The End of the Christian Right

And off we go to lala land, where you profess you have the ability to read minds.

HERE'S the difference between you and a nutshell..I hold you accountable for what you say. You pretend what you say has no meaning, and the only thing that matters is what you THINK...and you support that with your personal opinions about what others THINK, and think that is valid in a conversation between adults about real issues. It's not. You fail, as you undoubtedly failed high school.

You fail. What you THINK does not matter. Your PERSONAL OPINION does not matter. We all hold you accountable for the falsifications, the untruths, the outright lies you have told.

Youi may well be a far left liberal plant agitating the issue.
gee was what they taught me in Civics Class wrong? Aren't there three co-equal branches of the federal government?

Article. I.
Section 1.

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

The judiciary is not empowered to craft law - ONLY Congress is.

Maybe what they taught me in English Class was wrong! What does co-equal mean anyway?

Not what you imagine, obviously.

Read my sig.
The Roe v. Wade decision did not create any laws. It only struck down laws that were in force before the decision.
Only a few far right wack wing Christians, kiki, and those fakes are growing fewer in numbers. Their influence will be minimally regional by 2016.
Caligula was a madman and a mass murderer, just like heroes of the left, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Ortega and Castro...

Took the words right off my keyboard.

That sort of thing is why Uncensored is on my ignore list.

Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, and Castro are not heroes of the left anymore than Caligula or Nero, or anyway not of the American left. Ortega isn't, either, but he's also not a mass-murderer.

And it's still true that you have not named even ONE civilization that ever fell due to "moral decay." You may do so at your leisure.

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