Al Jazeera


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Al Jazeera Considering Buying New York Times HQ

March 11, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

At least Qatar isn’t buying the New York Times yet… just its old headquarters.


The old New York Times Building is a lot better looking than the new glass and steel eyesore and the Gulf sheikdoms have already bought up a lot of city landmarks.

The Abu Dhabi Investment Council already owns much of the Chrysler Building and the Piaget building was partly retaken from groups tied to the Iranian regime. The General Motors building is partly owned by Qatar and Kuwait.

But considering that the liberal American media has become hard to tell apart from the Middle Eastern propaganda media, Qatar could buy the New York Times and rename it the Al Jazeera Times and no one would be able to tell the difference.

Al Jazeera Considering Buying New York Times HQ
Iraq Bans Al Jazeera for Incitement to Violence

April 30, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

While the United States invites Al Jazeera in, Iraq gives Al Jazeera the boot for the usual reasons like incitement to violence. Since Al Jazeera only does three things, incite violence, engage in propaganda campaigns for Qatar and run bland stories that provide cover for its two real purposes, banning Al Jazeera from inciting violence eliminates its entire reason for existence.

The problem for Iraq, now tightening it into Shiite dominated federalism, is that Al Jazeera is no longer just pushing generic Muslim terrorism or even serving as a forum for Al Qaeda, but is the main weapon of the Qatari royals in a Sunni-Shiite regional war. And a lot of Gulfies have already started talking about Iraq being the next front in the holy war.

Giving Al Jazeera the boot is a matter of pure self-defense. Iraq has seen what kind of mischief Al Jazeera pulled off in Egypt. It has no interest in letting it play on its own turf.


Iraq’s government never guaranteed anything of the kind. No Muslim country does. But should one of Obama’s little toadies really be talking after the White House launched Operation Rushbo? And has worked to demonize and marginalize FOX News?

Iraq Bans Al Jazeera for Incitement to Violence | FrontPage Magazine

‘We aired lies’: Al Jazeera staff quit over ‘misleading’ Egypt coverage

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Nada Altuwaijri - Al Arabiya

As many as 22 Al Jazeera employees have quit since the overthrow of Mohammad Mursi, amid concern over the channel’s alleged bias towards the Muslim Brotherhood and its coverage of Egypt.

Criticism over the channel’s editorial line, the way it covered events in Egypt, and allegations that journalists were instructed to favor the Brotherhood are said to be the main reasons behind the mass resignations.

As many as 22 Al Jazeera staff resigned on Monday, Gulf News reported, but other media said only seven had left the broadcaster.

Al Jazeera correspondent Haggag Salama resigned accusing the station of “airing lies and misleading viewers”, Gulf News reported. The newspaper also said that four Egyptian members of editorial staff at the network’s headquarters in Doha had resigned in protest.


?We aired lies?: Al Jazeera staff quit over ?misleading? Egypt coverage - English | Front Page
As long as Larry Silverstein does not have a lease on it, chances are it will not implode into dust!

Al Jazeera Considering Buying New York Times HQ

March 11, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

At least Qatar isn’t buying the New York Times yet… just its old headquarters.


The old New York Times Building is a lot better looking than the new glass and steel eyesore and the Gulf sheikdoms have already bought up a lot of city landmarks.

The Abu Dhabi Investment Council already owns much of the Chrysler Building and the Piaget building was partly retaken from groups tied to the Iranian regime. The General Motors building is partly owned by Qatar and Kuwait.

But considering that the liberal American media has become hard to tell apart from the Middle Eastern propaganda media, Qatar could buy the New York Times and rename it the Al Jazeera Times and no one would be able to tell the difference.

Al Jazeera Considering Buying New York Times HQ

I remember when there was a lot of fuss about Japanese investors owning a lot of property in the US. Owning buildings is just an investment. It's an international, global economy. Get over it. Americans own lots of property overseas.

I don't know about this current issue with news regarding Egqypt, and I have not watched Al Jazeera America; but I have watched a lot of Al Jazeera International and find it to be one of the most thorough and thoughtful of the international 24/7 cable news stations. They do a lot of indepth coverage of issues around the world and they seem to have good overall news coverage of world events.
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All major companies stop advertising on CurrentTV before official name change to Al Jazeera America.

One hundred eighteen (118) companies stop advertising.

Full Article

Well, no wonder.
When they have to contend with this sort of mindless herd behaviour
CEO Ehab Al Shihabi acknowledged last week surveys showed 75 percent of Americans hadn’t seen any Al Jazeera coverage but still had a negative view of it,
why would any US company want to be seen to be associated?
All major companies stop advertising on CurrentTV before official name change to Al Jazeera America.

One hundred eighteen (118) companies stop advertising.

Full Article

Well, no wonder.
When they have to contend with this sort of mindless herd behaviour
CEO Ehab Al Shihabi acknowledged last week surveys showed 75 percent of Americans hadn’t seen any Al Jazeera coverage but still had a negative view of it,
why would any US company want to be seen to be associated?

Speaking of herd behaviour wtf is going on down there...

Deformed Calf In New Zealand Has 8 Legs, 4 Ears, 2 Bodies And One Head (PHOTOS)

Farmer convicted for breaking cattle tails - National - NZ Herald News

Maybe you should check the water...:eusa_shifty:
All major companies stop advertising on CurrentTV before official name change to Al Jazeera America.

One hundred eighteen (118) companies stop advertising.

Full Article

Well, no wonder.
When they have to contend with this sort of mindless herd behaviour
CEO Ehab Al Shihabi acknowledged last week surveys showed 75 percent of Americans hadn’t seen any Al Jazeera coverage but still had a negative view of it,
why would any US company want to be seen to be associated?

Speaking of herd behaviour wtf is going on down there...

Deformed Calf In New Zealand Has 8 Legs, 4 Ears, 2 Bodies And One Head (PHOTOS)

Farmer convicted for breaking cattle tails - National - NZ Herald News

Maybe you should check the water...:eusa_shifty:
Well, it gets quiet here and sometimes we get bored...
Whomsoever has the cash can buy any bloody thing they want in the USA.

Hey this is the way the rules of the game are played when we decided that money is more important than nationhood, that money= free speech and that corporations have rights.

Corporations matter, not nations, not citizens.

Welcome to the wonderful world of CAPITAL.
I was wondering when this news would hit the wingnut airwaves. I thought we were the land of free speech? Did I miss some change. As Editec wrote above money manages the mind and behaviors of Americans today, if Al Jazeera is successful and it will be among some, the corporations will come back. Does anyone really think they are concerned with anything but profit. I loved that KIA was leaving them, while Korea treats our imports better than Japan who cares. Let's rebuild Detroit and let Korea take care of Korea. I am a very biased American.

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