The IQ Factor


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Many people seem not to understand the underlying concept behind "the bell curve," as it applies to demographics. If I say, for example, that the average IQ for Lithuanians is 95, that is not an indication of any prejudice on my part, or any reason for any individual Lithuanian to feel insulted. A Lithuanian might be a genius or a dullard, and the observation - assuming it's true - is only that a randomly selected Lithuanian is slightly more likely to be a dullard than a genius.

In my own family, among my five siblings, there are three with IQ's below 100 and two with IQ's over 140. Not easy to explain, but true. Smart mailman? Who knows? The principals are now all deceased.

Anyone with sufficient interest can confirm that the average IQ of Blacks living in Africa is very close to 85. Hence, no passage of time will result in Africa becoming a latter-day copy of Western Europe. Ain't happening.

And as with the hypothetical Lithuanians, there are high-achieving Black geniuses in Africa and there are dullards. Our former President would seem to have been sired by one of the former. As for African-Americans generally, most are of some level of mixed race but the overall average IQ remains below 90. And unfortunately, the "Black" population is trending toward more "inequality" as low-IQ, non-achieving Blacks are reproducing much faster than high-IQ, high-achieving Blacks.

As a result, our urban Blacks are basically at the same intellectual level (IQ) as their ancestors and distant cousins in Africa. Some are quite intelligent and accomplished, but they are a smaller portion of the urban Black population than, say, of the prosperous suburban populations, Black and white.

What does this mean, as it impacts public policy?

Well, essentially every urban area in the country with a large Black population deals perennially with what is euphemistically called an "achievement gap." For some unmentionable reason, the "Black" students are at a remarkably lower level of academic achievement than the GenPop. They all promise to work on it, they all spend money to develop special programs, and emphases, and whatnot, and - surprise, surprise, surprise - the achievement gap never goes away. But IT CAN NEVER GO AWAY, because it is caused by the urban Black population generally having a dramatically lower intellectual potential. It's not that the teachers and the schools aren't doing the Right Stuff, it's that the raw material they are working with does not have the Right Stuff.

And the danger is that in taking measures that are intended to reduce the Achievement Gap, the schools will start doing things that actually harm the high-achieving Blacks, and those who want to do their best in school. Tests and standards will be watered down so that the difference between the achieving students and the non-achieving students is not so stark. Grading will be compromised for the same purpose. Suspensions and expulsions for anti-social behavior will be reduced, thus allowing the bad actors to prey on those trying to get an education. Poor and disruptive students who would like to drop out will be incented to remain, having the same deleterious effect.

The solution is easy but makes ACLU-types uncomfortable. Students should be taught with other students having the same potential, and not all thrown together in the same classrooms. Race should not even be considered; this should be based entirely on intelligence and aptitude testing. Curricula should be appropriate for the intellectual potential of the stratified student groups. It should be recognized that many students are simply not "college material" and they should be directed to subjects and a level of academic rigor where they can succeed. And if that means they are learning very basic things, so be it.

The result will - of course - be that the lower-level curricula will be primarily populated by "people of color."

And therefore, our societal do-gooders will stand in the way of this logical approach, claiming that some students would be stigmatized and prevented from achieving their full potential. Yes, better to drag everyone else down, so that the dullards won't feel badly about themselves.

The most difficult and intractable problems are the ones where we know the solution, but are too timid to implement it. Like this one.
IQ's are affected by nutrition and environment as well as genetics, both before and after birth. It is interesting that IQ seems to have a genetic component but it changes in subsequent generations when the environment and parenting style changes.
The other thing to keep in mind is that IQ is only predictive of how well an individual will do academically, in school. It is not predictive of success in life.
I think mainstreaming has gone too far and it is part of the reason our standards have fallen in a lot of schools. Not everyone can achieve high levels of academia, but I disagree with you that it is their color. It more often has to do with poverty. Fix that for the communities of color (somehow--I don't know how) and you will fix the achievement problem as well.
IQ's are affected by nutrition and environment as well as genetics, both before and after birth. It is interesting that IQ seems to have a genetic component but it changes in subsequent generations when the environment and parenting style changes.
The other thing to keep in mind is that IQ is only predictive of how well an individual will do academically, in school. It is not predictive of success in life.
I think mainstreaming has gone too far and it is part of the reason our standards have fallen in a lot of schools. Not everyone can achieve high levels of academia, but I disagree with you that it is their color. It more often has to do with poverty. Fix that for the communities of color (somehow--I don't know how) and you will fix the achievement problem as well.

But what a lovely way to pitch "separate but equal".
Many people seem not to understand the underlying concept behind "the bell curve," as it applies to demographics. If I say, for example, that the average IQ for Lithuanians is 95, that is not an indication of any prejudice on my part, or any reason for any individual Lithuanian to feel insulted. A Lithuanian might be a genius or a dullard, and the observation - assuming it's true - is only that a randomly selected Lithuanian is slightly more likely to be a dullard than a genius.

In my own family, among my five siblings, there are three with IQ's below 100 and two with IQ's over 140. Not easy to explain, but true. Smart mailman? Who knows? The principals are now all deceased.

Anyone with sufficient interest can confirm that the average IQ of Blacks living in Africa is very close to 85. Hence, no passage of time will result in Africa becoming a latter-day copy of Western Europe. Ain't happening.

And as with the hypothetical Lithuanians, there are high-achieving Black geniuses in Africa and there are dullards. Our former President would seem to have been sired by one of the former. As for African-Americans generally, most are of some level of mixed race but the overall average IQ remains below 90. And unfortunately, the "Black" population is trending toward more "inequality" as low-IQ, non-achieving Blacks are reproducing much faster than high-IQ, high-achieving Blacks.

As a result, our urban Blacks are basically at the same intellectual level (IQ) as their ancestors and distant cousins in Africa. Some are quite intelligent and accomplished, but they are a smaller portion of the urban Black population than, say, of the prosperous suburban populations, Black and white.

What does this mean, as it impacts public policy?

Well, essentially every urban area in the country with a large Black population deals perennially with what is euphemistically called an "achievement gap." For some unmentionable reason, the "Black" students are at a remarkably lower level of academic achievement than the GenPop. They all promise to work on it, they all spend money to develop special programs, and emphases, and whatnot, and - surprise, surprise, surprise - the achievement gap never goes away. But IT CAN NEVER GO AWAY, because it is caused by the urban Black population generally having a dramatically lower intellectual potential. It's not that the teachers and the schools aren't doing the Right Stuff, it's that the raw material they are working with does not have the Right Stuff.

And the danger is that in taking measures that are intended to reduce the Achievement Gap, the schools will start doing things that actually harm the high-achieving Blacks, and those who want to do their best in school. Tests and standards will be watered down so that the difference between the achieving students and the non-achieving students is not so stark. Grading will be compromised for the same purpose. Suspensions and expulsions for anti-social behavior will be reduced, thus allowing the bad actors to prey on those trying to get an education. Poor and disruptive students who would like to drop out will be incented to remain, having the same deleterious effect.

The solution is easy but makes ACLU-types uncomfortable. Students should be taught with other students having the same potential, and not all thrown together in the same classrooms. Race should not even be considered; this should be based entirely on intelligence and aptitude testing. Curricula should be appropriate for the intellectual potential of the stratified student groups. It should be recognized that many students are simply not "college material" and they should be directed to subjects and a level of academic rigor where they can succeed. And if that means they are learning very basic things, so be it.

The result will - of course - be that the lower-level curricula will be primarily populated by "people of color."

And therefore, our societal do-gooders will stand in the way of this logical approach, claiming that some students would be stigmatized and prevented from achieving their full potential. Yes, better to drag everyone else down, so that the dullards won't feel badly about themselves.

The most difficult and intractable problems are the ones where we know the solution, but are too timid to implement it. Like this one.

Where ya reckon america is on a bell curve.

National IQ Scores - Country Rankings

Average IQ by Country - Statistic Brain

List of Average IQ By Country and American States |
Social Psychology, Religiosity, Authoritarianism, Christianity and IQ

No doubt, IQ can be affected to some extent by environmental and even nutritional factors, but that extent is limited, and ultimately, if you take a population with IQ 85, leave them to populate among themselves for 10 generations, the resulting generation will be about at the same place. In our beloved African-American community, the achievers frequently LEAVE that community, to live a middle-class existence elsewhere. Further, enjoying the relative riches of middle-class life, they tend to have smaller families, with 0, 1, or at most 2 kids. The results for the overall "Black" population are predictable and observable.

When 'Operation Head-Start' was conceived in the 60's it was based on the proposition that poor and minority kids were failing and generally achieving less academically because their home culture was not intellectually stimulative. They did not watch Mr. Rogers, or hear intelligent conversations at home in pre-school years, thus they were at a disadvantage going into Kindergarten and First Grade. OHS was going to give them culturally-enriched experiences in pre-school so that they could perform with the GenPop.

Made perfect sense.

But all the relevant data, decades into the program, shows that by fourth grade, those kids are indistinguishable from other kids raised in the same environment without OHS. People supporting OHS point to very marginal and dubious data indicating that things like later gang membership are reduced, but this is very speculative. Ultimately, the hoped-for result of enhanced academic performance is not realized, and OHS remains on our collective expense report for (a) providing babysitting services for people on welfare, and (b) providing employment for poor moms who are otherwise unemployable, while providing no academic benefit whatsoever.

To the person above who poo-poo'd the value of a high IQ, you are whistling in the wind. As with any human trait writ large, there are some people with high IQ's who accomplish nothing (even in academe), and some dullards who do very well indeed - particularly as entrepreneurs and salesman. But the broad data confirm that more intelligent people accomplish more in their lives, and the more time goes by the greater the difference is between the very intelligent and everyone else. It is the dreaded "INEQUALITY" that all the Leftists complain about.
Many people seem not to understand the underlying concept behind "the bell curve," as it applies to demographics. If I say, for example, that the average IQ for Lithuanians is 95, that is not an indication of any prejudice on my part, or any reason for any individual Lithuanian to feel insulted. A Lithuanian might be a genius or a dullard, and the observation - assuming it's true - is only that a randomly selected Lithuanian is slightly more likely to be a dullard than a genius.

In my own family, among my five siblings, there are three with IQ's below 100 and two with IQ's over 140. Not easy to explain, but true. Smart mailman? Who knows? The principals are now all deceased.
IQ averages don't preclude genius or dullard, but they do predict the probability of each... IQ is 75% HERITABLE.
Ergo, a family with your spread is highly Unlikely.

As to the rest about certain groups not having the potential and society wasting money assuming they do,.. You have that right!
Low IQ is Not curable until/unless genetic manipulation or further intermarriage.
There is one hybrid group/race on this continent with an 85 IQ because of that intermarriage.
IQ being 70 on their native continent, and 100 among the majority of the population Here they intermarried with.
If you look for them, you can find news stories almost daily from around the nation where states and individual school districts have spent virtually infinite amounts of money fighting the dreaded "achievement gap," with no success. Of COURSE, there is no success. It is not possible.

It would be funny, but this is REAL MONEY EXTORTED FROM THE TAXPAYERS. When added to the hundreds of billions in IOU's we have from the Teachers' Unions and other government employees/retirees, it is a pretty awful picture for future taxpayers.
And on a related note, the O'Bama Administration has campaigned forcefully to compel school districts to alter their disciplinary policies and procedures to ensure that disciplinary actions are meted out in the same proportion as the demographics of the school in question.

Insanity on steroids. In blindly pretending that "Black" students are not more disobedient, disruptive, and downright criminal than everyone else, they have created, in many school districts, an army of thugs who go around the school KNOWING that they are essentially "untouchable," and victimizing everyone in their path. For more details see The City Journal, Winter, 2017, "No Thug Left Behind," by Katherine Kersten, detailing the nightmarish hell-hole that St Paul, MN, schools have become since implementation of that post-reality set of principles by now-deposed School Superintendent, Valeria Silva.

How much money, and how many ruined student experiences will "we" be responsible for in persisting in our enforced delusions?
poverty can be a result of low IQ, so the poverty excuse is invalidated by that alone.

In addition those that came from poverty have been successful and genius
RE: Rocket Boys
shows that by fourth grade, those kids are indistinguishable from other kids raised in the same environment without OHS. Yes, in other words, the results show that the kids in Head Start are, by 3rd or 4th grade, EQUAL to the middle class kids who didn't need Head Start to begin with. The Head Start kids are on an even playing field going into Jr. High and High school, and that is a very good thing.

But the broad data confirm that more intelligent people accomplish more in their lives, and the more time goes by the greater the difference is between the very intelligent and everyone else.
I could see if more intelligent people go on to get a college degree, that you might say they "accomplish more" (I presume you mean income). However, everything I have ever been taught about IQ says that it predicts ONLY success in academia. There are plenty of people with IQ's of 100 or 95 who are gainfully employed and taking care of their families successfully, as well, who didn't get a college degree. The statement you made seems real, real squishy to me. How do you define "accomplished" and how do define "very intelligent?"
It seems to me this is just another way to underscore negative stereotypes about the black race.
shows that by fourth grade, those kids are indistinguishable from other kids raised in the same environment without OHS. Yes, in other words, the results show that the kids in Head Start are, by 3rd or 4th grade, EQUAL to the middle class kids who didn't need Head Start to begin with. The Head Start kids are on an even playing field going into Jr. High and High school, and that is a very good thing.

But the broad data confirm that more intelligent people accomplish more in their lives, and the more time goes by the greater the difference is between the very intelligent and everyone else.
I could see if more intelligent people go on to get a college degree, that you might say they "accomplish more" (I presume you mean income). However, everything I have ever been taught about IQ says that it predicts ONLY success in academia. There are plenty of people with IQ's of 100 or 95 who are gainfully employed and taking care of their families successfully, as well, who didn't get a college degree. The statement you made seems real, real squishy to me. How do you define "accomplished" and how do define "very intelligent?"
It seems to me this is just another way to underscore negative stereotypes about the black race.

I don't think you understood this:

shows that by fourth grade, those kids are indistinguishable from other kids raised in the same environment without OHS.

When you said this:

"Yes, in other words, the results show that the kids in Head Start are, by 3rd or 4th grade, EQUAL to the middle class kids who didn't need Head Start to begin with. The Head Start kids are on an even playing field going into Jr. High and High school, and that is a very good thing."

It does not say that those kids are EQUAL to the middle class kids. It says that they are EQUAL to other kids FROM THE SAME ENVIRONMENT. In other words, they are at the same level as the disadvantaged child pool they were pulled from. That means that there was NO discernible effect from the program by the time the kids reach 3rd or 4th grade. Which begs the question, why continue it???
I would never, ever, ever say or imply that people of average intelligence cannot be very successful. In my own family, I have cousins and uncles of average intelligence who are much more prosperous than I am with my law degree. But on average, intelligence leads to success.
Many people seem not to understand the underlying concept behind "the bell curve," as it applies to demographics. If I say, for example, that the average IQ for Lithuanians is 95, that is not an indication of any prejudice on my part, or any reason for any individual Lithuanian to feel insulted. A Lithuanian might be a genius or a dullard, and the observation - assuming it's true - is only that a randomly selected Lithuanian is slightly more likely to be a dullard than a genius.

In my own family, among my five siblings, there are three with IQ's below 100 and two with IQ's over 140. Not easy to explain, but true. Smart mailman? Who knows? The principals are now all deceased.

Anyone with sufficient interest can confirm that the average IQ of Blacks living in Africa is very close to 85. Hence, no passage of time will result in Africa becoming a latter-day copy of Western Europe. Ain't happening.

And as with the hypothetical Lithuanians, there are high-achieving Black geniuses in Africa and there are dullards. Our former President would seem to have been sired by one of the former. As for African-Americans generally, most are of some level of mixed race but the overall average IQ remains below 90. And unfortunately, the "Black" population is trending toward more "inequality" as low-IQ, non-achieving Blacks are reproducing much faster than high-IQ, high-achieving Blacks.

As a result, our urban Blacks are basically at the same intellectual level (IQ) as their ancestors and distant cousins in Africa. Some are quite intelligent and accomplished, but they are a smaller portion of the urban Black population than, say, of the prosperous suburban populations, Black and white.

What does this mean, as it impacts public policy?

Well, essentially every urban area in the country with a large Black population deals perennially with what is euphemistically called an "achievement gap." For some unmentionable reason, the "Black" students are at a remarkably lower level of academic achievement than the GenPop. They all promise to work on it, they all spend money to develop special programs, and emphases, and whatnot, and - surprise, surprise, surprise - the achievement gap never goes away. But IT CAN NEVER GO AWAY, because it is caused by the urban Black population generally having a dramatically lower intellectual potential. It's not that the teachers and the schools aren't doing the Right Stuff, it's that the raw material they are working with does not have the Right Stuff.

And the danger is that in taking measures that are intended to reduce the Achievement Gap, the schools will start doing things that actually harm the high-achieving Blacks, and those who want to do their best in school. Tests and standards will be watered down so that the difference between the achieving students and the non-achieving students is not so stark. Grading will be compromised for the same purpose. Suspensions and expulsions for anti-social behavior will be reduced, thus allowing the bad actors to prey on those trying to get an education. Poor and disruptive students who would like to drop out will be incented to remain, having the same deleterious effect.

The solution is easy but makes ACLU-types uncomfortable. Students should be taught with other students having the same potential, and not all thrown together in the same classrooms. Race should not even be considered; this should be based entirely on intelligence and aptitude testing. Curricula should be appropriate for the intellectual potential of the stratified student groups. It should be recognized that many students are simply not "college material" and they should be directed to subjects and a level of academic rigor where they can succeed. And if that means they are learning very basic things, so be it.

The result will - of course - be that the lower-level curricula will be primarily populated by "people of color."

And therefore, our societal do-gooders will stand in the way of this logical approach, claiming that some students would be stigmatized and prevented from achieving their full potential. Yes, better to drag everyone else down, so that the dullards won't feel badly about themselves.

The most difficult and intractable problems are the ones where we know the solution, but are too timid to implement it. Like this one.
Stupid is as stupid does.
IQ's are affected by nutrition and environment as well as genetics, both before and after birth. It is interesting that IQ seems to have a genetic component but it changes in subsequent generations when the environment and parenting style changes.
The other thing to keep in mind is that IQ is only predictive of how well an individual will do academically, in school. It is not predictive of success in life.
I think mainstreaming has gone too far and it is part of the reason our standards have fallen in a lot of schools. Not everyone can achieve high levels of academia, but I disagree with you that it is their color. It more often has to do with poverty. Fix that for the communities of color (somehow--I don't know how) and you will fix the achievement problem as well.

Interesting lies. Or self delusions. It is a well established fact that negroes have on average a few grams less of brain than White people. But feel free to continue to wish yourself away from reality.
A recent IQ paper on African American pupils found that they had an average IQ of 92, slightly above Lithuania's average IQ: 91. IQ data from the 1970s cited in the Bell Curve is somewhat outdated now. Black British are known to have an average IQ score of 95, which is only 5 points below White British. In my view, we need to stop pampering blacks and Hispanics with Affirmative Action in college admissions.

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A recent IQ paper on African American pupils found that they had an average IQ of 92, slightly above Lithuania's average IQ: 91. IQ data from the 1970s cited in the Bell Curve is somewhat outdated now. Black British are known to have an average IQ score of 95, which is only 5 points below White British. In my view, we need to stop pampering blacks and Hispanics with Affirmative Action in college admissions.

It is pretty scary that the average IQ of the world hovers around 100.
It is true that IQ is more genetic than environmental. That means blacks will never (as in, the next thousand years) be "equal" to whites in terms of intelligence.

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