The difference between conservatives and liberals

What "debt" is that statement of yours referring to?

You never heard the expression 'debt to his fellow man'?

English your second language or something?

How come you won't answer the question? I
'll ask again, whose money do the conservatives use to pay off the debt? Ultimately the point of the statement that you may have quoted or paraphrased was a slam against "social programs" that "liberals" spend money on. The conservatives spend the money on the same things.

I did, cockbreath. You just didn't like the answer.

Of course you believe that, shit stain.

Liberals love power and will do anything to get it and keep it, whereas conservatives put the nation's interests first priority.

The hell they do. There has never been a more self-centred, egomanical, narcisstic, "it's all about me, mine, mine, mine", type of person than the American Neocon whackjob. An interesting species that is slowly, but surely, going the way of the Dodo...

I not only believe it, I know it.....
UPDATED: Fox News' Long History Of Race-Baiting | Research | Media Matters for America

So shitbag....tell us all here what they said about "blacks and hispanics on FOXNews."

Come on shitbag, tell us.....I wonder why the other media didn't say a peep about the "racists over at FOXNews" surely that would be HEADLINE NEWS....

Liberals love power and will do anything to get it and keep it, whereas conservatives put the nation's interests first priority.

The GOP isn't going run TV ads obamination killed a woman with cancer to win votes, Democraps do run those kind of ads to dupe idiots like found on this board.

That's a crock, I guess you don't watch Foxnews and listen to limbaugh, hannity, beck, savage, boortz, ingraham, bruce, that jerk off from Ohio (cunningham I think), levin, and the rest of those blowhards malign "libruls", "the Blacks", "the Hispanics", and Obama on a daily basis. :lol:
That is it in a nutshell. The way I see it liberals think society forces people to do things, conservatives think people make their own choices. Liberals are pessimists who think people have no chance unless they get help, conservatives are optimists who think people can do anything.

that is idiocy.

provide proof of one thing that "conservativism" ever advanced.

here's a hint: you can't... because if it were an advancement, it wouldn't be conservative, it would be liberal.

you know...words have meanings.


Probably one of the dumbest things I have ever seen you post, Jill.. conservatism does not mean never changing, completely stagnant, etc...

dd you can not like it all you want. but conservativism, from the root "to conserve" is directed at preserving the status quo.

what many of you guys define as conservativism, is actually a return to the status quo ante and is in reality being reactionary.
Yes, and Charles Manson knows he is innocent and sane. :clap2:

Of course you believe that, shit stain.

The hell they do. There has never been a more self-centred, egomanical, narcisstic, "it's all about me, mine, mine, mine", type of person than the American Neocon whackjob. An interesting species that is slowly, but surely, going the way of the Dodo...

I not only believe it, I know it.....
Media matters.:badgrin:

No wonder you are a stupid pile of shit.

UPDATED: Fox News' Long History Of Race-Baiting | Research | Media Matters for America

So shitbag....tell us all here what they said about "blacks and hispanics on FOXNews."

Come on shitbag, tell us.....I wonder why the other media didn't say a peep about the "racists over at FOXNews" surely that would be HEADLINE NEWS....

That's a crock, I guess you don't watch Foxnews and listen to limbaugh, hannity, beck, savage, boortz, ingraham, bruce, that jerk off from Ohio (cunningham I think), levin, and the rest of those blowhards malign "libruls", "the Blacks", "the Hispanics", and Obama on a daily basis. :lol:
Conservatives believe in personal responsibility. Liberals believe that those who are responsible are duty bound to be responsible for those who are not!
LOL, so republicans don't have PAC'S? Can a candidate tell a PAC what ads to run or not run?
"ARLINGTON, Va. -- Newt Gingrich, campaigning in Virginia Wednesday ahead of the ballot registration deadline there, said Mitt Romney is "morally responsible" for the negative ads being run against him by a super PAC supporting the former Massachusetts governor."

Gingrich Super PAC Ad: Romney A "Predatory Corporate Raider" And "Scavenger" | RealClearPolitics

Romney versus Gingrich: a Super PAC?s over-the-top ad - The Washington Post

Do you want me to continue? :lol:

A Democrap PAC operated by liberal scum like you ran the TV ads....Obamination never told them to stop, so he supported the commerical that aired across the nation on TV.

I understand how you scum operate, you create a little PAC then run dirty ads so you can claim you have nothing to do with it.

Psycho are really that insane claiming obamination's goons didn't run an ad claiming Romney/Bain Capital killed a worker's wife with cancer.

You should be banned from society for being such a stupid pile of shit.

Are you stating that those ads in question came DIRECTLY from Obama's campaign?
You never heard the expression 'debt to his fellow man'?

English your second language or something?

How come you won't answer the question? I
'll ask again, whose money do the conservatives use to pay off the debt? Ultimately the point of the statement that you may have quoted or paraphrased was a slam against "social programs" that "liberals" spend money on. The conservatives spend the money on the same things.

I did, cockbreath. You just didn't like the answer.

LOL, speak for yourself. You didn't answer the question.
Liberals love power and will do anything to get it and keep it, whereas conservatives put the nation's interests first priority.

The hell they do. There has never been a more self-centred, egomanical, narcisstic, "it's all about me, mine, mine, mine", type of person than the American Neocon whackjob. An interesting species that is slowly, but surely, going the way of the Dodo...

?I,? ?Me??Obama Uses First-Person Pronoun 117 Times in 1 Speech | CNS News
( - Speaking in Sandusky, Ohio on July 5, President Barack Obama used the first-person pronouns “I” and “me” a combined 117 times in a speech that lasted about 25 minutes and 32 seconds.

Obama used “I” 98 times and “me” 19 times, according to a transcript of the speech posted by the White House. A videotape of the speech posted on YouTube shows that Obama spoke for about 25-and-a-half minutes.

During this speech, Obama used “I” or “me” approximately once every 13.09 seconds.​
I can see that your main specialty is making spastic ad hominem attacks and avoiding logical conversation. Can you refute anything from that Media Matters source?

Media matters.:badgrin:

No wonder you are a stupid pile of shit.

UPDATED: Fox News' Long History Of Race-Baiting | Research | Media Matters for America

So shitbag....tell us all here what they said about "blacks and hispanics on FOXNews."

Come on shitbag, tell us.....I wonder why the other media didn't say a peep about the "racists over at FOXNews" surely that would be HEADLINE NEWS....
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Here, I'll break my point down a little simpler, if you'd like.

You said:

My point is the false dichotomy between those two statements - it's not an "either/or" situation. The reality (which I think all will agree on) is somewhere in the middle.

No one exists in a vacuum (in other words, society has an impact on status and situation), and no one denies that personal responsibility exists (in other words, society is not the only factor in determining status and situation).

Attempting to simplify everything with a statement that makes Conservatives look good and Liberals look bad isn't a "truth" anymore than someone claiming that all Conservatives are racist is a "truth". We don't live in a binary world, we live in a world of nuance.

Do you remember all the predictions that the recession was going to cause a spike in crime, and how that was one of the arguments in favor of cutting the payroll tax? Were those arguments coming from conservatives?
I don't remember anyone making that argument. Not to say it didn't happen, but I don't remember seeing it.

I don't know the political persuasion of the people who made those statements, nor do I see how it's relevant to my argument.

Maybe the problem here is that you are seeing things. I don't believe that liberal/conservative is the only possible breakdown in political classification, and have never argued that they are. That means that I am not presenting a false dichotomy, you are creating it because you are incapable of seeing the entire spectrum of humanity.
The false dichotomy that I'm talking about isn't between "Liberal" and "Conservative".

It's between "personal responsibility" and "societal responsibility".

I get it now, you want to redefine terms in order to win your argument. Unfortunately, false dichotomy has a specific meaning, we don't have the same luxury they did before the invention of the printing press to change language simply because we want it to mean something else.

False dilemma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now I will address your alleged point. Social responsibility, the belief that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. You have no evidence that this is true, so you resort to accusing me of misstating the choices, even though you are actually arguing in support of my point that liberals believe society owes people a living, and conservatives believe people make their own choices.

I have to admit that I don't follow your logic, but feel free to present some actual arguments that the difference between social responsibility and personal responsibility is not definitive while simultaneously insisting it is.
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that is idiocy.

provide proof of one thing that "conservativism" ever advanced.

here's a hint: you can't... because if it were an advancement, it wouldn't be conservative, it would be liberal.

you know...words have meanings.


According to your definition, conservatives are responsible for ending slavery, creating the United States, and winning the War in Afghanistan.

You mean what used to be classified as a republican, not the same thing as a conservative.... But nice try.

Jillian defines Conservative as not agreeing with her about the scope of government. Since those Republicans also believed that the government should be limited, that makes them conservative by her definition.

Want me to point out why they are conservative by your definition?
that is idiocy.

provide proof of one thing that "conservativism" ever advanced.

here's a hint: you can't... because if it were an advancement, it wouldn't be conservative, it would be liberal.

you know...words have meanings.


Probably one of the dumbest things I have ever seen you post, Jill.. conservatism does not mean never changing, completely stagnant, etc...

But conservatives are the ones who try and keep the status quo though - more often than not...

Which is why conservatives are the ones who want to change the way we educate our children, and liberals want to keep doing the same thing.

Want to try again?
Probably one of the dumbest things I have ever seen you post, Jill.. conservatism does not mean never changing, completely stagnant, etc...

But conservatives are the ones who try and keep the status quo though - more often than not...

Which is why conservatives are the ones who want to change the way we educate our children, and liberals want to keep doing the same thing.

Want to try again?

Er, no. You want to go back to the way you were teaching children years ago.

Want to try again?
Liberal and conservative... BE REAL! we are talking about politicians! They all hunger after money and power. They learn that concept in law school and polish it to become politicians.

The terms are actually so misguided that it make MY head spin.
You see I am a physcal conservative, civil liberal and a social anti-federalist.
That means that because I have to be responsible with my money I expect the government to be just as responsible with my money too (they don't have any of their own)
The second part means that as long as what you are doing doesn't infringe on my right to do something else (or maybe the same thing) then you should be able to do pretty much whatever you like.
The third part tells you that I think government should be small enough to put in a back pocket instead of big enough to be in EVERYONE'S back pocket, their bedroom and ... you get the idea.
Now you can maybe understand why I have a moral dilema when I am asked who I will vote for. The only people who fit into that bracket are the Libertarians - and everyone thinks they are the bad choice - for me, they are the ONLY choice.

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