The Cracks Appear

Hey MANY blacks does the average Klansman kill?

I didn't say you are a racist, I said you are blind to your ignorance.

How many whites does the average black kill? Well I could look it up and quote specific numbers, but I won't just yet. I'll condense it into this statement... "a hell of a lot more than whites kill blacks."

You got anymore worthless questions you want to ask?

Yea, why do you answer to the name garyd?
I do know this... you answer a question with a question because you're incapable of answering the question.

Typical liberal. You're confronted with facts and you immediately turn to obfuscating. You lose.
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How many whites does the average black kill? Well I could look it up and quote specific numbers, but I won't just yet. I'll condense it into this statement... "a hell of a lot more than whites kill blacks."

You got anymore worthless questions you want to ask?

Yea, why do you answer to the name garyd?
I do know this... you answer a question with a question because you're incapable of answering the question.

Typical liberal. You're confronted with facts and you immediately turn to obfuscating. You lose.

You only asked ONE question... if I had any MORE QUESTIONS... so, I replied correctly...YOU lose
Like Hanson or not, his analysis is very good. That and the word of the day:

Pentelic Pen*tel"ic\, Pentelican \Pen*tel"i*can\, a. Of or pertaining to Mount Pentelicus, near Athens, famous for its fine white marble quarries; obtained from Mount Pentelicus; as, the Pentelic marble of which the Parthenon is built.

Works and Days » Cracks in the Facade

Cracks in the Facade
Posted By Victor Davis Hanson On May 14, 2009 @ 8:33 am In Uncategorized | 170 Comments

Fissures in the Obama Totem

Oh, I know that President Obama’s approval ratings are still around 62%. But I also remember that George Bush’s at the end of 2001 got even higher — and stayed at or above 60% through most of 2002, explaining why he increased his congressional majority in the midterm elections.

Nevertheless, I think we are beginning — after less than four months — to see fissures in Obama’s Pentelic statuary. And the cracks will widen, because in about six areas he has taken on human nature itself, age-old logic, and common sense-opponents that even a Harvard Law degree and Chicago organizing are no match for.

1) The Rule of Law. We are on dangerous ground here with the reordering of the bankruptcy statutes with Chrysler and the UAW; with the strong-arming of stimulus money for California predicated on the protection of unions; with the serial disdain for paying taxes on the part of Geithner, Solis, Daschle and others; and with the selective release of CIA memos, to denigrate those out of office as veritable torturers (they should reread the transcript of Eric Holder’s 2002 CNN interview with Paula Zahn in which he grandly denies that the Gitmo detainees have any recourse to the Geneva Convention accords and can be held there for as long as we think the war lasts). What separates the U.S. from Mexico, Cuba, or Haiti is the rule of law, the protection of capital and property, the evenhanded treatment of investment, and the faith in a fair media to uncover abuse. I think that is now all in question, as the Utopian ends justify the tawdry means.

2) Energy. We are finding more natural gas than ever. There are billions of barrels of U.S. oil in Alaska, offshore, and in shale. Yet rigs sit idle and government leases are constricting rather than expanding — and for reasons other than the economy....
There's only one problem with investing yet more in our own potential oil supply: We will once more become complacent and ignore on the whole the very real possibilities of alternatives. Obviously, we can never do completely without oil, since it is the base for so many other products, not just energy.

3) Debt. Obama has somehow already used the tax last resort. That is, his figures assume taking off FICA caps, watching the states increase their own tax rates, upping the federal rate to 40%, curbing deductions, and effectively increasing the total state and federal bite to above 65% on top incomes...
Isn't that effectively what Bush did? By level-funding, or de-funding certain grants to the states to carry on their domestic programs, the states wound up increasing taxes, fees, etc., just to keep above water. By law, states must balance their budgets. The jury is still out on how it all will play out this time, but in my mind, there is no doubt whatsoever that the tax favoritism for the most wealthy is long overdue, and tax evaders as well as those who can legally itemize to the point they have no tax obligation should be forced to pay their fair share.

4) Security. Very schizophrenic. WE keep FISA, Patriot Act, rendition, military tribunals (Gitmo for now?), Predator attacks, Iraq and Afghanistan, while we trash their Bush origins, apologize abroad, and try to out CIA memos to embarrass the country between 2001-8....
Rather than schitzo, consider that Obama wasn't privy to all the classified information until he became the chief executive. I happen to admire the fact that he changes his mind as better information becomes available. And releasing the memos was as a result of the ACLU winning on it's FOIA request, not an Obama spur-of-the-moment decision to "embarrass" anyone.

5). Civil Discord. In just three months Obama has caused more disunity than most presidents in recent memory....
Very predictable that the far right would hate him no matter what. But Obama still polls well over 60% so where's the general "disunity"?? It's not there. Prior to this election, more and more people proclaimed to be very concerned the direction the country had taken and that we needed a NEW direction. Those same people are willing to give this NEW direction a chance. If it falls flat, you'll have your chance to make a difference.

6). Race relations. Here I am worried. Far from bringing us together, I think Obama’s serial emphasis on race may achieve the unintended opposite of polarization. He should have learned in the campaign (Rev. Wright, Trinity Church, typical white person, clingers, call for reparations, his grandmother — the purported prejudicial stereotyper, etc.), the perils of seeing the world through skin color. ...
See #5. You must not have a very wide range of Internet browsing. Compound the basic anger among Republicans/conservatives/other far right fringes with the election of a black president, and you see gun sales that have spiked by 70%. A little worrisome indeed

Missed opportunity? Obama could have had a one-time stimulus, then vowed to balance the budget. He might have praised wind and solar as he asked the carbon industry to ‘get us through.’ He could have politely disagreed with Bush, but framing differences in the tragic notion of no good choices. He might have cooled the overseas apologies, savvy that other nations have more to apologize for than his own. Obama should have established zero-tolerance for tax avoidance at a time of record tax increases. He could have remonstrated with Wall Street, and sought to rein in excess without Europeanizing the financial sector. He could have proactively reformed entitlements with bipartisan support, rather than, as will happen, drastically address them in the 11th hour. But then to do all that would be to assume he never went to Trinity Church, knew no Rev. Wright, Ayers, Khalidi, etc., did not run mysterious campaigns that eliminated opponents before the elections, was not the most partisan Senator in Congress, and avoided rather crude social and racial stereotyping while campaigning. Most who read this will not agree, given the mesmerizing effect of the Obama charisma. But in time, unless there are radical changes, I think the nation will come to learn that such talent was not put in service to our collective welfare.
There was an urgent need to stop the bleeding of the financial/lending situation before the house of cards really did collapse. Anyone who still can't understand that is simply being dilusional. At the same time, a new president ALWAYS "goes big" during the first year, because thereafter it becomes harder and harder to get any of his campaign agenda (you know, what propels them to a win) on track. The stimulus package was intended to stop the fast progressing recession from getting worse. His budget contains everything he promised to TRY to accomplish during his campaign. It's a given that less than 30% of that will pass as written. But at least it's all on the table, right now.

There's lots more at the site, I just used the opening and closing. As I said, well thought out and each deals with issues discussed over and over again here. The real panic setting in for the liberals is they KNOW the conservatives are focused on the issues and decisions, not with name calling as they were for 8 long years....

If the conservatives are truly focused on the issues, then they need to stop making headlines over the same old wedge issues such as abortion. If what you say is true, that conservatives are now focused on issues that matter, then they have just lost an entire weekend of being able to get out there and talk about those important issues. Instead, we've got protestors (only a small percentage who are actually students) imported to protest Obama's speech this afternoon at Notre Dame, and the same bloviating fools ranting over Nancy Pelosi "lying" about her knowledge of waterboarding. Note: NOT torture, but NANCY PELOSI as the "issue."
Like Hanson or not, his analysis is very good. That and the word of the day:

Pentelic Pen*tel"ic\, Pentelican \Pen*tel"i*can\, a. Of or pertaining to Mount Pentelicus, near Athens, famous for its fine white marble quarries; obtained from Mount Pentelicus; as, the Pentelic marble of which the Parthenon is built.

Works and Days » Cracks in the Facade

Cracks in the Facade
Posted By Victor Davis Hanson On May 14, 2009 @ 8:33 am In Uncategorized | 170 Comments

Fissures in the Obama Totem

Oh, I know that President Obama’s approval ratings are still around 62%. But I also remember that George Bush’s at the end of 2001 got even higher — and stayed at or above 60% through most of 2002, explaining why he increased his congressional majority in the midterm elections.

Nevertheless, I think we are beginning — after less than four months — to see fissures in Obama’s Pentelic statuary. And the cracks will widen, because in about six areas he has taken on human nature itself, age-old logic, and common sense-opponents that even a Harvard Law degree and Chicago organizing are no match for.

1) The Rule of Law. We are on dangerous ground here with the reordering of the bankruptcy statutes with Chrysler and the UAW; with the strong-arming of stimulus money for California predicated on the protection of unions; with the serial disdain for paying taxes on the part of Geithner, Solis, Daschle and others; and with the selective release of CIA memos, to denigrate those out of office as veritable torturers (they should reread the transcript of Eric Holder’s 2002 CNN interview with Paula Zahn in which he grandly denies that the Gitmo detainees have any recourse to the Geneva Convention accords and can be held there for as long as we think the war lasts). What separates the U.S. from Mexico, Cuba, or Haiti is the rule of law, the protection of capital and property, the evenhanded treatment of investment, and the faith in a fair media to uncover abuse. I think that is now all in question, as the Utopian ends justify the tawdry means.

2) Energy. We are finding more natural gas than ever. There are billions of barrels of U.S. oil in Alaska, offshore, and in shale. Yet rigs sit idle and government leases are constricting rather than expanding — and for reasons other than the economy....

3) Debt. Obama has somehow already used the tax last resort. That is, his figures assume taking off FICA caps, watching the states increase their own tax rates, upping the federal rate to 40%, curbing deductions, and effectively increasing the total state and federal bite to above 65% on top incomes...

4) Security. Very schizophrenic. WE keep FISA, Patriot Act, rendition, military tribunals (Gitmo for now?), Predator attacks, Iraq and Afghanistan, while we trash their Bush origins, apologize abroad, and try to out CIA memos to embarrass the country between 2001-8....

5). Civil Discord. In just three months Obama has caused more disunity than most presidents in recent memory....

6). Race relations. Here I am worried. Far from bringing us together, I think Obama’s serial emphasis on race may achieve the unintended opposite of polarization. He should have learned in the campaign (Rev. Wright, Trinity Church, typical white person, clingers, call for reparations, his grandmother — the purported prejudicial stereotyper, etc.), the perils of seeing the world through skin color. ...

Missed opportunity? Obama could have had a one-time stimulus, then vowed to balance the budget. He might have praised wind and solar as he asked the carbon industry to ‘get us through.’ He could have politely disagreed with Bush, but framing differences in the tragic notion of no good choices. He might have cooled the overseas apologies, savvy that other nations have more to apologize for than his own. Obama should have established zero-tolerance for tax avoidance at a time of record tax increases. He could have remonstrated with Wall Street, and sought to rein in excess without Europeanizing the financial sector. He could have proactively reformed entitlements with bipartisan support, rather than, as will happen, drastically address them in the 11th hour. But then to do all that would be to assume he never went to Trinity Church, knew no Rev. Wright, Ayers, Khalidi, etc., did not run mysterious campaigns that eliminated opponents before the elections, was not the most partisan Senator in Congress, and avoided rather crude social and racial stereotyping while campaigning. Most who read this will not agree, given the mesmerizing effect of the Obama charisma. But in time, unless there are radical changes, I think the nation will come to learn that such talent was not put in service to our collective welfare.

There's lots more at the site, I just used the opening and closing. As I said, well thought out and each deals with issues discussed over and over again here. The real panic setting in for the liberals is they KNOW the conservatives are focused on the issues and decisions, not with name calling as they were for 8 long years....

Quite true - this administration is as bi-polar as any in recent memory. Obama comes off as way over his head.

The media will continue to prop him up as best they can though - so I don't see the approval numbers falling any time soon.
Like Hanson or not, his analysis is very good. That and the word of the day:

Pentelic Pen*tel"ic\, Pentelican \Pen*tel"i*can\, a. Of or pertaining to Mount Pentelicus, near Athens, famous for its fine white marble quarries; obtained from Mount Pentelicus; as, the Pentelic marble of which the Parthenon is built.

Works and Days » Cracks in the Facade

Cracks in the Facade
Fissures in the Obama Totem

There are an increasing number of contradictions in the President's methods, policies, statements, and philosophy from what was expected. Except for the committed Kool-Aid drinkers and those most responsible for his election, who are then also most invested, the MSM, ordinary people of both parties can't help feeling they're being taken for a ride. The fear is growing that it's not going to be a ride ending in a "happy place".

Even, or maybe more-so, those outside the US recognize that the "Rule of law" is being given short shrift by this administration and the rest of the over-reachers amongst the Ds in our governmental elite.

What "laws" have been broken?

From Annie's post: What separates the U.S. from Mexico, Cuba, or Haiti is the rule of law, the protection of capital and property, the evenhanded treatment of investment, and the faith in a fair media to uncover abuse.

If anything, by not immediately nationalizing the banks and the auto industry, the OA has indeed been protecting capital and property and most certainly tried to reverse what had become blatant DISREGARD of people's private investments in the name of greed.

There have been bumps along the way, but good grief, those were MAJOR undertakings that, left alone, would dramatically affect American lives for the worse.
If the conservatives are truly focused on the issues, then they need to stop making headlines over the same old wedge issues such as abortion. If what you say is true, that conservatives are now focused on issues that matter, then they have just lost an entire weekend of being able to get out there and talk about those important issues. Instead, we've got protestors (only a small percentage who are actually students) imported to protest Obama's speech this afternoon at Notre Dame, and the same bloviating fools ranting over Nancy Pelosi "lying" about her knowledge of waterboarding. Note: NOT torture, but NANCY PELOSI as the "issue."

Hmmm, abortion was not brought up, by me, at all. Nor Hanson. As for Notre Dame, seems to me it's a media inspired event, with the regular list of characters. Do I think ND was wrong to invite for commencement speaker? No. Do I think they were wrong to give him an honorary degree? Yes.

I think the left should stop worrying about what those to the non-left are doing. Me? I've concentrated on the issues and will continue to do so. BTW as long as we're giving advice, it would be more honest to see where anyone on the left disagrees with anything going on. Pelosi? I believe I have a post on her.
Hmmm...what was it I said about this elsewhere? Oh, yes! ;)

A poor analysis, even for the typically nationalistic Hanson, considering that he is defined by little more than rhetorical emptiness. It would be better for him to have said that the financial class is on "dangerous ground," not "the rule of law." We have the potential for a peaceful means of extending democracy into the economic realm, though Obama evidently has little desire to exercise that potential.

As I've said, a transition to market socialism wouldn't be an especially difficult task at the moment. Significant components of the financial class are currently reeling as a result of the widespread failure of the banks and the auto industry. There's no need for violent expropriation by an angry proletariat to occur; the standard failure of capitalist financial markets have already ensured that the "owners" are now desperate and would be happy to receive anything close to fair market value. Therefore, all it would take is boring old nationalization of the failing industries and banks, followed by the establishment of democratic management of these industries by their workers, as well as the establishment of a progressive capital assets tax on these industries and the banks, and presto! We have market socialism!

The fact that Obama has refrained from such action illustrates the reality of his liberal democratic capitalism, IMO.

Now I think I've heard it all. So you're suggesting this is nothing more than a grand conspiracy, all well planned out beforehand? :lol:

Was he in cahoots with all the foreign financial institutions as well?
If the conservatives are truly focused on the issues, then they need to stop making headlines over the same old wedge issues such as abortion. If what you say is true, that conservatives are now focused on issues that matter, then they have just lost an entire weekend of being able to get out there and talk about those important issues. Instead, we've got protestors (only a small percentage who are actually students) imported to protest Obama's speech this afternoon at Notre Dame, and the same bloviating fools ranting over Nancy Pelosi "lying" about her knowledge of waterboarding. Note: NOT torture, but NANCY PELOSI as the "issue."

Hmmm, abortion was not brought up, by me, at all. Nor Hanson. As for Notre Dame, seems to me it's a media inspired event, with the regular list of characters. Do I think ND was wrong to invite for commencement speaker? No. Do I think they were wrong to give him an honorary degree? Yes.

I think the left should stop worrying about what those to the non-left are doing. Me? I've concentrated on the issues and will continue to do so. BTW as long as we're giving advice, it would be more honest to see where anyone on the left disagrees with anything going on. Pelosi? I believe I have a post on her.

Maggie's right...the GOP has turned into the obstruction party with no solutions...

Solutions...If you are concentrating on the "issues" Annie, I must assume your solution to health care is to do nothing; I asked you a couple times what your solution is other than posting the propaganda from a right wing front group run by a felon...
Oh they do they do so send your deposit on this shinny bridge I have for sale to Beyond reality at take your pick disney Fla or Cal.
See if Jilly will help you with the payments (maybe ya can get some stimi money from Obowma)

Ah, he has returned!! Welcome really should use your old NDP. A few of you oldies have come back recently under different names. Things getting bad over at the DP?

I though the "Rules" didn't allow you to do that? Now I'm wondering about some of the folks who post here. Are only selected few allowed alters or something? I'm sure if I did, I'd be booted immediately, but then, my MO wouldn't change and everybody would recognize me anyway, so why bother?
If the conservatives are truly focused on the issues, then they need to stop making headlines over the same old wedge issues such as abortion. If what you say is true, that conservatives are now focused on issues that matter, then they have just lost an entire weekend of being able to get out there and talk about those important issues. Instead, we've got protestors (only a small percentage who are actually students) imported to protest Obama's speech this afternoon at Notre Dame, and the same bloviating fools ranting over Nancy Pelosi "lying" about her knowledge of waterboarding. Note: NOT torture, but NANCY PELOSI as the "issue."

Hmmm, abortion was not brought up, by me, at all. Nor Hanson. As for Notre Dame, seems to me it's a media inspired event, with the regular list of characters. Do I think ND was wrong to invite for commencement speaker? No. Do I think they were wrong to give him an honorary degree? Yes.

I think the left should stop worrying about what those to the non-left are doing. Me? I've concentrated on the issues and will continue to do so. BTW as long as we're giving advice, it would be more honest to see where anyone on the left disagrees with anything going on. Pelosi? I believe I have a post on her.

Maggie's right...the GOP has turned into the obstruction party with no solutions...

Solutions...If you are concentrating on the "issues" Annie, I must assume your solution to health care is to do nothing; I asked you a couple times what your solution is other than posting the propaganda from a right wing front group run by a felon...

My solution is pretty much let things stay as they are. In fact, the one change I would make is for those self-employed to be able to join with larger firms to get group coverage. See the problem isn't 'health care' it's affordable 'health insurance' for those working. Those not working or too poor to pay, already get medicaid.

The Obama solution is to make medicare, writ large. Great idea that, it going bust in 7 years and all. Yet you all keep bleeting that he's got the solution, while standing there with your thumb up your....
If the conservatives are truly focused on the issues, then they need to stop making headlines over the same old wedge issues such as abortion. If what you say is true, that conservatives are now focused on issues that matter, then they have just lost an entire weekend of being able to get out there and talk about those important issues. Instead, we've got protestors (only a small percentage who are actually students) imported to protest Obama's speech this afternoon at Notre Dame, and the same bloviating fools ranting over Nancy Pelosi "lying" about her knowledge of waterboarding. Note: NOT torture, but NANCY PELOSI as the "issue."

Hmmm, abortion was not brought up, by me, at all. Nor Hanson. As for Notre Dame, seems to me it's a media inspired event, with the regular list of characters. Do I think ND was wrong to invite for commencement speaker? No. Do I think they were wrong to give him an honorary degree? Yes.

I think the left should stop worrying about what those to the non-left are doing. Me? I've concentrated on the issues and will continue to do so. BTW as long as we're giving advice, it would be more honest to see where anyone on the left disagrees with anything going on. Pelosi? I believe I have a post on her.

Maggie's right...the GOP has turned into the obstruction party with no solutions...

Solutions...If you are concentrating on the "issues" Annie, I must assume your solution to health care is to do nothing; I asked you a couple times what your solution is other than posting the propaganda from a right wing front group run by a felon...

You have been asked a couple of questions also.. which you have conveniently chosen not to answer!
Yes,, everyone is so satisfied at the direction the country is going.. we can just overlook the fact that one govenor has mentioned secession.. several states are in the process or have already passed laws regarding states rights re gun control,, ie Montana, Texas,, we have had tea party demostrations.. the formation of 9-12er's.. and various other groups aligning to stop the march of socialism.. but you lefty people keep your heads where ever it is you keep it..

Kerry on.

So in other words, the opposition has become a bunch of gun-toting protestors. Yeah, that's really good for America.
If the conservatives are truly focused on the issues, then they need to stop making headlines over the same old wedge issues such as abortion. If what you say is true, that conservatives are now focused on issues that matter, then they have just lost an entire weekend of being able to get out there and talk about those important issues. Instead, we've got protestors (only a small percentage who are actually students) imported to protest Obama's speech this afternoon at Notre Dame, and the same bloviating fools ranting over Nancy Pelosi "lying" about her knowledge of waterboarding. Note: NOT torture, but NANCY PELOSI as the "issue."

While Nancy P is the referance point, it is the hypocracy of Nancy P that is the issue. Was she not one of the holier than thous who repeataed used the phrase "culture of corruption"?
Well it's not just the conservatives that are unhappy with oblahma Annie... looks like there's trouble brewing in paradise for him too... read it and weep liberals...

Some On Left Souring On Obama

By JOSH GERSTEIN | 5/17/09 9:48 AM EDT

When President Barack Obama speaks to the Notre Dame commencement Sunday afternoon, television cameras will search the sea of graduates, looking for turned backs and defaced mortar boards that abortion opponents will likely use to register their disagreement with the president.

But the attention to protests from conservatives who don’t support Obama – and almost certainly never would – could obscure the far more significant political threat he now faces.

Barely four months into his presidency, Obama is confronting growing dissatisfaction among members of his liberal base, who feel spurned by a series of his early decisions on issues ranging from guns to torture to immigration to gay rights.
The list got longer last week as Obama reversed his earlier decision to release photos of detainees abused in U.S. military custody and announced plans to try some terror suspects before military commissions – though on the campaign trail he railed against earlier versions of the tribunals.

A few, like MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, have even hurled the left’s ultimate epithet – suggesting that Obama’s turning into George W. Bush.

Some on left souring on Obama - Josh Gerstein -

So there you have it. Obama isn't as "liberal" as every other posting here attempts to allege. He's tried to come up with a level playing field within the party, which includes "liberal" promises during his campaign but which for one reason or another cannot be kept. But that segment of the party IS the minority. It was middle-road Democrats and INDEPENDENTS who put Obama into the White House.
Hmmm, abortion was not brought up, by me, at all. Nor Hanson. As for Notre Dame, seems to me it's a media inspired event, with the regular list of characters. Do I think ND was wrong to invite for commencement speaker? No. Do I think they were wrong to give him an honorary degree? Yes.

I think the left should stop worrying about what those to the non-left are doing. Me? I've concentrated on the issues and will continue to do so. BTW as long as we're giving advice, it would be more honest to see where anyone on the left disagrees with anything going on. Pelosi? I believe I have a post on her.

Maggie's right...the GOP has turned into the obstruction party with no solutions...

Solutions...If you are concentrating on the "issues" Annie, I must assume your solution to health care is to do nothing; I asked you a couple times what your solution is other than posting the propaganda from a right wing front group run by a felon...

You have been asked a couple of questions also.. which you have conveniently chosen not to answer!
While I usually ignore her, my guess is she can't answer your questions. Today I'm feeling pretty good, so I bother. ;)
If the conservatives are truly focused on the issues, then they need to stop making headlines over the same old wedge issues such as abortion. If what you say is true, that conservatives are now focused on issues that matter, then they have just lost an entire weekend of being able to get out there and talk about those important issues. Instead, we've got protestors (only a small percentage who are actually students) imported to protest Obama's speech this afternoon at Notre Dame, and the same bloviating fools ranting over Nancy Pelosi "lying" about her knowledge of waterboarding. Note: NOT torture, but NANCY PELOSI as the "issue."

Hmmm, abortion was not brought up, by me, at all. Nor Hanson. As for Notre Dame, seems to me it's a media inspired event, with the regular list of characters. Do I think ND was wrong to invite for commencement speaker? No. Do I think they were wrong to give him an honorary degree? Yes.

I think the left should stop worrying about what those to the non-left are doing. Me? I've concentrated on the issues and will continue to do so. BTW as long as we're giving advice, it would be more honest to see where anyone on the left disagrees with anything going on. Pelosi? I believe I have a post on her.

That wasn't you who said that Republicans will be focusing on issues that matter? Roe v. Wade is not going to be overturned in the near future, so it is NOT an "issue that matters." Must we address ONLY the specifics included in your OP and not be allowed to venture off the range?

As for Pelosi, I have stated several times elsewhere, even before this latest fiasco, that she would become a thorn in Obama's side. I don't like her liberalism, and I don't like the fact that she has taken advantage of her position for her own political advancement. I'm actually hoping that as she continues to back herself into a corner over the waterboarding thing, the rest of the Democratic body will realize they need a new speaker. She's actually even looking a bit discheveled and wild lately, so maybe she's truly lost it.
Hmmm, abortion was not brought up, by me, at all. Nor Hanson. As for Notre Dame, seems to me it's a media inspired event, with the regular list of characters. Do I think ND was wrong to invite for commencement speaker? No. Do I think they were wrong to give him an honorary degree? Yes.

I think the left should stop worrying about what those to the non-left are doing. Me? I've concentrated on the issues and will continue to do so. BTW as long as we're giving advice, it would be more honest to see where anyone on the left disagrees with anything going on. Pelosi? I believe I have a post on her.

Maggie's right...the GOP has turned into the obstruction party with no solutions...

Solutions...If you are concentrating on the "issues" Annie, I must assume your solution to health care is to do nothing; I asked you a couple times what your solution is other than posting the propaganda from a right wing front group run by a felon...

My solution is pretty much let things stay as they are. In fact, the one change I would make is for those self-employed to be able to join with larger firms to get group coverage. See the problem isn't 'health care' it's affordable 'health insurance' for those working. Those not working or too poor to pay, already get medicaid.

The Obama solution is to make medicare, writ large. Great idea that, it going bust in 7 years and all. Yet you all keep bleeting that he's got the solution, while standing there with your thumb up your....

Obama's health plan calls for health INSURANCE, much as you first describe. Hello? He is NOT calling for a universal health care program.
If the conservatives are truly focused on the issues, then they need to stop making headlines over the same old wedge issues such as abortion. If what you say is true, that conservatives are now focused on issues that matter, then they have just lost an entire weekend of being able to get out there and talk about those important issues. Instead, we've got protestors (only a small percentage who are actually students) imported to protest Obama's speech this afternoon at Notre Dame, and the same bloviating fools ranting over Nancy Pelosi "lying" about her knowledge of waterboarding. Note: NOT torture, but NANCY PELOSI as the "issue."

While Nancy P is the referance point, it is the hypocracy of Nancy P that is the issue. Was she not one of the holier than thous who repeataed used the phrase "culture of corruption"?

Probably, but how is that helpful NOW?! Who gives a fuck? Everyone, even my 10-year old nephew, knew the U.S. was torturing. How does it help make critical decisions today by knowing that five years ago Nancy Pelosi knew what was going on?
Yes,, everyone is so satisfied at the direction the country is going.. we can just overlook the fact that one govenor has mentioned secession.. several states are in the process or have already passed laws regarding states rights re gun control,, ie Montana, Texas,, we have had tea party demostrations.. the formation of 9-12er's.. and various other groups aligning to stop the march of socialism.. but you lefty people keep your heads where ever it is you keep it..

Kerry on.

So in other words, the opposition has become a bunch of gun-toting protestors. Yeah, that's really good for America.

big empty space where yer brain used to reside I see. :lol::lol:

While Nancy P is the referance point, it is the hypocracy of Nancy P that is the issue. Was she not one of the holier than thous who repeataed used the phrase "culture of corruption"?

Probably, but how is that helpful NOW?! Who gives a fuck? Everyone, even my 10-year old nephew, knew the U.S. was torturing. How does it help make critical decisions today by knowing that five years ago Nancy Pelosi knew what was going on?

Somehow the quotes are really screwed up, I did NOT say what it says I said.

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