"The Butler" and Ronal Reagan


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
So once again the liberal left makes a movie that is supposedly based on fact but they bend it to a point where it is not recognizable. In the movie the Butler, Eugene Allen, quits because of Reagan Racism which is one huge, big lie.

But how long before the liberal left starts quoting the movie every time the name of our greatest modern president's name is mention. The liberals will make this movie the new history.

'The Butler' Presents An Historically Inaccurate Portrait Of Ronald Reagan

In real life, Allen “was especially fond of the Reagans,” as reported by the Washington Post. A good friend of Allen remembered, “He often talked about how nice they were to him.” Away from Hollywood make-believe, there was no mention of why Allen chose to retire his three decades of service as White House butler, other than that it was time. And in real life, Allen marveled to his wife how they got to enjoy the champagne that he once served—thanks to the Reagans’ gracious invitation.

Across the political spectrum, historians, biographers, and former Reagan aides have condemned the movie’s outrageous caricature of Ronald Reagan as historically inaccurate and personally unfair, many noting that the president didn’t have a racist bone in his body and was actually remarkable in his sensitivities and warmness to blacks and other minorities.

As expected, while film critics have generally praised “The Butler,” if our Facebook page and the reaction of other prominent Reagan biographers is any indication, there is palpable anger over what is perceived to be an ideologically driven attack on a man that Americans consistently tell pollsters is their favorite president of all time.
dunno where I found it... and can't find it now... but years ago I came across an account written by a person who worked in the White House and who had direct contact with both the President and the Vice President...

two things I remember about the account... the Bush's were decent people who always treated the workers with respect... and Al Gore was an insufferable asshole...
Reagan was a traitor and committed real live treason.

The fact he wasn't impeached and removed from office is a testament to the spinelessness of the Democrats and a trashing of the Constitution by Republicans.
Reagan called the Liberal home team an "Evil Empire"

They can never get past that
Reagan was a traitor and committed real live treason.

The fact he wasn't impeached and removed from office is a testament to the spinelessness of the Democrats and a trashing of the Constitution by Republicans.

slobbering hack will be, like the movie, a hack......:rolleyes:
So once again the liberal left makes a movie that is supposedly based on fact but they bend it to a point where it is not recognizable. In the movie the Butler, Eugene Allen, quits because of Reagan Racism which is one huge, big lie.

But how long before the liberal left starts quoting the movie every time the name of our greatest modern president's name is mention. The liberals will make this movie the new history.

'The Butler' Presents An Historically Inaccurate Portrait Of Ronald Reagan

In real life, Allen “was especially fond of the Reagans,” as reported by the Washington Post. A good friend of Allen remembered, “He often talked about how nice they were to him.” Away from Hollywood make-believe, there was no mention of why Allen chose to retire his three decades of service as White House butler, other than that it was time. And in real life, Allen marveled to his wife how they got to enjoy the champagne that he once served—thanks to the Reagans’ gracious invitation.

Across the political spectrum, historians, biographers, and former Reagan aides have condemned the movie’s outrageous caricature of Ronald Reagan as historically inaccurate and personally unfair, many noting that the president didn’t have a racist bone in his body and was actually remarkable in his sensitivities and warmness to blacks and other minorities.

As expected, while film critics have generally praised “The Butler,” if our Facebook page and the reaction of other prominent Reagan biographers is any indication, there is palpable anger over what is perceived to be an ideologically driven attack on a man that Americans consistently tell pollsters is their favorite president of all time.

it was a hack job, they wanted to make Reagan appear racist and corrupted the real butlers life to do it.....aside from that; the butler didn't have a son that was a civil rights activist. He had a son that served in Vietnam and became a state dept investigator, they turned his wife into an alcoholic.....and as far as anyone knows, never had an affair........nice, I hope Oprah enjoyed smearing her memory for dramatic effect......

Oh and Allen had the pictures of every president he served..........in the basement, but one- a picture he kept in his living room...... Of Ron and Nancy.....:rolleyes:

Oh and hHow about the story of Reagan when he was in college bedded down 2 black visiting players in his own home, who could not stay in a local hotel....
Reagan was a traitor and committed real live treason.

The fact he wasn't impeached and removed from office is a testament to the spinelessness of the Democrats and a trashing of the Constitution by Republicans.

slobbering hack will be, like the movie, a hack......:rolleyes:

Dunno what you call making deals with America's avowed enemies other that treasonous.

And as a bonus, Reagan trained and funded the worst terrorist in history.

Along with giving cash to blood thirsty paramilitary contras after they tortured raped and murdered American nuns.

And to cap things off he raised the debt and deficit to record heights. His deregulation of the financial markets cause some crazy financial calamities that cost American tax payers plenty in bail outs.

A real fucking gem of a President, alrighty.

I guess losing 250 Marines in Lebanon didn't mean a freaking thing to conservatives.

Woo hoo.
Reagan 1

Eyeah..CF..he did it all on his lonesome.

Should the Reagan estate have to pay for the billions it took to prop up the Russians while they changed out communism for "capitalism".

Heck..maybe you conservatives should foot the bill since you guys are so in love with the brand shiny new dictator..Putin.

Reagan 1

Eyeah..CF..he did it all on his lonesome.

Should the Reagan estate have to pay for the billions it took to prop up the Russians while they changed out communism for "capitalism".

Heck..maybe you conservatives should foot the bill since you guys are so in love with the brand shiny new dictator..Putin.


Should the Liberal slackers foot the bill for our "Star Wars" programs that ultimately drove Russia into bankruptcy?
Reagan was a traitor and committed real live treason.

The fact he wasn't impeached and removed from office is a testament to the spinelessness of the Democrats and a trashing of the Constitution by Republicans.

Way to stay on-topic, shitforbrains.
Reagan a racist?

Wasn't he the one who gave amnesty to all those illegals?
Reagan 1

Eyeah..CF..he did it all on his lonesome.

Should the Reagan estate have to pay for the billions it took to prop up the Russians while they changed out communism for "capitalism".

Heck..maybe you conservatives should foot the bill since you guys are so in love with the brand shiny new dictator..Putin.


Should the Liberal slackers foot the bill for our "Star Wars" programs that ultimately drove Russia into bankruptcy?

That's the legend.

But it was more the wheat embargo and Afghanistan than anything else.

But star wars was a lovely gift to defense contractors..no?
Eyeah..CF..he did it all on his lonesome.

Should the Reagan estate have to pay for the billions it took to prop up the Russians while they changed out communism for "capitalism".

Heck..maybe you conservatives should foot the bill since you guys are so in love with the brand shiny new dictator..Putin.


Should the Liberal slackers foot the bill for our "Star Wars" programs that ultimately drove Russia into bankruptcy?

That's the legend.

But it was more the wheat embargo and Afghanistan than anything else.

But star wars was a lovely gift to defense contractors..no?

You might want to tell the former Soviets this, because I don't believe they got the leftist talking points memo on the subject.

During the Reagan years, the Soviet journal Izvestiya commented on his arms buildup by complaining, "They want to impose on us an even more ruinous arms race." General Secretary Yuri Andropov alleged that Reagan’s missile defense program was "a bid to disarm the Soviet Union." Diplomat Andrei Gromyko charged that "behind all this lies the clear calculation that the USSR will exhaust its material resources…and therefore will be forced to surrender." And they were right, because that was EXACTLY what Reagan intended, and what happened.

Since the end of the Cold War, declassified Soviet documents have revealed that, however much the American left wants to rewrite history to denigrate Reagan's part in the fall of the Soviet Union, the former Soviets themselves have no trouble crediting him for it (Library of Congress, Soviet Archives. Look it up).
No Reagan was the MAN who made you proud to be an American, mostly because you knew he was.

Obama, not so much.

Back to the movie, why do you think they needed to sully the name of Reagan? The truth would have made a better story then a liberal fairy tale.

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