The Cracks Appear

I'm a history major. With a minor in math. I can put 2 and 2 together with the best of them. It Didn't work for Carter it didn't work for Zimbabwe it didn't work for Ancient Rome it sure as hell isn't going to work here either.

You can't spend your way out of debt. All you can do is dig the hole deeper.

I'll agree the oversight wasn't what it should have been but with out the collapse of all those mortgages upon which all those derivatives were based the lack of oversight isn't a problem. And lets not forget that all those derivatives were out and about because several mortgage companies knew the government had backed them into a corner from which they might not beable to extricate themselves.

It is interesting to note as well that your government whose second in command is none other than Joe 'Country wide" Biden and whose leader is none other than Barack 'Fannie can you give me more loot' Obama are currently doing everything they can to point everyone in a different direction. Frankly it smells a bit quid pro quoish to my none to sensitive nose.
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California isn't the only one in trouble, just the biggest. I think the last I read, 32 states were in the red, and it is difficult for the states to borrow in order to fill the voids. Many states are collecting significantly less revenue than they had counted on when they drafted their budgets. They weren’t planning on the loss in sales tax, corporate income tax and personal income tax that came along with the downturn in the economy.

Sometimes I don't think a lot of you have a clue what's really been happening in this economy. You just shout out a bunch of repititious platitudes and think you've got the solutions to everything. So how exactly are your ideas helping if you're so much wiser? Oh have no ideas to contribute, just meaningless drivel.

Nor do you I said before, if I was getting paid to do the job, it would have been done. Your just being a partisan hack when you state the crap you do. You haven't a clue either. My idea is watching the tax payers money to make sure it's spent prudently. Yours is to throw it out there "willy nilly" and hope for the best. Just like your democratic politicians. So quit coming off like your in the know

When did I say I was "in the know"?? I've simply said I understand what needed to be done in order to stave off a complete collapse of the economy. Apparently you do not.

If you're so good at watching to make sure the taxpxpayers' money is spent prudently, where were you and others like you for the last 8 years? Perhaps you were doing your best, but obviously that wasn't good enough. So now you're ready to lay the entire blame on the current administration? Is that because the old familiar "tax and spend liberals" label fits better for communicating the right's political agenda? In a way, that's true: It is more difficult to convince an unenlightened public that the traditionally tax-friendly "conservatives" were, in fact, bamboozling us with a don't-tax-but-spend-anyway agenda.

And one more thing--how come I keep getting accused of being a partisan "hack"?? What makes me any more of a "hack" than you are? Or any of the others who have opposing positions? Is the term "hack" supposed to mean something more ominous?

Why are you a partisan hack??? Because you kiss the ground that Obama walks. He can do no wrong...that's why your a partisan hack. I didn't know you were that dense. I will keep a mental note on that one Maggie.
Second, I wasn't a Bush fan...when will you get that through your dense head? I was complaining about his spending all along...but his administration wasn't listenening to me. I said to you before that I wouldn't have pulled the trigger in Iraq. Can you understand that????
When Bush spent all along all you people did was bitch...along with me. Now with Obama spending far worse than think that we have to do something....even if it's wrong. There was a lot of pork in the Stimulus bill...and your good with it, not only good with it, you defend it. That my dear is a partisan hack.
As far as you being in the know...when you first came on this board you were saying that you have knowledge of something that has to do with the government that most people don't see....something to that effect...I'm not going to go look through your every post. I don't want to get nauseated before dinner.

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