The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

I forgot I was talking to somebody that still thinks this is 1974. So are you concerned about people that drive motorcycles with no helmet, people that go hiking or skying, mountain climbers or people that go swimming?

Okay, I belive in mandetory helmet laws.
Very few people drown compared to other forms of death. Same with the other things you've listed.

But here's the thing. Big Tobacco didn't just sell a product, they engaged in a policy to hook children and make it addictive. And they did it with government subsidies. That kind of makes them worse than the drug dealers.

So what are you doing to fight higher health costs, electing people who open the border that's helping to cause this drug problem that's killing 100,000 Americans a year and those who don't kill themselves, end up in the ER for overdoses or paramedics? And how about those not sneaking in drugs that are carrying covid and God knows what other diseases they are infecting our people with? Nah, don't worry about them. They will be voting Democrat in the near future.

Hey, guy, we have a "Drug problem" because Americans want them some drugs. And if you are addict you can get on disability just like the malingerers such as yourself.

Town I used to live in just voted to not accept a drug rehab facility, and the operators are suing under the ADA to reverse the decision.
Yes in fact I am denying that what you believe exists to extent it does.

Because I see nothing that remotely resembles what you are describing.

Truthfully, you sound like you are at the point of unbridled hysteria or have an obsession that is outside of the realm of normality.

So I think I will sit this thread out and just read the comments as opposed to responding any further.

Circular arguments are a waste of time.
You are entitled to your opinion of course, as am I.

And no….I am not hysterical because of the blatant anti-white bias perculating through society - be it retail stores showing ONLY blaxks in their windows, or cosmetic brands showing ONLY blacks using their products, or Turbo Tax showing ONLY blacks describing their wonderful program, or even the President of the United States bragging that he would exclude all whites from consideration for thr SCOTUS nominee. It is obvious over-the-top virtue signaling. No, it is not hysteria - but annoyance at how ridiculous it is.

What you interpret ad hysteria is ANGER…..anger that a white cannot made an observation - after two years of lies as to how blacks are oppressed victims and whites born innately bad - that the opposite is happening, and that blacks are favored to an extreme extent over whites without being demonized and lied about.

YET….at the same time….we have had blacks made the most reprehensible comments about whites, and blacks and whites both make disgusting comments defending Hitler and talking about another “Final Solution” to solve the Jewish “problem“ - and the same hateful leftists (not you) smearing me and lying about what I’ve said to FALSELY paint me as racist have absolutely no words of criticism for these bigots.

And that right there is another sign of favoritism given to blacks. Let a white say ANYTHING that does not support pro-black racist policies, such as AA, and the claws come up. But let a black say horrific things about whites, or anyone say horrific things about Jews, and it’s radio silence.

In short, certain leftists (again, not you) rage at me - and lie repeatedly over what I’ve said - because after years hearing that blacks are all oppressed I observe how favored they are on marketing material (and for jobs) - and then they IGNORE the disgusting things black posters have said about whites, and what black and whites both have said about Jews. In fact, when I‘ve argued back against the Jew-haters, these same leftists who go on the attack against any white they PERCEIVE to have said something unfavorable to blacks tell the Jew to stop playing the victim!

It‘s the double standards leftists employ when bigotry is concerned that has me this angry - along of course with the lies and fabrications leftists make if a white steps out of line and doesnt support pro-black racist policies.
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Also, perhaps you don’t see it to the extent I do because you don’t live in a white, elitist ultra-liberal area. Here, we have whites ”safely” ensconced in all-white neighborhoods, sending their kids to private school, and virtue signaling with Black Live Matter signs. But let a black or Hispanic move into the neighborhood, and there are whispers of complaints. Affluent white libersls are the biggest hypocrites you’d ever want to meet.

For example, my neighbor is constantly railing how we have to allow illegal aliens in because they are good people who just want a chance. Then the neighbor on the other side decided to rent out his house, and the “compassionate” neighbor started a petition to block the renters because she said “renters lower the caliber of the neighborhood.” I refused to sign of course.
You are entitled to your opinion of course, as am I.

And no….I am not hysterical because of the blatant anti-white bias perculating through society - be it retail stores showing ONLY blaxks in their windows, or cosmetic brands showing ONLY blacks using their products, or Turbo Tax showing ONLY blacks describing their wonderful program, or even the President of the United States bragging that he would exclude all whites from consideration for thr SCOTUS nominee. It is obvious over-the-top virtue signaling. No, it is not hysteria - but annoyance at how ridiculous it is.

NO, it really is hysteria. Frankly, I went to my local mall and saw a pretty diverse mix of models/celebrities on the posters. Most of the junk mail that eventually ends up in my fireplace features diverse models. As for the President appointing a black woman, given that most of the SCOTUS justices over the last 200 years, out of 120 SCOTUS justices, only 3 have been black and only five have been women. Six of the current justices are white people, and four of them are men.

What you interpret ad hysteria is ANGER…..anger that a white cannot made an observation - after two years of lies as to how blacks are oppressed victims and whites born innately bad - that the opposite is happening, and that blacks are favored to an extreme extent over whites without being demonized and lied about.

Well, mostly, because when you say shit like that, you come off as a racist. Come on, get real, being white in this country is STILL a huge advantage in terms of how you are treated by law enforcement, how likely you are to get a job, how likely you are to get into college, etc.

YET….at the same time….we have had blacks made the most reprehensible comments about whites, and blacks and whites both make disgusting comments defending Hitler and talking about another “Final Solution” to solve the Jewish “problem“ - and the same hateful leftists (not you) smearing me and lying about what I’ve said to FALSELY paint me as racist have absolutely no words of criticism for these bigots.

Frankly, I haven't seen it... On the subject of blacks making anti-white comments... just not seeing that on this board.

As for supposed "Anti-Semitic" comments, you guys pull out the Hitler Card every time Israel is criticized. It's hard to take you seriously anymore. (Ironically, Hitler's first plan was to send all the Jews to Palestine, but he couldn't get the British to go along. the Final Solution was plan B.)

And that right there is another sign of favoritism given to blacks. Let a white say ANYTHING that does not support pro-black racist policies, such as AA, and the claws come up. But let a black say horrific things about whites, or anyone say horrific things about Jews, and it’s radio silence.

Um, yeah, right. What alternative reality are you living in? (Probably the one where all the posters have black people on them. )

The biggest beneficiaries of AA have been White Women.

In short, certain leftists (again, not you) rage at me - and lie repeatedly over what I’ve said - because after years hearing that blacks are all oppressed I observe how favored they are on marketing material (and for jobss) - and then they IGNORE the disgusting things black posters have said about whites, and what black and whites both have said about Jews. In fact, when I‘ve argued back against the Jew-haters, these same leftists who go on the attack against any white they PERCEIVE to have said something unfavorable to blacks tell the Jew to stop playing the victim!

Honestly, if I were born black in this country, I'd probably hate white people, too. So I can't get worked up about someone who can't get past his anger given what they've gone through in life.

On the other hand, your religion is a choice. You choose to believe stupid shit.

It‘s the double standards leftists employ when bigotry is concerned that has me this angry - along of course with the lies and fabrications leftists make if a white steps out of line and doesnt support pro-black racist policies.

Oh, here's the problem... did you ever hear the story about the boy who cried wolf? There's a certain point where people don't believe your white fragility or white grievance.
Also, perhaps you don’t see it to the extent I do because you don’t live in a white, elitist ultra-liberal area. Here, we have whites ”safely” ensconced in all-white neighborhoods, sending their kids to private school, and virtue signaling with Black Live Matter signs. But let a black or Hispanic move into the neighborhood, and there are whispers of complaints. Affluent white libersls are the biggest hypocrites you’d ever want to meet.

Okay. Here's the thing. In my life, I've lived in five places.
Chicago- Mostly a white neighborhood where all the people I grew up with were racist as shit.
Cicero - a Mixed neighborhood that was slowly growing more Hispanic.
Mt. Prospect - largely mixed neighborhood. The only time I was a renter.
Itasca - mostly white, but not the area I lived in, which was more mixed.
Place that I live now- somewhere between the other two.

I started out as Conservative but then realized that I don't make enough money to vote Republican and most people don't. They only stay in power keeping stupid white people scared and angry. I'd say in your case, they've been a complete success. But I'm not progressive because I am isolated from people of color. I've lived with them, worked with them, rented to them and even dated them. (And did so even when I was more RW than I am now.) I'm more progressive now because I realized despite all the attempts by the right wing to divide us on the basis of race, sexual orientation or religion, I'm kind of in the same boat as they are... the one that can get sunk because some rich person wants to increase his bottom line.

For example, my neighbor is constantly railing how we have to allow illegal aliens in because they are good people who just want a chance. Then the neighbor on the other side decided to rent out his house, and the “compassionate” neighbor started a petition to block the renters because she said “renters lower the caliber of the neighborhood.” I refused to sign of course.

Of course you did... because you see the world through a prism of race.

I just moved out of a Condo Association where 50% of the units are now rentals. You can see how the quality of the place declined. Not because of the race of the people who were renting, but because at the end of the day, a renter just doesn't care about upkeeping the property. Why should they? They aren't going to get any value out of it.

When Bush Jr. did what Republicans do best (fuck up the economy), values of these condos dropped. With all the foreclosures, some of these properties were selling for half what they sold for in 2004 when I bought in. And, yes, that means a lot of these people didn't really care who they were renting to, as long as they got a monthly check. I was grateful when an investor offered to buy our units and deconvert.
But here's the thing. Big Tobacco didn't just sell a product, they engaged in a policy to hook children and make it addictive. And they did it with government subsidies. That kind of makes them worse than the drug dealers.

I think tobacco is one of the rare things you and I can agree on.

It's one thing for someone to choose to poison himself with this shit. It's another thing entirely to poison those around you with it, without their consent.

And there are two things that few smokers seem capable of understanding:
  1. How nasty that shit smells to most nonsmokers. Not just unpleasant, but sickening, nauseatingly nasty. I think it is one of the most sickening smells that I know.
  2. How relentlessly the smell sticks to everything that it touches.
I think tobacco is one of the rare things you and I can agree on.

It's one thing for someone to choose to poison himself with this shit. It's another thing entirely to poison those around you with it, without their consent.

And there are two things that few smokers seem capable of understanding:
  1. How nasty that shit smells to most nonsmokers. Not just unpleasant, but sickening, nauseatingly nasty. I think it is one of the most sickening smells that I know.
  2. How relentlessly the smell sticks to everything that it touches.
The worst is when you boyfriend smokes, and he wakes up with stale morning smoker’s breath and starts in with the kissing. Beech! The smell (taste) is enough to make one vomit. It’s one of the reasons I broke it off. Hard to have a relationship when your partner‘s smell makes you sick.
I think tobacco is one of the rare things you and I can agree on.

It's one thing for someone to choose to poison himself with this shit. It's another thing entirely to poison those around you with it, without their consent.

And there are two things that few smokers seem capable of understanding:
  1. How nasty that shit smells to most nonsmokers. Not just unpleasant, but sickening, nauseatingly nasty. I think it is one of the most sickening smells that I know.
  2. How relentlessly the smell sticks to everything that it touches.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day..

For me, Smoking is a bit more personal. My father died of lung cancer. Now, smoking PROBABLY wasn't the only cause of that, he also worked extensively with asbestos. But his three pack a day habit didn't help.

My sister is a full-blown asthmatic, probably from growing up in a smoking family. My lung capacity probably isn't what it should be.

My two younger brothers smoke, and they both have had health issues. They also both voted for Trump, draw your own conclusions.
Also, perhaps you don’t see it to the extent I do because you don’t live in a white, elitist ultra-liberal area. Here, we have whites ”safely” ensconced in all-white neighborhoods, sending their kids to private school, and virtue signaling with Black Live Matter signs. But let a black or Hispanic move into the neighborhood, and there are whispers of complaints. Affluent white libersls are the biggest hypocrites you’d ever want to meet.

For example, my neighbor is constantly railing how we have to allow illegal aliens in because they are good people who just want a chance. Then the neighbor on the other side decided to rent out his house, and the “compassionate” neighbor started a petition to block the renters because she said “renters lower the caliber of the neighborhood.” I refused to sign of course.

The exact same thing happened here years ago. I had a dingy neighbor. She used to tell me how our city needed to color up a bit. When her wish started to come true, she had the house up for sale in no time. I asked her why she's moving and she gave me a list of phony reasons that made no sense. One night we were in my backyard having a few beers, and she finally admitted it was the blacks moving in that got her to sell. She was saddened because it's a nice large property for a city and she loved it to death, but her concern was for her daughter. She was in a private Catholic grade school and she couldn't afford the high school prices. She refused to let her daughter attend our public schools for her own safety.

And it was the same thing here. Everybody wants to blame the renters, but lowlifes come in renters and home owners as well.
The exact same thing happened here years ago. I had a dingy neighbor. She used to tell me how our city needed to color up a bit. When her wish started to come true, she had the house up for sale in no time. I asked her why she's moving and she gave me a list of phony reasons that made no sense. One night we were in my backyard having a few beers, and she finally admitted it was the blacks moving in that got her to sell. She was saddened because it's a nice large property for a city and she loved it to death, but her concern was for her daughter. She was in a private Catholic grade school and she couldn't afford the high school prices. She refused to let her daughter attend our public schools for her own safety.

And it was the same thing here. Everybody wants to blame the renters, but lowlifes come in renters and home owners as well.
Yup. Typical liberal hypocrite.

BTW, those renters the liberal tried to block? They’re the nicest, most friendly family on the street. I’m SO glad they’re here! (I never told them that their neighbor tried to keep them out….that would just make them feel like crap.)
Hey, guy, we have a "Drug problem" because Americans want them some drugs. And if you are addict you can get on disability just like the malingerers such as yourself.

Town I used to live in just voted to not accept a drug rehab facility, and the operators are suing under the ADA to reverse the decision.

You can't get hooked on something that isn't available to you. That's because you can't even try it to get hooked on. But fentanyl and heroine is crossing our borders like ants over an ant hill and you vote for people that are virtually allowing it to happen. But no concern about them. They are fine because this is what the Democrat party wants.

In other words as always, you're FOS with your phony health concerns with smokers. It has nothing to do with their health or healthcare costs. In fact smokers die at a younger age and don't end up on Medicare which is going broke. In fact all your excuses are bullshit. You could care less about the fat kid eating a Big Mac or the amount of shooting deaths inside of homes. All you want is for you and the Communists to control other peoples lives.
Yup. Typical liberal hypocrite.

BTW, those renters the liberal tried to block? They’re the nicest, most friendly family on the street. I’m SO glad they’re here! (I never told them that their neighbor tried to keep them out….that would just make them feel like crap.)

Don't get me wrong, there are bad renters. But bad renters are like bad homeowners. The lowlife that owns the property next door to me rents to Section 8. It's been empty for about a year because they tore up the place so badly it's costing him tens of thousands to repair. He can't sue them because they don't have anything. Then the city F's with him because of how many times we had to call the cops on his lowlife tenants. They too are pressuring him to sell.

So there are bad landlords and bad home owners. The problem is not renters, the problem is Fair Housing Laws and government targeting areas for destruction. It could be coming to a neighborhood near you unfortunately.

You can't get hooked on something that isn't available to you. That's because you can't even try it to get hooked on. But fentanyl and heroine is crossing our borders like ants over an ant hill and you vote for people that are virtually allowing it to happen. But no concern about them. They are fine because this is what the Democrat party wants.

No, I just realize the punitive approach doesn't work. We've been fighting the "War on Drugs" since Tricky Dick. How has that been going again? If it wasn't fentanyl, it would be something else. We need to treat addiction as a medical problem, not a criminal one.

In other words as always, you're FOS with your phony health concerns with smokers. It has nothing to do with their health or healthcare costs. In fact smokers die at a younger age and don't end up on Medicare which is going broke. In fact all your excuses are bullshit. You could care less about the fat kid eating a Big Mac or the amount of shooting deaths inside of homes. All you want is for you and the Communists to control other peoples lives.

My dad died of lung cancer, thanks.

The thing is, I don't think we should ban smoking, just make it unappealing as possible. And nobody is taking little fatty's Happy Meal away, it's why 20% of our kids are overweight. Suing big tobacco worked. Making the smokers take their nasty shit outside worked.


Same thing with guns. Just let the victims of gun violence sue the gun industry... you will be AMAZED how fast they come up with meaningful background checks and screening to keep them out of the wrong hands.
Don't get me wrong, there are bad renters. But bad renters are like bad homeowners. The lowlife that owns the property next door to me rents to Section 8. It's been empty for about a year because they tore up the place so badly it's costing him tens of thousands to repair. He can't sue them because they don't have anything. Then the city F's with him because of how many times we had to call the cops on his lowlife tenants. They too are pressuring him to sell.

So there are bad landlords and bad home owners. The problem is not renters, the problem is Fair Housing Laws and government targeting areas for destruction. It could be coming to a neighborhood near you unfortunately.

Remember, kiddies, Welfare Ray is so much better than the other people living in his slum.
No, I just realize the punitive approach doesn't work. We've been fighting the "War on Drugs" since Tricky Dick. How has that been going again? If it wasn't fentanyl, it would be something else. We need to treat addiction as a medical problem, not a criminal one.

My dad died of lung cancer, thanks.

The thing is, I don't think we should ban smoking, just make it unappealing as possible. And nobody is taking little fatty's Happy Meal away, it's why 20% of our kids are overweight. Suing big tobacco worked. Making the smokers take their nasty shit outside worked.

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Same thing with guns. Just let the victims of gun violence sue the gun industry... you will be AMAZED how fast they come up with meaningful background checks and screening to keep them out of the wrong hands.

I know people that went to rehab for drugs. I don't know one where it worked including in my very own family. I've even known druggies that went to prison for five years. Once they are out, they start using dope all over again.

Rehab is not any solution because it doesn't work. Getting people not to try it in the first place does work. But that can't be done when drugs are all over the place thanks to Democrats.

Most people who quit smoking do it because of the expense or became more concerned about their health as they got older.
For a short while blacks are getting a lot of the limelight, that's jobs and money, Yes they are over represented right now. And it needs to be ok. Being old I remember when it was almost impossible to see a black doll for sale for little black girls. of course at the time I did not think anything of it as I was a little white girl. Don't buy into the hate, Just shows how spoiled we are when we are not always the priority.
I know people that went to rehab for drugs. I don't know one where it worked including in my very own family. I've even known druggies that went to prison for five years. Once they are out, they start using dope all over again.

Rehab is not any solution because it doesn't work. Getting people not to try it in the first place does work. But that can't be done when drugs are all over the place thanks to Democrats.

Yes, Ray, everything is worse now because of Democrats....

Frankly, the people you know probably go back to drugs because when they sober up, they realize they are still in Cleveland.

Addiction is a disease, and like any chronic disease, it can come back. That just means more treatment is needed.
I think tobacco is one of the rare things you and I can agree on.

It's one thing for someone to choose to poison himself with this shit. It's another thing entirely to poison those around you with it, without their consent.

And there are two things that few smokers seem capable of understanding:
  1. How nasty that shit smells to most nonsmokers. Not just unpleasant, but sickening, nauseatingly nasty. I think it is one of the most sickening smells that I know.
  2. How relentlessly the smell sticks to everything that it touches.
Sorry being personal, Did you wear a mask when in public most of the time to protect from the virus?

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