The Latest Sneak Attacks in a Coordinated Effort to Eliminate Vaccine Exemptions

We the People in our legislatures make those choices for you, QWB. Your choice to refuse in some states are being slowly removed. You will have to live with it or emigrate to Afghanistan.

However 6 percent do not die as a result.

That will be great comfort to the parents of children who end up with severe brain defects.
This is the choice of the parents, not the government. If you don't like that feel free to move to a country where they make all the choices for you.

Keep talking like that and Obama will have you in his cabinet for his second term.
Why are you an enemy of the American process of governing?

We the People in our legislatures make those choices for you, QWB. Your choice to refuse in some states are being slowly removed. You will have to live with it or emigrate to Afghanistan.

That will be great comfort to the parents of children who end up with severe brain defects.
This is the choice of the parents, not the government. If you don't like that feel free to move to a country where they make all the choices for you.

Keep talking like that and Obama will have you in his cabinet for his second term.
There can be huge consequences for getting the vaccinations. They always warn you when you take your child in. I remember sitting there for the required 20 minutes after my children got shots and hoped none of the horrible side effects would present themselves.

I don't trust many of the newer vaccinations or meds. We always see commercials for the latest pill and a year later, we see the lawyer ads for the class action lawsuits because people died or suffered some horrible side effects. I prefer to only trust things that have been tried and true over many years.

My family is lucky because we never experienced any difficulties from vaccinations, at least that we know of.

For those whose children died or suffered, I understand their anti-vaccination stance. It might be helpful if they can figure out a way to know who might be at risk.

If your children is immunized, then don't worry about other children infecting them. That is the whole point of the vaccination, so whoever suggested people keep their unvaccinated children at home is not thinking. The ones at risk for catching different illnesses are the unvaccinated ones.

If it could possibly be determined that some children would likely have fatal consequences from being vaccinated, should the government still force them to get the shots? Since we don't know now which children are at risk, do we still insist on vaccinating them and say it's worth some dying to satisfy those who think everyone should have one? Vaccinate your own child, if you wish, and realize that once they get their shots, you needn't worry about them catching anything.

Sad part is that there is only one way to know if the vaccination will harm or kill your child and that is to give them the shots. If parents know others in their family had bad reactions, have some understanding if they are reticent to take the gamble with their own child.
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Why are you an enemy of the American process of governing?

We the People in our legislatures make those choices for you, QWB. Your choice to refuse in some states are being slowly removed. You will have to live with it or emigrate to Afghanistan.

Keep talking like that and Obama will have you in his cabinet for his second term.

The process that says the minority cannot be enslaved by the majority? Why would I be an enemy of that, it already has you against it.
We the People in our legislatures make those choices for you, QWB. Your choice to refuse in some states are being slowly removed. You will have to live with it or emigrate to Afghanistan.

However 6 percent do not die as a result.

That will be great comfort to the parents of children who end up with severe brain defects.
This is the choice of the parents, not the government. If you don't like that feel free to move to a country where they make all the choices for you.

Ostracism. Children taken frpm parents. Parents sterilized. Telling people to move to Afghanistan. Declaring people enemy of the state?

By your posts you stand against freedom besides being just plain STUPID.

If you read my posts you would have seen two sides to this. One is prevention of disease and epidemic by vaccination and the other is the fear of the effects of vaccinations. It becomes very important when vaccination rates fall below 90%.

As I indicated before, it is more practical to attempt to lesson these fears rather than force vaccinations or take children from their parents. Bedsides we live in a free country, although you prefer otherwise.
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There can be huge consequences for getting the vaccinations. They always warn you when you take your child in. I remember sitting there for the required 20 minutes after my children got shots and hoped none of the horrible side effects would present themselves.

I don't trust many of the newer vaccinations or meds. We always see commercials for the latest pill and a year later, we see the lawyer ads for the class action lawsuits because people died or suffered some horrible side effects. I prefer to only trust things that have been tried and true over many years.

My family is lucky because we never experienced any difficulties from vaccinations, at least that we know of.

For those whose children died or suffered, I understand their anti-vaccination stance. It might be helpful if they can figure out a way to know who might be at risk.

If your children is immunized, then don't worry about other children infecting them. That is the whole point of the vaccination, so whoever suggested people keep their unvaccinated children at home is not thinking. The ones at risk for catching different illnesses are the unvaccinated ones.

If it could possibly be determined that some children would likely have fatal consequences from being vaccinated, should the government still force them to get the shots? Since we don't know now which children are at risk, do we still insist on vaccinating them and say it's worth some dying to satisfy those who think everyone should have one? Vaccinate your own child, if you wish, and realize that once they get their shots, you needn't worry about them catching anything.

Sad part is that there is only one way to know if the vaccination will harm or kill your child and that is to give them the shots. If parents know others in their family had bad reactions, have some understanding if they are reticent to take the gamble with their own child.

Well said. Good to know that there is intelligent life on this thread.
The more extreme among you are not fighting for liberty, but in fact are nothing more than nasty little libertines.

We the People are not going to let you put the nation at risk. Yes, we need to educate all of us more on the issues.

You have not being abused. You now have the choice not to vaccinate and to go ahead and home school. Do not expect to ever have more.

We the People in our legislatures make those choices for you, QWB. Your choice to refuse in some states are being slowly removed. You will have to live with it or emigrate to Afghanistan.

That will be great comfort to the parents of children who end up with severe brain defects.
This is the choice of the parents, not the government. If you don't like that feel free to move to a country where they make all the choices for you.

Ostracism. Children taken frpm parents. Parents sterilized. Telling people to move to Afghanistan. Declaring people enemy of the state?

By your posts you stand against freedom besides being just plain STUPID.

If you read my posts you would have seen two sides to this. One is prevention of disease and epidemic by vaccination and the other is the fear of the effects of vaccinations. It becomes very important when vaccination rates fall below 90%.

As I indicated before, it is more practical to attempt to lesson these fears rather than force vaccinations or take children from their parents. Bedsides we live in a free country, although you prefer otherwise.
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The more extreme among you are not fighting for liberty, but in fact are nothing more than nasty little libertines.

We the People are not going to let you put the nation at risk. Yes, we need to educate all of us more on the issues.

You have not being abused. You now have the choice not to vaccinate and to go ahead and home school. Do not expect to ever have more.

We the People in our legislatures make those choices for you, QWB. Your choice to refuse in some states are being slowly removed. You will have to live with it or emigrate to Afghanistan.

Ostracism. Children taken frpm parents. Parents sterilized. Telling people to move to Afghanistan. Declaring people enemy of the state?

By your posts you stand against freedom besides being just plain STUPID.

If you read my posts you would have seen two sides to this. One is prevention of disease and epidemic by vaccination and the other is the fear of the effects of vaccinations. It becomes very important when vaccination rates fall below 90%.

As I indicated before, it is more practical to attempt to lesson these fears rather than force vaccinations or take children from their parents. Bedsides we live in a free country, although you prefer otherwise.

We the People???? You presume to speak for the American people?

Educate yourself. Right now parents have the choice to sign a waiver to exempt vaccinations on religious or medical grounds. A parent may also choose to home school and not vaccinate. Since parents currrently have these rights, they need not expect more in the future, they need only to stand up against Nazis like you who would take away our freedom.

If you are so worried about the unvaccinated, why don't you pull your children out of school and home school them.
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I presume to speak for passed American legislation.

Who do you speake for?

Only a few states have to right to petition a waiver or exemption and those are being tightend beginning in the next administrations of the various.

It is much easier to control the parents of the relatively few that are not vaccinated, then the other way.

The tail will not wag the dog.
I presume to speak for passed American legislation.

Who do you speake for?

Only a few states have to right to petition a waiver or exemption and those are being tightend beginning in the next administrations of the various.

It is much easier to control the parents of the relatively few that are not vaccinated, then the other way.

The tail will not wag the dog.

Such a good little jackbooted Nazi you are, Fakey...
Guy Pinestra does not believe in American democracy where We the People elect our law makers.

Sounds like Guy is the fascist.
I presume to speak for passed American legislation.

Who do you speake for?

Only a few states have to right to petition a waiver or exemption and those are being tightend beginning in the next administrations of the various.

It is much easier to control the parents of the relatively few that are not vaccinated, then the other way.

The tail will not wag the dog.

All 50 states currently allow exemptions to vaccinations of medical grounds, 48 on religious beliefs and 18 on personal beliefs. You presume to speak in ignorance.

It appears to be your tail wagging the exemption dog.
Only in very circumstance, which are very limited. In no way are the as expansive as you wish to pretend. End of that lie.
Only in very circumstance, which are very limited. In no way are the as expansive as you wish to pretend. End of that lie.

You speak from ignorance. I speak from experience.

I have a ten year old autistic boy who developed normally under he had a vaccine reaction. Then came regression and a diagnosis of autism. Given our experience with vaccinations we elected not to give our child the booster shots or additional vaccines for chicken pox, whooping cough or the flu. Instead we had our son tested to see if the initial shots had provided immunization.

When our son was registered in school we sign a waiver. The waiver is a simple one page form and you check a box and sign your name. Since then we home school our son, so i know something about that.

In my job in the insurance industry I perform present value of indemnity calculations that involve mortality rates. In the course of my job I have some contact with CDC. Of course given my family situation, I read extensively on autism.

Now get the fuck off my planet punk!
You are out of step with the future, Barry, and that is your story.

The waivers and exemptions will continue to be narrowed and more limited. You can't stop it.
You are out of step with the future, Barry, and that is your story.

The waivers and exemptions will continue to be narrowed and more limited. You can't stop it.

Fakey, your 'pronouncements' are the most laughable things I read on this site. You are more delusional than TruthSplatters, and that 'accomplishment' takes some real EFFORT.

Do you honestly believe that anyone takes your 'poser' posts seriously?
Tell me oh great ones, why would they do that unless their thermerosal actually did cause autism????

Thimerosal was removed from children's vaccines around 2000, yet autism rates continued to climb after it was removed.

Hence, the logical conclusion is that thimerosal and mercury have jack to do with autism.

If anyone disagrees, they should explain how a substance that hasn't used been for years is still causing autism.
Guy, a libertarian's predictions are what are laughable.

I mean, look at Ayn Rand and the future. Atheist loon was on SS when she died.

You guys are not worthy of any seriousness.

You are out of step with the future, Barry, and that is your story.

The waivers and exemptions will continue to be narrowed and more limited. You can't stop it.

Fakey, your 'pronouncements' are the most laughable things I read on this site. You are more delusional than TruthSplatters, and that 'accomplishment' takes some real EFFORT.

Do you honestly believe that anyone takes your 'poser' posts seriously?

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