the evil weed

do you think the federal marijuana laws should follow the california paradigm ?

  • yes

    Votes: 23 82.1%
  • no

    Votes: 5 17.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
remember, weed is only illegal if you enjoy it. it's time to seperate pot from drugs. it's more like coffee or tea. it's illegal because of politics. it is remarkably non-toxic. i would rather my kids smoke pot than drink. even anslinger would be surprised that smoking herb is still specifically prohibitited. but that is all changing. this should kick off the debate. please dn't use profanity in this thread thank you...___ s.e.
don't forget they sold the prohibition with racism, black men would rape your white wives and brown men would be lazy. Who supports it most, republican. Ashcroft Jailed Tommy Chong on a trumped up charge of selling bongs. This is proof of how dumb Americans are to allow this injustice to continue.
remember, weed is only illegal if you enjoy it. it's time to seperate pot from drugs. it's more like coffee or tea. it's illegal because of politics. it is remarkably non-toxic. i would rather my kids smoke pot than drink. even anslinger would be surprised that smoking herb is still specifically prohibitited. but that is all changing. this should kick off the debate. please dn't use profanity in this thread thank you...___ s.e.

Only idiots smoke dope.
stoners bang hotter chicks
morons are afraid of all kinds of shit, welcome morons
Yeah if only Marijuana were legal, there'd be no problems associated with it. I mean, alcohol is legal and look, no one drives drunk or commits violent offenses while under the influence.
Yeah if only Marijuana were legal, there'd be no problems associated with it. I mean, alcohol is legal and look, no one drives drunk or commits violent offenses while under the influence. your argument...there was LESS crime, FEWER problems with alcohol when it was illegal? Sorry...but it seems to me that claiming marijuana should remain illegal because some people will abuse it is a fairly poor argument considering that firearms, automobiles, alcohol, tobacco products, fast food, trampolines, swimming pools and about a million other things are dangerous when not used properly...and all remain perfectly legal.
it will be legal soon, I feel sorry for the current suppliers getting $400 oz. Big Tabacco will swoop in and make billions and the price will plumment. Me being the greedy bastard I am, I already own tabacco stocks.
The problem I have with legalizing pot is seeing the arguments that supporters are making.

These are the same people who argue for or against healthcare reform and clearly understand very little about the system.

Supporters don't give a shit about the consequences of legalizing drugs, they just want to get high without the risk of getting arrested.

I don't smoke pot because I'm not a fucking pothead and most of the potheads I know are fucking idiots so I don't buy into the suggestion that mainstream pot smokers are regular people. Most of them are idiots and too bad for the "regular" minority of pot smokers. If you want me to consider legalization, you need to separate yourself from the idiots.
sweet you are a fucking idiot. Did you go to college or all your friends are ged's like you. Plenty of college grads and professors smoke. It's less dangerous than beer, though your to ignorant to know that. Why, it requires reading.
sweet you are a fucking idiot. Did you go to college or all your friends are ged's like you. Plenty of college grads and professors smoke. It's less dangerous than beer, though your to ignorant to know that. Why, it requires reading.

You are the perfect example of why I think the legalization of pot needs a lot of consideration and by rational people. Not by internet douchenozzles who need to bolster their self esteem by questioning the education of people on a message forum who they know nothing about.

Sorry scooter, you need to show me data. Real data - pros and cons and I'll be happy to debate the issue, however I doubt you have the capacity to rationalize.
sweet you call people names and then cry like the little douche you are when it comes back double.
I can't make up for your lack of reading and education.

The next reasoned post you make about pot will be your first.
I have smoked since 15, now being white cops don't fuck with me. I have an undergrad in acct, and an MBA. I'm a way above average investor and know lots of people smarter than me that burn tree. The info is out there for you to read. But I am not your mommy and won't do your homework. You want to post like an ignorant tool go ahead. I find it funny and love bashing rightwing tools.
remember, weed is only illegal if you enjoy it. it's time to seperate pot from drugs. it's more like coffee or tea. it's illegal because of politics. it is remarkably non-toxic. i would rather my kids smoke pot than drink. even anslinger would be surprised that smoking herb is still specifically prohibitited. but that is all changing. this should kick off the debate. please dn't use profanity in this thread thank you...___ s.e.

Only idiots smoke dope.

True, just like those who drink alcohol. If you truly believe in freedom and liberty, then you should support people being allowed to practice their stupidity.
Yeah if only Marijuana were legal, there'd be no problems associated with it. I mean, alcohol is legal and look, no one drives drunk or commits violent offenses while under the influence. your argument...there was LESS crime, FEWER problems with alcohol when it was illegal? Sorry...but it seems to me that claiming marijuana should remain illegal because some people will abuse it is a fairly poor argument considering that firearms, automobiles, alcohol, tobacco products, fast food, trampolines, swimming pools and about a million other things are dangerous when not used properly...and all remain perfectly legal.

Me thinks he, MD, was being facitous.......:tongue:.
sweet you call people names and then cry like the little douche you are when it comes back double.
I can't make up for your lack of reading and education.

The next reasoned post you make about pot will be your first.
I have smoked since 15, now being white cops don't fuck with me. I have an undergrad in acct, and an MBA. I'm a way above average investor and know lots of people smarter than me that burn tree. The info is out there for you to read. But I am not your mommy and won't do your homework. You want to post like an ignorant tool go ahead. I find it funny and love bashing rightwing tools.

Yes, we know. You're smarter than the average bear, thanks for pointing that out a gazillion fucking times.

I hope you're patting yourself on the back with your offhand, your sex life will deteriorate otherwise.

I'm not going to spell out my background because I don't have to. I don't give a shit if you or anyone else on this forum thinks I'm a highschool dropout or a Harvard grad. It's not important to me, I don't need to psychologically masturbate myself like you do.

Your next informative post showing real substantive data on the pros and cons of pot smoking will be your first, however I expect more blathering idiocy of "I'm smart and I smoke pot, my professors are smart, they smoke pot".

Now go take a flying fuck through a rolling donut.
thanks sweet you fucking clueless moron. I will continue to mock your GED credentialed critism of pot. Why, bashing rightwing morons and jesus freaks is fun.

ps Clinton, and Obama burned tree
I generally try to stay away from these types threads but if one wanted a rational discussion about this topic best place to start is a Harvard study on the effects of heavy usage;

The new study of cognitive changes caused by heavy marijuana use has found no lasting effects 28 days after quitting. Following a month of abstinence, men and women who smoked pot at least 5,000 times in their lives performed just as well on psychological tests as people who used pot sparingly or not at all, according to a report in the latest edition of the Archives of General Psychiatry.

That's the good news. The bad news, not included in the study, is that most heavy users admit that pot has had a negative effect on their physical and mental health as well their functioning on the job and socially.

"If there's one thing I've learned from studying marijuana for more than a decade, it's that proponents and opponents of the drug will put opposite spins on these findings," says Harrison Pope, a Harvard professor of psychiatry and leader of the research. "One day I'll get a letter that will say, 'we are shocked that you are so irresponsible as to publish a report that claims marijuana is almost harmless. That's a terrible disservice to our children.' The next day, I'll get a letter complaining that I'm 'irresponsible for implying there's something wrong with smoking marijuana. You have set back the legalization (of marijuana) movement by 20 years.'

Harvard Gazette: Study: Intelligence, cognition unaffected by heavy marijuana use

This is a great case study on the effects of heavy usage and I did find this interesting;
All took batteries of intelligence, attention, learning and memory tests on days 0, 1, 7, and 28 after quitting the drug. (Daily urine samples confirmed whether or not they had stopped.) On days 0, 1 and 7, current heavy smokers scored significantly lower then the other groups on memory tests.

"By day 28, however, there were no significant differences among the groups on any of 10 different tests, and no significant association between cumulative lifetime marijuana use and test scores," Pope says. In other words, the researchers conclude that heavy marijuana use produces no irreversible mental deficits.

Harvard Gazette: Study: Intelligence, cognition unaffected by heavy marijuana use

Now the top quotes would make it sound like the risk is slight but;
A number of investigations have linked marijuana to an increased risk of lung cancer. A recent Harvard study concluded that a middle-age person's chance of having a heart attack increases nearly five times during the first hour after smoking pot. That's especially meaningful for baby boomers who developed the habit in their teens and 20s and continue to use the drug in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. Other researchers have associated pot with impaired disease resistance and adverse effects on fetuses when mothers smoke the drug during pregnancy.

Harvard Gazette: Study: Intelligence, cognition unaffected by heavy marijuana use

IMO what people do with their lives is on them but as of right it is against the law to smoke weed. And like I constantly complain about illegal immigrants, you can't just pick and choose what laws to follow.

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