The Democrats Plan to Steal Elections


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
To their credit, it is a comprehensive plan...
  • Assist millions of illegals into invading the country and permit them to vote
  • Allow uninformed children to vote (Democrats need an ignorant electorate)
So to recap: turn to illegals, children, mob rule, and voter fraud. That’s how desperate they have become. And we all know how this will turn out if they are successful: Venezuela.
Pretty sure Trump knows and is watching and waiting. Not sure it can work in the light of day tho.
Pretty sure Trump knows and is watching and waiting. Not sure it can work in the light of day tho.
Did you click the links above? They’ve been engaging in voter fraud for decades (so already successful there). They’ve approved illegals voting in San Francisco (so already successful there). All that’s left is mob rule and allowing children to vote.

They are likely to be successful in both, but my hope is, the U.S. Supreme Court will do their job for once and protect the American people.
The problem is, states control elections inside their own state. That needs to change. Recounts and electoral college can invalidate a lot of the bullshit though.
is this the beginning of trump not stepping down when not re you people even remember what being an american is like?
/——/ Every President has been accused of not stepping down if they lost re-election- on both sides. He would be dragged out in cuffs. He can’t stop the transfer of power.
To their credit, it is a comprehensive plan...
  • Assist millions of illegals into invading the country and permit them to vote
  • Allow uninformed children to vote (Democrats need an ignorant electorate)
So to recap: turn to illegals, children, mob rule, and voter fraud. That’s how desperate they have become. And we all know how this will turn out if they are successful: Venezuela.


Sure, to a Trumpbot - it can't be that people are actually getting sick of POTUS Manchild. It HAS to be a conspiracy.

Sorry pal...Trump is shooting himself in the foot. Like that unhinged, mess of tweets on the weekend. I have heard senile people make more sense.

If the Dems are smart...they will just stand back and keep handing him ammunition.
To their credit, it is a comprehensive plan...
  • Assist millions of illegals into invading the country and permit them to vote
  • Allow uninformed children to vote (Democrats need an ignorant electorate)
So to recap: turn to illegals, children, mob rule, and voter fraud. That’s how desperate they have become. And we all know how this will turn out if they are successful: Venezuela.


Sure, to a Trumpbot - it can't be that people are actually getting sick of POTUS Manchild. It HAS to be a conspiracy.

Sorry pal...Trump is shooting himself in the foot. Like that unhinged, mess of tweets on the weekend. I have heard senile people make more sense.

If the Dems are smart...they will just stand back and keep handing him ammunition.
/——/ P@triot made 4 points - Can you refute any of them without attacking the messenger?
To their credit, it is a comprehensive plan...
  • Assist millions of illegals into invading the country and permit them to vote
  • Allow uninformed children to vote (Democrats need an ignorant electorate)
So to recap: turn to illegals, children, mob rule, and voter fraud. That’s how desperate they have become. And we all know how this will turn out if they are successful: Venezuela.


Sure, to a Trumpbot - it can't be that people are actually getting sick of POTUS Manchild. It HAS to be a conspiracy.

Sorry pal...Trump is shooting himself in the foot. Like that unhinged, mess of tweets on the weekend. I have heard senile people make more sense.

If the Dems are smart...they will just stand back and keep handing him ammunition.
To me its like Radio Free Europe was at onetime. I call it Twitter Free America. MSM is Pravda to me.
To their credit, it is a comprehensive plan...

Assist millions of illegals into invading the country and permit them to vote

The following states allow non citizens to vote in local elections:

Nonresident Voting

Three states allow nonresident voting in municipal or town elections:
Ten states allow nonresident voting in certain special district elections. New Mexico and Delaware have provisions allowing nonresidents to vote in special district elections in addition to municipal elections.
LOTS of red in there...

Allow uninformed children to vote (Democrats need an ignorant electorate)

Actually, we heard a lot from 16 and 17 year olds after Parkland. They were better informed than you are.

Now granted, an adult wrote these lines, but as a parent of teenagers, this kid argued just like my too smart teen would.

Switch elections to mob rule
Are we the only democracy in the world? (Constitutional Republic) We aren't. None of the other world's democracies elect their leader with anything resembling the electoral college. It's not "mob rule", it is small "d" democracy. One voter, one vote. It's the way Republicans elect their primary candidate.

Engage in voter fraud

There was no party affiliation attached to the broad allegations of "voter fraud"in that poorly written article. (Registration fraud is not the same as voter fraud, dimwits) We DO know it was Republican VOTER fraud that just led to an entire election being invalidated.

So to recap: turn to illegals, children, mob rule, and voter fraud. That’s how desperate they have become. And we all know how this will turn out if they are successful: Venezuela.

So to recap, you should find better sources for you daily grievances than Glenn, too crazy for FOX, Beck.
To their credit, it is a comprehensive plan...
  • Assist millions of illegals into invading the country and permit them to vote
  • Allow uninformed children to vote (Democrats need an ignorant electorate)
So to recap: turn to illegals, children, mob rule, and voter fraud. That’s how desperate they have become. And we all know how this will turn out if they are successful: Venezuela.
Sure, to a Trumpbot - it can't be that people are actually getting sick of POTUS Manchild. It HAS to be a conspiracy.
  1. What “conspiracy”? Those are actual events that nobody is disputing. Click the links and read them, you dumb brainwashed tool.
  2. Who is “sick” of President Trump? And what are they “sick” of? The record low unemployment? The record high markets? The increase in salaries? The increase in liberty?
We’ve seen nothing but unprecedented prosperity under President Trump. Only an anti-American asshole could possibly be unhappy.
Allow uninformed children to vote (Democrats need an ignorant electorate)
Actually, we heard a lot from 16 and 17 year olds after Parkland. They were better informed than you are.
Why am I not surprised that the uninformed left-wing partisan hack is fascinated by the ignorant, uninformed 16 year olds from Parkland?

Sweetie...these are “people” who were eating Tide Pods. :lmao:
They are so confident they can rig things for themselves they don’t even hide it.

They tried to rig 2016 and couldn’t hide their disappointment.

Now they cannot hide their intent.
Switch elections to mob rule
Are we the only democracy in the world? (Constitutional Republic) We aren't. None of the other world's democracies elect their leader with anything resembling the electoral college.
Oh are struggling to make excuses. Poor thing. :itsok:

As your mother undoubtedly told you growing up, “if everyone else jumped off of a bridge, would you?”. Here’s the thing sweetie - nobody cares what other banana republics are doing. We are the United States. We are the fucking gold-standard of liberty, prosperity, etc. Now, we all know how you lazy, useless leftists live to lower the bar. But you’ll have to do better than “but....but....but....Saddam Hussein didn’t use an Electoral College in Iraq’s elections”.

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