The insanity of “I stand by Israel”


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
When do we ever hear someone say I stand by the republic of the Congo. I stand by Japan. I stand by Australia.

Somebody might say “haven’t you seen the horrific attacks on Israel on October 7?”

Have people seen the horrific murders that take place in the United States of America every single day? Do people understand the babies that are killed in Chicago by gang warfare?

Then the pro Israeli says “Your an anti semite , I stand by Israel”

it is those who talk like that who call people anti-Semitic are either miss guided, or they are evil. They know full well, some of them of the injustices going on all over the world. Other ones are good people but they’ve been brainwashed and miss guided by the mass media in America who for whatever reason concentrates on Israel.

“ we’ll it’s a strategic area in the Middle East”

Huh …. Israel has the strongest military in the Middle East and they are facing people who have pistols and rocks. They can never lose. They have allies like Egypt and Jordan and soon Saudi Arabia and they already have many other Ally’s in that region.

I say the same thing about this Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“ it’s a Ukraine it’s a strategic area”

What? … Russia’s going to launch an invasion of America from Ukraine? . They can’t even get past Ukraine. How are they going to get into Poland or Germany or France which by the way that ain’t gonna happen.

Anybody can make an argument that any place in the world is a strategic area. There’s gold/minerals all throughout Africa and there’s all sorts of conflicts going on there. Can make the argument that somebody could take over a country in Africa, and then launch an invasion of America from there. That’s how stupid and pathetic This whole concentration on Israel and Ukraine is by our country.

We need politicians and the media to concentrate on the problems We face in America today.
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So...why again is it insane to stand by Israel?
Joe with his nationalist crap has divided the nation. He a globalist tool getting us into another globalist war. Perhaps the last time we will be on Israel's side. The TV shills are beating the war drums for him it seems. The Progs lie to us all the time. Now they are questioning Iran? What a joke. The joke is on us.
Joe with his nationalist crap has divided the nation. He a globalist tool getting us into another globalist war. Perhaps the last time we will be on Israel's side. The TV shills are beating the war drums for him it seems. The Progs lie to us all the time. Now they are questioning Iran? What a joke. The joke is on us.
Nationalist?...I thought you people thought he was a Socialist? You are really getting your "ists" mixed up. NO ONE I see is beating a drum for war. Questioning Iran would be normal. The back Hamas.
When do we ever hear someone say I stand by the republic of the Congo. I stand by Japan. I stand by Australia.

When they have innocent women and children butchered by insane religious nutjobs whose very modus operandi is predicated on the destruction of the very people on who they reign down their violence upon.

I ain't no Christian, but I guess my English forefathers taught me who the good guys and the bad guys are.

Seriously, what the fuck happened to you man?
When do we ever hear someone say I stand by the republic of the Congo. I stand by Japan. I stand by Australia.

Somebody might say “haven’t you seen the horrific attacks on Israel on October 7?”

Have people seen the horrific murders that take place in the United States of America every single day? Do people understand the babies that are killed in Chicago by gang warfare?

Then the pro Israeli says “Your an anti semite , I stand by Israel”

it is those who talk like that who call people anti-Semitic are either miss guided, or they are evil. They know full well, some of them of the injustices going on all over the world. Other ones are good people but they’ve been brainwashed and miss guided by the mass media in America who for whatever reason concentrates on Israel.

“ we’ll it’s a strategic area in the Middle East”

Huh …. Israel has the strongest military in the Middle East and they are facing people who have pistols and rocks. They can never lose. They have allies like Egypt and Jordan and soon Saudi Arabia and they already have many other Ally’s in that region.

I say the same thing about this Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“ it’s a Ukraine it’s a strategic area”

What? … Russia’s going to launch an invasion of America from Ukraine? . They can’t even get past Ukraine. How are they going to get into Poland or Germany or France which by the way that ain’t gonna happen.

Anybody can make an argument that any place in the world is a strategic area. There’s gold/minerals all throughout Africa and there’s all sorts of conflicts going on there. Can make the argument that somebody could take over a country in Africa, and then launch an invasion of America from there. That’s how stupid and pathetic This whole concentration on Israel and Ukraine is by our country.

We need politicians and the media to concentrate on the problems We face in America today.
Why don't you just admit that you hate Jews and love terrorists? It would cut down on the number of posts you have to make in convincing everyone.
I recall back when all the money the Irish Republican Army was receiving from American citizens was a major issue between the U.S. and Great Britain. The Protestants wanted Northern Ireland to remain in the United Kingdom while the Catholics over there wished to join the Republic of Ireland. The terrorist acts taking place there were awful.

Such memories are part of the reason I believe in keeping religion and government separated.
Biden makes his argument well on both Israel and Ukraine. It just popped up on YouTube I missed it if it was shown on television today.
When do we ever hear someone say I stand by the republic of the Congo. I stand by Japan. I stand by Australia.

Somebody might say “haven’t you seen the horrific attacks on Israel on October 7?”

Have people seen the horrific murders that take place in the United States of America every single day? Do people understand the babies that are killed in Chicago by gang warfare?

Then the pro Israeli says “Your an anti semite , I stand by Israel”

it is those who talk like that who call people anti-Semitic are either miss guided, or they are evil. They know full well, some of them of the injustices going on all over the world. Other ones are good people but they’ve been brainwashed and miss guided by the mass media in America who for whatever reason concentrates on Israel.

“ we’ll it’s a strategic area in the Middle East”

Huh …. Israel has the strongest military in the Middle East and they are facing people who have pistols and rocks. They can never lose. They have allies like Egypt and Jordan and soon Saudi Arabia and they already have many other Ally’s in that region.

I say the same thing about this Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“ it’s a Ukraine it’s a strategic area”

What? … Russia’s going to launch an invasion of America from Ukraine? . They can’t even get past Ukraine. How are they going to get into Poland or Germany or France which by the way that ain’t gonna happen.

Anybody can make an argument that any place in the world is a strategic area. There’s gold/minerals all throughout Africa and there’s all sorts of conflicts going on there. Can make the argument that somebody could take over a country in Africa, and then launch an invasion of America from there. That’s how stupid and pathetic This whole concentration on Israel and Ukraine is by our country.

We need politicians and the media to concentrate on the problems We face in America today.
Moral-relativism is a piss-pour excuse for being a tremendous douche bag.

Any time someone murders almost 2000 people simply because of their religion it is a horrific event.

This isn't gang related violence, you unbelievable putz. This is genocide.
Moral-relativism is a piss-pour excuse for being a tremendous douche bag.

Any time someone murders almost 2000 people simply because of their religion it is a horrific event.

This isn't gang related violence, you unbelievable putz. This is genocide.
What's worse is this feud stems all the way back to the sons of Abraham.
So...why again is it insane to stand by Israel?

Because the Israelis did not buy any of the land, and instead murdered the Palestinian owner and stole the homes they occupy.
Look up the old census data.
The population of Palestine back around 1920, was less than 5% Jewish.
There actually was a law against selling property to Jews, so all the Jews in Israel never paid for any of the land they occupy illegally.

And those who claim that they won the land by winning the 1948 war, has to remember that the Jews started that war, by massacring Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
Why do you think Menachim Begin blew up the King David Hotel, murdering the British high command there.
It was because the British were preventing the massacres the Zionists planned.
When they have innocent women and children butchered by insane religious nutjobs whose very modus operandi is predicated on the destruction of the very people on who they reign down their violence upon.

I ain't no Christian, but I guess my English forefathers taught me who the good guys and the bad guys are.

Seriously, what the fuck happened to you man?

The immigrant Jews are the entire source of violence in the Israel/Palestine conflict.
Read up on the Zionist massacres, like the village of Deir Yassin, and the demolition of the King David hotel, murdering the entire British high command there.
Why don't you just admit that you hate Jews and love terrorists? It would cut down on the number of posts you have to make in convincing everyone.

Israel is populated by Zionist fanatics who are not really Jewish at all.
And the whole concept of terrorism was started by the Zionists.
Go look up the massacre of Deir Yassin and Menachim Begin blowing up the King David Hotel to murder the British high command.

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