The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

I wonder, if in some sick, depraved way, that is a goal of the sexual grooming that they are now openly promoting of children? Beyond making easier prey for childfuckers, perhaps that is seen as a step toward a wider brainwashing to produce compliant subjects who will mindlessly believe and obey what government tells them to believe and obey.

Perhaps the masks, the fake “vaccines” and other trappings of the #CoronaHoax2020 may be props, also, toward that conditioning and brainwashing.

This is getting into stuff that as recently as five or ten years ago, I would have dismissed as batshit crazy conspiracy theory bullshit; but today, it seems disturbingly plausible.

See also, Cecilie1200's reference to Brave New World. I do not remember that story very clearly, as a whole, but one element that I remember is the use of drugs to pacify a n oppressed people, to keep them happy and obedient. Compare that to the recent movement to legalize and promote the use of marijuana, and hints that harder drugs may be similarly treated in the near future.
The speed with which this is being perpetuated is incredible. Once we get to the midterms and kick out the America-haters, we can put a stop to it. But it is critical they don’t get more “what is a woman?” pedophile sympathizers on the Court, or all bets are off.
Woulda, coulda shoulda... we need to deal with the world as it is, not as we'd like it to be.

Are you fucking stupid? Hey, why don't you read a history of Prohibition, and all the clever ways people found to get around that. The War on Drugs, which has been dragging on since Tricky Dick, is a bigger failure. We need to legalize them, allow people who frankly don't have a problem to engage in the drug of choice, and treat the addicts the same way we treat a medical problem.

I did. It listed five things Trump did to make matters a lot worse.

And the Washington Examiner? That's a right wing rag.

Short version, for the stupid. Trump completely alienated the Mexican government, which for some reason had no desire to help interdict drugs into the US after Trump called them all rapists and murderers.
The speed with which this is being perpetuated is incredible. Once we get to the midterms and kick out the America-haters, we can put a stop to it. But it is critical they don’t get more “what is a woman?” pedophile sympathizers on the Court, or all bets are off.

If this indeed what is going on, then I think they are getting desperate.

They know that they are going to get slaughtered in the next several election cycles, and the more they push this shit, the more seriously they will be slaughtered, and the longer it will take them to recover enough to ever win any significant elections again.

I think they are desperate to get as much as they can of this scheme in place before they are stopped.

Have you noticed the recent campaign to get Clarence Thomas removed from the Supreme Court? I think they know that it's bullshit, that they have nothing on which to do that, but they are desperately trying, because if they succeed, then that'll give Biden a chance to put another conspirator on the court in his place.
I wonder, if in some sick, depraved way, that is a goal of the sexual grooming that they are now openly promoting of children? Beyond making easier prey for childfuckers, perhaps that is seen as a step toward a wider brainwashing to produce compliant subjects who will mindlessly believe and obey what government tells them to believe and obey.

Perhaps the masks, the fake “vaccines” and other trappings of the #CoronaHoax2020 may be props, also, toward that conditioning and brainwashing.

And he went into full crazy mode.

You know, they did a study where they tested violently homophobic men by showing them gay porn and finding out if they got arosed... I am wondering how Mormon Bob would do on such a test.

Regarding Brave New World, I do not remember that story very clearly, as a whole, but one element that I remember is the use of drugs to pacify an oppressed people, to keep them happy and obedient. Compare that to the recent movement to legalize and promote the use of marijuana, and hints that harder drugs may be similarly treated in the near future.

um, no, the premise of BNW was that humanity had been re-engineered, from Alphas who were the leaders and administrators, to Epsilons who were worker drones (and were people of color). People only had sex for pleasure and babies were grown in vats and educated to function in their specific caste. The story focuses around an Alpha who visits a "reservation" - a place where people haven't signed on to these practices, and meets a "savage" - someone who was born the old fashioned way.

The Savage becomes a bit of a celebrity, but eventually hangs himself because he can't cope.

Frankly, it's the ultimate Capitalist fantasy.

Of course, if we are talking dystopias, you and Karen558 would probably fit better in Margaret Atwoods a Handmaids Tale, except the Fundementalists also oppress the Mormons and Jews for not worshiping God the right way.
If this indeed what is going on, then I think they are getting desperate.

They know that they are going to get slaughtered in the next several election cycles, and the more they push this shit, the more seriously they will be slaughtered, and the longer it will take them to recover enough to ever win any significant elections again.

I think they are desperate to get as much as they can of this scheme in place before they are stopped.

Have you noticed the recent campaign to get Clarence Thomas removed from the Supreme Court? I think they know that it's bullshit, that they have nothing on which to do that, but they are desperately trying, because if they succeed, then that'll give Biden a chance to put another conspirator on the court in his place.

His wife was conspiring with the 1-6 conspirators. That's not a small thing.

Here's how it's going to work out. You guys will do well in the midterms, because people don't pay attention in the mid terms.

Then you will do EXACTLY what you always do. Start doing crazy stuff. Like Newt did with the Contract on America or the Teabaggers did in 2010. Then sane Americans who don't live in mortal fear of gay people or abortions will be thankful that Joe Biden is the only thing standing between you and full on crazy.
If this indeed what is going on, then I think they are getting desperate.

They know that they are going to get slaughtered in the next several election cycles, and the more they push this shit, the more seriously they will be slaughtered, and the longer it will take them to recover enough to ever win any significant elections again.

I think they are desperate to get as much as they can of this scheme in place before they are stopped.

Have you noticed the recent campaign to get Clarence Thomas removed from the Supreme Court? I think they know that it's bullshit, that they have nothing on which to do that, but they are desperately trying, because if they succeed, then that'll give Biden a chance to put another conspirator on the court in his place.
Yes, I have noticed that. I pray to G-d that Thomas remains healthy and doesn’t get “sick,” like Scalia.

But their desperation will also be their downfall. If they had plodded along slowly, sneaking all this through, they might have succeeded, eventually. But calling involved parents “domestic terrorists,” insisting on teaching 6-year-olds about transgender stuff, coming up with racist proposals to pay black teachers more than whites, etc., is so over-the-top that the people have been alerted, and will vote to stop it.

Its like the pot of boiling water and the frog. They turned the heat up too suddenly, and we have time to jump out.
I think they’re trying for something close to that - hence the early indoctrination at government schools, and the fury against parents who want to have a say.

Oh, BNW takes care of that too. Children are not born, they're decanted in a hatchery. Then they're raised in state creches, the better to subject them to Pavlovian conditioning to make them content in whatever place in life the state has designed them to fulfill. "Mother" and "Father" are obscene words, and the idea of love - or any intense emotion - is unthinkable.
Oh, BNW takes care of that too. Children are not born, they're decanted in a hatchery. Then they're raised in state creches, the better to subject them to Pavlovian conditioning to make them content in whatever place in life the state has designed them to fulfill. "Mother" and "Father" are obscene words, and the idea of love - or any intense emotion - is unthinkable.
Yeah, I read it in 9th grade. It was just a fairy tale to me at the time.

Now, 50 years later, it’s terrifying.
um, no, the premise of BNW was that humanity had been re-engineered, from Alphas who were the leaders and administrators, to Epsilons who were worker drones (and were people of color). People only had sex for pleasure and babies were grown in vats and educated to function in their specific caste.…

The Savage becomes a bit of a celebrity, but eventually hangs himself because he can't cope.

Frankly, it's the ultimate Capitalist fantasy.

Strictly speaking, capitalism is an economic system, and has nothing to do with the sort of social system described in Brave New World.

On a much broader sense, capitalism is heavily associated with societies which place a great deal of value on individualism and personal responsibility.

Your description of Brave New World as “the ultimate Capitalist fantasy” is bullshit. And not just any normal level of bullshit, either, but the sort of bullshit that can only come from a mind as severely fucked up as yours is.
I wonder, if in some sick, depraved way, that is a goal of the sexual grooming that they are now openly promoting of children? Beyond making easier prey for childfuckers, perhaps that is seen as a step toward a wider brainwashing to produce compliant subjects who will mindlessly believe and obey what government tells them to believe and obey.

Perhaps the masks, the fake “vaccines” and other trappings of the #CoronaHoax2020 may be props, also, toward that conditioning and brainwashing.

Regarding Brave New World, I do not remember that story very clearly, as a whole, but one element that I remember is the use of drugs to pacify an oppressed people, to keep them happy and obedient. Compare that to the recent movement to legalize and promote the use of marijuana, and hints that harder drugs may be similarly treated in the near future.

This is getting into stuff that as recently as five or ten years ago, I would have dismissed as batshit crazy conspiracy theory bullshit; but today, it seems disturbingly plausible.

Oh, they use more than just drugs to keep people pacified and obedient. Remember the social encouragement to be promiscuous? The "feelies", movies with absolutely no artistic content whatsoever that existed just to produce sensation?
Strictly speaking, capitalism is an economic system, and has nothing to do with the sort of social system described in Brave New World.

On a much broader sense, capitalism is heavily associated with societies which place a great deal of value on individualism and personal responsibility.

Your description of Brave New World as “the ultimate Capitalist fantasy” is bullshit. And not just any normal level of bullshit, either, but the sort of bullshit that can only come from a mind as severely fucked up as yours is.

Capitalism? Is he insane? (That's a rhetorical question.)
I think it deserves exploration...

If there was anything to it, it would be none of your fucking business.

You see, I'm straight. So I really don't feel threatened by gay men like you apparently are. So one has to wonder if your extreme homophobia is a form of self loathing...

So, what are we to make of the extreme and intense hatred that you have for anyone with any sense of decency, any grasp of right or wrong?

Is it possible that somehow, you have some small vestige of a soul or of a conscience, and that you are disgusted by it, and that your self-loathing over that scrap of a soul/conscience causes you to lash out ant anyone who isn't a depraved, twisted subhuman piece of shit such as you are?
Oh, they use more than just drugs to keep people pacified and obedient. Remember the social encouragement to be promiscuous? The "feelies", movies with absolutely no artistic content whatsoever that existed just to produce sensation?

Are you taking about real life, or Brave New World?

As I said, my memory of the latter is faint, but I certainly know of that element in the real world.
Yes, I have noticed that. I pray to G-d that Thomas remains healthy and doesn’t get “sick,” like Scalia.

But their desperation will also be their downfall. If they had plodded along slowly, sneaking all this through, they might have succeeded, eventually. But calling involved parents “domestic terrorists,” insisting on teaching 6-year-olds about transgender stuff, coming up with racist proposals to pay black teachers more than whites, etc., is so over-the-top that the people have been alerted, and will vote to stop it.

Its like the pot of boiling water and the frog. They turned the heat up too suddenly, and we have time to jump out.
Pining for that fascist state are ya karen 558.

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