The gun used yesterday...was California compliant, it was likely and SKS

We can send rovers to mars, but we can't make a safe, smart gun? Um... no.
Are you saying a "smart gun" would have stopped LWL Hodgkinson?
I'm saying that a smartgun would be a major step forward.
I disagree with the idea since it is a further step towards Federal gun control.

Your extreme paranoia is a mental health issue. NO GUNS FOR YOU!!!! :biggrin:
Do you believe the Founders were extreme paranoids? The right of self-defense is recognized not only in our Founding documents but by the UN. The fact authoritarians want to control citizens is as old as slavery.

Que the Kiwi!
Now you are just trolling...or should I say, continuing to troll....
It's the future, brah. The police will disable your guns before they even show up.
The Socialist wet dream: Suuuure, you can have your just can never use them.

With the NSA and all the rest of the alphabet soup cop groups, we're headed in that direction. It's the future.
I'm sure you'll just bend over and take it. Not all of us will nor are all as trusting in the Federal government to take care of us.

I officially crown you King of Paranoia. Or are you a spear chucker?
Spear chucker? Interesting slip into racism for you but unsurprising to see racist liberals on this forum.
Yeah, how has the fact that Europe is basically "gun free" worked out for them with the influx of military aged muslim refugees? The European women need to either carry mace and be on birth control or cover up their faces so they don't get a "train" pulled on them and there are certain parts of European cities that even cops will not venture into while the disarmed public have become sitting ducks.

I realize that's what Alex Jones tells you what happens, Cocksucker Dale, but the reality is, Europe has very low crime rates compared to the US.

I'm honestly surprised you aren't claiming that this attack on Tuesday was another false flag.

Psuedo liberal fucks like you want Americans unarmed and only "da gubermint" should have them...but wait? Isn't the police part of this corporate entity you lovingly refer to as "gubermint"? They have guns and they seem to be using them with little or no regard to the safety of the serfs that they are allegedly sworn to protect.

well, there is no reason for any civilian to own a gun, but I'm not totally adverse to letting some of you have them so you can feel better about your tiny peckers. As long as you go through a thorough background check, and we yank those guns the minute you get caught doing something you aren't supposed to do. Oh, yeah, and if you are stocking up like the Zombies are going to show up, someone should look at that.

You wouldn't qualify, of course. You're fucking batshit crazy and you think the Trilateralist Lizard People are out to get you. You're the kind of person who inevitably shoots up a mall or a school or something.

But a regular person who just like to hunt or target shoot. Not much of a problem there.

"I realize that's what Alex Jones tells you what happens, Cocksucker Dale, but the reality is, Europe has very low crime rates compared to the US."

Stats are only as good as the ones compiling them, Cocksucker Joe. Are there "no go zones" in the United States where the police flat out refuse to go to like in Europe?

"I'm honestly surprised you aren't claiming that this attack on Tuesday was another false flag

I have found some anomalies that sets off my b.s detector as it pertains to how this "spare" was able to find a group of Repubs being that he was an "out of towner" but thanks for askin'.

"well, there is no reason for any civilian to own a gun, but I'm not totally adverse to letting some of you have them so you can feel better about your tiny peckers"

Really? So you came to that conclusion how, exactly? You have made this determination by how, exactly? What is your area of expertise when it comes the ability of someone to defend their loved ones and property? Why would having a weapon to be used for self defense of life and property mean that someone was "short-changed" in the endowment department? So, are you claiming that if someone was trying to rape and strangle a loved one of yours or that your home was invaded that by dropping your pants and showing them your "junk" that they would flee at the very sight of it? LMAO!!!

"As long as you go through a thorough background check, and we yank those guns the minute you get caught doing something you aren't supposed to do. Oh, yeah, and if you are stocking up like the Zombies are going to show up, someone should look at that"

"We"?????? Who is "we", exactly? You believe that you have any power or say? That you could sway people to infringe on the rights of others? How "communist" of you........

"You wouldn't qualify, of course. You're fucking batshit crazy and you think the Trilateralist Lizard People are out to get you. You're the kind of person who inevitably shoots up a mall or a school or something"

Don't know where the "lizard people reference" comes from but you are a bit "out there" and you foolishly see yourself as some kind of an "authoritarian" when you are just another debt slave....and neither you or this foreign owned corporate enty decides what my rights are....not now, not ever. Capiche"?
We can send rovers to mars, but we can't make a safe, smart gun? Um... no.
Are you saying a "smart gun" would have stopped LWL Hodgkinson?
I'm saying that a smartgun would be a major step forward.
I disagree with the idea since it is a further step towards Federal gun control.

Your extreme paranoia is a mental health issue. NO GUNS FOR YOU!!!! :biggrin:
Do you believe the Founders were extreme paranoids? The right of self-defense is recognized not only in our Founding documents but by the UN. The fact authoritarians want to control citizens is as old as slavery.

Que the Kiwi!
In 1776, the US was under threat of attack by the British and the Indians. Today, The US attacks everyone else in their country, so no threat to you.
As well, in 1776, the FFs were expecting the citizens to use the weapons to defend the country, not to shoot at each other. :lmao:
And anyways, there are plenty of weapons/arms that the gov already doesn't allow you to own, like grenades, cannons, tanks..., and I'm talking about stuff that would work and you can openly buy shells for... So that "freedom" isn't really free, but constrained. So you could say that the govs today don't even follow what the FFS said, which was unfettered access to all weapons (the well-armed citizenry, which right now, is heavily outgunned by the government. So they have you BELIEVING that you have free access the weapons, but you don't even know that you don't. They've soooo got you. lol.
It's the future, brah. The police will disable your guns before they even show up.
The Socialist wet dream: Suuuure, you can have your just can never use them.

With the NSA and all the rest of the alphabet soup cop groups, we're headed in that direction. It's the future.
I'm sure you'll just bend over and take it. Not all of us will nor are all as trusting in the Federal government to take care of us.

I officially crown you King of Paranoia. Or are you a spear chucker?
Spear chucker? Interesting slip into racism for you but unsurprising to see racist liberals on this forum.
Did they not throw spears? That makes them spear throwers/chuckers. Nothing racist about throwing a spear.
No....we want those who actually use guns to commit crimes to go to prison....the democrats in this country fight longer sentences for violent criminals......why is that?

Because we are already locking up 2 million people and it's not bringing crime down any?

Ask the those murdered by their governments in Europe in the 1940s, if they were fine without guns....

Actually, they weren't murdered by "governments", they were murdered by their fellow Europeans who were hard-wired to hate them by 2000 years of an anti-Jewish bible. Everywhere the Nazis went, they found people who were happy to help them kill the Jews.

Why do you think the ones who surnived fled to Palestine after the war, to go piss them off?

More to the point, though, you had the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Where those brave gun-toting Jews took on the Nazis. And killed a whopping 17 of them before 13,000 of them were killed and another 56,000 carted off to concentration camps to explore exciting new career opportunities as lamp shades and bars of soap.

The government will always have more guns, better guns and have people who are better trained to use them.

or the Mexican people who are murdered by their police and military who are working with the drug cartels...10s of thousands of Mexican people murdered by their government....are they okay without guns?

Mexico has a "right to bear arms", they cribbed it off our constitution. The reason why Mexico is such a hellhole right now is that we are flooding guns across their border.

And yet you think giving up our guns is a smart thing to in a peaceful country......and that there is never going to be a chance of that happening here......and you are fools.

Again, 33,000 gun deaths every year is not a peaceful country. When government do horrible things, it's usually because a large portion of the population supports horrible things. A lesson we Americans are learning now.
It always cracks me up how Socialist-leaning authoritarian people like you think only the police and military should have guns then you turn around and bitch about abuses of power by, wait for it.......the police and military.

Here's the thing. Nobody is protesting police brutality by shooting cops. At least not most people.

You shoot a cop, that's one of the few times they actually give a shit and they usually find the guy who did it.

So while police brutality really is a problem, gun ownership by civilians isn't going to fix that. What's going to fix that is holding elected officials accountable.
I have a couple SKS. When the barrel heats up it is highly inaccurate which could explain why there were not more serious injuries


They aren't generally accurate and neither is the common Wolf ammo or that grade of ammo most people buy. Plus he probably was not skilled at the trade of shooting.

2aguy.....fortunately for us, gun grabbing has never been more unpopular. The gun control mental cases in here have never been able to connect the dots on guns. They talk about this stuff as if we can tom do the I Dream of Jeannie blink and make things all Disney-like in the world. Fucking k00ks........these are the people who need to be on a watch list..........

It's actually fashionable now for people to have tricked out AR's and actually be able to shoot with them.

Stats are only as good as the ones compiling them, Cocksucker Joe. Are there "no go zones" in the United States where the police flat out refuse to go to like in Europe?

No, Cocksucker Dale, there aren't "no go zones" in Europe, either.

Sharia Law Muslim 'No-Go' Zones

I have found some anomalies that sets off my b.s detector as it pertains to how this "spare" was able to find a group of Repubs being that he was an "out of towner" but thanks for askin'.

They've already established the guy had been in DC for three months stalking people. But again, you're a crazy person and that probably doesn't factor with you.

Really? So you came to that conclusion how, exactly? You have made this determination by how, exactly? What is your area of expertise when it comes the ability of someone to defend their loved ones and property?

Actually, we come to that conclusion that only 200 people a year use their guns in justifiable homicides, but 21,000 use them in suicides and 8000 in acts of domestic violence.

That's how we can come to that determination. It's called "Math".

Don't know where the "lizard people reference" comes from but you are a bit "out there" and you foolishly see yourself as some kind of an "authoritarian" when you are just another debt slave....and neither you or this foreign owned corporate enty decides what my rights are....not now, not ever. Capiche"?

Guy. Lizard People. Trilaterialists. Bilderbergers. Bohemian Grove. the CFR.

To normal people, all of those sound crazy..To you it only sounds crazy if you mention Lizard People.
No....we want those who actually use guns to commit crimes to go to prison....the democrats in this country fight longer sentences for violent criminals......why is that?

Because we are already locking up 2 million people and it's not bringing crime down any?

Ask the those murdered by their governments in Europe in the 1940s, if they were fine without guns....

Actually, they weren't murdered by "governments", they were murdered by their fellow Europeans who were hard-wired to hate them by 2000 years of an anti-Jewish bible. Everywhere the Nazis went, they found people who were happy to help them kill the Jews.

Why do you think the ones who surnived fled to Palestine after the war, to go piss them off?

More to the point, though, you had the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Where those brave gun-toting Jews took on the Nazis. And killed a whopping 17 of them before 13,000 of them were killed and another 56,000 carted off to concentration camps to explore exciting new career opportunities as lamp shades and bars of soap.

The government will always have more guns, better guns and have people who are better trained to use them.

or the Mexican people who are murdered by their police and military who are working with the drug cartels...10s of thousands of Mexican people murdered by their government....are they okay without guns?

Mexico has a "right to bear arms", they cribbed it off our constitution. The reason why Mexico is such a hellhole right now is that we are flooding guns across their border.

And yet you think giving up our guns is a smart thing to in a peaceful country......and that there is never going to be a chance of that happening here......and you are fools.

Again, 33,000 gun deaths every year is not a peaceful country. When government do horrible things, it's usually because a large portion of the population supports horrible things. A lesson we Americans are learning now.

Okay dumbass.....first, the Jews were disarmed....which meant they didn't have the equipment to fight back because people like you told them they didn't need guns and that it was silly to think that they had anything to fear from their government......and then the national socialists took over.......and deported the Jews to gas chambers.....

Now...had the Jews been as heavily armed as we are in this country, they would have forced even more German troops to deal with them......

What weapons did the Jews have and what effect did it have...3 rifles......for 220 fighters.......this is why we cling to our rifles....

There were 13,000 Jews in the Ghetto......3 rifles, one submachine gun....and they tied up 1,262 German killlers...with 3 rifles, and one submachine gun......

Had there been 13,000 rifles in the hands of the Jews.......and all across the continent, there would have been no way the Germans could have held any territory or pressed their war effort forward......

you guys just don't understand what you are talking about.....

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Wikipedia

Hanna Krall, who interviewed the only surviving uprising commander, Marek Edelman (from the left-wing Jewish Combat Organization, Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa, ŻOB), stated that the ŻOB had 220 fighters and each was armed with a handgun, grenades, and Molotov cocktails. His organization had three rifles in each area, as well as two land mines and one submachine gun in the whole Ghetto.[16][17][18][19]

And the Germans....

Stroop later remarked:[9]

I had two battalions of Waffen-SS, one hundred army men, units of Order Police, and seventy-five to a hundred Security Police people. The Security Police had been active in the Warsaw ghetto for some time, and during this program it was their function to accompany SS units in groups of six or eight, as guides and experts in ghetto matters.[35]


By his own words, Stroop reported that after he took command on 19 April 1943 the forces at his disposal totaled 31 officers and 1,262 men:[38]

The Swiss had 435,000 rifle armed citizens ready to fight a guerilla war against any German invasion......and the Germans didn't invade.....

you morons want to take rifles away from citizens.....knowing what happened in a disarmed Europe when socialists had absolute power......

1,239 murderers with rifles were able to defeat 13,000 Jews....who had 3 rifles and a submachine gun.......and you think that if those 13,000 Jews had all had rifles...that the result wouldn't have been different......that the resources the Germans would have had to devote to dealing with the Jews wouldn't have been cost prohibitive, and wouldn't have effected their other operations? And if this wasn't in one Ghetto area...but all of Poland, and France, and Belgium and Norway...and all the other countries in Europe...had all of their citizens been as well armed as we are...that that wouldn't have made a difference in the course of European history....

Imagine hundreds of thousands of armed citizens in each country the Germans invaded......they would never have conqured Europe.....

you are just stupid.....
It always cracks me up how Socialist-leaning authoritarian people like you think only the police and military should have guns then you turn around and bitch about abuses of power by, wait for it.......the police and military.

Here's the thing. Nobody is protesting police brutality by shooting cops. At least not most people.

You shoot a cop, that's one of the few times they actually give a shit and they usually find the guy who did it.

So while police brutality really is a problem, gun ownership by civilians isn't going to fix that. What's going to fix that is holding elected officials accountable.

Mexico has it in their Constitution...but like you morons...they have stripped it of everything that allow Mexican citizens to own guns.......the only gun store in Mexico is owned by the military and they say who gets to own a gun....the same military that is helping the drug cartels murder Mexican citizens on our border in the 10s of thousands every single year....

No....we want those who actually use guns to commit crimes to go to prison....the democrats in this country fight longer sentences for violent criminals......why is that?

Because we are already locking up 2 million people and it's not bringing crime down any?

Ask the those murdered by their governments in Europe in the 1940s, if they were fine without guns....

Actually, they weren't murdered by "governments", they were murdered by their fellow Europeans who were hard-wired to hate them by 2000 years of an anti-Jewish bible. Everywhere the Nazis went, they found people who were happy to help them kill the Jews.

Why do you think the ones who surnived fled to Palestine after the war, to go piss them off?

More to the point, though, you had the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Where those brave gun-toting Jews took on the Nazis. And killed a whopping 17 of them before 13,000 of them were killed and another 56,000 carted off to concentration camps to explore exciting new career opportunities as lamp shades and bars of soap.

The government will always have more guns, better guns and have people who are better trained to use them.

or the Mexican people who are murdered by their police and military who are working with the drug cartels...10s of thousands of Mexican people murdered by their government....are they okay without guns?

Mexico has a "right to bear arms", they cribbed it off our constitution. The reason why Mexico is such a hellhole right now is that we are flooding guns across their border.

And yet you think giving up our guns is a smart thing to in a peaceful country......and that there is never going to be a chance of that happening here......and you are fools.

Again, 33,000 gun deaths every year is not a peaceful country. When government do horrible things, it's usually because a large portion of the population supports horrible things. A lesson we Americans are learning now.

And you lie by ommission...

Gun suicide..

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Gun suicide...


Non Gun suicide...


Gun Accidental death.....




Gun murder ( 70-80% of the victims of gun murder are actual criminals, not law abiding people)

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8




So you hide what the numbers actually are...and you lie about suicide as the highest number of gun deaths...even though Japan, Korea, China, all have absolute gun control for law abiding citizens...only criminals and cops can have guns.......and they have higher suicide rates than we do....and our non-gun suicide rate has been higher than our gun suicide rate for 2 years in a row.....

Gun Accidental Death...

Gun a country with over 320,000,000 people...... with 400,000,000 guns in private hands, and over 15,700,000 people carrying guns for self defense..... 489 accidental gun deaths....

Gun murder

Of the 9,616 gun murders in this country, 70-80% of the victims are criminals, engaged in criminal activity or part of the criminal life style....and of the remaining victims....many of them are friends and family of the criminal...caught up in the criminal's lifestyle.....
No....we want those who actually use guns to commit crimes to go to prison....the democrats in this country fight longer sentences for violent criminals......why is that?

Because we are already locking up 2 million people and it's not bringing crime down any?

Ask the those murdered by their governments in Europe in the 1940s, if they were fine without guns....

Actually, they weren't murdered by "governments", they were murdered by their fellow Europeans who were hard-wired to hate them by 2000 years of an anti-Jewish bible. Everywhere the Nazis went, they found people who were happy to help them kill the Jews.

Why do you think the ones who surnived fled to Palestine after the war, to go piss them off?

More to the point, though, you had the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Where those brave gun-toting Jews took on the Nazis. And killed a whopping 17 of them before 13,000 of them were killed and another 56,000 carted off to concentration camps to explore exciting new career opportunities as lamp shades and bars of soap.

The government will always have more guns, better guns and have people who are better trained to use them.

or the Mexican people who are murdered by their police and military who are working with the drug cartels...10s of thousands of Mexican people murdered by their government....are they okay without guns?

Mexico has a "right to bear arms", they cribbed it off our constitution. The reason why Mexico is such a hellhole right now is that we are flooding guns across their border.

And yet you think giving up our guns is a smart thing to in a peaceful country......and that there is never going to be a chance of that happening here......and you are fools.

Again, 33,000 gun deaths every year is not a peaceful country. When government do horrible things, it's usually because a large portion of the population supports horrible things. A lesson we Americans are learning now.

Moron......repeat gun offenders are being released after serving less than 2 is happening in all of the major cities...that is the problem.......they need to be in prison for 30 years...not 18 months.......

And would you rather the violent criminals be on the streets? you dumb shit
Are you saying a "smart gun" would have stopped LWL Hodgkinson?
I'm saying that a smartgun would be a major step forward.
I disagree with the idea since it is a further step towards Federal gun control.

Your extreme paranoia is a mental health issue. NO GUNS FOR YOU!!!! :biggrin:
Do you believe the Founders were extreme paranoids? The right of self-defense is recognized not only in our Founding documents but by the UN. The fact authoritarians want to control citizens is as old as slavery.

Que the Kiwi!
In 1776, the US was under threat of attack by the British and the Indians. Today, The US attacks everyone else in their country, so no threat to you.
As well, in 1776, the FFs were expecting the citizens to use the weapons to defend the country, not to shoot at each other. :lmao:
And anyways, there are plenty of weapons/arms that the gov already doesn't allow you to own, like grenades, cannons, tanks..., and I'm talking about stuff that would work and you can openly buy shells for... So that "freedom" isn't really free, but constrained. So you could say that the govs today don't even follow what the FFS said, which was unfettered access to all weapons (the well-armed citizenry, which right now, is heavily outgunned by the government. So they have you BELIEVING that you have free access the weapons, but you don't even know that you don't. They've soooo got you. lol.
You might consider saying stuff like that to yourself in a mirror before posting it on the Internet for the entire world to see.
Here's the thing. Nobody is protesting police brutality by shooting cops. At least not most people....
Nice catch since you know very well some people have, indeed, shot cops in protest.

However, using your same logic, "Nobody is shooting each other with guns. At least not most people." Tens of millions of gun owners and the the vast majority are law-abiding citizens. As has been mentioned several times before, suicides vastly outnumber homicides. If you really want to save lives, you'd be advocating better mental health care.
The Socialist wet dream: Suuuure, you can have your just can never use them.

With the NSA and all the rest of the alphabet soup cop groups, we're headed in that direction. It's the future.
I'm sure you'll just bend over and take it. Not all of us will nor are all as trusting in the Federal government to take care of us.

I officially crown you King of Paranoia. Or are you a spear chucker?
Spear chucker? Interesting slip into racism for you but unsurprising to see racist liberals on this forum.
Did they not throw spears? That makes them spear throwers/chuckers. Nothing racist about throwing a spear.
I'm guessing you're either very young or are a foreigner. Which is it?
Here's the thing. Nobody is protesting police brutality by shooting cops. At least not most people....
Nice catch since you know very well some people have, indeed, shot cops in protest.

However, using your same logic, "Nobody is shooting each other with guns. At least not most people." Tens of millions of gun owners and the the vast majority are law-abiding citizens. As has been mentioned several times before, suicides vastly outnumber homicides. If you really want to save lives, you'd be advocating better mental health care.

He isn't interested in saving lives...he simply hates guns and those who own them.....he has a phobia about irrational fear......he also hates people......
I'm saying that a smartgun would be a major step forward.
I disagree with the idea since it is a further step towards Federal gun control.

Your extreme paranoia is a mental health issue. NO GUNS FOR YOU!!!! :biggrin:
Do you believe the Founders were extreme paranoids? The right of self-defense is recognized not only in our Founding documents but by the UN. The fact authoritarians want to control citizens is as old as slavery.

Que the Kiwi!
In 1776, the US was under threat of attack by the British and the Indians. Today, The US attacks everyone else in their country, so no threat to you.
As well, in 1776, the FFs were expecting the citizens to use the weapons to defend the country, not to shoot at each other. :lmao:
And anyways, there are plenty of weapons/arms that the gov already doesn't allow you to own, like grenades, cannons, tanks..., and I'm talking about stuff that would work and you can openly buy shells for... So that "freedom" isn't really free, but constrained. So you could say that the govs today don't even follow what the FFS said, which was unfettered access to all weapons (the well-armed citizenry, which right now, is heavily outgunned by the government. So they have you BELIEVING that you have free access the weapons, but you don't even know that you don't. They've soooo got you. lol.
You might consider saying stuff like that to yourself in a mirror before posting it on the Internet for the entire world to see.
Your lack of a meaningful response so you turn to a personal attack, is noted.
With the NSA and all the rest of the alphabet soup cop groups, we're headed in that direction. It's the future.
I'm sure you'll just bend over and take it. Not all of us will nor are all as trusting in the Federal government to take care of us.

I officially crown you King of Paranoia. Or are you a spear chucker?
Spear chucker? Interesting slip into racism for you but unsurprising to see racist liberals on this forum.
Did they not throw spears? That makes them spear throwers/chuckers. Nothing racist about throwing a spear.
I'm guessing you're either very young or are a foreigner. Which is it?
You're a bad guesser as well.

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