The First Europeans Were Black

The First Europeans Were Black

Sorry Charlie, get your FACTS STRAIT from your whimsical thinking. Homo (Habilis or some variant thereof) entered Europe a million years ago, about 750,000 years after leaving Africa. He was a Caucasian, and his dark skin and hair were a product of protecting him from his environment as clothing would not be invented for almost another 900,000 - 950,000 years. Indians have dark skin too but they aren't Black either.
When people talk about whites stealing land I just blame our black ancestry. I'm like, "Look. I told ya' they steal."
What happened to the blacks there?

Same old story? They got conquered?

Conquered by whom.....they were the only ones there. Obviously, following the theory of natural selection, lighter skin produced higher survival rates and hence higher reproduction rates. No one got conquered, European climate and evolution favored lighter skin, via mutation and natural selection.
Ya know this don't even make sense, you shave a monkey it's pink, so if a furless monkey was under the sun all day in Africa naturally it would change into being black.
I still want to know how blacks turned white, we all know a black guy and a white girl produces brown babies.

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