The left claims the rich are stealing all the money, what say you?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I have been self employed for 23 years or so. I lost my retirement in my divorce to my ex-wife so I could keep the business. She isn't rich.

I lose mega taxes everyday to local and federal govts. They aren't the rich.

This economy has made it very difficult to recover to previous levels. The economy isn't rich.

Slowly I'm rebuilding lost wealth with no help from anyone but myself. I am not rich but I am very comfortable.

There are greedy people among us but for the most part they only get what you allow them to take from you. The biggest thief of all time is the United States Congress. And YOU do have control over them IF you choose to exercise it.
To look at it from the left's point of view, ALL money belongs to the government. All assets belong to the government. The only way you can maintain, much less recover is to TAKE from that government. If you are comfortable, you are taking more than your share. Because you are comfortable, someone else must be uncomfortable.

Your "work" doesn't belong to you. It belongs to the government. By permitting you to work, the government is helping you recover.
To look at it from the left's point of view, ALL money belongs to the government. All assets belong to the government. The only way you can maintain, much less recover is to TAKE from that government. If you are comfortable, you are taking more than your share. Because you are comfortable, someone else must be uncomfortable.

Your "work" doesn't belong to you. It belongs to the government. By permitting you to work, the government is helping you recover.

u know what i find funny, all the left wingers in hollywood that are getting caught cheating their taxes? These people have no problem telling others how to spend their money yet Hollywood and TV people make good money, for anyone who wants to be irked off, the Real House wives of NJ were up to 500,000 PER episode. And these people want the government to take over, give everyone elses money to whoever they deem (yes throwing good money at Haiti is bad) and THEY KEEP THEIR OWN MONEY.

BTW all the hollywood libs would prefer u poor folk to take public transportation, but if you see Jennifer Lopez in a ferrari, well its a green ferrari and not hostile to the environment.
The rich of the left believe they are entitled to such weath becuase they are just worth more. They are much smarter and more talented. Because of their station in life, they are imbued with the intrinic knowledge of how everyone else should live their lives. But, they need not live their lives according to their dictates, they are special. Which singer lamented the lack of a law mandating the use of a single square of toilet paper? To suggest that she subject herself to such limitations would be horrible. She's different, special, just worth more.

This is the concept of royalty. Those born to their station. They are particularly blessed with the divine right of Kings to rule. The highest and best use of YOUR money, is what they say it is. Not what you think it should be. After all if you were as smart as they are or as talented as they are, you would be just as rich as they are! Since you aren't, then automatically you are not as smart or as talented and need their guidance.
The Left claims this and then extols Hollyweird stars who make more in 10 minutes than they make in a year. It is just class warfare bullshit and envy.
The Left claims this and then extols Hollyweird stars who make more in 10 minutes than they make in a year. It is just class warfare bullshit and envy.

Why? I want Hollywood to pay higher taxes too.

Infact we need to let the Bush tax cuts expire completely on all levels of income.

That is an arguement for another thread.
The Left claims this and then extols Hollyweird stars who make more in 10 minutes than they make in a year. It is just class warfare bullshit and envy.

Why? I want Hollywood to pay higher taxes too.

Infact we need to let the Bush tax cuts expire completely on all levels of income.

That is an arguement for another thread.
Why? Is there some virtue in punishing success I am not aware of?
The Left claims this and then extols Hollyweird stars who make more in 10 minutes than they make in a year. It is just class warfare bullshit and envy.

Why? I want Hollywood to pay higher taxes too.

Infact we need to let the Bush tax cuts expire completely on all levels of income.

That is an arguement for another thread.
Why? Is there some virtue in punishing success I am not aware of?

How is the sunsetting of temporary tax cuts punishing success?

Nice deflection.:clap2:

What is the deflection? If you raise the tax rates, you raise the tax rates. That is a fact.

Very good.
So how is raising taxes

1. Punishment.


2. Punishment for success?

because a person has to work his ass of to achieve success, for some damn nit wit in congress to decide that you have to give 35% of what you worked for to the gov. who is greedy and wasteful is punishment. They don't appreciate the money, they just piss it away as fast as you can send it to them.. so to be successful is to be punished in the form of tax, all tax is punitive.. to be lazy and unsuccessful is to not be taxed but to be a taker. the taker is rewarded through the fruits of the successful's punitive tax. now go ahead and deny that.

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