The Latest: Israeli official: Tlaib, Omar barred from entry

Freedom of speech is a whole 'nother issue when it's people saying things you don't like, isn't it?

Antisemitic assholes are not welcome in Israel.

What part of that seems odd to you?
In other words don’t you dare criticize Israel.

I wonder if Islamaphobic asshole’s are welcome?

No, I said what I meant. It was clear. Your desire to address a strawman of your own creation instead, is typical for lefties.
RE The Latest: Israeli official: Tlaib, Omar barred from entry
⁜→ ForeverYoung436, Shusha, Coyote, et al,

I have to admit, I did not see all this before. But I would like to mention an entirely different perspective for your consideration.

It is the behavior of our president I find more disturbing.

Agreed. He's an embarrassment.

Edited to add: I don't think his silly comments influenced the Israeli government, though. They made the decision they made for their own reasons.

I respectfully disagree. The Israelis were going to let them in before Trump put his two cents in.


International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

Article 20

1. Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law.

2. Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.

International Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)

Article 4

States Parties condemn all propaganda and all organizations which are based on ideas or theories of superiority of one race or group of persons of one colour or ethnic origin, or which attempt to justify or promote racial hatred and discrimination in any form, and undertake to adopt immediate and positive measures designed to eradicate all incitement to, or acts of, such discrimination and, to this end, with due regard to the principles embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the rights expressly set forth in article 5 of this Convention, inter alia:

(a) Shall declare an offence punishable by law all dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred, incitement to racial discrimination, as well as all acts of violence or incitement to such acts against any race or group of persons of another colour or ethnic origin, and also the provision of any assistance to racist activities, including the financing thereof;

(b) Shall declare illegal and prohibit organizations, and also organized and all other propaganda activities, which promote and incite racial discrimination, and shall recognize participation in such organizations or activities as an offence punishable by law;

(c) Shall not permit public authorities or public institutions, national or local, to promote or incite racial discrimination.


You all look at the visa denial issue as strictly political end fighting. I see it from a counterintelligence standpoint wherein if either (or both) of these Members of Congress go to Israel or the territories in dispute, and they speak or give interviews that result in any kind of disturbance at all, they will be in violation of one (or both) of these International Conventions pertaining to Human Rights Law [as opposed to International Humanitarian Law (IHL)].

Of course, if such an event occurred, attributable to either Member of Congress, the US Embassy (Department of State) would invoke "Diplomatic Immunity." But in fact, that would not even become necessary as criminal law would not (in the modern political arena) be the default response to instances of incitement if less diplomatic effort would achieve the same effect. But the impact (casualties or death) as a result of any violence (confrontations in which police and security forces 'clash with Arab Palestinians) would be laid at the feet of these Members, and the US would be liable (diyah payments).

Now you may think this is an exaggerated concern. However, clashes and confrontations over less have occurred many times. And if there is an organized crowd or spontaneous gathering, there may be agitators (Fedayeen Activists, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers) in the mix specifically to create chaos and ignite exploitable incidents for the media.

It would be wise if both the US and Israel think twice about travel. They need to do a good risk assessment and examine the agenda. You know that the US Congressional leadership would not think twice about the potential for trouble. They are political animals and not prone to common sense.

Just My Thought,

Most Respectfully,

Of course, there are always exceptions to the law ...


So proud of her granddaughter. Congress has a constitutional mandate to oversee where American money is being spent overseas. Donald Trump has once again showed America and the world what he thinks of the US Constitution

Sure sounds like Rashida Tlaib's attitude is "screw grandma. She's not the reason why I want to go to Israel".
How dare anyone speak up for the Palestinians.
So in your view, attacking Jews is standing up for Palestinians?
So in your view attacking Israeli policies is verboten?
In my view when you tell lies like that, you confirm that you are an anti semite. Rashida and Omar have not attacked any particular Israeli policies but only attacked Jews in Israel and in the US. You consistently support anti semitic rants without apparently knowing or caring about what is going on in Israel and the US.
It is the behavior of our president I find more disturbing.

Agreed. He's an embarrassment.

Edited to add: I don't think his silly comments influenced the Israeli government, though. They made the decision they made for their own reasons.

I respectfully disagree. The Israelis were going to let them in before Trump put his two cents in.
Actually, there had been no official government decision previously. Ron Dermer had said, without any confirmation from the government, that they would not be barred from entering Israel only because they were members of Congress. Even Dermer had acknowledged these were disreputable, undesirable people who would have been barred from entering Israel if they had not been members of Congress. Clearly, his meaning was that the Israeli government would allow them in only to avoid conflict with the Democratic Party that these days will excuse anything these two do out of fear of being called racists by the Congressional Black Caucus if they are criticized.

I'm sure the government welcomed the President's statement of support and I'm sure it underlined a sense of shame at having caved to the increasingly anti semitic Democrats previously.

So proud of her granddaughter. Congress has a constitutional mandate to oversee where American money is being spent overseas. Donald Trump has once again showed America and the world what he thinks of the US Constitution

Sure sounds like Rashida Tlaib's attitude is "screw grandma. She's not the reason why I want to go to Israel".
How dare anyone speak up for the Palestinians.
So in your view, attacking Jews is standing up for Palestinians?
So in your view attacking Israeli policies is verboten?
In my view when you tell lies like that, you confirm that you are an anti semite. Rashida and Omar have not attacked any particular Israeli policies but only attacked Jews in Israel and in the US. You consistently support anti semitic rants without apparently knowing or caring about what is going on in Israel and the US.
Typical of your kind, if one criticizes Israeli policies, you label them anti Semitic.

You clearly can not bothered to read my posts before attaching idiotic labels.

Point if fact: I have never supported anti Semitic rants, and, unlike YOU there are pro-Israel points of view here that don’t automaticallylabel theopposition.
It is the behavior of our president I find more disturbing.

Agreed. He's an embarrassment.

Edited to add: I don't think his silly comments influenced the Israeli government, though. They made the decision they made for their own reasons.

I think Trump and Netanyahu have a lot in common, they are both power hungry bullies. The US has long had divergent views on IP. Has a US representative ever before been barred? I don’t think so. There really is no good reason to have done so, none, but of course it is Israel’s right to do so.

The US has been a steadfast ally and source of support for Israel (and vice versa) both financially and politically over the decades. Despite what some say that support continued through the Obama Administration. Netanyahu is facing a difficult election I believe. Is he playing to his base? Unlike Trump, Netanyahu is politically savvy, has self control and is not thin skinned. I am guessing he see’s a political advantage here. To attempt to marginalize two outspoken critics of his policies?

I am most disturbed by Trump. When you hold a position of power, you speak from power and words carry meaning, intended or unintended. To openly throw two US representatives, of his country, to be publicly humiliated by another country in this manner, is unprecedented. I don’t care what view point they represent, we have always shown a united public face however much we squabbled internally. These actions by Trump are, at best unAmerican and at worst show how easily this president can be played through his ego.

God save us from ourselves :(

How many of the actions AGAINST Trump have been unprecedented? DOes any of those bother you? You expect Trump to just sit there like a pinata while you libs keep taking swings at him?

Home don't play that.
Will you ever quit apologizing for Trump? Seriously!
Sure sounds like Rashida Tlaib's attitude is "screw grandma. She's not the reason why I want to go to Israel".
How dare anyone speak up for the Palestinians.
So in your view, attacking Jews is standing up for Palestinians?
So in your view attacking Israeli policies is verboten?
In my view when you tell lies like that, you confirm that you are an anti semite. Rashida and Omar have not attacked any particular Israeli policies but only attacked Jews in Israel and in the US. You consistently support anti semitic rants without apparently knowing or caring about what is going on in Israel and the US.
Typical of your kind, if one criticizes Israeli policies, you label them anti Semitic.

You clearly can not bothered to read my posts before attaching idiotic labels.

Point if fact: I have never supported anti Semitic rants, and, unlike YOU there are pro-Israel points of view here that don’t automaticallylabel theopposition.
You keep telling this lie about criticizing Israeli policies, but no particular policies are being criticized. Are you too stupid to realize this or do you think everyone else is too stupid to see that you are lying?
I feel kind of sorry for Israel.
They have a racist running their country just like we have one running the country here. And they have a Muslim ban just like we have a Muslim ban here.
And Israel depends so much on the United States.
And the US is becoming younger and darker and much less in love with Israel.
They may think they’re having fun now going along with Donald Trump, but Trump won’t always be president.
I feel kind of sorry for Israel.
They have a racist running their country just like we have one running the country here. And they have a Muslim ban just like we have a Muslim ban here.
And Israel depends so much on the United States.
And the US is becoming younger and darker and much less in love with Israel.
They may think they’re having fun now going along with Donald Trump, but Trump won’t always be president.
Don't feel sorry for Israel. Israel just came through eight years of the most anti Israeli US president in history and is fine; of course those eight years left the Democratic Party in shambles, so maybe you should feel sorry for the Democrats.

I feel kind of sorry for Israel.
They have a racist running their country just like we have one running the country here. And they have a Muslim ban just like we have a Muslim ban here.
And Israel depends so much on the United States.
And the US is becoming younger and darker and much less in love with Israel.
They may think they’re having fun now going along with Donald Trump, but Trump won’t always be president.
Don't feel sorry for Israel. Israel just came through eight years of the most anti Israeli US president in history and is fine; of course those eight years left the Democratic Party in shambles, so maybe you should feel sorry for the Democrats.

That is a flat out lie.

Do you normally engage in self serving lies?
Obama Has a Stronger Record on Israel Than You Might Have Been Led to Think — National Jewish Democratic Council

I feel kind of sorry for Israel.
They have a racist running their country just like we have one running the country here. And they have a Muslim ban just like we have a Muslim ban here.
And Israel depends so much on the United States.
And the US is becoming younger and darker and much less in love with Israel.
They may think they’re having fun now going along with Donald Trump, but Trump won’t always be president.
Don't feel sorry for Israel. Israel just came through eight years of the most anti Israeli US president in history and is fine; of course those eight years left the Democratic Party in shambles, so maybe you should feel sorry for the Democrats.

That is a flat out lie.

Do you normally engage in self serving lies?
Obama Has a Stronger Record on Israel Than You Might Have Been Led to Think — National Jewish Democratic Council
The lie is to deny that Obama was the most anti Israel president in US history, but then you rarely post anything about Jews or Israel that is not a lie.

I feel kind of sorry for Israel.
They have a racist running their country just like we have one running the country here. And they have a Muslim ban just like we have a Muslim ban here.
And Israel depends so much on the United States.
And the US is becoming younger and darker and much less in love with Israel.
They may think they’re having fun now going along with Donald Trump, but Trump won’t always be president.
Don't feel sorry for Israel. Israel just came through eight years of the most anti Israeli US president in history and is fine; of course those eight years left the Democratic Party in shambles, so maybe you should feel sorry for the Democrats.

That is a flat out lie.

Do you normally engage in self serving lies?
Obama Has a Stronger Record on Israel Than You Might Have Been Led to Think — National Jewish Democratic Council
The lie is to deny that Obama was the most anti Israel president in US history, but then you rarely post anything about Jews or Israel that is not a lie.
I supported my claim from non partisan sources. You...not so much.

I feel kind of sorry for Israel.
They have a racist running their country just like we have one running the country here. And they have a Muslim ban just like we have a Muslim ban here.
And Israel depends so much on the United States.
And the US is becoming younger and darker and much less in love with Israel.
They may think they’re having fun now going along with Donald Trump, but Trump won’t always be president.
Don't feel sorry for Israel. Israel just came through eight years of the most anti Israeli US president in history and is fine; of course those eight years left the Democratic Party in shambles, so maybe you should feel sorry for the Democrats.

That is a flat out lie.

Do you normally engage in self serving lies?
Obama Has a Stronger Record on Israel Than You Might Have Been Led to Think — National Jewish Democratic Council
The lie is to deny that Obama was the most anti Israel president in US history, but then you rarely post anything about Jews or Israel that is not a lie.
I supported my claim from non partisan sources. You...not so much.

Still more bullshit from you. You chose a Democrat who is loyal to Obama. Looking at his actions in office, the only alternative to recognizing his hostility to Israel is to claim he was just abysmally stupid and ignorant.

I feel kind of sorry for Israel.
They have a racist running their country just like we have one running the country here. And they have a Muslim ban just like we have a Muslim ban here.
And Israel depends so much on the United States.
And the US is becoming younger and darker and much less in love with Israel.
They may think they’re having fun now going along with Donald Trump, but Trump won’t always be president.
Don't feel sorry for Israel. Israel just came through eight years of the most anti Israeli US president in history and is fine; of course those eight years left the Democratic Party in shambles, so maybe you should feel sorry for the Democrats.

That is a flat out lie.

Do you normally engage in self serving lies?
Obama Has a Stronger Record on Israel Than You Might Have Been Led to Think — National Jewish Democratic Council
The lie is to deny that Obama was the most anti Israel president in US history, but then you rarely post anything about Jews or Israel that is not a lie.
I supported my claim from non partisan sources. You...not so much.

Still more bullshit from you. You chose a Democrat who is loyal to Obama. Looking at his actions in office, the only alternative to recognizing his hostility to Israel is to claim he was just abysmally stupid and ignorant.
Wtf are you talking about? I chose what Democrat?

I feel kind of sorry for Israel.
They have a racist running their country just like we have one running the country here. And they have a Muslim ban just like we have a Muslim ban here.
And Israel depends so much on the United States.
And the US is becoming younger and darker and much less in love with Israel.
They may think they’re having fun now going along with Donald Trump, but Trump won’t always be president.
Don't feel sorry for Israel. Israel just came through eight years of the most anti Israeli US president in history and is fine; of course those eight years left the Democratic Party in shambles, so maybe you should feel sorry for the Democrats.

That is a flat out lie.

Do you normally engage in self serving lies?
Obama Has a Stronger Record on Israel Than You Might Have Been Led to Think — National Jewish Democratic Council
The lie is to deny that Obama was the most anti Israel president in US history, but then you rarely post anything about Jews or Israel that is not a lie.

Brzezinski was right, Zionism has become akin to McCarthyism.
It is the behavior of our president I find more disturbing.

Agreed. He's an embarrassment.

Edited to add: I don't think his silly comments influenced the Israeli government, though. They made the decision they made for their own reasons.

I respectfully disagree. The Israelis were going to let them in before Trump put his two cents in.

I respectfully disagree.

There were all sorts of issues with their itinerary and with the fact that they declined to request meetings with Israeli officials, with security and all sorts of things. They were clearly not there in the spirit of an allied State which they represent. And they were being funded by a known antisemitic group with ties to terrorists. Nuh-uh. Netanyahu didn’t need Trump to stir the pot. The pot was already a hurricane.

They also had the opportunity to go with the bi partisan delegation of 70 congresspeople that went to Israel within the past week. They wouldn't go because they knew their fellow congress people were not going to allow them to start trouble.

Don't feel sorry for Israel. Israel just came through eight years of the most anti Israeli US president in history and is fine; of course those eight years left the Democratic Party in shambles, so maybe you should feel sorry for the Democrats.

That is a flat out lie.

Do you normally engage in self serving lies?
Obama Has a Stronger Record on Israel Than You Might Have Been Led to Think — National Jewish Democratic Council
The lie is to deny that Obama was the most anti Israel president in US history, but then you rarely post anything about Jews or Israel that is not a lie.
I supported my claim from non partisan sources. You...not so much.

Still more bullshit from you. You chose a Democrat who is loyal to Obama. Looking at his actions in office, the only alternative to recognizing his hostility to Israel is to claim he was just abysmally stupid and ignorant.
Wtf are you talking about? I chose what Democrat?
How stupid can you be? What you posted was from the National Jewish Democratic Council.
SOOO heart breaking! NOT! If she really wanted to see her grandmother she was given a humanitarian pass to go. It wasn't about seeing her grandmother unfortunately as her own letter states. She was going to rabble rouse. Israel was right to ban her.

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