The Butcher Of Benghazi Wants To Keep The Choppers and Jets


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
The Butcher Of Benghazi Wants To Keep The Choppers and Jets​

By: Skook

Watching men die, while locked in a state of indecision or having dubious motives that prevent you from sending in available assets that could have saved these men, is one of the most heinous acts of cowardice and malfeasance ever perpetrated by a sitting American President. For seven hours, the Obama Administration sat by and watched brave Americans fight for their very lives, but if the administration had its way, the death toll would be thirty instead of four. Adding to our disgrace is the fact that within 500 miles, there were several sources of help that could have changed the situation and saved some, if not all the Americans who were killed.

The morning after this tragedy, a glorious celebration of blood and death for al-Qaeda, our president lied to the American people and the relatives of the fallen. He blamed an obscure video no one had ever seen or knew existed as if the blame was to be shared by all Americans and our love of freedom, for reasons that are becoming more dubious and circumspect as facts continue to materialize, despite the efforts of the administration, the state directed media, and our cowardly Republican legislators to cover-up the president’s pathetic response to this atrocity. There is still an ongoing effort to cover for him and keep the public from knowing the truth before the election.

Our president’s impotence, dithering, and fear have become America’s image as a nation of cowards throughout the Muslim World and the Muslim Fanatic realizes they have little to fear from Obama’s America for transgressions against Americans or American interests.

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The Butcher Of Benghazi Wants To Keep The Choppers and Jets | Flopping Aces
The Butcher Of Benghazi Wants To Keep The Choppers and Jets​

By: Skook

Watching men die, while locked in a state of indecision or having dubious motives that prevent you from sending in available assets that could have saved these men, is one of the most heinous acts of cowardice and malfeasance ever perpetrated by a sitting American President. For seven hours, the Obama Administration sat by and watched brave Americans fight for their very lives, but if the administration had its way, the death toll would be thirty instead of four. Adding to our disgrace is the fact that within 500 miles, there were several sources of help that could have changed the situation and saved some, if not all the Americans who were killed.

The morning after this tragedy, a glorious celebration of blood and death for al-Qaeda, our president lied to the American people and the relatives of the fallen. He blamed an obscure video no one had ever seen or knew existed as if the blame was to be shared by all Americans and our love of freedom, for reasons that are becoming more dubious and circumspect as facts continue to materialize, despite the efforts of the administration, the state directed media, and our cowardly Republican legislators to cover-up the president’s pathetic response to this atrocity. There is still an ongoing effort to cover for him and keep the public from knowing the truth before the election.

Our president’s impotence, dithering, and fear have become America’s image as a nation of cowards throughout the Muslim World and the Muslim Fanatic realizes they have little to fear from Obama’s America for transgressions against Americans or American interests.

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The Butcher Of Benghazi Wants To Keep The Choppers and Jets | Flopping Aces

It's not catchy enough. Also, just a few dead. Doesn't come close to the number bush/cheney butchered during that uncalled for Iraq war.
Where wolf? There wolf!
wehrwolfen and her partisan, cut 'n paste, hate You going to do this for the next 4 years asswipe? How about writing a paragraph of your own instead of this cut 'paste tripe :dunno:

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