"The Color of His Presidency"

My God, you think America needs another race pimp?!

You havent got a clue "what I think" Who said anything about "race pimping"? And since you interjected this witty "buzz phrase", what does it mean? Taking to the radio like Rush and making race, homophobia and hatred of women the centerpiece of ones program?

"Race pimp" is a well-defined and exactly what you suggested Obama should have done. I know what you think because you wrote it. How fucking thick are you anyway?

Even Obama realized America does not need a race pimp president.

I obviously am not nearly as thick as you are, because I "suggested" no such thing. And NO you DO NOT know what I think.

You, in an attempt to make it look I did, selectively took one part of what I posted and ASSumed what you wanted to.

I also said "Obama has told young black people to focus on education and work ethic, as he should have".

Learn how to read and when YOU issue a statement regarding what someone posts, at least have enough integrity and maturity to practice full disclosure. And in case you have a rebuttal for this, here is what I posted in it entirety.

There is NO SUGGESTION here of desiring a so called "race pimp" for a President except to a complete IDIOT.


That is precisely what he has done. If there is a racial demographic that he has leaned more towards supporting through his "actions", it would be Hispanics.


As far as the black population goes there is not one quality of life metric that has improved for black citizens (as a whole) during his administration, and truth be told it is probably a good thing.

As he should, he has encouraged pursuit of education and work ethic to young black people.

It is my belief if he had actively taken a position of focusing on improving the condition of blacks in America as a priority there would have been anarchy in the streets and the fate that MLK met likely would have come to fruition for Obama.
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In America there are myths that have become something above wishful fantasy and among them are race, class, poverty - none of these things exist in this mythical America. And when they do raise their head they then too become another's myth.
You havent got a clue "what I think" Who said anything about "race pimping"? And since you interjected this witty "buzz phrase", what does it mean? Taking to the radio like Rush and making race, homophobia and hatred of women the centerpiece of ones program?

"Race pimp" is a well-defined and exactly what you suggested Obama should have done. I know what you think because you wrote it. How fucking thick are you anyway?

Even Obama realized America does not need a race pimp president.

I obviously am not nearly as thick as you are, because I "suggested" no such thing.

You, in an attempt to make it look I did, selectively took one part of what I posted and ASSumed what you wanted to.

I also said "Obama has told young black people to focus on education and work ethic, as he should have".

Learn how to read and when YOU issue a statement regarding what someone posts, at least have enough integrity and marurity to practice full disclosure.
Simply, America does not need a race-pimp president. That is my opinion with which you obviously disagree. So be it.

Sorry, I'm not going to get into a mind-numbing exchange with someone who denies what they obviously said.
"Race pimp" is a well-defined and exactly what you suggested Obama should have done. I know what you think because you wrote it. How fucking thick are you anyway?

Even Obama realized America does not need a race pimp president.

I obviously am not nearly as thick as you are, because I "suggested" no such thing.

You, in an attempt to make it look I did, selectively took one part of what I posted and ASSumed what you wanted to.

I also said "Obama has told young black people to focus on education and work ethic, as he should have".

Learn how to read and when YOU issue a statement regarding what someone posts, at least have enough integrity and marurity to practice full disclosure.
Simply, America does not need a race-pimp president. That is my opinion with which you obviously disagree. So be it.

Sorry, I'm not going to get into a mind-numbing exchange with someone who denies what they obviously said.

So be it is right, becuase after my last post, I was through with this anyway.

I won't waste any time engaging in a pissing contest with someone who practices selective interpretation. Case in point:

You start out stating that I "suggested" what Obama should have done, namely be a "race pimp.,

I then repost precisely what I stated(which you totally ignored) which was that he has "encouraged young black people to pursue education and work ethic", which I said "he should have done".

Then you pull it out of your ass, that I was in favor of a "race pimping" President???

Dude, your mind is already numb. You don't need any help from me.

Have a nice day.
In regards to race, when obama was first elected I thought that he would be a person who would be able to bring people of different races closer, reduce racial divides, specifically because his heritage is both black and white.

Since he became president the racial divide has gotten bigger, not smaller. A truly teachable moment, a great opportunity .... he blew it. Or did he? Is racism just another distraction?

His piss poor leadership is due to to the fact that he is inept. Period. It has zero to do with the color of his skin, no matter how many times that meme is repeated.
Blacks in this country that are poor and suffering have no one to blame but themselves, the opportunity to live better lives is out there for them but they refuse to take advantage of it because of thier culture of being a victim. I see blacks from Africa come here and thrive, I see muslims come here and thrive, I see asians come and thrive. The black community leaders have taught them to be whiney victims, and most of them are.
Why Race Has Been the Real Story of Obama's Presidency All Along -- New York Magazine

Excellent article, but it's seven pages long so if you're interested, you'll need to set aside some time.
I think it would be a bit silly to think that the first black president who had tremendous support from the black vote would not make racial issues and important part of his presidency.

But he hasn't. He has rarely even mentioned it.

Frankly, I wish he had done more but I'm glad that what he has said has mostly been to tell blacks the same as he tells whites - to work for what they want.

Now if only our society believed that.

Are you that stupid? Or do you think we're that stupid? It's definitely one or the other.

Obama uses his minions to do the racist thingy. He insulates himself from the race issue while using it to it's maximum, it's obvious to anyone with half a brain.
A typical NYT fluff piece.
I have never cared about Obama's skin color.
It had absolutely no effect on my vote for or against.
It would go without saying that far more people voted for him because he is black, than the small number who voted against him because of it.
At the same time, racism knows no politics. The notion that one party has the monopoly on racism is juvenile and just plain stupid.
What Obama's presidency is about - is whatever he has done or not done. PERIOD.

According to Harry Reid Obama was elected because he was light skinned and did not have a negro dialect.
Blacks in this country that are poor and suffering have no one to blame but themselves, the opportunity to live better lives is out there for them but they refuse to take advantage of it because of thier culture of being a victim. I see blacks from Africa come here and thrive, I see muslims come here and thrive, I see asians come and thrive. The black community leaders have taught them to be whiney victims, and most of them are.

Amen that!!
Blacks in this country that are poor and suffering have no one to blame but themselves, the opportunity to live better lives is out there for them but they refuse to take advantage of it because of thier culture of being a victim. I see blacks from Africa come here and thrive, I see muslims come here and thrive, I see asians come and thrive. The black community leaders have taught them to be whiney victims, and most of them are.

Amen that!!

Double triple Amen to that!!

That is the ugly truth that is ignored!
Could be that far too many are caught up in trying to make excuses for a total failure. Color does not distinguish who you are: a "liar" and a "cheat" is a liar and a cheat regardless of color or what planet you are from. We refer to planets because some of these defenders must be from outer space, that can be the only explanation.
In regards to race, when obama was first elected I thought that he would be a person who would be able to bring people of different races closer, reduce racial divides, specifically because his heritage is both black and white.

Since he became president the racial divide has gotten bigger, not smaller. A truly teachable moment, a great opportunity .... he blew it. Or did he? Is racism just another distraction?

His piss poor leadership is due to to the fact that he is inept. Period. It has zero to do with the color of his skin, no matter how many times that meme is repeated.

America's economy today is in better shape than when Obama entered office. Not exactly the definition of inept.
I read the article- it is poorly written trash.

Obama is incompetent. His policies do not work. He is a liar.

I don't care that Obama is half black.

Race had nothing to do with my vote in 2008. I simply didn't know what Obama stood for and what little information I was able to gather pointed toward him being a radical leftist. My (our) suspicions turned out to be spot-on.

Now here's a black man I could have backed because of our similar ideology:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8yzW9wAuwY"]Allen keyes on obama and our economy - YouTube[/ame]
In regards to race, when obama was first elected I thought that he would be a person who would be able to bring people of different races closer, reduce racial divides, specifically because his heritage is both black and white.

Since he became president the racial divide has gotten bigger, not smaller. A truly teachable moment, a great opportunity .... he blew it. Or did he? Is racism just another distraction?

His piss poor leadership is due to to the fact that he is inept. Period. It has zero to do with the color of his skin, no matter how many times that meme is repeated.

America's economy today is in better shape than when Obama entered office. Not exactly the definition of inept.

You may want to remove those rose-colored glasses and face reality. Are you aware that we're more deeply in debt than at any other time in American history? Are you aware that unemployment is still way too high? Are you aware that the IRS is stealing individual's tax refunds (digging through the couch cushions for coins)? Are you aware that wages aren't going up as quickly as the price of living? Our economy may appear to be better than when Obama started his second term but that's because it was in shambles as a result of his first term. If there is any improvement at all we can thank what's left of our free market system.
In regards to race, when obama was first elected I thought that he would be a person who would be able to bring people of different races closer, reduce racial divides, specifically because his heritage is both black and white.

Since he became president the racial divide has gotten bigger, not smaller. A truly teachable moment, a great opportunity .... he blew it. Or did he? Is racism just another distraction?

His piss poor leadership is due to to the fact that he is inept. Period. It has zero to do with the color of his skin, no matter how many times that meme is repeated.

America's economy today is in better shape than when Obama entered office. Not exactly the definition of inept.

Things still suck, any improvement is in despite of obama and government. obama is a hapless boob. He is incapable of leading, it is above his pay grade. Fore!
In regards to race, when obama was first elected I thought that he would be a person who would be able to bring people of different races closer, reduce racial divides, specifically because his heritage is both black and white.

Since he became president the racial divide has gotten bigger, not smaller. A truly teachable moment, a great opportunity .... he blew it. Or did he? Is racism just another distraction?

His piss poor leadership is due to to the fact that he is inept. Period. It has zero to do with the color of his skin, no matter how many times that meme is repeated.

America's economy today is in better shape than when Obama entered office. Not exactly the definition of inept.

[SNIP]This week saw "economists" downgrade Q1 GDP expectations once again to a mere 1.6% growth (from 2.6% in January)[/SNIP]

Peak "Hope" | Zero Hedge
Blacks in this country that are poor and suffering have no one to blame but themselves, the opportunity to live better lives is out there for them but they refuse to take advantage of it because of thier culture of being a victim. I see blacks from Africa come here and thrive, I see muslims come here and thrive, I see asians come and thrive. The black community leaders have taught them to be whiney victims, and most of them are.

By and large, Asian children have a huge advantage from birth: Standards & expectations are high and they are maintained, even when they can barely yet speak English. Effort and sacrifice, perhaps the two biggest predictors of success, are assumed. Their fathers are there. The children are expected to assimilate. And Asians don't have an entire political party making excuses for them, blaming others for them, running interference for them and isolating them from the rest of American society.

Black children? Not so much.

So it's tough for me to say that blacks have done this to themselves. When a person is conditioned from birth in a negative way, it's terribly difficult for them to change. Far more difficult now that it's inter-generational. As you say, it's cultural now. They've been victimized again, and this time by those who claim to "care".

That's pretty screwed up right there.

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