The Gruesome U.S. Beheadings Fox News Ignored

"Of the 38 countries with large Muslim populations that Pew surveyed, a majority endorsed sharia rule in 25 of them. In 18 of those countries, the majority supporting sharia was 65 percent or more. Clearly you’re talking about many millions of people across many different nations that support capital punishment for apostasy. What sort of bold leap is it to think that there’s widespread, if not majority, support too for the idea that a bunch of infidels who serially mocked Mohammed might have gotten what was coming to them?"

Bill Maher to Jimmy Kimmel Hundreds of millions of Muslims support this Charlie Hebdo attack Hot Air

Chapter 1 Beliefs About Sharia Pew Research Center s Religion Public Life Project

"most Muslims believe sharia is the revealed word of God rather than a body of law developed by men based on the word of God."

"...roughly eight-in-ten Muslims (81%) in Pakistan and Jordan say sharia is the revealed word of God, as do clear majorities in most other countries surveyed in these two regions."

"A majority of Muslims in three Central Asian countries – Tajikistan (70%), Azerbaijan (65%) and Kyrgyzstan (55%) – say there is only one way to understand sharia."

" five of 21 countries where this follow-up question was asked do at least half say all citizens should be subject to Islamic law."

I wonder if more people have been beheaded by the Drug Cartels in Mexico then by Islamists?

I suspect more. But it doesn't get reported.

Nor are they posted on the internet as a recruiting tool and to instruct extreme followers to do the same.

Perspective is indeed a requirement.

Murder is one thing, although tragic in any form, but when committed with the intent to inflame others to commit the same, it is indeed more newsworthy.

I agree. But I see every time the person doing the beheading is a Muslim - no one looks further. It's labeled.

Argh, that is WHAT THEY WANT. Note the name ISLAMIC STATE.

"Of the 38 countries with large Muslim populations that Pew surveyed, a majority endorsed sharia rule in 25 of them. In 18 of those countries, the majority supporting sharia was 65 percent or more. Clearly you’re talking about many millions of people across many different nations that support capital punishment for apostasy. What sort of bold leap is it to think that there’s widespread, if not majority, support too for the idea that a bunch of infidels who serially mocked Mohammed might have gotten what was coming to them?"

Bill Maher to Jimmy Kimmel Hundreds of millions of Muslims support this Charlie Hebdo attack Hot Air

Chapter 1 Beliefs About Sharia Pew Research Center s Religion Public Life Project

"most Muslims believe sharia is the revealed word of God rather than a body of law developed by men based on the word of God."

"...roughly eight-in-ten Muslims (81%) in Pakistan and Jordan say sharia is the revealed word of God, as do clear majorities in most other countries surveyed in these two regions."

"A majority of Muslims in three Central Asian countries – Tajikistan (70%), Azerbaijan (65%) and Kyrgyzstan (55%) – say there is only one way to understand sharia."

" five of 21 countries where this follow-up question was asked do at least half say all citizens should be subject to Islamic law."

I'm familiar with that Pew Report which, I might add, often gets misrepresented.

First of all - it does nothing to support your claim: MILLIONS of Muslims SUPPORT the people who do the beheadings.

It says nothing about supporting barbaric atrocities such as is being conducted by ISIS. It shows nothing - zero - about supporting ISIS.

All it does is conclude that a percentage of Muslims support Sharia. You are cherry picking bits and pieces of it and leaving out pertinent information.

For example, in the opening paragraphs:

According to the survey findings, most Muslims believe sharia is the revealed word of God rather than a body of law developed by men based on the word of God. Muslims also tend to believe sharia has only one, true understanding, but this opinion is far from universal; in some countries, substantial minorities of Muslims believe sharia should be open to multiple interpretations. Religious commitment is closely linked to views about sharia: Muslims who pray several times a day are more likely to say sharia is the revealed word of God, to say that it has only one interpretation and to support the implementation of Islamic law in their country.

Although many Muslims around the world say sharia should be the law of the land in their country, the survey reveals divergent opinions about the precise application of Islamic law.14 Generally, supporters of sharia are most comfortable with its application in cases of family or property disputes. In most regions, fewer favor other specific aspects of sharia, such as cutting off the hands of thieves and executing people who convert from Islam to another faith.

You note the following partial quote:
"A majority of Muslims in three Central Asian countries – Tajikistan (70%), Azerbaijan (65%) and Kyrgyzstan (55%) – say there is only one way to understand sharia."

but completely omit:
"...In the Middle East-North Africa region, belief in a single interpretation of sharia prevails in Lebanon (59%) and the Palestinian territories (51%). But opinion in Iraq is mixed: 46% say there is only one possible way to understand sharia, while 48% disagree. And in Tunisia and Morocco, large majorities (72% and 60%, respectively) believe sharia should be open to multiple interpretations.

The Pew Report is fascinating and informative but it does nothing to support your view that there is this massive support of ISIS' actions. In fact, rather the opposite: The World s Muslims Religion Politics and Society Pew Research Center s Religion Public Life Project

Extremism Widely Rejected
Muslims around the world strongly reject violence in the name of Islam. Asked specifically about suicide bombing, clear majorities in most countries say such acts are rarely or never justified as a means of defending Islam from its enemies.
Maybe the Quran will convince you. Muslim believers may not all strap bombs to themselves or have the nerve to behead an infidel, or heretic, but they are to pray for the success of those who do. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim.

We don't believe anything the Bible says. They believe everything the Quran says. And it says kill all infidels for peace on earth. It isn't a suggestion, like we consider the 10 Commandments, it is a command from Allah.
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Hint: No Muslims Were Involved

The Gruesome U.S. Beheadings Fox News Ignored Blog Media Matters for America
On New Year's Eve, Christian Jose Gomez allegedly attacked his mother with an ax. Angry that she had been "nagging" him about moving some boxes up to the attic, Gomez beheaded Maria Suarez-Cassagne in the family's garage and tried to stuff her headless body into a garbage can, according to investigators. When he couldn't do that, he fled the home on his bike and was soon captured by local deputies in Oldsmar, Florida. Gomez calmly confessed to the crime and said he'd been planning it for days.

Note that Fox News ignored the Florida scene of grisly, domestic violence. Apparently, without a Muslim suspect under arrest for the beheading, Fox News wasn't interested. The cable channel didn't set aside hours to cover the horrific crime. There was no heated Fox News commentary, no panel discussions, no primetime news specials to comb over the evidence of the tragic beheading. Fox News didn't care about the shocking story of an isolated beheading in America.

Thirteen weeks ago however, Fox News couldn't stop talking about an isolated beheading in America. In late September 2014, Fox News became almost singularly obsessed with the gruesome workplace beheading in Moore, Oklahoma by a recent Muslim convert, Alton Nolen. Angered about being fired over racial comments at the Vaughan Foods processing plant, Nolen went home and retrieved a large kitchen knife. He returned to the workplace and began attacking his former co-workers. He beheaded one woman and injured another before he shot was by a company official. Nolen later confessed to the attack.

Wow...and according to the media beheadings are uniquely tied to Islam. Go figure.
what a fucking moron

what kind of degenerate low life uses some shit like this to score political points

Did he kill her b/c she wasn't a christian?

no, so the 2 have not a fucking thing in common

Who's scoring political points - you?

Here are some facts to consider.

People get beheaded and dismembered in crimes for the following reasons:
The killer wants to leave a terror message for a reason (Mexican drug cartels)
The killer has a religious reason (Muslim extremists)
The killer is trying to obscure identification
The killer is a psycho nut (for example Gomez).

Here's how people like you reason:
Man gets beheaded. The killer is a Muslim. It's for religion. Fucking Muslims.
Man gets beheaded. The killer is not a Muslim. He's a pscho. Fucking psychos.

Has it occurred to you that just because the killer was Muslim the beheading or dismemberment might have had nothing to do with religion but he was simply a psycho? When the killer is Muslim - that's all that is discussed. Ignored are years of mental health issues, criminal behavior etc etc. The only thing you hear is he is Muslim and it's a religious killing. Sheesh!
so the whole those people getting killed in the name of allah has no meaning b/c they might have mental issues


they could just be evil fucking muslims, b/c they planned it out with cameras and speeches and didn't do it in a fit of rage

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