The Golden Age of Skepticism


Sep 23, 2010
When I was a kid in the Golden Age of Skepticism the rule was “Never believe anything you read and only half of what you see.” Television came along and blew skepticism all to hell.

Media so influences our culture it always amazes me that so many people believe everything they hear. For one thing, scare tactics would not work if every American starts with the question “Where’s the lie?” Alas, if they hear it on television they believe it.

Media corruption begins with words; so let’s look at a few.

First word: Communist

Has anyone noticed that Kim II Jong is a dictator, a supreme leader, a dear leader, a nut job, and everything else, but never a COMMUNIST dictator. Most of the stories I’ve read about Kim do not include the words communist or communism. Admittedly, I don’t watch everything, or read many stories about Kim. From what I did watch I can’t recall any talking head ever saying “North Korea’s COMMUNIST dictator Kim ll Jong . . . ”.

Next word: Entitlements

The media lumps Social Security in with entitlements even though SS is funded with labor while the parasites who get entitlements get them for free. In fact, Hussein would cut SS in a heartbeat without touching entitlements:

. . . behind closed doors, liberals in the Senate caucus raised reservations about Obama’s readiness to consider cuts to Social Security benefits and his support for a deficit-reduction package evenly split between spending cuts and tax increases.

Obama did not back down from a proposal to switch to the chained consumer price index formula for calculating Social Security benefits, according to lawmakers.

Senate Democrats pepper Obama with questions about entitlement reform
By Alexander Bolton and Justin Sink - 03/12/13 08:28 PM ET

Obama to meet for first time in two years with House Republicans - The Hill

At the same time Hussein & Company take an axe to SS recipients they would give millions of new parasites lifetime tenure at the public trough.

NOTE: Chained CPI has no adverse effect on the parasite class’ benefits:

Chained CPI is a measure of inflation created by the Bureau of Labor Statistics that has been touted as a more accurate way to factor rises in the cost-of-living into, among other things, social security benefits and the tax code. Chained CPI doesn't rise as quickly as the measure of inflation that the government uses now, so if the government switched to chained CPI to calculate social security benefits, benefits would increase more slowly over time. Similarly, if chained CPI was applied to the tax code, tax brackets would change at a slower rate, moving tax-payers into higher brackets faster.

What Is Chained CPI?
By Matt Berman
December 31, 2012

What Is Chained CPI? -

Next word: Equal

Equal is the exact opposite of liberty. Equal Rights and Civil Rights morphed into one political cause before they turned into entitlements for some and less liberty for everyone else.

Next word: Racism

Few Americans realize it, but in the early days of the Civil Rights Movement the charge of white racism became the rallying cry for ambitious blacks. Everything about civil rights ended up insuring success for ambitious blacks and damn little for anyone else. So it is not accurate to say that black Americans are no better off today than they ever were. Ambitious blacks did right well by racism. George Orwell put it this way:

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

NOTE: Do not misconstrue ambition or achievement. The one has nothing to do with the other.

Next word: International

international (adjective)
Abbr. int., intl.

1. Of, relating to, or involving two or more nations: an international commission; international affairs.

2. Extending across or transcending national boundaries: international fame.

International (noun)

Any of several socialist organizations of international scope formed during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.​

Print media is very careful not to use the noun when it is clearly intended. Whenever liberals speak the word they mean the noun, but most listeners hear the adjective.

Next word: Elite

elite or élite (noun)
plural elite or elites

1. a. A group or class of persons or a member of such a group or class, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or economic status: “In addition to notions of social equality there was much emphasis on the role of elites and of heroes within them” (Times Literary Supplement). b. The best or most skilled members of a group: the football team's elite.

2. A size of type on a typewriter, equal to 12 characters per linear inch.

elite (adjective)​

Elite is always used even when it is meant to disparage an individual or group, or perhaps it’s a subtle way of saying liberals are the best. The truth: When talking about Socialists/liberals/Democrats elitist is always the right word.

elitism or élitism (noun)

1. The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.

2. a. The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class. b. Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.

elitist (adjective & noun)​

Next word: Center

Democrats love to claim they govern from the center as they incrementally move the center to the Left. Example: Hussein is moving the center he inherited from Clinton. The next Communist president will move Hussein’s center further to the Left. Once Democrats move the center to the Left it never comes back. Here’s how it works in practical terms. Five percent used to be an acceptable number of unemployed. By the time Hussein leaves office 10 percent will be the accepted number of unemployed irrespective of which party controls Congress.

Here’s the truth about the center in our political system.

Totalitarian government is one extreme. Anarchy is the other extreme. Limited government is the permanent center; it never moves. At least it is not supposed to move.

There are dozens of other popular words and phrases the media uses with one purpose in mind:

newspeak (noun)

Deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the public.​

Here are a few more media favorites; common good, middle class and middle-class, international law, human rights, the American people, —— and my special favorite —— international community.

Finally, politicians and the chattering class have a dictionary all their own.
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Next word - scandal. The investigative arm of the media brought down the Nixon administration over a 3rd rate burglary but nobody seems to care about the 3,000 illegal weapons shipped to drug cartels in Mexico or the killing of American citizens with drones. Benghazi wasn't just a 3rd rate burglary. People died including 2 retired Navy Seals and the ambassador to Libya who were fighting for their lives while the administration watched the show on satellite TV. An administration can get away with anything as long as the media supports it.
Don't forget:

as in "I am not the one who is biased, YOU are; I am just responding to YOUR bias"


"the ___________ media is not BIASED, we're just contesting BIASES in the ____________ media trying to dominant the public which make us look biased on comparison"
[fill in one blank with "liberal/left-wing" the other with "conservative/right-wing"]

This is also related to

as in "it's THAT group that is stuck in Denial and Projection"
we're the ones trying to point out the truth and expose the hypocrisy

as for
this totally depends on the person's viewpoint and agenda or desired outcome.
if the person gets that, then it's consensus.
if the person doesn't get that, then it's the other party's fault for not working together.
Don't forget:

as in "I am not the one who is biased, YOU are; I am just responding to YOUR bias"


"the ___________ media is not BIASED, we're just contesting BIASES in the ____________ media trying to dominant the public which make us look biased on comparison"
[fill in one blank with "liberal/left-wing" the other with "conservative/right-wing"]

This is also related to

as in "it's THAT group that is stuck in Denial and Projection"
we're the ones trying to point out the truth and expose the hypocrisy

as for
this totally depends on the person's viewpoint and agenda or desired outcome.
if the person gets that, then it's consensus.
if the person doesn't get that, then it's the other party's fault for not working together.

To emilynghiem: A bit too elaborate for a response to my OP. Still, you get an A for getting liberal talking points in.
When I was a kid in the Golden Age of Skepticism the rule was “Never believe anything you read and only half of what you see.” Television came along and blew skepticism all to hell.

Media so influences our culture it always amazes me that so many people believe everything they hear. For one thing, scare tactics would not work if every American starts with the question “Where’s the lie?” Alas, if they hear it on television they believe it.

Media corruption begins with words; so let’s look at a few.

First word: Communist

Has anyone noticed that Kim II Jong is a dictator, a supreme leader, a dear leader, a nut job, and everything else, but never a COMMUNIST dictator. Most of the stories I’ve read about Kim do not include the words communist or communism. Admittedly, I don’t watch everything, or read many stories about Kim. From what I did watch I can’t recall any talking head ever saying “North Korea’s COMMUNIST dictator Kim ll Jong . . . ”.

Well let's see, you prolly mean Kim Jong Il. He's dead.
But then when he was alive he was the CEO of North Korea. Everybody knows North Korea is communist, or at least what they call "communist", so it's the only thing he can be within our realm of definitions. We even had a war there- you might remember it?

Do you expect to hear "The UK's Conservative PM David Cameron" or "Australia's Labor Party PM Julia Gillard"?

Next word: Entitlements

The media lumps Social Security in with entitlements even though SS is funded with labor while the parasites who get entitlements get them for free. In fact, Hussein would cut SS in a heartbeat without touching entitlements:[/B]

Your (re)definition. An "Entitlement" is something you're entitled to. All you're doing is splitting hairs about the ones you don't like.

Next word: Equal

Equal is the exact opposite of liberty. Equal Rights and Civil Rights morphed into one political cause before they turned into entitlements for some and less liberty for everyone else.

Wrong; equal is the exact opposite of unequal. Which is illustrated in your next point with a quote from Animal Farm by George Orwell -- who also illustrated some other opposites of Newspeak you may remember, including "Freedom is Slavery".

The idea that "all men are created equal" is a liberal idea (liberal: liberty) that this country is built on. As far as "less liberty for everyone else" you don't explain, so ... :dunno:
The actual opposite of liberty would be restraint.

Next word: Racism

Few Americans realize it, but in the early days of the Civil Rights Movement the charge of white racism became the rallying cry for ambitious blacks. Everything about civil rights ended up insuring success for ambitious blacks and damn little for anyone else. So it is not accurate to say that black Americans are no better off today than they ever were. Ambitious blacks did right well by racism. George Orwell put it this way:

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

NOTE: Do not misconstrue ambition or achievement. The one has nothing to do with the other.

I guess you mean "conflate" here?? :dunno: But they very much are related to each other, in that ambitious people do tend to find success, yes. So your point is what?

Next word: International

international (adjective)
Abbr. int., intl.

1.[/B] Of, relating to, or involving two or more nations: an international commission; international affairs.

2. Extending across or transcending national boundaries: international fame.

International (noun)

Any of several socialist organizations of international scope formed during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.​

Print media is very careful not to use the noun when it is clearly intended. Whenever liberals speak the word they mean the noun, but most listeners hear the adjective.

Rubbish. "International" is an adjective. When is "international" intended as a noun?

Next word: Elite

elite or élite (noun)
plural elite or elites

1. a. A group or class of persons or a member of such a group or class, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or economic status: “In addition to notions of social equality there was much emphasis on the role of elites and of heroes within them” (Times Literary Supplement). b. The best or most skilled members of a group: the football team's elite.

2. A size of type on a typewriter, equal to 12 characters per linear inch.

elite (adjective)​

Elite is always used even when it is meant to disparage an individual or group, or perhaps it’s a subtle way of saying liberals are the best. The truth: When talking about Socialists/liberals/Democrats elitist is always the right word.

Funny, the first thing I think of when I hear the word "elitist" is Ayn Rand.

elitism or élitism (noun)
1. The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.

2. a. The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class. b. Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.

elitist (adjective & noun)​

Yup. As above. So -- what's elite got to do with news media? It's a value judgement. It would have no place in journalism. It would be used in political campaigns and debate.

Next word: Center

Democrats love to claim they govern from the center as they incrementally move the center to the Left. Example: Hussein is moving the center he inherited from Clinton. The next Communist president will move Hussein’s center further to the Left. Once Democrats move the center to the Left it never comes back. Here’s how it works in practical terms. Five percent used to be an acceptable number of unemployed. By the time Hussein leaves office 10 percent will be the accepted number of unemployed irrespective of which party controls Congress.

Unemployment rates have nothing to do with left, right or center as far as where anyone wants them. You've gone off on a red herring tangent here. "Governing from the center" is what any party has to do in order to compromise with the other side.

Here’s the truth about the center in our political system.

Totalitarian government is one extreme. Anarchy is the other extreme. Limited government is the permanent center; it never moves. At least it is not supposed to move.

True enough, for any country. And here's the truth about where we sit: this entire country is firmly to the right of that center, including what you call "Hussein". It depends where you're standing; if you're standing in, say, Nutley New Jersey, then it looks on a map like 98% of the country is way to your left.

Solution: don't stand in Nutley New Jersey. You'll get a more realistic view from Kansas. Metaphorically speaking of course.

There are dozens of other popular words and phrases the media uses with one purpose in mind:

newspeak (noun)

Deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the public.​

Media doesn't use the word Newspeak unless they're discussing 1984.

Here are a few more media favorites; common good, middle class and middle-class, international law, human rights, the American people, —— and my special favorite —— international community.

Again ----- your point is what?

Finally, politicians and the chattering class have a dictionary all their own.

Now let's see some more words:

"Chattering class" -- ?? People who just won't shut up? :dunno:

(n.) - 1. "People whose stories I don't know but against whom I'm prejudiced from stereotypes the media has fed me about people I don't know"
2. the "other", a scapegoat (see also "Jews, Nazi Germany, 1930s")

"I'm going to deliberately call the POTUS by his middle name in hopes of associating it emotionally with a recent "Axis of Evil" playing cards demon, because my point isn't strong enough to to stand on its own rationally"

"Communist" -- see "Hussein" as applied to Cold War Mentality. cf. "Communist behind every bush".
There has never been a communist president of the USA, ever. Not even remotely close.


Hmm... :eusa_think: you're right -- skepticism is a good thing. It got me through this alphabet soup of a pretentious post that tried to bemoan one perceived set of biases by out-baising it.
Which leads us to our final word:

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