The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

The exact same thing happened here years ago. I had a dingy neighbor. She used to tell me how our city needed to color up a bit. When her wish started to come true, she had the house up for sale in no time. I asked her why she's moving and she gave me a list of phony reasons that made no sense. One night we were in my backyard having a few beers, and she finally admitted it was the blacks moving in that got her to sell. She was saddened because it's a nice large property for a city and she loved it to death, but her concern was for her daughter. She was in a private Catholic grade school and she couldn't afford the high school prices. She refused to let her daughter attend our public schools for her own safety.

And it was the same thing here. Everybody wants to blame the renters, but lowlifes come in renters and home owners as well.

My flaming leftist sister lives in a nice suburb on the southwest side of Phoenix. She's always chanting the leftist mantras about "downtrodden, victimized black people" and how wonderful BLM is . . . until BLM graffiti started going up in her neighborhood. Then she immediately wanted to talk to my BIL about whether or not they should sell the house and move farther west.

She's very "tolerant" . . . as long as she can do it with someone ELSE'S neighborhood.
Sorry being personal, Did you wear a mask when in public most of the time to protect from the virus?

I only ever wear a mask where I am required.

I'm not anywhere close to stupid enough to believe that a mask with 50-micron or larger gaps can protect anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus, but wearing a useless mask isn't worth getting into a fight over with someone who thinks I should be wearing one.

I do find it regrettable that intelligent people such as myself will allow ourselves to be bullied into wearing these masks. If the only people who wore them were those stupid enough to believe that they did any good, then they would serve as a very effective real-world implementation of the great Bill Engvall's Here's Your Sign principle.

“The title of this album refers to a routine framework commonly used by Engvall, which began with his stating that stupid people should have to wear warning signs that simply state "I'm stupid" so that no one will rely on them or ask them anything. He would then go on to tell several anecdotes in which someone asks an (obviously) asinine question, and the question is then answered sarcastically, followed by the statement: "Here's your sign!" For example, a trucker gets his truck stuck under an overpass, and the responding policeman asks "Hey, you get your truck stuck?" Without missing a beat, the trucker answers, "No sir, I was delivering that overpass and I ran out of gas. Here's your sign!"​
Great story. I started out in novice golden gloves at 12, working with a former world champion named Archie Moore in San Diego, who actually trained Ali briefly after he wonbthe Olympic gold medal in 1960.
I finished in the seniors at 19. In my last year competing, I had a great chance to make the national AAU team, but broke my hand in training. So I decided at that time school was more important, so I hung it up. It was a great experience to learn training discipline early in life.
Wonderful , good for you, My brother was installed in a Local hall of fame for his Boxing maybe 20 years ago , The Person who wrote the description of his boxing history for his placement in the hall of fame, was a person who was the only one to win against him in his golden glove career. Archie Moore was a great boxer , you were lucky.
My flaming leftist sister lives in a nice suburb on the southwest side of Phoenix. She's always chanting the leftist mantras about "downtrodden, victimized black people" and how wonderful BLM is . . . until BLM graffiti started going up in her neighborhood. Then she immediately wanted to talk to my BIL about whether or not they should sell the house and move farther west.

She's very "tolerant" . . . as long as she can do it with someone ELSE'S neighborhood.

Same with my former neighbor. She bought a house in the whitest area they could afford. Now she preaches her diversity message over there.
Yes, Ray, everything is worse now because of Democrats....

Frankly, the people you know probably go back to drugs because when they sober up, they realize they are still in Cleveland.

Addiction is a disease, and like any chronic disease, it can come back. That just means more treatment is needed.

I just got done explaining to you that it doesn't work, and what do you do? Double down on getting treatment like it's some sort of magic potion.

When I was growing up we have very few heroin addicts. Why? Because you couldn't find the stuff anywhere. Nobody in my group of people ever tried it. Pot? The drug of choice. Everybody smoked pot but pot was available everywhere.

You can't say the solution to putting out a fire is to piss on it because it won't work. What will work is not starting the fire in the first place. The less dangerous narcotics around, the less people will be getting hooked on it. You get rid of these problem making Democrats and put somebody like Trump in who made headway into stopping illegals from coming here and some of these dangerous narcotics as well.
I only ever wear a mask where I am required.

I'm not anywhere close to stupid enough to believe that a mask with 50-micron or larger gaps can protect anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus, but wearing a useless mask isn't worth getting into a fight over with someone who thinks I should be wearing one.

I do find it regrettable that intelligent people such as myself will allow ourselves to be bullied into wearing these masks. If the only people who wore them were those stupid enough to believe that they did any good, then they would serve as a very effective real-world implementation of the great Bill Engvall's Here's Your Sign principle.

“The title of this album refers to a routine framework commonly used by Engvall, which began with his stating that stupid people should have to wear warning signs that simply state "I'm stupid" so that no one will rely on them or ask them anything. He would then go on to tell several anecdotes in which someone asks an (obviously) asinine question, and the question is then answered sarcastically, followed by the statement: "Here's your sign!" For example, a trucker gets his truck stuck under an overpass, and the responding policeman asks "Hey, you get your truck stuck?" Without missing a beat, the trucker answers, "No sir, I was delivering that overpass and I ran out of gas. Here's your sign!"​
Thanks for your honest reply, I asked because you were so harsh on exposure to cigarettes' that I wondered if you felt the same about espousing your self to getting or giving exposure to the virus.
Thanks for your honest reply, I asked because you were so harsh on exposure to cigarettes' that I wondered if you felt the same about espousing your self to getting or giving exposure to the virus.

I'm not nearly stupid enough to believe that wearing or not wearing a mask has any bearing on being exposed to or spreading any virus. There is no relevance whatsoever between that, and smoking.

I just got done explaining to you that it doesn't work, and what do you do? Double down on getting treatment like it's some sort of magic potion.

Uh, it's kind of the same as your cancer treatment. You won't be cured, it will just go into REMISSION. Same with addiction. Yes, people relapse, about 40%-60%. (Which means 40%-60% DON'T relapse). You talk to anyone in a recovery program, they will tell you they never stop being recovering addicts or alcoholics.

When I was growing up we have very few heroin addicts. Why? Because you couldn't find the stuff anywhere. Nobody in my group of people ever tried it. Pot? The drug of choice. Everybody smoked pot but pot was available everywhere.

But that was the point. The Feds cracked down on pot and people just moved on to Coke. They cracked down on coke and people moved on to smack.

You can't say the solution to putting out a fire is to piss on it because it won't work. What will work is not starting the fire in the first place. The less dangerous narcotics around, the less people will be getting hooked on it. You get rid of these problem making Democrats and put somebody like Trump in who made headway into stopping illegals from coming here and some of these dangerous narcotics as well.

Wow, it's nice that you live in an alternative reality where Trump was competent.

The reality- Trump really didn't stop any drugs..

Uh, it's kind of the same as your cancer treatment. You won't be cured, it will just go into REMISSION. Same with addiction. Yes, people relapse, about 40%-60%. (Which means 40%-60% DON'T relapse). You talk to anyone in a recovery program, they will tell you they never stop being recovering addicts or alcoholics.

Which was my point all along. Rehab works for a few months or a year maybe a little more, but almost always fail long term. That's why the best fight is to not get people started in the first place.

But that was the point. The Feds cracked down on pot and people just moved on to Coke. They cracked down on coke and people moved on to smack.

And the more demand, the more supply has to meet the demand. Crack down on the supply and demand will decrease for new potential drug users.

Wow, it's nice that you live in an alternative reality where Trump was competent.

The reality- Trump really didn't stop any drugs..

You don't even read your own links. Try looking at the story instead of the headline.

The idea of achieving equity with those superior to you by bringing the superior down to the lesser one’s level is a leftist objective - and a socialist one too.

This is why they called AP classes, where the superior students can shine, racist; and why they abolished the challenging admissions test to TJ High School, where the Asians aced it.

And this is why the country is in such trouble. We cannot excel on the world stage when we try to suppress the most capable among us in pursuit of “equity.” The fact is that some people are just more intelligent, more disciplined, more motivated, more willing to work hard, and yes, some even have innate talents. We should be celebrating that, rather than hiding it.

It makes me think of Kurt Vonnegut's story, Harrison Bergeron. Perhaps it very well describes the world in which Incel Joe and its kind want to live. Incel Joe probably sees the title character as a villain who deserves what happens to him in the end.

It makes me think of Kurt Vonnegut's story, Harrison Bergeron. Perhaps it very well describes the world in which Incel Joe and its kind want to live. Incel Joe probably sees the title character as a villain who deserves what happens to him in the end.

Oh wow…..only read the first few paragraphs, but it IS what the Demoncrats are trying. They can’t insert a “mental handicapper radio” in one’s ear (yet) to handicap those who would be more successful otherwise, so they do the next best thing: demonize and mock (or at least not value) the smart, successful people.

Thank G-d I’m retired.
Oh wow…..only read the first few paragraphs, but it IS what the Demoncrats are trying. They can’t insert a “mental handicapper radio” in one’s ear (yet) to handicap those who would be more successful otherwise, so they do the next best thing: demonize and mock (or at least not value) the smart, successful people.

Thank G-d I’m retired.

It's not a very long story. Read the whole thing. Alas, it comes to a tragic end (though Incel Joe would surely see it as a triumphant end), but I think it's important to understand the whole story, there.
It's not a very long story. Read the whole thing. Alas, it comes to a tragic end (though Incel Joe would surely see it as a triumphant end), but I think it's important to understand the whole story, there.
OK, I will read it. I’ve marked it for later. (And thanks for not giving away the sad ending, but how else could a story like that end?)
It makes me think of Kurt Vonnegut's story, Harrison Bergeron. Perhaps it very well describes the world in which Incel Joe and its kind want to live. Incel Joe probably sees the title character as a villain who deserves what happens to him in the end.

A very good point. I think the dystopian novel that was most prophetic about modern day America remains Brave New World. I think the left would love a world where they could design and program people from birth to do exactly what the state tells them, AND to be content with it.
A very good point. I think the dystopian novel that was most prophetic about modern day America remains Brave New World. I think the left would love a world where they could design and program people from birth to do exactly what the state tells them, AND to be content with it.
I think they’re trying for something close to that - hence the early indoctrination at government schools, and the fury against parents who want to have a say.
Which was my point all along. Rehab works for a few months or a year maybe a little more, but almost always fail long term. That's why the best fight is to not get people started in the first place.

Woulda, coulda shoulda... we need to deal with the world as it is, not as we'd like it to be.

And the more demand, the more supply has to meet the demand. Crack down on the supply and demand will decrease for new potential drug users.

Are you fucking stupid? Hey, why don't you read a history of Prohibition, and all the clever ways people found to get around that. The War on Drugs, which has been dragging on since Tricky Dick, is a bigger failure. We need to legalize them, allow people who frankly don't have a problem to engage in the drug of choice, and treat the addicts the same way we treat a medical problem.

You don't even read your own links. Try looking at the story instead of the headline.
I did. It listed five things Trump did to make matters a lot worse.

And the Washington Examiner? That's a right wing rag.

Short version, for the stupid. Trump completely alienated the Mexican government, which for some reason had no desire to help interdict drugs into the US after Trump called them all rapists and murderers.
A very good point. I think the dystopian novel that was most prophetic about modern day America remains Brave New World. I think the left would love a world where they could design and program people from birth to do exactly what the state tells them, AND to be content with it.

I wonder, if in some sick, depraved way, that is a goal of the sexual grooming that they are now openly promoting of children? Beyond making easier prey for childfuckers, perhaps that is seen as a step toward a wider brainwashing to produce compliant subjects who will mindlessly believe and obey what government tells them to believe and obey.

Perhaps the masks, the fake “vaccines” and other trappings of the #CoronaHoax2020 may be props, also, toward that conditioning and brainwashing.

Regarding Brave New World, I do not remember that story very clearly, as a whole, but one element that I remember is the use of drugs to pacify an oppressed people, to keep them happy and obedient. Compare that to the recent movement to legalize and promote the use of marijuana, and hints that harder drugs may be similarly treated in the near future.

This is getting into stuff that as recently as five or ten years ago, I would have dismissed as batshit crazy conspiracy theory bullshit; but today, it seems disturbingly plausible.
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