The folks claiming Trump's tariffs will hurt the economy...


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
...are the same incompetent fools that said Trump didn't know what he was doing with Korea. Thread.
K9Buck, excerpted from

Comparison of Import Certificates and Tariffs:

I'm among the proponents of the Wikipedia's described version of an “Import Certificates”. ...

… Unlike tariffs, REGARDLESS of how small of price additions to USA purchasers of imported goods, this policy will extremely significantly reduce, if not entirely eliminate USA's chronic annual trade deficits of goods while increasing our domestic production and numbers of jobs more than otherwise. ...

… Unlike tariffs, this unilateral trade policy is substantially more sensitive to market conditions rather than government determinations and is substantially IMMUNE from retaliation. ...

...The differences between the federal fee-rate and global certificate markets price-rates, serve as indirect but effective price subsidies of USA's exported goods at no additional cost to anyone. …

Refer to Wikipedia's “Import Certificates”.
Respectfully, Supposn
...are the same incompetent fools that said Trump didn't know what he was doing with Korea. Thread.

Yes the trade war are going to hurt the economy and yes Trump doesn't know what he is doing with NK. NK made friends with SK and China, they want rid of the US sanctions. NK is not going to de nuke.

One GOP said on TV on Fox, NK starves his people to put money in his military, kind of reminds me of the US.
Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing with regard to tariffs or NK.

“WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. factory activity slowed for a second straight month in April, with manufacturers complaining about rising commodity prices in the wake of the Trump administration’s tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.”

U.S. factory activity slows further, tariff concerns grow

And Trump hasn’t done anything to facilitate peace between the two Koreas, if anything he interfered with that process.
...are the same incompetent fools that said Trump didn't know what he was doing with Korea. Thread.

Do even watch the news?

The markets are in turmoil thanks to Trump's stupid, trade war threats.

The DOW was 24895 when Trump first mentioned the steel tariffs.

Today it is trading at 23,664.

If you honestly think this trade war nonsense has not hurt the economy...than you are a macroeconomic ignoramus (imo).

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