Railway: A TrumpUSA Dropout


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a commerce/globalization-cynicism tale representative of the Bolshevism of 'TrumpUSA.'

What do you think?

I personally like referencing TrumpUSA for 'pedestrian comic book storytelling,' so if this new celebrity-president (the first one since Ronald Reagan!) generates another brand of outlandish economics (i.e., Reaganomics) perhaps called 'Trumponomics,' I can say, "In the early days of the Trump Administration, I was talking liberally about 'fantasy-fanzines'."

Sometimes I wonder if our commerce-biased society will generate its own 'brand' of censorship!


The American celebrities Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks met a Chechnyan freedom-fighter named Pasha who was questioning them about Roman Polanski's Occultism film The Ninth Gate. Pasha believed the film was very incendiary and pointed to an American predilection for the unusual, but Cruise and Hanks explained that Americans like elaborate social dialogue regarding pluralism. Cruise and Hanks met Pasha on a train in Transylvania (since the two movie stars were travelling there to do research about globalization traffic as it relates to tourism --- for their new terrorism film titled Railway).

Pasha was intrigued by their new film and invited them to an underground Satanism 'club' in Romania where they encountered a bizarre ritual involving a Romanian woman being symbolically 'joined' to two figures representing the Devil-idol Baphomet (a goat-headed figurine). Pasha explained to Cruise and Hanks that such 'underground revelry' was indicative of a European interest in storytelling and mythology, and then Pasha poked fun by saying, "I suppose Europeans are 'voyeurs' just like Americans!" Cruise and Hanks found Pasha to be very interesting and the Satanism 'club' to be even more 'interesting.'

When Cruise and Hanks returned to the USA, they went to the White House to talk with President Trump about their film Railway. The two movie stars discovered that Pasha was already there talking with Trump and waiting for Cruise and Hanks to arrive! Trump explained to Cruise and Hanks that Pasha's visit was meant to open conversations between Americans and Europeans about new-age commerce-based culture-exchange. Pasha then turned to President Trump and said, "I want to meet Roman Polanski!" to which Trump replied eerily, "First you have to convince me you're not a Satanist before we can 'break bread'!" Cruise and Hanks realized Pasha was a 'media-doll TrumpUSA diplomat.'



Sorry friends, I was using storytelling to cheer myself up about Starbucks

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