The first Transhumanists?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Many people don’t realize who the first rationalists and humanists were.
In the time of superstitious idol worshiping and many
pagan deities being fabricated there stood one group of people who fought against this false devotion and
supressive mind control. Raising above the status quo they were serving man through exposing
THE UNPOPULAR TRUTH to try and bring humanity out of these fantasy myths and into an age of appreciating
and progressing life and human potential.
Think of all the revolutionary ideas which the Torah
introduced at that time:
The concept of a one God which they said had no form, no physical image, and was not a man, but was best described as an essence to be complete and whole.
A concept of what we know to be the most finite
description of the Creator of Creation with the ability to see the complex workings and balance of life that
progresses through processions thus that essence
(G0d) exists but must be described in order for man to see his place within that creation. Therefore the
argument should never be over does G0d exist, but
discussions should be over describing what the
Creation's Creating Force (G0d) is in most finite terms.
Through the Torah the ancient Hebrews were expressing this essence 'to be' and 'what causes to be' so eloquently, but lost people when they made
anthropromorphic references to G0d that were figurative not literal then other cultures formed physical or deified
entities that tainted how people perceive the word G0d,
which simply refers to Creator and does not describe
what that force or source is. Each culture has their own way of describing or perceiving that source they call G0d, so remember not to assume one person is
discussing the same thing as another merely because
they share the same expressed term like G0d /Angel /
Heaven /Hell and that one should find out that persons perception or expression before being lofty and assuming wrong.
The Ancient Hebrews prohibitions
against portraying the creator in idolic or physical form and assuming these mysteries with portraits didn’t make sense until you realize that if they had been listened to, there wouldn’t be
confusion over people
fighting over these self-proclaimed cultural images. They foresaw man overcoming nature and extending life. They forsaw man progressing to other layers of this
procession into the next stage of evolving into perfection and all we could be.
They left us the concept of councils and round tables to bring stability and success while laying the foundation of the common decency laws which help keep us from total chaos and brought justice to our lives.
The commanded law set prohibitions
against murder, theft, rape, incest, or the sacrifice of
one's children to a pagan god. They set standards in
the obligation to honor and provide for one's parents.
The duty to share one's wealth with the needy or to
bestow ones talents and service for the group as a
whole. Today, we find it incredible that such things
needed to be commanded to us, but back then, they
were no less fantastic than those elements of Torah
which you find so hard to accept. Over the millennia,
they inspired other monotheistic and near- monotheistic religions and great social movements. They deeply influenced many other doctrines, legal systems, ideologies and cultures. In a word, they brought the world that much closer to the Torah's ethos and ideals without them noticing or giving credit where credit was due.
It was a struggle to bring and keep these ideas
alive in a world struggling to keep sane and just. As in
the “Mikeitz” portion of the Torah conveys, truly it was
the role & great task to keep these unpopular truths till it’s time to be proven, and by that they became the
suffering servant for keeping the truth till all was safe
and just in this world and all was perfected to where we could and ought to be.
To ignore these things, because
the fallen ones brought everyone down or tainted the
visions, is to ignore the path that still best takes us to
where we should be and has always known these
things. While taking to humanist views the world CAN
NOT AFFORD TO EXCUSE the concepts of religion or
God as the Hebrews tried to show us otherwise they
would be in for a real disappointment. First off most
peoples non belief or lack of faith is because they don’t
understand the concepts of God through the Hebrew
teachings, thus they let the poor and failed teachers
turn them off from the reality teachings that exist to
guide us while helping to further us within a structured
path to assure justice and success. Logic says; Who
best knows the path except one who’s already at the
end of that path waiting for you?
Conclusion; Don’t think that you’re to smart, to clever,
to advanced to need the structured presence of God.
Don’t let the worshipers of death fool you into not
accepting the concept of the Hebrew God, just because
they taint the term God in their Santa Claus fantasy
myths. Without God which is in itself a vision, a goal, a
design, a law, a set premise and presence of structure
then you have failure. It’s been proven in societies that
have no beliefs. Now one might say futurist humanism
is that vision, but it lacks showing restraints and laws
of structure and also has nothing to answer to. It also
doesn’t leave a structure or design that works to keep
the balance or mediate the pace of progression so that
it’s not off balance. In other words you can’t have high
tech advances without advances in behavior sciences
otherwise the power of the future without mental
stability can mean more harm then ever in controlling
with these advances or by destroying with them. Thus
life needs a designer and a mediator. Without the
mediator, designer, and presence of these visions of
design that keep the justice and balance, then you have
a world out of control and even more dangerous. To say
you can do this without what brought you here is as
absurd as walking halfway up a mountain with a rope
then riding that rope line when your 3/4 the way up
thinking you're too good for the rope. Thinking you don’t
need the rope anymore you WILL fall, then you will not
be able to to get back and change that mistake in
judgment. *food for thought*

That was a little long winded but I did enjoy reading your dissertation. You might find this discussion interesting...

Believing In A God Is Evil | Page 5 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I'm thoroughly enjoying it.


Yeah the biggest mistake anti religion-anti God-or atheists make is in not first defining the word they are arguing over.
Every culture, faith, sect, and individual within them has their own precept or defined meaning of the shared word/term and one has to find out what that definition is before discussing and arguing with each individual that they know not their understanding or usage of words.

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