California is such a shit-hole. It's unbelievable. They lead the U.S. in every negative metric (such as debt) and are dead-last in every metric one would want to be top in (such as affordable fuels and quality of life).
Motorists in California, the state with the most expensive gasoline, could see pump prices that begin with a 4 again as oil markets rally.
The state has all of the natural resources to be a paradise. Instead, left-wing policy has turned the state into a near third-world shit-hole. South Central Los Angeles is a mess. Hollywood is a cesspool of drugs and sexual violence. The state has more gangs and gang violence than all other 49 states combined.

California Could See the Return of $4 Gasoline by May
So conservatives now have a policy of not calling every thing they disagree with, "communism." What a relief. So Social Security is now OK?

Social Security has never been socialism or communism for that matter.
Uh...yes it is. :cuckoo:

I paid hundreds of thousands of dollars into an insurance plan. It started out, as almost all Progressive plans do, with good intentions but has turned into the biggest Ponzi Scam in history.
So conservatives now have a policy of not calling every thing they disagree with, "communism." What a relief. So Social Security is now OK?

Social Security has never been socialism or communism for that matter.
Uh...yes it is. :cuckoo:

I paid hundreds of thousands of dollars into an insurance plan. It started out, as almost all Progressive plans do, with good intentions but has turned into the biggest Ponzi Scam in history.
Yes...but everyone is guaranteed Social Security. Including the millions of parasites who never paid into it. That is pure communism/socialism/marxism.
After studying hundreds of years of history, conservatives have the solutions down to a science - while progressives continue to toil in catastrophic failure as they ignore reality in favor of ideology.

As Ronald Reagan stated - "weakness invites aggression". When Bill Clinton refused to deal with Al Qaeda and pulled out of Somalia at the first sign of a fight (like a coward), he convinced the world that America was cowardly. That emboldened the world. That coupled with failing to deal with Al Qaeda gave them the time and motivation to plan and execute 9/11. The mastermind of the attack - Khalid Sheik Mohammed - admitted that they were stunned by the response by the Bush Administration and that the Bush strategy prevented more attacks.

“Then he looked at me and said, ‘How was I supposed to know that cowboy George Bush would announce he wanted us ‘dead or alive’ and then invade Afghanistan to hunt us down?’” Mitchell writes.

“KSM explained that if the United States had treated 9/11 like a law enforcement matter, he would have had time to launch a second wave of attacks.” He was not able to do so because al-Qaeda was stunned “by the ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”

Had Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush been in office instead of Bill Clinton, 9/11 never happens. Weakness invites aggression. And the progressive idealistic weakness has invited unspeakable horrors against the U.S. It was done once again by Barack Obama - by making heavy cuts to our U.S. military (sending a signal to enemies) and by sending billions in ransom money to Iran.

A horrifying look into the mind of 9/11’s mastermind, in his own words

Oh for God’s sake... are you serious with this? You act as if any of this dog-and-pony show is actually what it's purported to be. I bet you think Hobbits really existed and pro wrestling is real. I mean, jeez, I’m sorry, but this is naive to the point of childish. They’re chessmasters, and we’re all on the board, my friend.

World events are orchestrated on a level higher than government; most of these guys are puppets, showpieces - managers at best - and little more. Ronald Regan, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump: “leaders of the free world”... please. As if the real old-money power would let these idiots make an actual decision.
After studying hundreds of years of history, conservatives have the solutions down to a science - while progressives continue to toil in catastrophic failure as they ignore reality in favor of ideology.

As Ronald Reagan stated - "weakness invites aggression". When Bill Clinton refused to deal with Al Qaeda and pulled out of Somalia at the first sign of a fight (like a coward), he convinced the world that America was cowardly. That emboldened the world. That coupled with failing to deal with Al Qaeda gave them the time and motivation to plan and execute 9/11. The mastermind of the attack - Khalid Sheik Mohammed - admitted that they were stunned by the response by the Bush Administration and that the Bush strategy prevented more attacks.

“Then he looked at me and said, ‘How was I supposed to know that cowboy George Bush would announce he wanted us ‘dead or alive’ and then invade Afghanistan to hunt us down?’” Mitchell writes.

“KSM explained that if the United States had treated 9/11 like a law enforcement matter, he would have had time to launch a second wave of attacks.” He was not able to do so because al-Qaeda was stunned “by the ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”

Had Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush been in office instead of Bill Clinton, 9/11 never happens. Weakness invites aggression. And the progressive idealistic weakness has invited unspeakable horrors against the U.S. It was done once again by Barack Obama - by making heavy cuts to our U.S. military (sending a signal to enemies) and by sending billions in ransom money to Iran.

A horrifying look into the mind of 9/11’s mastermind, in his own words

Oh for God’s sake... are you serious with this? You act as if any of this dog-and-pony show is actually what it's purported to be. I bet you think Hobbits really existed and pro wrestling is real. I mean, jeez, I’m sorry, but this is naive to the point of childish. They’re chessmasters, and we’re all on the board, my friend.

World events are orchestrated on a level higher than government; most of these guys are puppets, showpieces - managers at best - and little more. Ronald Regan, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump: “leaders of the free world”... please. As if the real old-money power would let these idiots make an actual decision.
It's what happens from going to public schools and a lifetime of TeeeVeee. . . .
Oh for God’s sake... are you serious with this? You act as if any of this dog-and-pony show is actually what it's purported to be. I bet you think Hobbits really existed and pro wrestling is real. I mean, jeez, I’m sorry, but this is naive to the point of childish. They’re chessmasters, and we’re all on the board, my friend.

World events are orchestrated on a level higher than government; most of these guys are puppets, showpieces - managers at best - and little more. Ronald Regan, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump: “leaders of the free world”... please. As if the real old-money power would let these idiots make an actual decision.

Noone seems to notice that the "News" is always somehow conveniently custom tailored so that if you read the source favored by the stokes the anti-Left fires.....and if you read the news and media sources favored by the Left, it stokes the anti Right fires.

People refuse to THINK for themselves. It's SOOOooooooo much easier just to absorb and react.

An example.....
The same small group of globalists/elitists who really do control things are the one who most want Americans disarmed pronto. It's infinitely more difficult to control an armed population.

And like zombies...the gun grabbers swallow down their BS with fanatical frenzy and do their bidding never so much as realizing how utterly used and manipulated they are. Meanwhile, these Zombies are noting but fodder to them. Disposable garbage after use. Pathetic.
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World events are orchestrated on a level higher than government; most of these guys are puppets, showpieces - managers at best - and little more. Ronald Regan, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump: “leaders of the free world”... please. As if the real old-money power would let these idiots make an actual decision.
It's what happens from going to public schools and a lifetime of TeeeVeee. . . .

Absolutely. I wish people knew more about the in's and out's of pro wrestling because it's a fantastic metaphor for government and our culture on so many levels. For those who know 80's WWF, two words gets the whole message across - Jack Tunney.
Oh for God’s sake... are you serious with this? You act as if any of this dog-and-pony show is actually what it's purported to be. I bet you think Hobbits really existed and pro wrestling is real. I mean, jeez, I’m sorry, but this is naive to the point of childish. They’re chessmasters, and we’re all on the board, my friend.

World events are orchestrated on a level higher than government; most of these guys are puppets, showpieces - managers at best - and little more. Ronald Regan, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump: “leaders of the free world”... please. As if the real old-money power would let these idiots make an actual decision.

Noone seems to notice that the "News" is always somehow conveniently custom tailored so that if you read the source favored by the stokes the anti-Left fires.....and if you read the news and media sources favored by the Left, it stokes the anti Right fires.

People refuse to THINK for themselves. It's SOOOooooooo much easier just to absorb and react.

An example.....
The same small group of globalists/elitists who really do control things are the one who most want Americans disarmed pronto. It's infinitely more difficult to control an armed population.

And like zombies...the gun grabbers swallow down their BS with fanatical frenzy and do their bidding never so much as realizing how utterly used and manipulated they are. Meanwhile, these Zombies are noting but fodder to them. Disposable garbage after use. Pathetic.

This is what happens in a society where philosophy is taboo, and six-pack abs are more desirable than the attainment of enlightenment. Combine that with a democratic system supported by a media that encourages everyone to pick a side on every issue, whether they know anything about it or not, whether it directly affects their lives or not, and you've got an ongoing arena slave battle that powers the machine of wealth and power for a select group of predatory psychopaths.

It's mind-blowing how obvious the gun-grab is, and how people could buy into logic that's so obviously flawed. But the mind control is so multi-faceted and complete... Worldview poisoning is the key to the whole thing. Scientism proposes the idea that science is an appropriate "arbiter of all thought" (McKenna) and that we need to trust to experts in that field to tell us what the world is, discounting the "primacy of individual experience" (also McKenna). A perversion of true science. Since we've been taught to trust others to give us our worldview, agents of indoctrination, media, and politicians can mold the mind easily. Their skewed presentation of reality replaces your own personal observations: Media scours the globe for every act of human depravity and fear-inducing occurrence, never mentioning that for every act of aggression, there were a million acts of kindness. TV and movies are all about violence, trauma, danger.

So people get the idea that human nature is depraved, despite the fact that in their own lives there is no supporting evidence for this opinion. I have never seen someone murdered in person, but I have likely seen 100,000 murders with my own eyes via the flashing box. The subconscious mind doesn't know the difference. And we don't think we need to account for this when evaluating our worldview? So when people think of everyone walking around with guns, they're deathly afraid. But once you snap out of it, it's the most reassuring thought in the world. I actually get happy when I think about walking into a store where everyone is armed.
World events are orchestrated on a level higher than government; most of these guys are puppets, showpieces - managers at best - and little more. Ronald Regan, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump: “leaders of the free world”... please. As if the real old-money power would let these idiots make an actual decision.
It's what happens from going to public schools and a lifetime of TeeeVeee. . . .

Absolutely. I wish people knew more about the in's and out's of pro wrestling because it's a fantastic metaphor for government and our culture on so many levels. For those who know 80's WWF, two words gets the whole message across - Jack Tunney.
Joseph P. Kennedy Selected Quotations
"There are no accidents in politics." --Remark to a reporter, 1960.
This is what happens in a society where philosophy is taboo, and six-pack abs are more desirable than the attainment of enlightenment.
And this is what happens when one’s tinfoil hat leads them to believe they are an “intellectual” and more “enlightened” than the masses. :eusa_doh:
So people get the idea that human nature is depraved, despite the fact that in their own lives there is no supporting evidence for this opinion. I have never seen someone murdered in person
So something doesn’t happen unless you see it with your own eyes? There is some fine libertarian “logic”.
After studying hundreds of years of history, conservatives have the solutions down to a science - while progressives continue to toil in catastrophic failure as they ignore reality in favor of ideology.

As Ronald Reagan stated - "weakness invites aggression". When Bill Clinton refused to deal with Al Qaeda and pulled out of Somalia at the first sign of a fight (like a coward), he convinced the world that America was cowardly. That emboldened the world. That coupled with failing to deal with Al Qaeda gave them the time and motivation to plan and execute 9/11. The mastermind of the attack - Khalid Sheik Mohammed - admitted that they were stunned by the response by the Bush Administration and that the Bush strategy prevented more attacks.

“Then he looked at me and said, ‘How was I supposed to know that cowboy George Bush would announce he wanted us ‘dead or alive’ and then invade Afghanistan to hunt us down?’” Mitchell writes.

“KSM explained that if the United States had treated 9/11 like a law enforcement matter, he would have had time to launch a second wave of attacks.” He was not able to do so because al-Qaeda was stunned “by the ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”

Had Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush been in office instead of Bill Clinton, 9/11 never happens. Weakness invites aggression. And the progressive idealistic weakness has invited unspeakable horrors against the U.S. It was done once again by Barack Obama - by making heavy cuts to our U.S. military (sending a signal to enemies) and by sending billions in ransom money to Iran.

A horrifying look into the mind of 9/11’s mastermind, in his own words
And yet, it was Obama that took down Bin Laden. Odd that.
World events are orchestrated on a level higher than government; most of these guys are puppets, showpieces - managers at best - and little more. Ronald Regan, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump: “leaders of the free world”... please. As if the real old-money power would let these idiots make an actual decision.
It's what happens from going to public schools and a lifetime of TeeeVeee. . . .

Absolutely. I wish people knew more about the in's and out's of pro wrestling because it's a fantastic metaphor for government and our culture on so many levels. For those who know 80's WWF, two words gets the whole message across - Jack Tunney.

I hope I'm around when the state turns against the statists. That way I can die laughing.

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