The Intimidate Brigade


Sep 23, 2010
The Trayvon Martin killing brought out the Intimidate Brigade in full force; everyone from the Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to Calypso Louie to Hussein are up in arms. It matters little that Trayvon Martin was NOT killed by that most despicable of creatures ——the white Christian male —— the opportunity to intimidate is too good to let go by. In their haste to capitalize on a tragedy the commanders of the Intimidate Brigade completely ignored this about the shooter:

His father is white, neighbors say. His mother is Latina. And his family is eager to point out that some of his relatives are black.

Who is George Zimmerman?
By Manuel Roig-Franzia, Tom Jackman and Darryl Fears, Published: March 22

Who is George Zimmerman? - The Washington Post

First let me say that black rage does exist in SOME, but not all, black Americans. Some black Americans do admit to the crippling consequences of black rage. One thing is certain —— black rage, real or practiced for profit, is a useful tool for ambitious blacks. Rage is a way to intimidate whites. The presumption is that the guy who projects the most rage will always win.

On the other side of the coin many black Americans deny the existence of black rage.

From the Left’s perspective blacks have every Right to be angry; including those blacks who first came to this country in the second half of the last century. Every black that sets foot on American soil is entitled to express rage against whites as though their own black ancestors had been plantation slaves, too.

NOTE: Divide and conquer is a well-known political strategy. In America, Democrats incorporated black rage into their divide and RULE strategy. Divide and rule is a howling success. Forced integration is a colossal failure.

Naturally, white limousine liberals always treated black rage in America as though it is justified. Once justification was established it followed that whites had to do everything in their power to appease black anger. Affirmative action, politically correct speech, tax dollar funding for organizations like ACORN, quotas, lifetime tenure in academe, and of course the welfare state itself all came about because of black rage. Not one of those things had anything to do with the poor and disfranchised. It was all government-sanctioned racism in pursuit of the Socialist/Communist political agenda.

For all of the things blacks demanded, and got, the record shows that the more they got the more the rage grew. When black kids attack a white kid over nothing more than a seat on a school bus in this country the public is told it happened because there is no universal healthcare.

Euthanasia, tax dollar funded abortions, and death panels aside, the simple truth is that Democrats are on the way to granting black murderers a license to kill if the healthcare bill is not scrapped. Universal healthcare is a welfare program more than it is anything else. Millions of blacks will be hired to work in the healthcare industry. Blacks, indeed, all non-whites, filled with rage will be the first in line to seize the opportunity to kill whites and get away with it. What better way to get even with whites than in a hospital where murder, or causing crippling pain, can be disguised in a hundred ways?

In addition to a hospital’s vested interest in covering up questionable deaths and cruel treatment, Hussein and his Justice Department indicated they have no intention of prosecuting black lawbreakers for lesser crimes; so there is no reason to believe they will investigate questionable practices in the medical industry. Don’t expect local prosecutors to go out of their way to antagonize the JD either.

I know this one will fly like a lead balloon, but Democrats should be more than willing to establish separate hospitals, testing facilities, etc., for whites and for blacks. After all, healthcare is not about eating at a lunch counter; it’s about an industry that has the power of life and death over its customers. If there is the slightest chance that murderous black rage will find an outlet in the healthcare industry then every precaution should be taken to avoid a tragedy that could go unnoticed for decades.

Before my opposites jump the gun, let me say that I am not suggesting “separate but equal” across the board. I know that a substantial number of whites and blacks get along. The major problem created by black rage has always been that every white is forced to associate with blacks in a multitude of ways. No one seems to notice that blacks retained their Right to choose their associates while whites lost that choice decades ago.

Am I exaggerating? Not when you consider everything black rage accomplished in academe. Forcing multiculturalism on the young, loss of intellectual freedom in higher education, required courses taught by black professors are some examples. It is not much of a stretch to go from killing the spirit in a classroom to killing the body in a hospital.

Finally, teaching children lies about global warming is directly connected to the amount of money black Africa is demanding from white Americans. Even controversial white professors are usually controversial because they are promoting the black worldview. That worldview is rooted in rage against whites and against America.
It's too bad race pimps Al and Jesse and other lefty stooges don't get called out for their phoniness on an issue like this one. This apparently innocent kid did nothing to deserve dying for, just like dozens of young black males who die every week as a result of black on black violence. How many have died just in the city of Chicago since this tragedy took place? Al and Jesse and the others should be hollering and carrying on every day of the year in the hoods that spawn and nurture a vicious cycle of blacks bent on killing their brothers and sisters seemingly for the hell of it. Or, maybe something really really important like a $200 pair of used sneakers.
It's too bad race pimps Al and Jesse and other lefty stooges don't get called out for their phoniness on an issue like this one. This apparently innocent kid did nothing to deserve dying for, just like dozens of young black males who die every week as a result of black on black violence. How many have died just in the city of Chicago since this tragedy took place? Al and Jesse and the others should be hollering and carrying on every day of the year in the hoods that spawn and nurture a vicious cycle of blacks bent on killing their brothers and sisters seemingly for the hell of it. Or, maybe something really really important like a $200 pair of used sneakers.

To blastoff: The race pimps as you call them deserve much of the blame. The sad truth is that Hollywood got there first.

Vengeance has been the main premise in Hollywood bloodbaths going all the way back to the big studio days; the bad guy always got it in the final scene. Only nowadays the kill numbers keep rising and it’s not clear who the bad guy is. Vengeance is the premise of every violent plot. Hollywood has taught generations of moviegoers that getting even is acceptable behavior; so after decades of the same message it should not surprise adults to see a generation of kids come along who are carrying fictional revenge to its logical conclusion in the real world.

When teenagers in real life turn to killing they are not trying to imitate the on-screen killing as some claim, they are exacting payment for perceived slights. In the final analysis the racial mixture of killers and victims matters little. The reality is black, and white, race pimps manipulating immature minds.

Incidentally, have you ever seen one of the pimps do the killing? Of course not. Their forte is reaping the financial rewards from every negative racial thing Hollywood has been sowing for three generations. Like all cowards race pimps take pride in talking others into doing the dirty work.

Add in the tens of millions that governments slaughtered in the twentieth century and it’s surprising there isn’t more killing.
Well, well, look at what just popped up. Before the Internet came along anything that upset the Intimate Brigade would have been buried forever.

Witness counters Trayvon Martin media narrative
Says 17-year-old was beating Zimmerman before shooting

Witness counters Trayvon Martin media narrative

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