. I wouldn't tell you to leave, even though you could. I just wonder if a place exists on this planet that would meet your needs or if perhaps you've created some fantastical utopia that is non-existent and impossible.
I don't have the desire or the time to research the tax codes of hundreds of other countries.

I'd rather try to get some sanity in ours
I don't have the desire or the time to research the tax codes of hundreds of other countries.

I'd rather try to get some sanity in ours

Hundreds? Just pick a few of your favorites.

Problem is, your version of "sanity" is impossible and hasn't been done anywhere before or currently.....and for a reason.

Perhaps your version isn't so sane. Just a thought.
I have been self employed for 23 years or so. I lost my retirement in my divorce to my ex-wife so I could keep the business. She isn't rich.

I lose mega taxes everyday to local and federal govts. They aren't the rich.

This economy has made it very difficult to recover to previous levels. The economy isn't rich.

Slowly I'm rebuilding lost wealth with no help from anyone but myself. I am not rich but I am very comfortable.

There are greedy people among us but for the most part they only get what you allow them to take from you. The biggest thief of all time is the United States Congress. And YOU do have control over them IF you choose to exercise it.

The left is full of idiots who say stupid dishonest shit.

They pretend the economy is a zero sum game. If I eat a piece of pie the size of 1/8th of the whole, there's only that 7/8th portion left. That's their stagnant "logic."

It's as though they are incapable of seeing the bigger and more realistic picture. The damn pies grow and multiply.
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I have been self employed for 23 years or so. I lost my retirement in my divorce to my ex-wife so I could keep the business. She isn't rich.

I lose mega taxes everyday to local and federal govts. They aren't the rich.

This economy has made it very difficult to recover to previous levels. The economy isn't rich.

Slowly I'm rebuilding lost wealth with no help from anyone but myself. I am not rich but I am very comfortable.

There are greedy people among us but for the most part they only get what you allow them to take from you. The biggest thief of all time is the United States Congress. And YOU do have control over them IF you choose to exercise it.

The left is full of idiots who say stupid dishonest shit.

They pretend the economy is a zero sum game. If I eat a piece of pie the size of 1/8th of the whole, there's only that 7/8th portion left. That's their stagnant "logic."

It's as though they are incapable of seeing the bigger and more realistic picture. The dam pies grow and multiply.
You eat 1/8th of the pie, but the liberals fail to see that 7 other pies in the oven.
I don't have the desire or the time to research the tax codes of hundreds of other countries.

I'd rather try to get some sanity in ours

Hundreds? Just pick a few of your favorites.

Problem is, your version of "sanity" is impossible and hasn't been done anywhere before or currently.....and for a reason.

Perhaps your version isn't so sane. Just a thought.

You have no idea what my "version" is do you?

And if it hasn't been done before, whatever "it" is, how do you know it won't work?

Are you all so ovine minded that you simply agree with the powers that be no matter how badly they screw you over?

I thought you were all about hope and change but it seems you just hope things will get better as long as we don't try anything new.
Uhh it's the math that shows that the money is concentrating at the top.

You can blame the left but it's the Math.

First I want to say that "THIS THREAD IS NOT ABOUT TAXES"

Now that that is out of the way lets address your idiotic post.

You can do math till youre blue in the face and all you get are results that show 2 things:

1. The rich are rich and you (apparently) are not.....why is that?
2. There are more rich today than ever in the past...why is that?

Did the rich take money from you? They certainly didnt from me. In fact the rich support the bottom half of our country as well as the govt. That is MANY get their money and necessities met specifically BECAUSE OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE RICH.

Then you have the fact that their are many more "rich" today than ever in the past. Could it be that they fucking worked harder and risked more than the average American? How many risks have you taken with your career and your assets? Or are you content in your cubicle? Dont blame others for your lack of ambition.

Then we have people LIKE YOU who convince the bottom half that their plight is not of their own making. Thus enabeling them to become even more complacent in their dead end lives and making them believe your complete nonsense that its someone elses fault.

Anyone and everyone has the same basic opportunities in life. Its up to them as individuals to do something about it. Im living proof.
At 20 years of age I was released after 3 years in prison. Upon release I went to college and trade school to better my life. I didnt sit around and moan about how fucked up my childhood was and make excuses for my position in life. I took arguably the worst scenario a person could be in and turned it into a business that has survived for around 23 years now.

In fact one could argue that my life is growing largely as a result of the contributions of the rich. Their successes in life have enabled them to retain my services, which then TRICKLE down to everyone that works for me as well as their families.

The rich are nothing more than a punching bag for people like you because youre too afraid to place the blame for your shortcomings where they belong.......ON YOU.

If you don't feel the rich have stolen from you, it's probably because you don't have an IRA. Three times I've watched mine grow slowly over the years and then fall like the flushing of a toilet. And I've never even had particularly risky investments. Our illustrious financial leaders have created a bubble machine par excellance. They should be dragged from their homes and offices and shot in the head.
I have been self employed for 23 years or so. I lost my retirement in my divorce to my ex-wife so I could keep the business. She isn't rich.

I lose mega taxes everyday to local and federal govts. They aren't the rich.

This economy has made it very difficult to recover to previous levels. The economy isn't rich.

Slowly I'm rebuilding lost wealth with no help from anyone but myself. I am not rich but I am very comfortable.

There are greedy people among us but for the most part they only get what you allow them to take from you. The biggest thief of all time is the United States Congress. And YOU do have control over them IF you choose to exercise it.

The left is full of idiots who say stupid dishonest shit.

They pretend the economy is a zero sum game. If I eat a piece of pie the size of 1/8th of the whole, there's only that 7/8th portion left. That's their stagnant "logic."

It's as though they are incapable of seeing the bigger and more realistic picture. The dam pies grow and multiply.
You eat 1/8th of the pie, but the liberals fail to see that 7 other pies in the oven.

No question there is no limit on the number of pies you can bake. The problem is that the ones who are baking them are getting smaller and smaller pieces
Uhh it's the math that shows that the money is concentrating at the top.

You can blame the left but it's the Math.

Do you understand the difference between "having" something and "stealing" something? Or do you just assume, as most leftist fools do, that if someone has something you do not, he stole it, simply by definition?

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