Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy. Only the left could spend a staggering $22 trillion and not see a single improvement.
Over the last half-century, some $22 trillion has been spent on anti-poverty programs and yet the percentage of poor in this nation remains unchanged.
Incidentally - that outrageously unconstitutional $22 trillion is $1 trillion more than our national debt. Had the left not been so astoundingly ignorant, we would have the exact same results we have today but we would have a surplus of $1 trillion (which could be used for our military, our VA, our infrastructure).

That is a glaring, and indisputable, indictment on the idiocy of the left-wing ideology.

President Trump's Vitally Important Anti-Poverty Initiative
Conservatives have been using the communism thing for how many years now? Does it work?
It would appear that you are horribly confused, my dear. You see, it is progressives who use communism. Conservatives deplore it. And no, it never works.
So conservatives now have a policy of not calling every thing they disagree with, "communism." What a relief. So Social Security is now OK?
So Social Security is now OK?
Social Security was never ok. It is an outrageous and egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution. Republicans warned in the 1930’s that it was illegal and unsustainable. They have been proven right. It’s an idiotic Ponzi scheme that is going to collapse as all of these Baby Boomers start to pull from the system and there aren’t enough X geners to sustain it.

For someone who supposedly had an extensive college education - you sure seem to be out of the loop on quite a bit.
So Social Security is now OK?
Social Security was never ok. It is an outrageous and egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution. Republicans warned in the 1930’s that it was illegal and unsustainable. They have been proven right. It’s an idiotic Ponzi scheme that is going to collapse as all of these Baby Boomers start to pull from the system and there aren’t enough X geners to sustain it.

For someone who supposedly had an extensive college education - you sure seem to be out of the loop on quite a bit.
Unsustainable or not, each month there it is, every month, my SS check. When did the Court rule that SS was illegal and unsustainable, or was that only the Republican Party's ruling?
When did the Court rule that SS was illegal and unsustainable...?
Well let’s see if we can simplify this for you. The federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers per the U.S. Constitution. Is forcing people to give them money for the retirement “pension” of others one of those powers? Yes or No?
When did the Court rule that SS was illegal and unsustainable...?
Well let’s see if we can simplify this for you. The federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers per the U.S. Constitution. Is forcing people to give them money for the retirement “pension” of others one of those powers? Yes or No?
Sure sounds like it is one of the federal powers. How about Medicare even that sounds legal, what else you got?
When did the Court rule that SS was illegal and unsustainable...?
Well let’s see if we can simplify this for you. The federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers per the U.S. Constitution. Is forcing people to give them money for the retirement “pension” of others one of those powers? Yes or No?
The Constitution is what the Court say it is.
When did the Court rule that SS was illegal and unsustainable...?
Well let’s see if we can simplify this for you. The federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers per the U.S. Constitution. Is forcing people to give them money for the retirement “pension” of others one of those powers? Yes or No?
Sure sounds like it is one of the federal powers.
Really? Hmmm. Which one exactly? :laugh:
The Constitution is what the Court say it is.
When did the Court rule that SS was illegal and unsustainable...?
Well let’s see if we can simplify this for you. The federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers per the U.S. Constitution. Is forcing people to give them money for the retirement “pension” of others one of those powers? Yes or No?
Sure sounds like it is one of the federal powers.
Really? Hmmm. Which one exactly? :laugh:
When did the Court rule that SS was illegal and unsustainable...?
Well let’s see if we can simplify this for you. The federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers per the U.S. Constitution. Is forcing people to give them money for the retirement “pension” of others one of those powers? Yes or No?
Sure sounds like it is one of the federal powers.
Really? Hmmm. Which one exactly? :laugh:
When did the Court rule that SS was illegal and unsustainable...?
Well let’s see if we can simplify this for you. The federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers per the U.S. Constitution. Is forcing people to give them money for the retirement “pension” of others one of those powers? Yes or No?
Sure sounds like it is one of the federal powers.
Really? Hmmm. Which one exactly? :laugh:
Which ever one is easiest for you.
When did the Court rule that SS was illegal and unsustainable...?
Well let’s see if we can simplify this for you. The federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers per the U.S. Constitution. Is forcing people to give them money for the retirement “pension” of others one of those powers? Yes or No?
Sure sounds like it is one of the federal powers.
Really? Hmmm. Which one exactly? :laugh:
Which ever one is easiest for you.
Don’t turn and run with your tail between your legs. Be a woman. Stand up here. Back up you’re position. Which of the federal government’s 18 enumerated powers states that they are responsible for retirement pensions of citizens?
Progressives have absolutely destroyed education in America. Which benefits them tremendously as they need an ignorant electorate in order to win elections.
America is suffering through a crisis in education, especially when it comes to history. Many were horrified when a poll, released in April, showed that two-thirds of millennials don’t know what Auschwitz is
If progressives were to teach history, then students would see the evil of progressivism.

The Consequences of Historical Ignorance

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