The GOP's Charles Manson Defense

You are free to say that it isn’t fair. It is illegal for you to tell someone that they can and must violate the constitution to get what you want.

Mob bosses tell their minions to murder people. Are they exercising their first amendment rights?

The leader of a group of thieves tells his people what to do. Is he exercising his first amendment rights?

Trump lost the election. Investigations have proven it.

trump may not have entered the capital on 1/6, but ike did not land in normandy either. trump's credit for leading the coup against his own government rests on the fact that trump's team followed trump's approved plans, not that trump personally flung catsup in pelosi's office.

trump may not have entered the capital on 1/6, but ike did not land in normandy either. trump's credit for leading the coup against his own government rests on the fact that trump's team followed trump's approved plans, not that trump personally flung catsup in pelosi's office.
Another eyewitness. lol
Do yourselves a favor and stop using the Charles Manson defense of Donald Trump

  • You filthy liars never accept it.
  • Shut up bigots
  • Joe is the worst liar in human political history.
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Don Trump has his Squeaky Frommes, too.
Back in the 90's convicted felon Charles Manson was interviewed by Newsweek magazine from his jail cell. The bulk of his talk to the reporter was his contention that "Corporations were polluting the environment, and so, were responsible for the deaths of many thousands of people." Because of this, his crimes were relatively minor in comparison, so he shouldn't have to spend the rest of his life in prison - - That didn't work. Charles Manson died in prison on November 19, 2017.

The same type of defense is being presented by Trump supporters everyday. "Joe and Hunter Biden are guilty of crimes, therefore Donald Trump's misdeeds should be ignored - - That won't work either. The Bidens may indeed be guilty, but this does not automatically make Donald J Trump innocent!

Trump supporters: Do yourselves a favor and stop using the Charles Manson defense of Donald Trump. Guilty people have been using it for centuries and it doesn't work.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :dunno:
Back in the 90's convicted felon Charles Manson was interviewed by Newsweek magazine from his jail cell. The bulk of his talk to the reporter was his contention that "Corporations were polluting the environment, and so, were responsible for the deaths of many thousands of people." Because of this, his crimes were relatively minor in comparison, so he shouldn't have to spend the rest of his life in prison - - That didn't work. Charles Manson died in prison on November 19, 2017.

The same type of defense is being presented by Trump supporters everyday. "Joe and Hunter Biden are guilty of crimes, therefore Donald Trump's misdeeds should be ignored - - That won't work either. The Bidens may indeed be guilty, but this does not automatically make Donald J Trump innocent!

Trump supporters: Do yourselves a favor and stop using the Charles Manson defense of Donald Trump. Guilty people have been using it for centuries and it doesn't work.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :dunno:
No proof doofus against Trump just silly allegations....
Tons of proof agains Joey Capone and bagman Hunter each and every day.
Did you not learn about our judicial system in 3rd grade?
trump may not have entered the capital on 1/6, but ike did not land in normandy either. trump's credit for leading the coup against his own government rests on the fact that trump's team followed trump's approved plans, not that trump personally flung catsup in pelosi's office.
Give it a break Looneytunes. It was a peaceful protest where several people got out of line, led by FBI agents inserted to do so. Guilty people should be punished, those who did nothing left alone.
Tump wasn't even there goofus.
The problem with your OP is that Charles Manson committed several murders.
Donald Trump didn't.
The Charles Manson defense would fit Obama, Hillary, and Biden more than Donald Trump.

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The only way Joe Biden would be able to steal the 2020 election is to have China release a 99.75% survivability rate disease, where the Marxists/Demofascists could shut everything down. Then with mail in ballots without certifying the signatures, they ran those ballots through until Joe stole the election.

Why else did Joe make his Freudian Slip.

Give it a break Looneytunes. It was a peaceful protest where several people got out of line, led by FBI agents inserted to do so. Guilty people should be punished, those who did nothing left alone.
Tump wasn't even there goofus.

i have been to a hundred peaceful protests. that was not 1. did the fbi work for trump in 2020, or not?
i have been to a hundred peaceful protests. that was not 1. did the fbi work for trump in 2020, or not?
Oh you mean this peaceful protest? Jan 6th was peaceful compared to the CNN protest.

No, the FIB was against President Trump since James Comey lied to the FISA court do push the FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER, which it in itself was an insurrection against government.

Both the left and right have spent six decades arguing the points on which they are opposed. So involved in these arguments are the rank-and-file right and left that during this half-century+ period, they completely ignored the buying of our politicians by Big Business and the billionaire class.

Each side has willingly elected federal, state, and local representation that is beholden to major political contributors. The politicians' empty promises are much preferred by both sides over the truth told them by honest candidates. Honest candidates at all levels are made to look like crackpots by the corporate-owned press. And being honest and possessing integrity puts them well behind the pack in campaign funding.

The 2016 election was decided by the millions of disgruntled Bernie supporters. These voters either refused to vote for the Democrats' nominee or voted for trump out of spite. In 2020, the former Bernie supporters came out to give the Democrats' 2020 nominee (Biden) his overwhelming victory over the loser trump,

The fanatical trump Nazis will never face the truth about their beloved leader, in the same way moderate voting Democrats will never face the truth that their choices for government representation are slaves to Big Business and the billionaire class to the same degree as every Republican in government.

Looking back at history, it was the voters' (of both parties) infatuation with Reagan that put this country on the road to trump. Reagan's many lies fooled voters, both Republicans and Democrats, and do so to this day. It wasn't until recently that the damage caused by Reagan was openly discussed in the press. The lies by trump, while overshadowing those by Reagan, have been called out, and called out by many top-placed members (enablers) in the trump administration.

But, regardless of trump's eventual future, the vast majority of U.S. voters will remain suckers. They will choose the liar that offers the most comforting lies. Truth is largely unwelcome in U.S. politics, especially by the voters. So, a fascist dictatorship is definitely in our future.

I suspect the reason Trump got the nomination and the office in 2016 was many voters thought he’d actually shake up the establishment. Change the status quo of rule by billionaires and big corporations. Much like Bernie Bros thought Bernie would, until the D Party screwed him TWICE and he folded like a cheap suit.

So, apparently some of the electorate sees what you describe, but fails to understand the two crime families will never be the answer.

RFK Jr is by far a better candidate than Joe or Don though not without concerns, yet he’s attacked by the establishment just as you described.
It was too late when the USSC appointed Dubya POTUS in 2000.

It goes back further than that. We’ve had suspect elections for many decades.

It was hilarious to hear the establishment claim election interference in 2016 than claim the election of 2020 was above criticism. Lol.

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