The Idolatry of Ronald Reagan

There is nothing "whingy", nor inaccurate about my post. Walesa was thanking Reagan at the statue dedication for being one of five world leaders who "helped" free Poland from USSR occupation and control. He also mentioned Margaret Thatcher who was still in power as Bush 41 began his active policies of making the USSR able to dissolve. More importantly, he credited Pope John Paul II, French President Francois Mitterand and Mikail Gorbachev, who were actually still leaders at the time of the USSR dissolution. You may also note that Walesa gives credit to Poland's own efforts.

Not knowing the history of how the USSR fell or the history of Poland, it might have gone over your head that Walesa was referring to 1989, which is when Poland left the control of the USSR preceding the fall of the USSR through the Solidarity movement and Party which shocked the world by voting itself out of the USSR in 1989, during the administration of Bush 41. Reagan helped during his administration by joining with other world leaders and applying pressure, but the former CIA Director Bush 41 was the one who orchestrated the final dessolution that freed the rest of Eastern Europe.
I assure you I know a lot more about history and politics than any whingy twit on this site, most of all you. You have neither the background nor certainly not the knowledge to be capable of analyzing the end of the Cold War.

You presume to interpret the words of a leader of the stature of Lech Walesa, when he himself was quite clear.

You try to come off as well-informed but by the very content of your posts, you are outed as another dime-a-dozen ignorant hack.
And yet with all your knowledge the best evidence you can produce is a speech you misinterpret and distort. You have not challenged a single fact I posted. You simply brag about your knowledge and make a claim that I have no background about the topic. Your assurance that you know a lot more about this subject than I do is nothing more than fake bravado. You can start off by showing where I misinterpreted Lech's speech. Maybe tell us about your cred's on the subject. How is it you think you know so much? Go at it, tear apart the facts in my comments with your facts and knowledge. Lets see how you do.
They say Reagan's policies "Failed" only because they did not further the cause of Communism
Has someone said Reagan's policies to bring down the USSR failed, or, are people challenging that he and his policies alone brought down the USSR. Reagan was a part of bringing down the USSR. Others also played a part. One can honestly debate who or what was the more significant factor or factors.
And someone of a very different political persuasion who was on the front liine against communism, and actually someone who I met briefly:

Former Czech President Vaclav Havel:
"I was deeply hit by the news about the death of Ronald Reagan.

He was a man of firm principles who was indisputably instrumental in the fall of communism."
Gorby gave Reagan a deal and Reagan grabbed it, and for that we should thank Reagan. It was Gorby's deal, however.
Reagan's mission was the collapse of the Soviet Union. That was certainly not Gorbachev's. It's history folks. Attempted revisionism is the errand of fools and hacks.

But don't you see, that's the whole point! Progressives HATE that Communism fell!
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You failed to answer my question Frank. Who says Reagan's policies failed to help bring down the USSR?
Doesn't make sense. The guy basically broke very law on the books and the Repubs want to nominate him for sainthood. :eusa_eh:
You failed to answer my question Frank. Who says Reagan's policies failed to help bring down the USSR?

Not sure what your point is, but I know you loved Gorby and Soviet Communism
The thread is titled "The Idolatry of Ronald Reagan". My point is that the main reason some idolize him is because they credit him inaccurately as having defeated the USSR and brought down the Iron Curtain all by himself, or at least as the most important and the key player. Facts say it couldn't and wouldn't have happened without the other players, but might have happened anyway without him.
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Reagan voted for FDR.
What did Ronald Reagan ever do that makes every GOP candidate want to be a mindless Ronald Reagan redux?

Conservatives extol limited government, but they never refuse social security or medicare; they never refuse federal aid when disaster strikes; they never refuse workers' comp or unemployment benefits; and they all benefits from the Fair Labor Standards Act and other federal laws related to public health, education, welfare, and safety.

Yes, ALL Americans benefit from entitlements that ALL Americans paid for regardless of who is in office, genius.
At one time governments were used for the benefit of the royalists, nobles and church. When the colonists declared and won their independence they declared an end to that practice with limited government. Later Americans discovered they could use the government just as the elite had done, but now for the good of all people. That was as big a change as the Revolution itself and It took some time for that revelation to take place, and is a revelation still taking place. .
Way to piss off the Right by pointing out that Reagan voted for FDR.
St Ronnie was also the head of the screen actors union. Pro union for himself and anti-union for everyone else. The perfect CON$ervoFascist.
And someone of a very different political persuasion who was on the front liine against communism, and actually someone who I met briefly:

Former Czech President Vaclav Havel:
"I was deeply hit by the news about the death of Ronald Reagan.

He was a man of firm principles who was indisputably instrumental in the fall of communism."
Gorby gave Reagan a deal and Reagan grabbed it, and for that we should thank Reagan. It was Gorby's deal, however.
Reagan's mission was the collapse of the Soviet Union. That was certainly not Gorbachev's. It's history folks. Attempted revisionism is the errand of fools and hacks.

But don't you see, that's the whole point! Progressives HATE that Communism fell!
Almost as much as the Right HATES that the NAZIS fell.
St Ronnie was also the head of the screen actors union. Pro union for himself and anti-union for everyone else. The perfect CON$ervoFascist.
It's probably largely why he became a conservative.

Articles Ronald Reagan The Crusader
Moreover, in the late 1940s and early 1950s SAG was among the communists' top takeover targets. The communists wanted control of all our country's unions, of course, but SAG topped their list simply because it was "Hollywood" and so its influence on American culture was enormous. As Kengor shows, it was Reagan who led the fight to stop the communists. It's an astonishing thought, but Reagan was the only American politician who had blocked a communist takeover of anything before reaching the White House.
This topic is pretty well finished.

Reagan was a great man, the total opposite of FDR. Reagan called Communist evil, vowed to challenge and defeat it and freed hundreds of million from FDR's Satanic deal with Uncle Joe. That's why they build statues to Reagan.

"American" Progressives are a laughing stock, a joke. They admire a system they never lived under and have no clue how awful and evil it is.
This topic is pretty well finished.

Reagan was a great man, the total opposite of FDR. Reagan called Communist evil, vowed to challenge and defeat it and freed hundreds of million from FDR's Satanic deal with Uncle Joe. That's why they build statues to Reagan.

"American" Progressives are a laughing stock, a joke. They admire a system they never lived under and have no clue how awful and evil it is.
The Right hates FDR for defeating their idols, the Nazis. They will never forgive FDR for it.
St Ronnie was also the head of the screen actors union. Pro union for himself and anti-union for everyone else. The perfect CON$ervoFascist.

Actually they call themselves The Screen Actor's Guild, not "union". Furthermore, you could hardly expect Ronnie to accomplish all the wonderful humanitarian efforts he did -freeing millions of slaves from the yoke of left-wing progressive slavery- as president of the Screen Actor's Guild, now could you?

Why is it that you progressives get so downright hateful every time a Republican president (Lincoln, Reagan) frees millions of slaves from democrat/progressive oppression? It'll no doubt be up to us again, to free blacks and Mexicans from their current state of slavery under progressives. It can't come soon enough for me.

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